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ZAMN edition

Previous: >>56907322

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule: https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/
Misty giving me 14/88 heads
>going second vs water
>INSTANT turn 1 concede
>check profile
>"I never retreat!"
water players
weezing gang forever
How can Agatha make ghosts good?
Mewtwo vs Mewtwo fights are a special kind of stupid
Honestly most fun decks to play are the whacky ones you make yourself. I don't get how people don't get bored of spamming MistyCuno which doesn't even let them play if they get turn 1 or 2 luck
What’s the Ash Blossom of this game?
I don't care about gameplay, I want pretty cards
Going first is awful here.
That makes sense. Is there not vanilla switch or some energy removal?
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>Choose 1 of your Gastly Pokémons in play. If you have a Stage 2 Gengar card in your deck that evolves from that Pokémon, put that card onto the Basic Pokémon to evolve it, skipping the Stage 1, then take a psychic Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to your Gengar.
There, i fixed Gengar-ex
Red card probably in terms of usefulness.
Can someone explain what's so special about the 2 star EX mon FA cards with the rainbow border?
Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, Gengar, Machamp, Wigglytuff

I don't understand why they got secondary alt art FAs with that border but within the same rarity class as the FAs they already had. Like why not make them a different rarity?
That is fact, and anyone saying otherwise is coping
>but misty
Only works 12.5% of the time, and that only if you draw both the basic and it first turn.
>but you can evolve first!
Every one energy stage 1 sucked, and by the time you evolve you're already taking damage and in ko range if the enemy evolve too or using basic ex
>Every one energy stage 1 sucked
*kills your basic pokemon in one hit*
Play Weezing
I got two of these, but no blaine pain
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Got some sick pulls! These animations are getting spicy!
I feel like I missed something. Do we know that the next pack is going to be kanto elite 4 themed?
purely speculation
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>jap paypig roach KNEELS to the firechads
The only enemy energy removal that I know of is just Gyarados and that shit costs 4 energy. By vanilla switching I suppose you mean retreat if so then you can use x speed to reduce the retreat cost
I suspect they might do something with the major update come new years. I've seen a bunch of TCGs add stuff toT1 to make up for the lack of plays. If they ignore it then it's as good as EOS to me.
Do we already have data from tournaments about the difference in winrate from going 1st/2nd? I want to know how big it is or if it just "feels" that bad.
that nigga's running lickitung and hypno, I don't think he cares
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>one shot your stage 1 with Giovanni
Kangaskhan too, in 1 turn less. Exeggutor too
>check Wonder Trade
>the only card available that I don't have is a full art Pidgeot

Well, this got useless pretty fast. Also, is it just me or am I getting less Wonder Trades with rare cards?
I saw a lvl40 player with no stats other than 1500 battles and less than 100 packs opened. They're clearly botting levels and I want in on it.
Gave that little Tojo the ol Hiroshima Nagasaki until he conceded like a bitch.
>Also, is it just me or am I getting less Wonder Trades with rare cards
Still I see more EXs in Wonder Pick than in my boosters, haha...
>get FA Dragonite
>decide to make Dragonite-Weezing deck
>always bricked by the wrong energies
WeezinGODS... I have failed you...
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So how rare is this one?
Nevermind, just checked and secured EX Zapdos from WP
Sexxo cunny rare 69 stars!
You checked it from Wet Pussy? Tell me more.
I don't see how they could make a bot sophisticated enough to play the game and actually win. They're probably just an absolute autist.
It's not that hard. You can actually have ai make the bot for you now. It's not perfect but it can theoretically win if you give it a decent deck.
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Are Alakazam decks any good? Who's the best partner for him?
weezing alakazam actually feels somewhat competitive, that dude one-shots just about anything but venusaur ex
>TRADING Card Game
>Can't trade certain cards
Absolute cinema
>certain cards
Oh fuck right off with this bullshit
Alright fuck wonder picks I'm done
There's almost zero interactivity and the meta decks play themselves, they're just small flowcharts
Yeah a lazily made bot will underperform compared to a human but that doesn't matter
weezing is probably the best, exeggutor can somewhat work
I really wanna try kabutops, but I haven't gotten any yet
man idk about you guys but I'm PUMPED to trade my 15 different copies of doduo for 15 copies of psyduck
Are you still doing the lapras battles?
Coming soon!
Sooner than Z-A at least
I was expecting such kikery
However at this point even being able to trade every base form bar EX or even rarer cards would be an improvement
I have so many decks I cannot pull off due to base forms
How do you build different energy decks without getting giga bricked every game?
They better have a good system in mind for past promos, if we're doing shit like promo Mankey
Ahaha I fucking knew that that one pessimistic anon saying trading was going to be wonder trade with stamina was actually predicting something better than what we're going to probably get
>bro just hit the double heads
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I'm playing this games in ways that are practically screaming at me to just quit.
For example, I hop on the 50 wins missions battles and insta concede 5 times in a row to get my thanks.
inb4 you actually need 10+ copies of a card to trade it
>enemy vulpix hits heads 3 times in a row leaving me completely unable to act turn after turn while I literally cannot draw any Pokémon cards or pokeballs or oaks (literally more than 40% of the cards remaining in the deck after initial draw btw.)
>then proceeds to switch in Moltres and hit 3 heads
fuck this fucking garbage piss game
alakazam only needs one psychic energy, so he's pretty easy to fill up on time
you basically want nothing that needs more than 1 of any specific energy, except your big hitter maybe
there's always a chance you'll still brick even with minimal requirements, but that's just card games in general

or you can always just run weezing without dark energy and use him as a big farting blimp soaking up hits
That was me
Sent thanks ;)
Let me put you in the confidence

Melmetal is a really fun deck to play.
The secret is to know what can and can't one-shot Meltan so you can use Amass to speed up your setup.
Once Melmetal is ready, it's delicious to punch everything at 120 while it tanks 20HP more than usual each hit.
The Butterfree variant is not that bad because Caterpie can tutor himself and Butterfree can tank and bring even more heal.

Try hit, if you can, it's a banger. Object are Potion, XSpeed and Pokeball, and trainers are Oak, 1 Giovanni and 1 Sabrina.
So how do you beat mewtwo?
hope the enemy draws shit like usual
I still have only 1 EX Lapras
Promo Mankey may be good but I fucking hate seeing this card
How many have you saved for the next expansion?
0, I live in the moment.
oh yea well I have 0 lapras, I win by losing
Making a bot with something like a 10% win rate doesn't seem impossible to me
Just run it non stop and farm to lv 50
KO one of their mewtwos with arbok while they're building a gardevoir, then Sabrina them into their gardevoir/kirlia/ralts
>pulled ex mewtwo last night
>wake up
>pull immersive mewtwo
good luck. I have that entire deck but it's unplayable for me because I never draw Kirlia or Garde, or if I do, I never draw pokeballs or mewtwo
then dont??
you choose which cards go in your deck anon
Mawile, Fearow and Gyarodos can remove energies
How do the daily tickets from likes and thanks work? Are the 5 tickets shared between liking displays and fighting or you can get 5 from each? Can you get aditional tickets if you play with friends?
I have about 250 banked I think. I want Tyranitar/Scizor (and other Johto mons, but particularly those two) so bad.
I fell for the Mewtwo reroll myself and I hate the deck, yes 10% of the time you demolish the opponent, but the rest of the time you keep bricking on the Ralts line
5 total
Mewtwo is a bad match-up. Pray for a good draw and lure their gardevoir or 2nd unprepared Mewtwo with a Sabrina. It's one of those match-up where 2 Sabrina would be better than 1 (but Giovanni help to get critical kill like Staross-Ex)
given the set theme is traveling kanto, it only makes sense that it concludes with the league
Mawhile, Fearow, Persian deck.
Imagine the disruption kino. Then you remember Pikachu exists and the game isn't allowed to be fun.
It was 100% a bot and it was just running articuno 18 trainers. You can definitely code something for LDplayer or other android emulators.
I don’t get Blastoise ex. It’s a slower charizard that deals less damage?
That sucks.
Misty tax
This game feels fucking terrible once you’ve gotten all the free hourglasses and bought all the store ones, it’s a giant cash-grab at this point because two packs a day is shit. You can’t even save them up for 10-pulls, hell you can’t even use the free packs for 10-pulls. If I want an ex card, I have to pull 100 packs just to get the points, which is ridiculous when other card games like Master Duel just require three URs dismantled to get one you actually want. And don’t get me started on Wonder Pick. TWELVE HOURS just to recover ONE wonder stamina. If you only get one card from Wonder Pick, and it has a 4/5 chance to get a card you don’t want, it should have a much shorter cooldown.
I hope trading fixes this shit.
Has anyone computed the math whether moltres or misty gives more energy on average?
is opening a pack 5 pack points flat? if so does anyone know how much packs or hourglasses you need for a spark?
you don't like needing 50+ wins for a simple level up pack?
It'd have legs if the starting booster were starter or gym leader themed. How many variety of booster packs can we expect? If it's 3, I can see Gyarados, Snorlax and Eevee being the poster boys. 4 for E4 member would be too many.
pretty sure it's moltres
rolling 3 coins once is a lot better than rolling 1 into a conditional 1+x
There is no fucking math to it and you can’t simulate a coin flip or dice roll the game just says fuck you sometimes more often than it is favorable to you
0, I can't think of a Johto mon I want to build a deck for.
I'll start saving for Gardevoir EX after the Kanto sets are done.
What are you sparking you retard?
Use a calculator
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>playing a mewtwo deck
>they go first
>plays a mewtwo plus 2 ralts as their opener
>they play an oak plus another mewtwo and end their turn
>they absolutely have at least 1 kirlia in hand
>mfw red card
>mfw no kirlia for several turns until after I ko their first mewtwo
obviously a 500 card, goofball
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Best deck is moltres/arcanine. Literally fucks pikachu in the ass.
Anyone else planning on dropping this game once the new packs come out? I'm not going to spend five card expansions just to build one deck from the second one. Also someone mentioned that whole "F, G series cards that get retired" thing so I'll laugh if they try to do that for PvP content.
>Decide to use muk/weezing poison deck
>opponent uses weepinbell and manages to evolve into victreebell in 3 turns, removing status every time
>Meanwhile, I don't even manage to get muk or weezing until turn 15
24, as I only recently felt like I don't want to open more packs (well,expect free ones), probably because my last 5-7 packs were absolute garbage.
Opened total of 101 packs so far (based on the fact I got open 100 packs trophy today not sure if it counts everything)
it's a mini expansion, so it shouldn't be a lot.
That will absolutely happen once new packs come out. They already want you to spend money on packs since they make rolling 10 packs extremely inconvenient, what with not being able to use free packs for a 10-pull or just making saving for a 10-pull very long and boring.

