Who is the best pokemon villain?
people really like the minun lady not plusle tho nobody goons to her like they do minun
ackdith will never be a real trainer. She has no skills, no synergy, and no strategy. She's a nameless grunt twisted by shaunberg and his fellow jew kikenfart into a crude mockery of """art""".All the vore she gets is made up by kikes like lampshade and kikenfart. Behind her back, people plot to get rid of her. Her Team Plasma boss is disgusted and ashamed of her, Officer Jenny throws her into prison to be pounded behind closed doors.Trainers are utterly defeating her left and right. Hundreds of battles have allowed trainers to level up and bond with their Pokemon with incredible efficiency. Even gym leaders and the elite 4 can see how uncanny and unnatural her trainer card is. Her untrained """team""" is a dead giveaway. And even if she manages to challenge a ten-year-old kid to a battle, he'll sweep her the minute she sends out her diseased, infected Seviper.She will never even get near Cynthia. She wrenches out a fake smile every single morning and tells herself she can do it this time, but she can't even see it through that retarded mask grunts have. Eventually it'll be too much to bear - Officer Jenny will catch her, arrest her, clap her in irons, and put her in prison to get pounded. Her boss will find her, uncaring but relieved that he'll no longer have to pay her. They'll put her away in a prison with no name, only a number, and every prisoner for all eternity will have their way with her. Her body will hit the wall and eventually turn to dust, and all that will remain of her legacy as a jobber will be a skeleton with a uniform that's unmistakably Team Plasma's.This is her fate. This is what shaunberg chose. There is no turning back.
>>56908548Volo, no doubt. He is batshit insane he said he is not above using force which is super hot. You have a quite unique experience fighting him because he uses 8 mons. Also he is yandere yume bait which also appeals to female players. I have to admit he is quite handsome. Only thing he lacks is therapy and proper closure in the end
Guzma because he's the one I want to fuck the most
>>56908881Are you still an alcoholic? You should work on that.
It's probably GhetsisI suppose Lusamine and Cyrus have strong arguments
>>56908548The Art Director of SVThey even got away with it, too.