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WE need a Pokemon like this, unapologetically sexualized.
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WE got that already, anon.
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I unironically think lopunny is inappropriate for a children's game
None of this troon shit is sexy.
The beach episode was the last straw that broke my back.
Seeing the girl ALMOST giving the audience a full show of her breasts has finally made my mind go "Wait... holy fuck! Girls are hot!"
For me it was the episode in which she is being tickled by force, that woke up something inside my brain
I wish I liked the 4th season of Digimon more. Zoey x Ranamon sets my /u/ brain off
She's French. From what I understand about the French they're concerningly liberal about this kind of stuff.
Wasnt she Italian?
apparently that was considered pornography. If that's considered enough to be red board, then why is /e/ a blue board?
>Why is /e/ a blue board?
What's her name?
Yeah she's Italian. I misremembered.
Zoe Digimon Frontier. She's also Kazemon and Zephyrmon because gimmicks. Frontier was pretty good.
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Pay better attention then.
Tranny squid is a disgusting horrendous design doe
Zoomie worldsalad means nothing to me. Use your big boy words and try again.
This is a 10 year old.
Like I said, zoomie bullshit leaves me confused. Use proper words, you'd find in a printed dictionary and come back to me.
So transy . So qwerky . Must takey HRT
trying way too hard, sharteen
Sad, being terminally online from birth absolutely melts people's brains to push their personal agandas in kid's games.
Reminder they go over everything presented to ensure they don't add anything but heteronormal traditional relationships, thus whatever you're seeing in Prima is from your own head. I just see a sexy seal mermaid.
She looks like she fucks bbc exclusively
Im gonna molest my pecker to your tranny seal, boomerfag
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>the bad AI chatbot is getting delusions of humanity again
Whats the point in posting the third shitty stock image you founded on google images. post something hotter
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Because it's all officially presented and all depicting female Primas. Because the creators see their world differently from how terminally online wannabe chatbots do.
she does!
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She was the furry awakening of many.
Step on me
She's so pretty. Also thicc.
he's male
tinkaton says 41% *bonk*
>/e/ is a blue board
Retard spotted
>apparently that (lewd loli pic) was considered pornography
Gee i wonder why the mods deleted it
/e/ is a red board.
Primarina not being able to stand will always be funny to me.
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>>56910761 (me)
I'm a retard and forgot the image.
Did they deliberately make sure all the Moon entries are fucked up? What happens if I fail to give my Primarina her daily throat lube?
This animation is soulless lmao

Glad I stopped watching at Johto
I agree. They sucked YW's cock too hard and chocked on it.
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You could say, she pushed them down the rabbit hole.
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Beautiful seal
Here. This episode was the moment I realized women are hot.
Sorry is subbed in spanish, but you can understand most of it thanks to visuals.
>accidental perversion into physical assault trope
It's always bad
We never selected what would activate our neuros back then, it just happened.
Holy shit
closest possible answers, yet so far.
>kazemon never got tickled
She could have saved Frontier.
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I'm convinced they were on some kinky shit the way they made her lose every single anime fight, even during her hype episodes. Maybe even worse than that girl from Code Lyoko
Digimon just always makes the girl member of the team a gigajobber
i cant fap to that
I thought Leomon was the gigajobber.
Why not?
I'd like to see a game with a Spirit Evolution kind of gimmick. (Think ReBurst but better.)
Come and get me anons.
But that's the best part.
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Fuck off no
Girls getting captured/tortured/put in a mental prison is just par for the course for Digimon, it happens at least once in most of the seasons. Digimon focuses a lot more on personal growth and character relationships than Pokemon does, so they use the "girl is abused or kidnapped" setup to either have the girl overcome her self-doubt or to have another human or digimon character save her.