The game is a cash-grab and is not f2p friendly once the free stuff runs out.
Heh, nice try pal, but my Kirlias are ALWAYS at the very bottom of the deck
Wait did it say anywhere that the mini set coming out is gonna be johto mons?
>that whole "F, G series cards that get retired" thing
wait what?
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Is the reward from 10k versus battle wins worth it?
it's speculation based on A1 having 0 Johto mons
for f2p it seems like a pick up once a week type of game...maybe even once a month if they don't add some kind of weekly missions
if this dies down the matchmaking will be the toughest part but I hope they just add a bunch of solo content until the eventual first anni borked sets
Eventually it won't be a mini expansion and now you will have three or four packs to grabs shit from at two packs a day.
I just plan to get the first pack rares, then see if i come back in a few years when they are unobtainable and maybe sell my mewtwo crown for like 5000 dollars to a korean
>14 Petilil
>barely enough to get two of the second last flair since you have to buy all previous ones for no reason
>have 108 hourglasses
>wait until my daily pack is ready so I can do a 10 pull
>only option available is "Open a Pack" even if I have enough for 10

This bothers me more than it should.
We'll probably get like 10 pulls or something with new single player events to go with them. Personally I'm not collecting them all and just going for functional decks. Hoping the next expansion has fighting support.
I'm surprised you have hope
Bruno better give me something for all the fucking machamps I pulled
I really can’t see the majority of players sticking around with how bare-bones it is currently and how long it takes to even get a pack.
It ain’t much, but this is what I have. Plan on spending wonder stamina, if needed. Event stamina is being saved for a better event / one where I get unlucky. Not spending another pack hourglass until the miniset at the earliest.

>all this talk about Johto being set 2
I’d like it, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high.
>retard moment
Almost have enough saved up for a 10 pack. I need cards from pikachu and charizard though. It's pretty much equal for what I need from each. I need hypno, butterfree line and some fossil stuff plus misty from pica
Zard I need Erica, Blaine, greninjas

Which do I chase?
I've been wt rolling for Erika for a week and only been opening charizard packs and yet I'm still 0/2
I was a little hasty on the wonder glasses I realized.
If next set is Johto there really isn't anything I want mon-wise and would have to wait to see what cards I really want to build a deck around.
I need to save up the wonder hourglasses for ex mons that I love..
Roll Misty, spark the trainers, wait for promo greninja
1 hourglass = 2 hours of time
10 packs should be about 120 hourglass minus whatever time you already waited on current pack
Roll Pika obviously, sorry
I swear this game's rates are not as advertised since everyone has the same exact issues getting the same exact cards.
Excuse me, but what the fuck is Tail Whap
Literally whapping them with its tail.
220 right now. I’ve been a weezingCHAD for a while now, it’s by far my favorite deck in the game, hoping that the new set will introduce some fun new cards. I want to try and keep up with the meta anyway, been pretty successful with that thus far
i'm finna get that tail WAP y'all fill me?
I know, my complain is that even when I have the equivalent to 10 packs, it doesn't allow me to choose the Open 10 Packs option unless I do it outside of the daily pack openings.
I will play Charizard forever. I just want to fill the pokedex now.
Any deck/play advice for a Dnite/Pidgeot bro?
>pulling zard packs for over a week
>not a single vulpix / ninetales
I’d love to run blaine, but I’m missing the most crucial pokemon. I can’t even run THE budget deck of set one kek.
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in the non pocket TCG cards get rotated out after a few years for the standard format. next year any card with the little F on the bottom of the card will be rotated out and cannot be used in the standard format anymore. that anon is probably thinking they might do the same for pocket
many people seem unaware what Pidgeot does until it comes down so save the final evolution if you can to trap them with Drive Off.
Basically you're stalling until big man comes down so don't be afraid to just sacrifice your birds.
>2 turns 1 concedes to 3 point misty back to back
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You do run at least one fossil, right?
I tried this meme and it did nothing, please explain like I’m 5 what the fuck a fossil does that’s so important?
Say you have Moltres in your active spot and you’re using it to get energy for your backrow, and you also have a fossil set. If your opponent uses Sabrina to send Moltres back, you can discard the fossil for no cost on your turn and put Moltres back in your active.

It’s just a Sabrina counter that really pays off when it happens.
This is actually probably a good sign. It shows they know that people are hoping for more and when they say “other features” they probably mean burning cards for card points so you can buy cards more easily. The trading also, my bet is you can only trade rares at first, and they know people will want to trade other cards so they’re getting ahead of it, which is a good sign because it shows they have more understanding about the situation than a lobotomized goldfish, which is a step up from usual Pokémon company shenanigans.
Is it possible to create new secondary account, open/reset untill godpack, send invite to your primary account, wonderpick godpack from your primary, then repeat?
Or is there some countermeasure built in to counter that?
I've been ignoring the Lapras event til now. Am I just prevented from getting all the cards forever because I only get to play once every 12 hours????????
Koga with just Arbok/Weezing


Koga with Arbok/weezing/Muk

Why do people praise the mukless version while most games with the deck are lost because you fail to do a big chunk of damage to the opponent's active pokemon?
>Sabrina fossil to front
>opponent kills it
Now what? I guess if you have your charmander down it helps, but either way it is just a free point to your opponent 90% of the time.
>Opponent uses Sabrina
>smugly send in the 40HP fossil
>it dies immediately and they get a point
Seems you may as well run something with more health that can possibly do some damage
Rumor has it you can’t wonder pick from god packs
I don't have Muk. I got plenty of useless three diamond cards from Mewtwo packs though.
I had always assumed the opponent had an unlucky draw when I didn't see a Muk, I didn't realise that was the actual archetype
If I already have 2 chansey and 2 meowth do I ignore chansey picks forever?
Are you guys retarded? In the scenario laid out in that post, you wouldn’t care about losing the fossil. Matter of fact, clearing out the active is the entire point kek.
because muk needs 3 fuckin' energy to attack
not necessarily, the thing is that the missions have the vibe of dex progression ignoring the gardevoir thing they did for piggies.

You get one for meeting each gym leader, one for traveling the forest, one for the saffari zone, the snorlax event and so. Even the birds have their own mission and technically moltres is right there in the victory road. The one thing that is left is really just the league. The set covers is already anime/marketing pandering pikachu, classical charizard most popular starter and M2 which is the post game so is the one thing that doesn't quite meet the natural game progression (RBGY)
fuck i really want to consoom and get the subscription again, how to resist?
the same way you resist buying any other NFCs
im so depressed
*buys more packs*
Yes but seeing as you kinda have weezing on the frontline tanking damage and poisoning it's pretty easy to build up 3 energies on muk and dealing 150dmg from a non EX pkmn while you do your koga shenanigans
I think "fossil tech" is bad and I also think Meowth is bad. Maybe you can play Meowth in a deck that does not run EXs, and maybe you can run fossils in an Omastar/Kabutops/Aerodactyl deck (obviously) but I have never seen either one of these things happen.
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How’s your guys full art trainers coming along?
erika san.......
My phone can only have 1 copy with dual app, so I can't reroll an account of pikachu packs...
Because having to Koga your Muk is a massive tempo loss, the deck is carried by Weezing being so thick while only wanting 1 energy
The deck preys upon small shits and bench folder, which happens to describe Pika and Mewtwo, there aren't many prevalent big guys atm
None, but I'm currently saving for my next 10 roll which will be Pikas (already done them on Mewtwo and Charizard). After that I'll save for the next booster.
Never underestimate Kingler. Holy shit he fucking raped my Ex out of nowhere in one hit
I don't get this game. It's horrifically simplistic rock paper scissors. What's the point?
There should be trainer or pokemon that specifically does more damage to pokemon ex
>he didn’t start saving day 2
She says she loves me, that we can get married and live next to a lake.
actual gacha sickness
hoard currency, then get excited for more hoarding more currency
Don’t be dense. As stated earlier in the thread, fossil tech is there to keep your key players in play. A moltres deck is reliant on moltres generating energy. You do not want that card stuck on the bench. Additionally, you’d rather not run more basics than required because that only serves to make it more difficult to get the pieces you need.

>Meowth is bad
not at all
>Pull a Mewtwo EX from a Wonder Trade
Tell it to me straight lads, I'm never going to pick anything good from Wonder Trade ever again, am I?
mewtwo ex isn't that impressive these days desu, everyone pulls from his pack so everyone got one
The rates of successful picks and pack pulls was wild in the first two days, after that it dropped off to feel like a normal gatcha (meaning it sucks now).

Best bet if for everyone to hodl off on spending anything right now. Especially since isn’t tomorrow (Friday) the day they’re adding more stuff? Venusaur right?
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Anyone run a deck with all of these guys in it? I don't have Golbat so I can't try it. It's all colorless dudes, they're all "fast", and they all beat meta threats if you play them immediately. I don't know what the underlying shell of the deck would be though. Could run Misty Articuno with it or maybe something like Melmetal for fun since they all cost 1 energy.

I have pulled Zapdos EX, Pikachu EX, 2 Mewtwo EXs, and an Articuno EX from wonder trade. I've also pulled random full arts from it, back before I realized how slowly wonder trade energy regenerates. I thought it would be fast, like I thought the timer was counting down how long it would take until the wonder trade energy was completely full, but instead it counts down how long the next pip is.
even rock paper scissors has a meta
I wish Misty would give me head more often.
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These are the actual rare cards.

Also since when does Venusaur have a full art ex? I thought for some reason he didn’t.
I tried running Muk and it got worse, 3 energy to attack is not worth it. Tagging around between copies of Weezing and Arbok is a lot sturdier, and way more consistent.
I’ve considered running the diglett + zubat lines together to spite the top decks, but it seems pretty bad without something to build up in the back.
That's like Branded Fusion in Pokemon form.
I started to run melmetal with Ducklett and swanna and two Misty’s to combat fire, it was decent but not optimal.
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>300 packs opened
>still no full art Erika
>still no full art Sabrina
When's the next event?
You get one waifu per account, you can stop opening packs now.
>How’s your guys full art trainers coming along?
fuck all that shit, I'm waiting for full art Potion.
Penusore sleeves and coin
Why is there a cap? That's extremely Jewish.
weezing and rapidash do not mind going first.
>You get one waifu per account, you can stop opening packs now.
>tfw no Jessie
Is there a level cap?
I never should've doubted the Top Righters.
Mathematically, Moltres is obviously better you reprobate.

