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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous Thread: >>56850546
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Chart is here ! Genesect saved us of another Arc-Steven sweep !

Side notes :
- Eri punch the competition with a strong start ! 6 is a pretty good first ranking
-With Trevor (missed 7 week and 8 CS) SS Emmet (Missed one week), Lodge Shauna (New), Eri (New) and DC Tierno (unranked before today) all the pairs got ranked at least once this year ! we still miss some eggs but do we really care about Raticate or Chansey ? Not really.
-Speaking of Tierno, the big boy have now a new personal best with 6 uses ! It's more than Articuno-G, Cinderace or Kyogre for example.
- Normal Burgh is back after 34 CS/SCS (last time he was here was for W15 April 8) it's also his new personal best.
-It's the second time this year that Korrina beat Cynthia's Lucario
-Lodge Lear got a good rank for it's second time ranked. Pretty normal ranking for Shauna.

Next Week : Fall Shauntal finally have a Ice weak stage. Don't think I will do that every times it's just a one time miracle.

Next week First ranking :

As always you can still post your clear. See you next week !
(Added a word for Korrina and Lodge Shauna/Lear)
Cynthia Lucario is one of those ones that I could use to make things easy but nope, instead only waifu picks forever.

>1 Karen Umbreon
True madman
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
Pocket killed us
Pocket freed us from cowards and defeatists
I don't get the pocket connection.
Does it offer any kind of similar features or game play?
Don't you have to be some card pervert to get into that?
And you guys mocked Hilbert & Genesect when then came out.
Both Pocket and Masters are made by DeNA.
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Iris lost but in 3D
It offers an incredibly minor shitposting alternative for schizos who have spent five full years gibbering "eos s-soon" instead
Iris won BIGLY
uhhh no eevee egg rerun?
Read that again
>Checkout the boorus
>There's no new Sina art
What a flop lmao
might start playing this, any tips?
Freebies are incredibly strong, rerolling on either triple fair or master fair is important, meta is a lie, save 36k (pity) for faves, check ingame tips to understand if a stage has a gimmick, crit buffing is the only way to play, base stats are important but don't determine alone if a pair is good or not, always try to not bring mainline reasoning to role/Pokémon combos in PoMa

I think that's kinda it.
>rerolling on either triple fair or master fair is important
so not right now?
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Why are the train weirdos handing out condoms?
Emmet always talks about driving safely
you get your choice of sex with ingo or emmet if you collect all the condoms. practice safe sex anon
Yeah, unless there's a character you really like running right now, next month will have Master Fairs
Only things I have to add
>eggmons are mostly a waste of time unless they have a status or field effect, but they will die easy, always
>if you like the game a bit but feel like setting it aside until something good comes up, still do dailies for 100 gems a day + login bonuses, make it easier on return
>battle villa is a good way to get some early battle ropes
>bumping the freebies good, lots of things to complete for someone new and many are very useable in various ways. Do free stuff early.
And most importantly
>the 'leave stage' button is ALWAYS an option and will save you if you are going to lose something with limited attempts or if you know it is going to go badly early. No penalty.

Does this game have any refer a friend bonus stuff? I don't think it does, but never had reason to look.
I love little brown girls so much
> Does this game have any refer a friend bonus stuff? I don't think it does, but never had reason to look.

Periodically we get refer rallies, first one was 6k gems for 20 referrals and was around a year ago, second was 6 months ago for 10k for 8 referrals. Definitely an improvement, I got 11k this way
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Same 2bh
eww flop
Your doctor told your mom that too
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If you don't pull this week, never
Pokemas Hilda would've asked him to touch them
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Her panties under that tight shorts though
Holy fuck Dexio is fucking tall and handsome
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Made for BWC
Summer 2025, but it's a hidden fair that only those with regular Sina or Dexio can access. Trust the plan.
If Shauna got an alt three month after her release I believe in Sina
In the end, Pocket and Masters are for completely different groups of players, even if both include collecting stuff.
Masters is for those who prefer chill pve challenges, strategy and story/dialogue/whatever.
Pocket is for pvp-only meta-chasing faggots who want to coin toss their way to victory.
There's nothing stopping one from playing both games.
>sex with Ingo
Yes please
He's only 16yo and Sina is 18yo, you absolute pedophile, he probably doesn't even know what's an erection or how do kisses work.
He is french not japanese
If he was a real French he'd be dating Drasna at his age.
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I am done asking, where is her alt, tell me NOW!!!
This anon has to have never gotten out of his house to not know an average teen is horny AF and will have sex if given opportunity.

I, for one, am hyped for Sina and her boy toy
>Audino themed furisode
>never got to use Mega Audino because Kalos was unironically robbed
Guess her time will come with a type transforming sync like May's Lopunny, Kalos only Normal sync pair is Shauna and her Delcatty because Anabel got cursed with the multiverse bullshit and crossgen presence despite the improved design.
You dumb fucks made this word lose all meaning. You are also absolutely fucking retarded if you think he wouldn't pipe her up given the chance. Here's your (You), retard.
This board is way too easy
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White man's kryptonite
>Shaun is an Irisfag
Irisbros....explain yourselves?
The only explanation is that kikes like shaunberg try to prop up niggerjeets like Kamaliris. One can't help but notice how it's always the kike shills and their hired shitskins who support him, or his filthy jew family that lets him reset their routers, or his fellow jews who let him beg them for freebies.
He'll never be able to deny this because shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing in his native language, yiddish. Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
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>faggots actually expecting this
if there are not HGSS versions of misty and sabrina, what makes you believe those literally who are gonna get these alts? you are lucky of getting these two in the game at first place
You underestimate how much that one guy will roll to get Alola Sina. Have you seen how much porn he commissions? He's the prime whale for exactly that character, it's free money they can basically get whenever they want.
>if there are not HGSS versions of misty
Thank god
man where are the mods

Anyways, another dead reset.
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>hating on the only good misty
Universally hated
>Universally hated
nostalgic ashnime casualfags are not everybody
Kali a kute
>got carried by the anime
>only remembered because of the anime
You lost btw
Twist: Next Neo Champions are neither Johto nor Hoenn, instead you get Tina and Paulo
Watch it just be Florian and Skeledirge with Juliana and Meowscarada. Clavell already has Quaquaval.
HGSS is factually the only good Misty.
At least feels like an actual woman, can't stand her younger version.
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>HGSS is factually the only good Misty.
Your PWT clone?
Your ver. Stadium 2?
Your ver. Adventures?
Your ver. Butch Lesbian?
dena likes to shill literally who's and that's a good thing, but you're not addressing the better question, if Kalos characters are still not popular despite the shilling, I really wonder what GF is going to do in PLZA.
>Its MISSty, chud
Is picrel some fighter from Dragonball universe?
>she doesn't know about the Pocket Monster manga from the 90s
The only good Misty is already in the game though
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