Except Season 3. In Season 3 everyone has a bad time and the moral of the story is life sucks.
>Except Season 3. In Season 3 everyone has a bad time and the moral of the story is life sucks.
While that's true you also got it twice, you have Jeri watching Leomon die and then being held captive by the D-reaper and then you had the Parasimon movie with Ruki.
The fuck is Medicham.
have sex
>Tsareena instead of Salazzle
Retard is whoever made that image. I can barely tell what I'm looking at.
2D women are so fucking perfect I want to cry
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interesting frame here
When they weren't afraid
We were so lucky to have Lana.
This is skimpier than I've seen on some red light districts.
Why cry?
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Salazzle, Tsareena, Gardevoir, Lopunny... I still feel I would need some water pokémon to my coom-team. Lapras?
Meh. Angewomon is hotter.
She's the OG.
Prove it
We already have a lookalike
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take me back digibros.
That season only got good when it was close to being cancelled and the writers were allowed to let loose.
Ah yes, young hunters, the part people consider the worst of Xros with lacklustre music, action and a nerfed Digixros was "good".
Those are comically large but appreciated.
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Nah they look nice,
For me it was that early S1 episode where they visit an academy where the girls and especially the main monster-of-the-week girl wore those miniskirt uniforms.
My 9 years old brain who lived in a pozzed to hell conservative country where girls/women don't put effort into their appearance didn't know wtf was happening and I wanted to see more of this boring "girl stuff"
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>next video
based digimon
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they really went all out with her
Honestly I can't help but be annoyed whenever such a scene happens because I instantly know "ok the storyboarder/character designed just wanted to coom", even though I support the content itself.
I feel happy for all the little zoomer kids though who can grow up with children's shows like that where the fanservice has more detail/clarity rather than being just very blurry and low quality.
That's a lot of crotch.
This is a kids show?
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you gotta be a weirdo's weirdo to find this hot
Damn! F for scientist.
Young Hunters was the renewal, idiot. After the writers were allowed to do whatever the ratings skyrocketed, which made the executives force out another season. This has been happening since Adventure (and other shows like Jewelpet).
It gets worse. Her husband, decieved by digimon, keeps her corpse around to feed it life energy- believing it will revive her (as you can guess, it's not her who will be revived).
Man, Digimon surely loves to not pull it's punches.
Someone post the mushrooms scene from Ghost Game.
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Have a better webm
Speak for yourself cumskull, i want no part in this shit, also children franchise so no sexualized characters. Don't like it? Then Pokemon isn't for you
Now I'm wondering how this doesn't get popular. I know Digimon has the "Pokémon rival" stigma, but if you rerun the animes for teenage audiences, maybe they will finally have that "tamagotchi for cool kids" demographic they wanted.
>short answer: horrible mismanagement
>schizo answer: TPC bribes the parent companies
>both times hit the > key accidentally
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Someone at Bamco just hates Digimon.
I mean, some people like to say
But then they wouldn't have done anything with the anniversaries.
Meanwhile, the TCG was copied for the One Piece AND Dragonball TCG and the Vital Bracelet died because they flooded that with non Digimon properties no one wanted.

So yeah, someone at Bamco just doesn't like it.
Would Digimon really be a threat to Pokemon, especially with Digimon's ever-increasing focus towards older audiences and how hypnotized Pokemon fans are with Pokemon?
>the TCG was copied for the One Piece AND Dragonball TCG
You forgot the most important part: they are axing the Digimon TCG for that, with the lame excuse of needing to focus on those properties.
Are they really? I mean Digimon Liberator's still running.
Of course it's not a threat, that's why that anon called it the schizo answer.
>nothing but lingerie and accessories
>weaker than Yamcha, piss easy to subjugate
>attacks with a bump of her flaccid ass
>strongest move is twirling her cameltoe
This isn't just sexual, this is fucking rapist bait. Pokemon does not need to reach that low.
With the era of fangame makers just ditching Pokemon fangames to make their own Not-Pokemon games, you'd think at least a few would try to fill a Pixie/Angewomon and friends niche. But no, it's all Pokemon clones all year round.

Filthy trannies.
No, we need to reach that high.
Of course they're fucking chasing pokemon, it's the perfect formula for a monster tamer and that's not a joke.
That's true, but simultaneously they're releasing on platforms that at minimum only teenagers and kids who fake their age (which is a rarity these days considering how the tranny era is) would have access to.
Because Pokemon are easy to draw/model, they're mascots. Only a few Digimon follow that design philosophy, the rest are either cyborg animals or half naked cosplayers.
TPC is deadly afraid of losing brand power and Digimon is potentially the greatest threat, so they've been keeping it half-alive as controlled opposition. Remember that behind all of these "fun" companies are shady businessmen who are not above tactics like these. Did you know that they snatched staff from the development team of Yo-kai Watch and put it in Game Freak? Gen7 wasn't just similar, it literally had some of the same people behind it. Then YW "surprisingly" started to decline.