Misty's highest probability is 50%
Meanwhile the probability of getting at least 1 heads when flipping 3 coins is 87.5%
>Also, is it just me or am I getting less Wonder Trades with rare cards?
Fewer people are whaling since more people have gotten the cards they want, so it's natural that it would slow down.
should've rerolled for Erika
Yes Rapid ash or no Rapidash?
explain >>56910629
ok give a detailed step by step guide on how to do that
You know, in the future where AI has redefined the meta through hundreds of millions of simulated games, I think the real best meta deck would be one that doesn't mind going first. Going first is such a major disadvantage, and anecdotally, I seem to lose every game where I go first unless the opponent draws very poorly or they misplay. Due to how fucking awful it feels to go first, I'm inclined to believe that the true theoretical best deck in the format is one that can play on the backfoot like that with nothing really lost.

Is Weezing really the answer to this? The game wont give me any, but I can buy them. Then I wouldn't be able to buy the Kogas I need though. I don't have Exeggutor either, and that one seems like another one that doesn't mind going first, since 80 damage is pretty good and Exeggutor is a beefy mon. Then Rapidash, I guess, but that seems significantly worse and I feel like the fast fire deck is carried by Blaine + Ninetales.
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Erika and Sabrina are in the same pack anon.
>Finally made a pika deck
>First match
>Machamp EX
>You go second
>Opponent sends out kang with Chop in the back
>Brick hand with only Bliz and Zeb strika
>Opponent sets up Machop but ignores Kang
>Snipe chop with Strika
>Pull Pika and set up
>Kang is forced to Xspeed retreat
>Machamp comes out with only 90 HP to kill Strika
>Pika time
>Opponent concedes
I don't give thanks for that kind of behavior
>Best deck is moltres/arcanine.
Moltres/Charizard rocks
Moltres/Cetniskorch is a good budget deck.
Does that mean Koga is my waifu?
>Yes Rapid ash or no Rapidash?
Rapidash if you want to play the deck and you're short cards.

Problem with Rapidash in a Moltres/whatever deck is that it doesn't contribute to the deck build. It's just there in case you don't get any other cards or you are still looking for other cards.
Nah, they seem to be more generous with the men, I think they know exactly what they’re doing. They give you a full art waifu at the beginning and then if you try rolling for one it just never picks.
It's really annoying that they've put up all these road bumps to enforce slow play but nothing to do with the game to pass the time. I wish they had some kind of journey mode with branching decisions you could play over and over again. Your only options being to
A) Log out and wait longer
B) Miss on the WP
C) Pull a dud pack
D) Get a hit on a card but still have to dig for other cards anyway toward a completion goal
E) Play a poorly designed battle in an unbalanced meta
really beg the question of why bother with this game when other games exist. I bother because Pokemon, but even then I dropped other Pokemon games like Shuffle and Quest and Masters after giving them a chance, and I feel like this game will be more of the same.
Premium just ran out. I'm missing 3 one-diamonds, 8 two-diamonds, 22 three-diamonds, and 8 four-diamonds. Am I cooked? Feel there is no way I'm going to complete the base set by end of January without playing money. Only way I can see hope is if they give us a way to trade in star cards to get more basic cards
>Raichu has always been my favorite pokemon since u saw the LT. Surge episode air
>Be proud of using my favorite for years, develop a karenfag complex before I ever learn what that term is. Love using my bros and trying to beat strong pokemon.
>Time skip
>Raichu becomes meta in vgc
>Skip more
>"I'll build a raichu deck, just for fun. I'll fill it with some electric types like Pikachu ex to be on theme and hope it can compete.
>Accidentally made the T1 deck

If my bro ends up becoming meta all the time, am I just a metafag now..?
120 so far. Just started saving recently after finishing my Pikachu deck. thinking of using some for some of the events so i can finish other decks too.
And? The point is to reroll your account till you get them both.
post deck
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BEHOLD! 3 colors. Once I get the second Goldeen I will try Seaking instead of Venomoth for a completely luck based deck. This deck only wins based on luck. My opponents no longer thank me and matches often last 27 turns.
tfw it's too late to reroll and still get a Lapras Ex and Mankey
it's over
I agree that moltres is better mathematically but you have to keep in mind that you have to invest at least 1 energy to start moltres up, give up on attacking that turn, and risk giving your opponent 2 points for knocking him down
Try Dugtrio instead of Venomoth if you have it.
>Only way I can see hope is if they give us a way to trade in star cards to get more basic cards
The game would be perfect if we could grind cards into pack points at 50% of what you can buy them for.
What is the biggest doodoo card in this game? Lamest ex?
there's already a better luck based deck featuring Aerodactyl, Articuno and Hypno
>If I want an ex card
Use wonder pick, you fucking retard.
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This Mewtwo, he didn't fly so good.
I would say it depends on sample size, Misty can give you some really fucked up unusual values, like that one guy who got 36 energy from 1 Misty. That shit annihilates averages
>biggest doodoo card in this game
Yeah, as already said, Dugtrio, Articuno, and Aerodactyl are all better luck based Pokemon. Hypno is good though.
>no other cards
Looks like they got a real bad draw
just quit now so I don't have to read your ranting tranny posts
Since you're playing bad decks on purpose, can you make this deck? >>56910812
I'd make it but I don't have Golbats. Just 2 each of Golbat line, Heliolisk line, Mienshao line.
weakest ex is arcanine
It's a tie between Hand Scope and Pokedex
Journey mode would be sick, make it a deck builder where you keep the cards at the end and get to add cards to your deck along the way.
I would so do that for almost all of my full-arts, even the ones I have in decks I like. FA Koga is worth way less than normal Koga plus half a whole other deck
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Now defend this one, that's his second Mewtwo.
Ditto isn't that bad
I haven't gotten a single full art female though. Just 2 Kogas.
oh wow
So just Moltres, Growlithe, and Arcanine then?
My advice is to stop pulling for now, the odds seem to be awful rn, and might change in a future update. My premium just ran out, I think anons who would wait so the two weeks overlaps with both this set and next premium set were right. >>56910932
Thank you for trying to make me feel better anon.
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>So just Moltres, Growlithe, and Arcanine then?
yep. fill the spots used for ponyta/rapidash with pro research, potion, pokeball, etc
Not a chance. Pokedex + Pokeball is pretty good. It's essentially "Ponder" effect, which has been banned in MtG for being too good. It's a lot more consistent in that game, but it's still good in this game. I'd argue that it's better to run 1 Pokedex than it is to run 1 Red Card, because Red Card is pretty much never actually a good play, even when it "should" be a good play.
2 of everything here (couldn't fit it on one screen) with the exception of 1 Sabrina, 1 geovani, and 1 red card. Again, I'm F2P and opened only Pikachu pack and used points from the other things. When I was pulling I had people telling me Mewtwo and charizard were the meta.

Also I come from playing yugioh, so I'm not new to card games and deck building principals
That's less than your once over turn trainer. Nothing feels worse than Misty whiffing. And it's only gonna get worse once we get better trainers.
I'm honestly hoping "trading" is just this. Not actual trading with real people. There needs to be a way to get rid of full art cards you don't want for more staples. Real trading wouldn't help me get rid of a 3 star I don't want
Depends on how the new stuff pans out. I'm fearful it's going to be shit because I can't stand this HG trickle and launch is supposed to be the most generous time of any game.
>My premium just ran out, I think anons who would wait so the two weeks overlaps with both this set and next premium set were right.
I haven't used my free trial. When would I need to use my free trial for maximum effectiveness?
why did you ignore it? what is with this general and everyone being mentally ill retarded trannies? If you wanted lapras Ex why not do the event?
Ok I made it, now what?
2 Sabrina*
Alright. Hope we start getting better support cards soon.
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I am also FTP but I only was able to get one zap, so I had to sub zebstrika and pincurchin for pika and raichu lines.
>tfw still no raichu
I dunno. Play a game or two and report back if you get a cheeky win? And now that I think about it, Electric is probably best so that you can actually attack with the prevo for Heliolisk on turn one, and it's not like you're running other pokemon.
Until we get a trainer that can search items, that combo is way too inconsistent.
>no Lt Surge with Raichu
Get your Brocks, I predict Steelix ex being in the Johto set
quit the game bro.
December 31st to get December rewards, and most of January rewards
December will include promo mewtwo and January may include a promo too
I want to find eevolutions to use them + ditto
It's all I ask for
I'm not saying it's consistent. I actually said that Ponder is a much more consistent effect (and only requires 1 card). I'm just saying that Pokedex is absolutely not the worst card in the game, and I truly think it's better to include a Pokedex than it is to include the token Red Card that all lists run (only to play it before conceding)
Except in almost all cases you want to use pokeball immediately no matter what your next card is. Pokeball not only gives you your basic to hand immediately, but also thins out your deck by 1 making the cards you actually want more probable to appear.
The effect of pokedex + pokeball might be viable in the future, but for now you can't afford to slow down you tempo or fill up your deck with shitty pokedexes.
And honestly, have you seen even 1 pokedex in online play? I know I haven't.
Everyone and their wives will be playing eevee when johto comes
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In 40-46 days depending on how fast/ how much of this stuff you want, then get it all, and when it switches to next set, you’ll have time to get those too.

Do you have the promo pikachu here? Kinda wish there was a way to get 2 of them.
it starts with... ONE THING
Top right bros...
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I really don't understand why you people keep picking top row. In top row you have 1/3 chance of picking the right card, in bottom row you have a 50% chance, much better odds.
Has anyone gathered data on win rate going first vs second?
>And honestly, have you seen even 1 pokedex in online play? I know I haven't.
I play 1 Pokedex instead of the token 1 Red Card that all lists have. I like it a lot. I like it a lot more than Red Card. I've already spewed my rand about how fucking dogshit Red Card is, but basically, it's never fucking good, even when it "should" be good. I've never in my entire time playing this game been negatively Red Carded, I literally always draw into the same or better of a hand. Having >3 cards is likely a bricked hand that you want Red Carded anyway, and if you don't play Red Card within the first few turns of the game, the odds of them drawing back into what you don't want them to have is just too much in their favor.

Even one (1) Ponder effect in a 20 card deck can greatly help you out in a game. Red Card has never been a beneficial play for my opponent.
>That's less than your once over turn trainer
It's absolutely not, if your Misty whiffs that's just one trainer and the game still goes on.
If your Moltres whiffs it's gg
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Join the Crab gang, or else...
wtf this true?
surge :3
>he hasn't seen the pics of people getting 5 of the same card in packs or wonder picks.
All this guarantees is that the E4 will be supporters, but who the key pokemon will be is still in the air.
>flip two heads in a row
never gonna happen for me. not even gonna try.
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Turn 3 or 4

>Red Card has never been a beneficial play for my opponent.
if you opponent has like 9 cards and you reduce them to 3 it's a benefit cause it cuts down the things the player can do to you.

at the very least it annoys them.
Sounds good. Think the strategy will be to Wonder Pick any ex card I see that I need and plan to use Pack Points on one through-three diamond cards. 500 Pack Points for a single base ex is stupid expensive for a staple of the metagame.
Nice. Thanks for running the silly deck for me
>nothing to do with the game to pass the time.
You mean like, playing the game? I wish you mentally ill faggots would just leave already.
That does sound better but way too slow and the electric weakness doesn't help.
I'm one short for Dugtrio but I have not once lost against it, I don't think it's a good card.
I already have. That's why I use Heliolisk, it's the best splash card with the only downside being that you can't use its first stage. The problem with Golbat and Mienfu is that they are dealing 70 at best if their opponent has a weakness. You can get that with almost any other card and their HP doesn't hold up. Even if they had 0 retreat cost they wouldn't be good.
The problem is that people like to gamble too much and use red card as a tool to gamble with opponent's hand being worse after red than before.
What red card is amazing for is denying tempo. You use it after your enemy used both oaks and they lose all that tempo they gained from them.
Also red card will be amazing counter once pokemon that do damage x amount of cards in hard come into play
>if you opponent has like 9 cards and you reduce them to 3 it's a benefit cause it cuts down the things the player can do to you.
See, theoretically, you are correct, but that's not actually how Red Card or this game works. Ask yourself, in this made up situation, why does the opponent even have 9 cards in their hand? There's no reason to ever have 9 cards in your hand in this game unless it's all shit that he can't play. You can only Trainer once per turn. You can't even Sabrina + Giovanni. The opponent having a massive hand size has little to no bearing on the game, and a massive hand size is more of an indicator that they have nothing worth playing rather than something you need to be worried about. The worst they can possibly do is double potion something you're about to kill.

>What red card is amazing for is denying tempo. You use it after your enemy used both oaks and they lose all that tempo they gained from them.
Theoretically, yes. In practice, no. Playing Pokemon doesn't cost mana, you just lay them down. Playing trainers doesn't cost mana, you just lay them down. The "tempo" in this game is where the opponent is attaching their energy. The "tempo" in this game is not the cards in their hand. And, if they've already played 2 Oaks, then lets have a conservative assumption that they've also played at least 2 Pokemon on board and at least 1 Pokeball. If there is a card you don't want them to have, well first off assuming that they have it is often a misplay, but let's assume that they do have it. You Red Card them, and now they have a 4/7 chance to immediately redraw back into it. 3 chances for the Red Card, a 4th chance for their draw next turn, and "7" because they have a very generous assumption of 15 cards left in their deck, but they have 2 copies of whatever they need, so you halve it.

Red Card just isn't good. Have you ever been disappointed at being Red Carded? I never have.
>why does the opponent even have 9 cards in their hand?
board has stalled, end game, just pulled several cards in the last couple turns and can't use them all yet.

you also theoretically could use scope and red card to fuck with their strat.
I’ve run it a few times, it does struggle against mewtwo, I could have used another Sabrina or xspeed.

Those 3 have really good type advantage against a lot of things in the game, darkness for psychic, fighting for normal and electric, electric for flying and water.

I’m thinking when a few more trainer cards get released it will become viable.
>Have you ever been disappointed at being Red Carded?
Yes. In fact, I've scooped at turn 1 red cards when I'd opened a very good hand.
>board has stalled
No. That's just not even possible in this game. Even some stupid Snorlax vs Snorlax deck isn't going to put 9 cards in their hand unless Snorlax is their only Pokemon in the deck (both sides).

>end game
No. Why do you have 9 cards in your hand? How badly did both you and the opponent misplay? Why didn't you Sabrina? Why didn't you Giovanni? Why didn't you evolve your Pokemon? Why didn't you potion your Pokemon? How does one arrive at a 9 card hand end game? Are you long playing a failed Misty flip in the Articuno EX deck?
>Why do you have 9 cards in your hand?
I flipped three heads turn 1 and just spammed Blizzard over and over. For some reason my opponent didn't concede.
>use it after your enemy used both oaks
If you are giving me two turns that match has already been decided. Whatever is in my hand after 2 oaks is not relevant to the board state or a dud. Red card has hurt me most when used turn one after I play basics and the only thing left in my hand is evos and support, making me draw into more basics. It's still a gamble, if my hand didn't have the evos and support I needed it can fix my hand. Even if i draw into the same cards I'm at an advantage.
>Yes. In fact, I've scooped at turn 1 red cards when I'd opened a very good hand.
The last time I went on this rant, I said that you pretty much *must* play Red Card on turn 1 or turn 2 in order for it to be any good. Beyond that, it's dogshit, which is most of the time. Even if you play it when it "should" be good, if luck isn't on your side, it's suddenly not good.
Ofc, I never implied otherwise. I only mentioend the M2 stuff because my whole argument was game progression and Cerulean Cave is post game iirc.
What is "playing the game"? I already listed what your main choices are. Do you consider that fulfilling gameplay? Just because I can make up a game called 'Watch Paint Dry' where you play by watching paint dry doesn't mean you're actually playing, I've just kicked a boring activity under a rewritten umbrella term of the word "play".
why aren't you using magnaton? how are you getting enough energy for your second raichu attack?
>How does one arrive at a 9 card hand end game?
I'm playing Mewtwo. I have Meowth up front. I played 2 Oaks. For 2 turnsI have Kirlias and Gardevoirs up in hand, and I'm digging for a PokeBall or Raltz, all of which seem to be at the very bottom.

Open 4. -Meowth -Mewtwo ex. Draw for turn. Oak +1, Meowth draw 1, draw for turn, Oak +1, Meowth draw.

I now have 8 cards in hand, a Mewtwo with 1 energy, and we're on turn 4, still early game. You Red Card me. I get fucked.
@ Anyone here that had Premium
How close can you really call it before canceling? They said to stop it 24 hours before in the notice but I'm just wondering if I can squeeze 1 last extra pack in (which would be around the exact '24 hours before' mark)
you're not special, the reason they have pika and raichu in T1 is because they're so popular
the rat is T1 in their other gacha too
>Red Card just isn't good. Have you ever been disappointed at being Red Carded? I never have
Nta but a few times now I've had really good starting hands and been red carded.
>You Red Card me. I get fucked.
No. You get Red Carded and you draw into Ralts and then Kirilia and then Gardevoir. Or Pokeball Kirilia Gardevoir. Whatever you draw into, it will be better than your currently fucked hand. Just because you have Meowth turns on your completely fucked hand that you described being shit doesn't mean you need to sunk cost fallacy into it.

Besides, your Meowth is probably dead anyway, and now you're raw pumping Mewtwo for 2 points max. You died on board to Meowth stealing a valuable Mewtwo energy.
Quit the *game* and leave the thread.
I already used up 2 Oaks, and my Meowth will be dead next turn. My draw power is dead. Even if I draw into Raltz, the odds of me drawing into Kirlia and THEN Gardevoir, in time are extremely low now. Not to mention the loss of Potions, Sabrina's, and Giovannis all of which could have been very useful as the game progressed. Now I have to HOPE I draw into them out of a 13 card pile 1 card per turn.
If you weren't illiterate you wouldn't have to tell me that, but it sounds like you're some whiny control freak who miraculously thinks anyone would listen to his pathetic attempt at an order on an anonymous imageboard. You couldn't even answer the question too.
That's usually how it is. In yugioh, for instance, the best deck is almost always the one that has the best time going second. In all games, the strongest way to build your deck is to look at scenarios where you normally lose overwhelmingly, and give yourself a chance in them. People really should be playing a singleton Aerodactyl in all their decks, for instance, because it gives you that fat 50% chance of winning in a scenario you otherwise lost 100% of the time. But even better is having a plan for going first, because you have to do that 50% of the time, and if you can even bump your winrate there by 10%, it bumps your overall winrate by 5%, which is huge.

This is partly why Magic sucks ass, because going first is such an incomprehensibly huge advantage in that game that if a deck "prefers going second", it's usually for some really weird esoteric reason that maybe shaves off one percentage point.
I didn’t get a single alt art or even an ex out of a 10-pull, I’m done with this game man, these odds are fucked.
I don't know if you're realizing what you're doing, anon. You're describing a horrible draw that Meowth didn't fix. You *are* giving an example where you have 9 cards in your hand, but you're not giving an example where Red Card is good for the opponent, you're giving an example where Red Card is good for (You). You're also giving an example of why Meowth is dogshit.

>Even if I draw into Raltz, the odds of me drawing into Kirlia and THEN Gardevoir, in time are extremely low now.
Correct, but that has nothing to do with Red Card. You just got completely fucked in this hypothetical example that I'm not going to bother reasoning the validity of. Completely fucked hand, completely fucked board (useless Meowth, stealing energy from Mewtwo, not unfucking the situation that he put you into by being retarded enough to run Meowth), nothing is saving you... except possibly a Red Card.

>Now I have to HOPE I draw into them out of a 13 card pile 1 card per turn.
The good news is that no matter what you draw into with the Red Card in this situation, it will be better than the 9 duds you currently have. You're actually demonstrating my point, which I don't really think you're intending to do.
Need… con…tent…
I get this urge to reroll my account that I've already had for like 10 days by now, but then I'm like "but the gameplay isn't even fun enough to warrant rerolling for the cards you desire" and the end of the lapras event getting ever closer...
you will lose out on the meowth event. not worth it imo. if you have a single immersive the account is probably worth keeping.
>the meowth event.
the coins and sleeves? they'll just rotate those back in a couple of months
but idk how that anon wants to reroll 10 days in, I'm only 2 days in and already did the 45 battles and rolled for a decent amount of cards using free hourglasses
My alt account, which has worse luck than my main, is slowly unfucking itself via wonder trade luck. I'm 1 Pikachu EX away from the accounts being "even", even though they did not start off this way.
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I put two Zapdos ex and a jolteon/ eevee in instead of the heliolisk and it improved.

Took out an articuno deck.