In every country where the older anime had a good dub (basically, anywhere that is not the USA) Digimon was considered just as good if not better than Pokémon. But despite that BAMCO has mostly refused to exploit that brand awareness, rarely releasing highly demanded Digimon media outside Japan and "accidentally" killing anything that gets too popular. The only places where Digimon was allowed to thrive were Korea and China because they "didn't matter" culturally on a global level, so when that changed TPC found themselves in the awkward situation of trying to make Pokémon popular there while not being able to sabotage Digimon.
A friend told me about that so, truth be told, I don't really know if it's true. But considering that it has been done in the past...
is the second part real?
I know they get a lot of digimon stuff there, but it is hard to tell how popular is there
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Really, they just don't care ...
bandai has a list of 14 ips which they consider their major ips. I imagine this is where most of their money goes.
And I don't think Digimon has ever been on it. Yokai watch was at one point tho.
Korean media with Pokémon tends to casually bring up Digimon too, that is the only thing I can assure by myself. You could try asking on /int/ (I would have suggested /bant/ if it had not become a /qa/ colony).
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They are still producing new cards and Digimons for tha game, the ones that have come from Liberator so far has been awsome so far
I hope we get to see Elizamon's two final levels, it seems like they are going to be waifumons based in preview
Fuck no. China had a few Manwha like D-cyber but that's about it, I'm pretty sure the not-frontier sequel was axed because it was just that unpopular too.
>the [digimon media] sequel was axed because it was just that unpopular too
Oh wow, who could have seen that coming?
If digimon wants to be successful, they need a unified setting. You can't really be a fan if digimon as a whole, you're only a fan of the specific digimon things you've experienced.

Like, everyone knows the basic rules of the pokemon. Pokemon live in the wild, evolve in up to three stages which each looks like each other,you catch them in pokeballs and they eat burrows, ect. If you've watched a single episode of the anime, bought a starter deck, or played the first ten minutes of any of the games, you know all that and can understand 90% of everything related to the franchise.

Competitively digimon is a wobbly mess. I've seen all of adventure 1, 2, and tamers, but that would make little difference to my experience playing any of the other games or picking up any of the other anime because everything is fucking different for all of them.
I mean POOPkemon isn't consistent as well.
>The card game doesn't play like the video games
>The anime contradicts the video games and the card game
Yeah, the whole water is weak to electricity is easy to understand but that point gets overly used and it's usually a surface-level way to look at Pokemon as a whole when there are people who can beat their opponents who have the type advantage in the video games or card game. Also, people are kinda stupid not to realize that Digimon has the same rock-paper-scissors thing as well. Virus beats Data, Vaccine beats Virus, and Data beats Vaccine.
for sure and that explain why Owen is so edgy, it is just a front for his coomer tier waifu-partner
So true
Kind of sad
>Digimon thread on /vp/
Jannies i...
Digimon is welcome here.
AFAIK, only posts that imply or explicitly say that Digimon is inferior to Pokémon. Usually, stating the opposite gets your post deleted and might even get you banned. Which is why it's weird that this thread is still up.
It's almost as if you won't get banned for saying Digimon is better.
>reading comprehension: 0
It's probably because the jannies/moderators can't tell this is a Digimon thread at a glance. They just see a skank in the OP image and ignore it (or save it in their fap folder).
What exactly do you think your post said?
That even implying Digimon might be better than Pokémon can get you banned.
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Which it clearly doesn't which is why the thread is still up hence this post >>56941252
What aren't you getting here?
What YOU aren't getting is that this is unusual, which is what others are pointing out- you idiot.
Don't act like it isn't just you talking here and no, it's not unusual at all to not get banned for praising Digimon and shitting on pokemon.
Are you fucking digideluded?
>"just you talking here"
>>>proceeds to samefag
Every time.
fucking kek
Anon, even if that was me that wouldn't change the fact that you're the only one.
You would have to be the one samefagging for it to actually mean something.

You're not very smart are you.
>You're not very smart are you.
The irony is lost on you.
You can stop shitposting at any time anon, there's no saving face for you.
You should seriously consider that advice.
I just wanted to say use the digi- prefix, your shit tier reading comprehension was just an excuse.
>say use
I stopped writing mid post, sue me.
yeah because you were malding LMAO
Yep, whatever you want to believe mister projects-a-lot.
>no u
That was in a kids show???
mostly young teens rather than kids, Digimon target demographic for a bit older than Pokemon which is why they go for not so "friendly" designs
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Not only was that in a kids show, that fairy is literally a 11y old girl and part of the main cast.
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>Someone at Bamco just hates Digimon.
That's because Digimon is for based chuds and all Bamco brass are pro-BlackRock woketards.
The American Dub of Digimon has better music over the Jap version.
Nope, you can fuck right off.
At least it's not Monster Rancher...
Just reminding me I need to play Cybersleuth (I haven't progressed very far because of the overworld jank and not being able to run)
You'll just want to play pokemon after anyway
Only if you're a braindead coomer

How can two people be objectively wrong?
Did this version of the show ever make it to the west? I can see this entire sequence being cut
in latin america was not cut in the latin american version
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Guess the evolution line
Turns into a clown.
Turns into a white or Asian woman with a mask.
Turns into a yugioh card.
Turns into a CHARIZARD.
Post one good piece of music from the dub.

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