Wow, then I just had this battle too, honestly it’s not bad, mienshao especially is an mvp, fighting is strong against so much.
>sleep again
fuck this gayfaggotshit
imagine paying them
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>hm there's the card I need for my deck in the wonder pick, I've been hoarding energy all day, it's time to use it
>hmmm I missed, would you look at that. And for the third time in a row
Spent $10, didn’t get shit on a 10-pull. Like absolutely nothing. I feel terrible, fuck this game. There’s not even a fucking pity system like other card games, you’re just shit out of luck.
should have done the free 2 weeks and bailed like everyone else
>The good news is that no matter what you draw into with the Red Card in this situation, it will be better than the 9 duds you currently have.
That's not how red card works anon, you can draw the duds you shuffled into the deck again, except you are now 6 cards behind with no oaks to speed you up. Now you will draw only 1 card per turn no matter what, with at least 6 duds in your deck remaining.
This. I can't believe they launched the game with so little to do. The Trading Card Game didn't even come with Trading on launch.
More content that would allow us to earn more hourglasses specifically. 6 Shop Points a day is criminal.
>the silly colorless deck beat Pikachu EX on turn 2
Heh. Man, I can't wait to finally get the Golbats I need. You've even made an improvement to the deck.
>8 straight wins with weezing/arbok
>2 whaler japs/koreans time-stalling with their meta pika/uno decks
shit feels so good, i can feel their hate

i've had some actually competitive matches though that involve some semblance of thinking, refreshing
It's called Pokémon TCG Pocket, not Pokémon Trading TCG Pocket
Isn't DeNA notorious for not redoing events for years? I thought that was what everyone to plays Pokemon Masters EX complains about.
Whoever bakes the threads needs to start putting the /vp/ battle passwords in the OP so that we can make the no coin flip meta more popular.


>/vp/ private match passwords to play against other anons in the thread
/vp/ general battles: vp
/vp/ meta decks/ high level play: vpmeta
/vp/ no coin flip, no ex, no Dragonite (board meta): vpnx

^^^ please put this in the OP so we can better foster our community and the no coin flips meta.

Bait use to be believable.
It's been 2 turns for you. If it weren't for Red Cards, Meowth would have fixed the problem. The way you fix bad draw, is by drawing a lot and thinning the deck. Now the odds of getting what you need are much much higher. Now there are 8 cards left in the deck, 4 of which will get you to Raltz. That's now a 50% chance, and it goes up each turn. Additionally, the moment Raltz drops, you have the other necessary pieces in your hand already to evolve it over the next few turns, AND you have the Potions, Sabrina's, and X speeds to help you stall out the game long enough and apply pressure. You're up in advantage by turn 4 even if your draws have been bad. Red card destroys that.

Btw, I've just described an actual game that actually happened. I'm fact, a senario where I'm digging for Raltz it worse yet KIRLIA who's at the bottom with Oak and Meowth only to get Red Carded is all too common.

And the deal with Red Card, it's only going to get better and better when we start go get more searching tools, and better draw support.

Calling the card bad is shortsighted at best, and low IQ at worst. As it's a good card right NOW, and it'll only get better.
you can do the trial then cancel immediately and it'll still run it's course
>And the deal with Red Card, it's only going to get better and better when we start go get more searching tools, and better draw support.
Anon you're playing with a 20 card deck.
They rerun some stuff fairly frequently but they may not have all the same perks which sucks. Like missing a medal for a 1st time run of an event just for that medal to never appear on a rerun of the event which felt so stupid.
Thanks for the clear answer, guess I'll cancel it now then.
>That's not how red card works anon
You don't need to try to pretend that you are the one telling me how Red Card works. I'm the one telling (You) how Red Card works. All I'm doing it telling you how it is, and in order to even feebly combat the point that I've been making, you needed to craft a hypothetical situation where you had horrendous draw luck and lost the match anyway (probably due to playing Meowth). You are so far gone, you are trying to "win" so hard that you don't even realize that you're describing why Meowth is bad, and you're describing a game you lost no matter what you did (unless maybe you developed the Mewtwo instead of the Meowth, vs a bad deck). You went out of your way to conjure up a situation where you have 9 cards in your hand, but it is not describing a situation where Red Card is good for the opponent, it is a situation where Red Card is good for (You), but you lost the game no matter what, rendering Red Card useless in all scenarios, except fringe scenarios where it might possible help (You).

>you can draw the duds you shuffled into the deck again
Of course you can, anon. Of course you can. But your duds aren't doing anything for you at all. If you're manufacturing a dogshit RNG situation where you lost the game no matter what you did, and you drew everything except Pokeball and Ralts, then you lost anyway, but a Red Card can literally only help you, because it gives you more chances (4 more chances, in fact, Red Card and then turn) to draw Pokeball or Ralts. Why are you being so stupid?
>20 card deck
I kinda love this but also kinda wish there was some wiggle room up to 30 cards with still the 2 card limit, especially once more cards come out. I already find it difficult to include 3 stage Pokémon in a deck (like Venusaur) because you don’t have room for everything else you need.
Yeah when you go to cancel inside whatever app store you use, it also says as much but I can see how it'd still be a bit confusing.
If we don't get better consistency tools. I will quit. I'm giving things a pass right now cause it's the first set. But we need ways to search stage 1/2s. We need ways to search tools. Ways to search trainers, etc...
When it comes to Wonder Pick I always pick the starting place of the card I want. The results are great, so far secured EX Pika, Zapdos, Articuno, Charizard and two Venusaurs (back to back) that way
I bought the Gardevoir deco because I wanted the Erika deco but now I want to buy packs. I keep telling myself I don't need to. Do I kill myself?
Buy premium if you need to spend money, it's the best deal. If you start buying more packs, you'll get to the point you never pull anything new. Diminishing returns and stuff.
>manage to survive pikacuck assault
>doing an epic comeback
>pikacuck cheese's me with sabrina and im forced to send out me ralts
>he gets flip 4 times and his zap2 he had in the bench
>gets 1 head
>gigachad ralts tanks it and survives
>proceed to xspeed away ralts to safety and switch back my mew2 ex and power him up with gardevoir
>pikacuck concedes
ralts dotti won me the game lads, always believe and love your pokemon
While I agree, I see some of the complains here and I have to ask: what's the point in building a deck if you just want everything in your hand exactly when you need it?
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Here’s what I’d like to run with Venusaur if I could.
So is red card good or bad?
Can you afford it? Then dip if you feel like it. I guarantee if you don't get what you want you'll feel even worse and never dip again.

Can you not afford it?
Don't dip then, idiot.

Do you lack self control and suffer from gambling addiction?
Then delete the game, it's already got you by the balls.
Too many poks, you should stick to 2 lines.
Yeah, this is true. I also feel like I should just hold out to see what they're offering for Black Friday. I have Pika EX built so it isn't like there's a deck NEED. Was going Mewtwo next, but yeah the Premium Pass extra pack should add up to the point where 3 packs a day gets me what I need. That and just win your Wonder Picks. Honestly really like Wonder Picks, good system.
Because it diminishes luck. Currently, games are decided by who draws better, rather than who makes the better plays. I prefer strategy over luck. Simple as.
>The way you fix bad draw, is by drawing a lot and thinning the deck.
Which you could be doing, proactively, by playing Trainer cards from your hand, in case the opponent Red Cards you, but let us also remember that in this 9 card hand situation, you're losing the game no matter what you do, and this hypothetical situation more accurately describes a situation that demonstrates why Meowth is bad, and Red Card, if anything, is just a BM move by the opponent before he kills you, because the usage of Red Card, good or bad, is truly divorced from this entire fictional event.

>And the deal with Red Card, it's only going to get better and better when we start go get more searching tools, and better draw support.
No. Red Card gets worse the more support cards we get. Red Card isn't a MtG "Instant". There are no "Instants" in this game. You can't fuck your opponents tutors by Red Carding them on their turn, and in Pokemon, nothing "costs" anything to play like in MtG. The "tempo", as I have previously described, is the energy on board. It has nothing to do with your hand. In fact, the reason Sabrina is "tempo" is because it fucks your opponent's on board energy (or trades for X speed).

Anyway, Red Card only gets worse. In MtG, when people tutor and bring to hand, they still need to play it. In this game, you Pokeball, and then you just play the Pokemon, no questions asked. If you can start tutoring for mid stages, you just save the mid stage tutor until you can play it. That's it. Red Card doesn't get better, it gets worse. In the scenario I just described where you can tutor a mid stage before you play it, that could potentially be a good Red Card play, but I have already previously said that Red Card is literally *only* good on turn 1 or turn 2, and this scenario I am illustrating still describes ideal usage of Red Card. It does not actually become "better".
It diminishes luck but luck is still a factor in the game that you plan around. That's why you don't use a bunch of 3 stage mon, optimize your mon/support ration, etc..
if you're constantly drawing bricks in a 20 card deck, then fixing your deck is minimizing luck too.
Steel feels so cucked atm
If your budget is small, you must first spend it on a premium at the end of a month like us f2poors, then on things like the upcoming black friday sale
20 more packs + 2x premium rewards for the same price (or $1 more)
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So just 2 Pokémon with 4 end evo’s?

I’ve been playing around with it a bunch and it’s a balance between not getting the evo you need and getting 2 2nd stages in your opening hand and having your two mid stages as the bottom two cards of the deck.

Also, the rng in the game gives you moms you only have one of more sometimes. I can’t say for certain if having 2 lilligant in my deck actually means I’ll draw it more, most likely the game will put it in my opening hand as a “fuck you” (esp if I only have 1 petlil) but then a pokeball will save me, with 2 petlil it will put both on the bottom with the pokeballs or some other shit.

Here is my actual Venusaur deck I’ve been using, pretty sure I meant to edit an xspeed in somehow tho.
>So is red card good or bad?
I'm the person trying to tell people the Red Card is always bad. There is an anon arguing with me, and he has created a fictional scenario where a Meowth/Mewtwo deck draws 9 cards without drawing Ralts. In this case, he's dead anyway, and it only shows why Meowth is bad, it doesn't show why Red Card is good, and in fact in a 9 card hand with no Ralts, if there is any way that he is winning, it is *only* if the opponent decides to Red Card him, so this made up scenario he is using to try to argue for Red Card's effectiveness actually plays out exactly backwards from what he is intending. It describes a situation where he is losing no matter what, and where a Red Card helps him.

If you're playing Red Card, I invite you to try playing Pokedex in its place. Pokedex + Pokeball is very powerful. It's not always going to be online, it's not always going to be consistent, but looking at your top 3 cards, seeing whether or not you want them, and then shuffling them away with Pokeball (or keeping them until you draw what you want) is pretty strong. It might not fit into Pikachu though, because Pikachu usually just wants the basic Pokemon no matter what, but I still think Red Card is just dogshit.
If someone opens a really good pack, and then you add them as a friend, does the pack actually have a chance of showing up in your Wonder Pick?
yes, of course. that's the whole point of the feature, but don't expect to 100% see it.
>you're losing the game no matter what you do, and this hypothetical situation more accurately describes a situation that
Not really. Drawing Raltz even 2 turns from now, would have been fine. It would have been enough to turn the game around. Because once Gardevoir is online, Mewtwo automatically wins. Hell, even 3 turns would have been fine.

However, after Red Card, Gardevoir simply never goes online, and Mewtwo dies without having any support. Not to mention you also shuffle my X speeds back killing my options to pivot. The Red Card won you the game. Without Red Card, Gardevoir would have gone online and I could have pivoted into a full health Mewtwo to take the kills.

I played this game already and reflected on the outcome. Red Card made the difference.
You can't play around it enough currently, cause the search options are too limited to allow for a meaningful comeback. One guy gets set up cause they opened perfectly, and you draw nothing but potions and x speeds, and you lose. Especially since there's no deck building at all, as at least 50% is identical across all decks.
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I already have the arcanine set tho, but still want to save my points for moltres. It is what it is.
Red Card is bad because the decks it wants to be good against aren't popular or don't exist yet. Red Card is just like Gengar, it wants to punish people hoarding supporters in hand, but there are better ways to stop Sabrina and Misty/Research gets slammed asap, which only leaves Koga and Blaine/Gio which might get caught in its net. All that leaves is maybe hurting stage 2s, od which only Charizard and Garde are ever seen
Idk, I started playing t cuz it won some games against me, the game does seem to have a built in skunk rule where they will get an oak or a pokeball if you use it earlier in the game, a lot of times it does just kick the opponent right in the nuts, I’ve been down to 3 cars when my opponent had like 9-11 cards. It can def help them too, sometimes you can tell they’re getting screwed so you don’t wanna card. Also, if they use both oaks and have 6 cards in hand putting them down to 3 is a huge advantage overall.

My main thing I’d wonder is if it’s better to run 2 Sabrina’s or 1 and a red card.

Also does pokeball get the next basic in ur deck or a random one like it says? Anons seem to think it’s the next one.
>Not really. Drawing Raltz even 2 turns from now, would have been fine.
Probably not. You're already a turn behind (because you put energy on Meowth) and you also went 2 turns without playing a Ralts.
nah, you're lying. noone would spend 3 stamina on a common even if it is coveted
Yeah, no shit. Any deck that you try to build will live or die based on the EXes you have available, and currently steel has none.
>he has created a fictional scenario
It's not a fictional scenario you straw manning condescending piece of shit. I'm literally describing an actual game I fucking played.

You know what, fuck off. I took you in good faith, but it's obvious there's no point in engaging with you. You're stuck in your belief you're right. Despite the fact that the ACTUAL TCG has proven that cards like Marnie, N, and Iono are some of the strongest in the game.
>wonder picks on stage 1 cards
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Weezing won another JP tourney.
What do you think the T stands for
I got a leak which says new trainer allows you to discard a card from your opponent hand.
Red card, hand scope and new trainer combo will be tier 0 when it debuts, mark my words
Playing a deck that based around a stage2 evo fucking SUCKS holy shit. Multiple games in a row where you are stuck with just a stage 1 or 2 in your hand with no way to reach your wincon. Meanwhile your opponent's Mewtwo/Pikachu/Articuno getting feed energy since their first turn.
We really need at least a card that searchs higher stages instead of just basics.
>My main thing I’d wonder is if it’s better to run 2 Sabrina’s or 1 and a red card.
I think that any card you put in the Red Card's spot will be better than Red Card. Played optimally, it's RNG at best, and the mathemetically best outcome (using it when their hand size is big) is paradoxically the most rewarding situation for the opponent to get Red Carded.

>It's not a fictional scenario you straw manning condescending piece of shit. I'm literally describing an actual game I fucking played.
Well, then you lost the game because you played Meowth, put an energy on Meowth, and completely bricked on all of your draws. Red Card has nothing to do with it.

>Despite the fact that the ACTUAL TCG has proven that cards like
This may come as a surprise to you, but Pocket is not the TCG. It does not have Energy cards, and it has a 20 card deck. At any given point, no matter when you are Red Carded, you will still have a ~4/7 chance of drawing into what your opponent doesn't want you to have anyway.
If you wanna go for stage 2 pokemon then something like 2x venu line and 2x lilly line is most consistent. With only 20 cards in deck less pokemons means more consistency. My best decks run 2 lines of stage 1 pokemons or just 2-3x basic and 2x stage 1 line.
Nah it also is effective if the opponent gets first turn screwed and has to choose between evolving and attacking, if they attack you can red card, same with if they have lots of cards in hand and you don’t wanna get Sabrina’d.

Maybe it’s value goes down in high level play against perfect decks, but there’s so few cards now anyways it’s a decent option for 1 card.
I haven't spent ANY of these goddamned clocks waiting for charmeleon, I have 2 CharEX 1 is even golden. 1 Charmeleon was already from wonderpick. No one is opening zards in my friendlist. I've just open Char packs. When I noticed I already have all the egg cards, starmies and greninjas. I just want the meleon.
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>2 Weezing decks in top 4
>Any deck that you try to build will live or die based on the EXes you have available
Is that a fact?
Yeah, I actually see what I changed in that deck, I was running 2 Caterpie, with one Butterfree and metapod, one would draw cards until it died, the other would evolve to get butterfree healing, that seemed pretty good.

Half of me thinks you might be making a point, the other half thinks you’re salty because you got red carded so much.
>Half of me thinks you might be making a point, the other half thinks you’re salty because you got red carded so much.
I have literally never been Red Carded and been sad about it. I am making a good point. People are just up their own ass about the netdecks that run a 1 of Red Card for some reason. It's only good on turn 1 or turn 2 if they draw the nuts, anything past that and it just helps the opponent if you play it, and it still helps them if it's turn 1 or turn 2 and they don't have the nuts.
just played against this deck recently
they conceded 5 turns in when all they did was evolve a single weezing and poisoned my lapras
I just switched it to my second lapras
nice deck
if our thick boi had just 10 more hp he'd be so good
equip cards when?
it's basically another coin toss
card advantage means very little in this game unlike many other TCGs which I think some struggle to understand
I sure love how you can get insta killed by the Lapras expert battle 10 times in a row, and then win in 4 turns just because you get lucky. Good game.
i don't have any muks, but that variation looks fun. just wonder if the added evos will make it more likely to brick, especially with everyone running mega aggro decks.
No, my mistake. I use 1 surge as the 20th and not the second Sabrina, I brainfarted. I only run one of him, Sabrina, and Giovani cause they brick my hand not just in pairs, but with each other otherwise. Can't sub out Giovani though, cause 100 damage for Pikachu and 150 for raichu are thresholds that are too important and steal games.

The strength of the deck is definitely switching freely and cheaply
Playing the game. Faggot
See you tomorrow.
I wonder how many people who didn't reroll and started off poorly, are happy with their choice of not rerolling.
do the non-expert lapras events also not penalize you for losing? or is that only expert? finished all challenges for expert but now need to clean up a few of the remainders and i feel like rng might fuck me up
garbage take, turn 1 or 2 red cards are never the play unless your hand fucking blows and you need to pray for a miracle to stall for time, they have the same exact odds of having a good hand after the red card if you hit them early + they haven't gone through their professors researches and poke balls yet
you want to do it when you actually have information on what you think their hand is, if their hand is a bunch of stage 2 bricks and they just played their stage 1, you think they're setting up another sabrina/cuck erikas, and those have much more value the later in the game and the more info you have and the bigger their hand is
coin flipping red card turn 1 is the same shit as misty
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>paypigged for about 60 bucks now
>keep pulling good shit
>got good decks for every color (type)?
>beat solo
>ready for competitive
>motivation dies out now I have to interact with the masses.
This is your life on plastic
I see, still if I were you I'd run 2 surges. I haven't used that exact variation of the deck but when I used similar ones, I'd rely heavily on Raichu to get some surprise kills, which makes 2 Surges mandatory imho
You people should just friendly to prove why RC is good/bad.

Spectator mode when?
>spending money for literally no benefit in pvp
go roll around in the mud for a bit, you'll feel better
You don't lose your energy if you lose. So if you got a full bar you can win 5 times before you have to use HGs.
That's like what? A burger?
Just trade your pack points
If you think of butterfree as potions every turn you could probably drop more support items and maybe liligant
for some reason i thought you lost energy if you lost in the earlier stages. no sweat though, good to know. haven't used a single HG for this event and dont think i will to get 100% in all categories which is nice
You're missing the point of the first post, my dude.
>doesn't bother trying the deck
>wants other people to just give them their experiences so he can skip to the finalized product

I'll say it again, redditor.

Try the deck for yourself.

Throw whatever shit you want into the deck and find out what works.

Try thinking for once.

What felt good and what didn't?

What slowed you down? Are there any alternatives that are faster/cheaper/stronger?

What are the trade-offs?

Figure this shit out instead of asking for strangers to spoonfeed you.

Holy shit, how do you even enjoy the game if you don't want to play it?

Are you honestly telling me that pro-players never try their own shit out and just wait for a bunch of nerds on /vp/ to theorycraft for them, Mr. "Professional TCG Cicle"?

There, I even put breaks in between each sentence to help with your reading comprehension.
Pro Red Card faction, when is the best moment to use it? Aside from when opponent has an incredibly high amount of cards that's obviously the best use case
Actually, I just thought of another possible scenario where Red Card is good. If they Koga their mon and its sitting in their hand still, that's another possibly good Red Card.

>garbage take, turn 1 or 2 red cards are never the play
Turn 1 or Turn 2 Red Cards are the only time that it's worth playing. You'll see the truth some day. Turn 1 or Turn 2, after they Oak, when they are still setting up their board and have the nuts, that's a good Red Card. Anything past that, and the deck size starts becoming too small. If they have a big hand, it's all bricks and you shouldn't play the Red Card, which seems counter intuitive, but it's the truth. If their hand is small and you know they have whatever card you don't want them to have, then if you Red Card them they probably have a >50% of drawing the card you don't want them to have, even if they didn't have it originally.

>you want to do it when you actually have information on what you think their hand is
Playing Scope + Red Card is a retard move. Other than this, you will never have information on the opponent's hand. If they have it, they will play it. There is no cost to playing cards in this game, you just play them when you have them. If they had it, they would play it. That's why your Red Card needs to be turn 1 or turn 2, because they can't evolve yet... but you also need to hope that 1) they had it, and 2) they don't redraw it.

Red Card is kinda like that logic problem where there are 3 doors. You pick one, and then after you choose, you are given the option to pick a new door and that will be your final answer. You should always pick a new door, because you're making a 65/35 decision (because you already picked a door) instead of a 33/33/33 decision. This is basically the opportunity that you are giving your opponent when you play a Red Card.
>Be at 4/5 stamina
>Nothing good
>Be at 0
>Stuff like this appears
This is rigged, bros.
I didn't bother rerolling, and just highrolled 2 mewtwos afterwards
there's crafting anyways and wonder picks are basically extra chances at the rares you want, the game is pretty generous, especially if you go in just wanting to open packs
I got this purely as a pack opener in the beginning, but the game reminds me a lot of duel links so i'm having fun dueling, making meme decks is a lot easier in pocket too
>going second against mewtwo deck with arbok/weezing deck
>get weezing on my second turn and even with him getting full gard evo his third turn he's forced to concede
shit is so hilarious, enjoy this thanks you korean whaler
Gen 2 is the gen that introduced Dark and Steel, they're probably releasing TTar and Steelix/Skarmory ex to shill those colors
>Pro Red Card faction, when is the best moment to use it?
The only good time to use Red Card is turn 1 or turn 2, assuming they have the nuts, and that they don't redraw the nuts. Anything past that is a bad use of Red Card... except maybe to counter a Koga they just used, which is something that I just recently thought of.

>Aside from when opponent has an incredibly high amount of cards that's obviously the best use case
This is paradoxically the worst use case. If they have a million cards in their hand, it is 100% all bricks. You have given them an Ancestral Recall in this case.
People run Red Card and then wonder why they win only half the time.
I forgot my image. Please don't make fun of me.
>You people should just friendly to prove why RC is good/bad.
I want the mewtwo and Charizard guys who say they never lose to battle.

Also I'm willing to battle anyone who thinks you need exs.
Horrible booster picks again today. At least I got Ralts off of WP.
Oh no Gastly stole the image
It's the hardest card in the game to play well. You need to know your opponents list and narrow down their hand contents based on actions they took.
>outplay opponent through opening rounds
>misty 4 heads and suddenly articuno can just run rampant
really great card ty
Red Card sucks (right now) because the best decks are just crushing on basic exs, and don't even need their supporters. Pikachu fucks up everything in this game, even counterplay cards.
That said, no one is gonna play fucking Pokedex.
As a M*stycunofag, I see no reason why you shouldn't turn1 Red Card me, specially if you go first.
There's decks that works fine without ex. Using steel right now is just being masochistic with no good mon and meta decks that weak to steel
>If they have a million cards in their hand, it is 100% all bricks
that's just a blindly inductivist statement
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>Opened a pack because I only needed 5 more pts to outright buy Nidoking
>Ended up getting this
Thank you, Based Arceus
>when is the best moment to use it?
You have to feel it in your bones. The Moment when rng is on your side, it exists, but it's quick, just a fraction of a second.
Once you get to fell it once, you will be able to replicate it, and from that point onwards The Moment will carry you forward.
During a game you will fell lost and confused but then The Moment will come, like drawn bow shooting an arrow, you will play red card instantaneously. Your opponent will draw the 3 most dogshit cards he possibly can. It will crush his spirit so hard he will concede on the spot
That is the best moment to use the red card
Friend code. Now.
Yeah, your opponent is really holding their Gardevoir or Kirilia in their hand for an extra 1-2 turns because there is definitely an advantage to doing that.

Pokemon Pocket has:
>no energy costs to play things
>no interacting with opponent on their turn
>no counter spells
>no trap cards
There's no reason to slow play anything. Your Kirilia can't get countered, you just play it as soon as you can.
Is Kabutops good? I'm about to spark him. 50 damage and heal for 1 energy sounds nuts
Forgot to mention, there's
>no energy either
so you can't even "stone rain" their hand
You hold on from playing exes if you don't wanna get Sabrina'd into something slow
>50 dmg evo
you plan on tickling me to death m8?
Blaine is doing just fine. It's all about the EX and supporters so when you have an EX with a supporter you get Mistycuno
more like he's got Charizard EX and X speed and Sabrina but needs to draw Charmander, which could happen next turn. It's not uncommon to have 2 support cards in wait for the right moment, especially Sabrina and Gio
Anyone tried running Vaporeon? He seems like he would be able to tank longer than Ex lapras could.
>stage 1 for less damage for the same energy
it sucks
>more like he's got Charizard EX and X speed and Sabrina but needs to draw Charmander
Bro, if you're trying to get Charizard EX online when you don't even have a Charmander by turn 2 or 3, whoever is playing Charizard already lost.

The examples you guys are giving for good uses cases of Red Card are just examples of very, very shitty draws where they lost anyway.
NTA but of the decks I play the only real cards I hold in hand that are Blaine, Erika, and Koga. Erika and Koga are whatever if they get red carded because I usually only hold them when I'm playing a stall deck and will just draw into them again. Blaine is the only time I've ever really felt punished by red card.
Alright, I've my Red Card rant is over for today. A card that "should" be good, but isn't. I've got other things to do.
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>I pulled 2 full art Blaines before any vulpixes
I literally just lost a game cuz I got red carded.
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>Enables your red card deck
Nothing personal kid
reminder not to give thanks to anyone running mewtwo, pika or misty/uno decks

that is all
>Facing an Omastar/Frosmoth deck with my Venusaur ex deck
First time I went "holy shit what do I do now" in this game. Managed to win because my opponent chocked and switched his Omastar for Frosmoth to put my Ivisaur to sleep and I was able to evolve it and use a Sabrina to finish the Omastar, but holy shit Omastar is scary when you have high retreat cost pokemon. I was also lucky to play the Liligant version, so it helped a lot.
What do you do in situations like pic related?
this card must upset a lot of people
Yeah when they attack 14 times in a row with it and flip tails every time.
>dies to Pikachu on the same turn
I hope discard eventually becomes a thing
Attack and win the game?
Yeah, very interesting, I’ll definitely try out red card more in a few of my decks now, I never thought it was that good but I guess I’ll test it out.
I've been running a Venusaur/Butterfree deck and got Red Carded after Caterpie had gotten all my evos in hand, which had me pretty blasted.
Unfortunately my opponent was also running a slower setup deck, and had a 3 retreat brick tanking in their active slot instead of something that could kill me before I redrew evos.
uhhhhhhhhhhh attack? and win? did you mean to post a different picture lel
>Need… con…tent…
I'm stuck at not beating expert decks and I've cleared the tasks on all other difficulties. I've cleared the promo events and basically the only thing I can do is free wonder trades or battle normies for no real reward.

so yeah, right there with you. need new/more stuff to do.
It heals for more. I'm not interested in it's ability to take things down but I'm looking for options that stall longer.
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For a second I thought that was me
Total Pikafag death btw
Red card is basically a coin flip,it can either win you the game or actually help your opponent since it can unbrick his hand.
Never would have considered. And the thanks vouchers? Redeem?
>I've been running a Venusaur/Butterfree deck and got Red Carded after Caterpie had gotten all my evos in hand, which had me pretty blasted.
Butterfree/Exeggcutor EX deck is pretty good. it's rough going against Mewtwo EX or Charizard EX cause you have a problem damaging enough but it's faster to get moving.
mistyniggers are worse than ratfags
what deck are you even on anyways, red card beyond coin flipping turn 1 has a lot more value in slower decks where you know their hand will fill up with potions and x speeds and supporters they don't have an opportunity to use, and you want to put them off those when you finally go for the big swing moments
>If they have a big hand, it's all bricks and you shouldn't play the Red Card, which seems counter intuitive, but it's the truth
especially if its a stage 2 deck, i hit them with a red card if they play their stage 1 after not having it for a while and force them to have to hard draw their stage 2 instead of it being one of the bricks in their hand, but ofc a lot of times you don't just randomly red card them if you think they're just waiting for a stage 2
Theres way more opportunities you can make an informed decision on good spots to red card past both coin flipping if they had a good hand and coin flipping if they brick a redraw
you've already lost long ago.
I didn't notice he does a discard. Does that card go to the graveyard or back to your hand? I feel like this card might be extremely underrated.
I think red card only hurts when you're using a deck with stage 2s
neither of you should be giving each other thanks

but desu i always send a like to opponents i beat, makes it even sweeter when they don't give one back
zamn nice
it won't show for you since it has 3 star and crown
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Graveyard. Having played a bit of Persian the only good thing I can say about it is that it evolves from Meowth. Half the time they just kill it or you just flip tails and the other half of the time it discards something and then they just empty their hand. Not enough control options to pair with it yet.
Sending a like after battle is literally a prisoners dilemma
This basically, any other use of red card is just coin flipping randomly
which does have its place to try to fuck them turn 1 if you need to pray anyways, but you should be able to deduce what cards they could have and what spots they would need it more
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wakies btfo
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How do you built a steel deck?
I really want to use it but melting ability seems retarded since you have to be in the active slot.
How are you supposed to tank?
If red card was a coin flip it’d be banned in vpnx meta, but it’s not.
No one plays metal. Not enough mon.
Red card debate is doesn't make sense to me coming from MTG or Yugioh, where card advantage is everything. If my opponent has 5 cards in hand, he has 5 chances at having the best card he needs, (ie: the card that makes me lose the game). If I red card him, he has 3 chances at that card. If I make him draw it, then that sucks but the math is correct.

For example in yugioh, if you had a card that shuffled your hand into the deck to add 1 card from your deck yo your hand, it would be a mandatory staple because the 1 card you need most in the situation is better than 2+ cards that are okay.

How often do you hit a situation where you say "if they have Sabrina/Giovani here then I lose." If I could reduce the chances at that card then I simply would
You wait until the Johto set and hope the Jasmine supporter is good.
I just ran into a guy running this with pincurchin. -_-
Once there are enough supporter cards that make red card not as valueable, red cards will stop being used.

right now they're used cause there's a lack of good supporter cards and red card is better than the deck viewing supporters.
don't play bisharps unless you build a metal agrro deck
if you want to charge up meltbro add some fatties to stall while you put energy on him, at best you're only getting amass like once then x speed and withdraw him to put the rest
Only Meltan’s move one time unless you’re sure your opponent can’t evolve kill you, run potions and heal once evolved, and then just tank for 1 turn with melmetal and he’s online. Run a Ducklett in here with 2 Misty’s to fuck up fire decks also.
Playing other card games has taught me consistent large scale hand interaction is absolutely unfun and shouldn't be allowed. Coin flip random discards are totally fine, but if you had an EX pokemon that could just discard opponent's cards without like discarding multiple energy or something would ruin the game
>If my opponent has 5 cards in hand, he has 5 chances at having the best card he needs
the anti red card faggot doesn't get it because he somehow doesn't understand game state evolution
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Another day of opening Mewtwo packs, another day of no Ex Gengar bf
Want to help me test a deck?
Anyone want to do a battle?
>if they have Sabrina/Giovani here then I lose." If I could reduce the chances at that card then I simply would
those spots are basically what i use red card for and what i believe should be most used for
Oh totally it will fall out of use once better substitutes exist. But until then it is very strong.
right now as i see it the high damage decks are either Mewtwo/Gardevoir or Charizard/Moltres.

I see much more mewtwo/gardevoid than any other.
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I've been seeing more Ninetales and scorpionthing with Blaine than Charizard now.
Just fuck
it'll be tech card and niche use for specific decks instead of people tossing in red cards and randomly spamming it because they don't have better alternatives
Once stage 2 mons become meta Ted Card will have a resurgence
I don't wanna clown on people who are joining this game fresh without playing a lot of TCGs, I wanna help people who might not understand the value of some cards (assuming they are willing to learn).

That being said, playing this game I am finding that usually cards are powerful in pairs, as opposed one card combos like MTG or YGO (like Giovani/Sabrina and Xspeed to force a scenario your opponent wasn't ready for)
A lot more people are playing Blaine deck now. It's reliant on supporter cards which is not good but it's able to put pressure much sooner than classical stall decks like Charizard and Mewtwo.
>I've been seeing more Ninetales and scorpionthing with Blaine than Charizard now.
moltres skorpanok or whatever it is is a good discount deck if you don't have charizard ex

I hear that arcanine is a good alternative too but I haven't seen the arcanine ex card to know what it does.

as for blaine deck:
Vulpix x2
Ninetales x2
Ponyta x2
Rapidash x2
Poke Ball x2
X Speed x2
Potion x2
Professor's Research x2
Blaine x2
Sabrina x2 -OR- Magmar x2

that's supposedly a good one.
>wonder pick
>got an eevee instead of the cuno ex
Chat do I shit myself
>Once stage 2 mons become meta Ted Card will have a resurgence
either that or the deck's get increased to 30 cards and you can justify having scope in your deck.
>oh you got 2 gardevoirs?
>not anymore.
>If my opponent has 5 cards in hand, he has 5 chances at having the best card he needs, (ie: the card that makes me lose the game). If I red card him, he has 3 chances at that card.
That math makes sense in MTG because cards cost mana. Here, you just lay the card down if you have it.
Is there really nothing else? I'd want one more retreatable meatshieldmon for when Ninetales and Rapidash don't want to show up.
Ouch! I considered that. Might give it a try.
Beastwars Chad's where we at? (Beasties friends are also welcome)
Timing matters but really it's a coin flip. They may redraw the card again or they may not even have had it in the first place and you just gave it to them.
Note that having RC instead of an extra Sabrina, Giovani or Xspeed could put in a situation of "I would have won if I had that card instead of RC"
>Is there really nothing else?
Blaine's effect is Magmar, Rapidash and Ninetales. but Magmar is mid from what I understand so that's why it's an optional. The basis of the deck is Rapidash and Ninetales though.
Boy, am I glad I went through the emblem event before all that Blaine and Surge business became popular. Scoring wins was easier on Articunofags who conceded the moment they got tails on Misty.
Yugioh has the same principal of just being able to play cards, and there reducing opponent's hand size is immensely powerful, cost has nothing to do with it.

Its like playing poker: 10 and face cards down on the board, and you have two pairs (Jacks over 10s) if your opponent has an Ace, you lose. If you could just randomly discard one of their cards , you've reduces the odds they complete the straight.
This analogy is absolute ass but Its hard to explain wince it just makes sense (until better cards come out, like other anons mentioned)
People generally don't have 5 cards in their hand often in this game, unless their hand is overclogged with supporters. Most of the time Red Card either increases the opponent's hand size, gives them a free magical mallet, or gives them a free magical mallet while reducing their hand size by one (at the cost of reducing your own hand size by one).

I think this is the main issue if you look at the math of RC. In PTCGP, outside of turns 1 and 2, you will typically play cards as you see them. The meta revolves around fast tempo and you rarely need to hold onto a Sabrina or something to win you the game. This combined with the small size of the deck means in most cases RC is bad because you let your opponent "see" more cards.
You're comparing drawing 3 in a 40-60 card deckto drawing 3 in a <20 card deck.
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in b4 >reddit
we're using red card until there's something better than red card to use. simple as.
Anti Red Card fag here. I'm not that person and I didn't even know there was a Reddit post about it.
>you rarely need to hold onto a Sabrina or something to win you the game
nigga what are you just shotgunning your sabrinas as soon as you draw them
I just dont use anything that has the potential to help my opponent.
more blur I can still see the picture
Magmar is very mid because it lacks HP, it has a 2 retreat cost, and it needs 2 energy and you can't power up your bench while Ninetales is in use so there's little synergy between them.
If you play Mew instead of Meowth as the last Basic mon of a Mewtwo deck, I can also see there being possible value in a singleton Red Card.
If you're in a position where you can win with a Sabrina in your first few turns you've already out-tempoed enough to where you wouldn't need the Sabrina in the first place.

Sabrina is for when you're losing and when you need to stall and end-game when you would have drawn it anyway.
funny enough this guy correctly argues against bad early red cards but can't think of good spots to red card people other than evos
>If my opponent has 5 cards in hand
This is your fallacy. Red Card is ONLY pure advantage in situations where your opponent has 5 cards in hand. If your opponent has 3 or less, you're the one with less chances of getting the cards your need because you have a useless Red Card polluting your card pool.
What would you play in place of Red card if you already filled your supports and basics spots?
Who is worth buying more from the shop, Sabrina or Gardevoir? I'm building the Mewtwo deck and instead of rolling a single Gardevoir I somehow got 3 ex Mewtwos instead. I just want a deck to play with already fr
Obviously when better cards come out things will change, but you're supposed to NOT play red card often. Hope that helps.
>What would you play in place of Red card if you already filled your supports and basics spots?

if I have a grass deck, Erika.
sabrina is more useful across decks, gardevoir is good if you just want a deck rn
sabrina is also more common, you can always roll her later or wonder pick for cheap, id say gard
If you have literally nothing else to add besides a Red Card, try out Pokedex. It makes late game Pokeballs good, and it can smooth out your early game draws. Not really good on its own, but Red Card is a coinflip (in the opponent's favor) that can win or lose you the game, and you don't know which one it is.
Get Gardvoir. The deck functions without Sabrina. Not amazingly, but it does function.
Do you have any decks besides Mewtwo? Sabrina is nice in every deck, whereas Gardevoir is only really for the Mewtwo deck. Any other use of Gardevoir is suboptimal. You don't need *Sabrina*, but it's a more universal card.
Well I can't argue with that.
Like the others said though, I don't have anything better to run that won't brick me.

I'll experiment with 1 hand scope for now
>bottom decked koga
>weezing just plopped in active for way too long
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Any comfy pocket streamers?
So the ONLY good scenario for Red Card is to stall a Stage 1 evolution (Charmeleon, Kirlia) on the opponent's 2nd or 3rd turn.
Post a burner email and I bind my save data to a Nintendo Account of your choosing.
Please reconsider your life choices before it's too late.
>I'll experiment with 1 hand scope for now
Scope by itself? With no Red Card? Like, instead of Red Card? What would that even do for you?

Try Pokedex. It's really good with Pokeball.
>Try Pokedex. It's really good with Pokeball.
nta but my best deck has two starters. charmander and moltres. i know exactly where all 4 of them are lol. pokedex is useless.
That has been my experience and what I have been saying since day 1. Funny thing is that you can't ask Red Card users for advice because they don't know the outcome, you have to ask someone that has been hit by it and I have been hit more times than I can count. If I have my evos in hand turn 1 and don't draw them that sets me back at least one turn. If I don't have them it can help me but if it's not used in the first 2 turns it's more likely to help than disrupt.
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Put a lucky Slowpoke in your deck instead of red card.
Pokedex and Scope are incredibly bad, like I expect that from a game launch since you need to start from somewhere, but running them to success is more about making do with a broken shard of glass than saying they're great weapons
if you are so hellbent on running red card, then just do 1x scope and 1x red card.

if you somehow manage to get both of those, it can win your game. it's still pretty damn pointless.

if you just get scope, you can look at their cards and decide whether or not you want to concede which is helpful :^)
the idea was good but getting it as my opening basic sounds bad, but maybe the luck factor it generates cancels that
That's already 12 universally good cards.
The theory of Meowth+Persian+Red Card only carries you so much because at the end of the day card advantage isn't tied to energy tempo. You will get 1 energy no matter what you try to do and disrupt. This is tied to a low damage ceiling. VS stuff like Egg it doesn't do much in theory. VS some high stage pokemon it is potentially game ONLY if it comes live in turn 2. There's also the fact that for some goddamned reason persian is a rare drop.
ive seen someone do it, the idea is you use pokedex and pokeball as your brainstorm + fetchland, not a bad idea i kinda wanna try it in my decks too
Pokeball Pokedex can absolutely help you find your Charmeleon.
Why did they make Rhyhorn so had? 3 fucking energies for a basic attack?
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Seems like it always was
pokeball also shuffles, so you can pokedex to see your upcoming draws, and then pokeball if you don't see any of your charmeleon or charizard, to potentially get them sooner
T1 Red Card is always strong
40 damage just isn't enough and even at full HP Persian caps out at 90, which is an abysmal breakpoint. And you're not even guaranteed a discard.
I've been play testing Persian in all of my decks and I've come to the conclusion it's an astoundingly mediocre card. Maybe the mini set will give us a good Persian but the one we have now isn't it.
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Hoping Umbreon is an awesome Weezing partner. He's sure to be in the next expansion.
Not according to reddit
Red card is good for one simple reason, it puts cards back in the deck. The only cards that help you draw cards that aren't pokemon stacks are oak and pokeballs. If those have been played and your opponent didn't use the cards drawn and is holding on to them you should absolutely red card because that means he's wasted a turn at least
What does it do

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