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Is Hex Maniac one of the greatest characters to come out of Pokemon?
She isn't even a character
How so?
this pokefags are dleusion calling humans "characters" they are the most bland and boring humans from any media
Hex is only famous for off model art and is only popular in degenerate porn addicted communities
And this is a bad thing because?
Her design is cooler than most Pokemon and she has an endearing personality.
Hex maniac and her canonically massive breasts
she is, now. the gacha capitalized on her potential gambling addicts and added her
This. She has big milkers.
Hex Maniac refers to multiple trainers in that class
If you want to talk about one Hex Maniac in particular you need to be specific
Yes. She is pretty, smart, an optimist, and very vibrant for someone who prefer the dead.
She is one of the favorite characters for a reason.
Finally someone admits it.
Why is the Pokemon fandom so blind to it?
>Hex maniac and her [HEADCANON]
Her tits are not that big and you know it, if you think otherwise you are just coping
She is now
That's Helena, a single Hex maniac out of dozens if not hundreds of them
She is however the most fleshed out out of all of them
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And that's exactly why she'll never be ruined. She's a perfect Pokemon waifu. If I didn't already have a waifu that's perfect for the exact same reason I'd waifu her instead. Good thing due to her being a literal class I CAN DO BOTH.
There's several other characters that are charismatic like that but get ruined by their design. Hexo has a very great design with non-retarded hair and non-retarded clothes.
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No other character can compare
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Recent events have proven you wrong
Hex will win!
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>Only popular because of off-model non-canon fan art and porn addicted trannies projecting their lactation fetish onto her
>"greatest character"
Kek no
>NPC class trainer glorified by off-model and porn
What does she have in mind?
She fucks shotas, gets fucked by Hypnos Machamps and horses daily.
Was this a fucking stealth tournament thread?
But enough about Misty
It's the queen of /v/
Proof? I gotta see it.
It's still going, just check for yourself
Goddamn /v/ is retarded…
There. Voted for best girl. And other randos, but mainly because they were mandatory.

And water is wet, and fire is hot.
take this tourney shit back to /v/ retard
Hex is sex
She won
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you DID watch hex maniacs anime right?
Thank for voting Palutena
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based Mayfag
Your contributions have been very amusing
The only good contributions Pokefags have done
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get the fuck out of here crossboarding shitstains >>>/v/
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its funny that people act like these are separate boards.
We are one and the same.
That's why Hex is the best Pokemon pick
Fuck off /v/, everyone hates her now thanks to your faggotry.
She won't because you jinxed her
Good, allow the faggots to be filtered out.
>Arceus got 3-ruled for two humans and gardevoir
i don't know if i'll ever stop being mad about this. the last time i was this mad was when they didn't put mr. mind in shazam 2 and i'm still not over that.
Round gal
>Only popular because of off-model coomer art
Kek, do Hexfags really? Name a more dishonest """fanbase""" than hers
Lana's mom?
Female MCs?
>People are bragging that Pokefags finally got a winner in Hex Maniac
This fucking sucks man. We didn't want this.
>decently sized breasts
>always smiling
>dresses modestly
>hides erotic legs underneath her dress
>smells like lavender (town)
sex maniac
Only the first two get drawn absurdly off-model in 99% of their fanart.
hex isn't the worst pokemon winner we could have. i'm still voting for her, and i wouldn't complain if she was the only "dude porn lmao" character out of the three. but she's not.
>hex isn't the worst pokemon winner we could have.
It's pretty fucking bad. They don't care about the NPC, they just like the artist.
I'm voting against Hex specifically for this reason
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oh, you're one of those retards
None of them are forced dead memes like Hex, and the closest one to it is Lana's mom.
That's not retarded, people have admitted straight up they're voting for the artist.
Could you tournament retards leave?
Every time I see this thumbnail in the catalog it looks like she's got a ball gag in.
Hexfags are faggots though
What a retarded statement to make on behalf of all of us. I don't care if /v/ loves her, that's not going to make me love her any less.
>that's not going to make me love her any less.
Is Hex Maniac. I'm 100% sure people know her OUTSIDE of Pokémon.
Somebody go tell the mods that the keep tournament talk in the tournaments promise/rule is being broken and get these gay tourneys banned already
Which Hex is your favorite?
Afraid best girl beats your waifu? Is alright anon, not everyone can be number 1, but plenty to share in number 2.
>Best girl
>Is not even a real established character, just a npc class
Do Hexfags really?
>Afraid best girl beats your waifu?
I don't give a shit who wins you're tranny contest I just want you troons to stop shitting up the place
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Hello fellow /co/mrade
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>Here comes the faggots spamming lewds
Every single threads, why are /vp/tards so afraid of posting their filth on the red boards where it actually belongs?
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Sexy Hexy.
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Why was this deleted? None of the naughty bits are showing, there's no implied sex, it's not cropped porn, none of that. What rule does it break?
How does something like that even happen?
False Swipe. Girl won't notice a fast cut.
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VERY large Hex. I mean image size of course.
Whoa! big
for you.
I want Hex cookies. I bet they work better than Lava Cookies.
More like Shota Maniac. She lures shotas.away...
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she captures shotas and turns them into boy hexes
Cuter than the female version
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I don't need to.
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Hex is in Queen /v/!
Pass is Tails Gets Trolled
ebin falseflag
i expect to see this in the tournament thread within 5 minutes
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Please milk your Hex responsibly. Don't be too rough.
Must be hard to be spooky when youre this big.
I dunno, she's got me scared stiff!
that's not hex
Yeah because liking Dawn for her big butt or May for her big tits or Cynthia for being a tall blonde woman is any better than liking Hex for her clothes, hair, and personality attached onto big butt and tits.
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The one in my mind, because I find the idea of liking a girl based on the writing of another man gay. Fictional women are closer to the concept of Galatea, closer to the pure, ideal principle of logos, when they have little going on personality wise.
I don't even know where this tournament is and I don't care. This is just another Hex thread to me, but this time with the attention of normies.
What personality does a generic NPC trainer class
Retard, if you were there you'd know we were pushing for Arceus, not human shit.
Her personality is being creepy and goth with a big smile on her face. That is enough. If you don't understand this you are not a man.
Oh yes, a literal horse with ZERO (0) defined personality whatsoever. That's so much better and less focused on how hard you coom, sure.
That's not a personality that's low functioning autism
>Oh yes, a literal horse with ZERO (0) defined personality whatsoever. That's so much better and less focused on how hard you coom, sure.
Not surprising that a Hexfag didn't play Legends: Arceus.
Why are you describing the Hexfags
I don't like Hex because of the milk thing, I like her because she smells awful.
She doesn't smell awful, she smells like a french lady.
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french rhymes with stench
stank good*
I did, and you're retarded. Imagine genuinely thinking Arceus has more personality than Hex Maniac.
She canonically eats shit, that's the 1 thing she has in her favor now.
>Dawn for her big butt or May for her big tits or Cynthia for being a tall blonde woman
I like them for their farts moron.
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>we've unironically devolved into arguing which poorly written 2D woman is the least 1D
God I love the 2020s.
I kneel to you. You went off the Platonic grid, that's all I want from my fellow waifuists.
What if she smells like spoiled milk?
Modern day Pygmalion. Based.

Idk what that smells like.
Lmao no Hex is shit and finished
You have to be retarded to think spooky goth girl is a personality. You probably only like her for off model porn.
>My post was deleted by mods? Better repost it
You retards never learn don't you
Dumb ESL poster.
Based. Fuck jannies
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Ah c'mon, just because she never babysat you when you were a shota doesn't mean you have to slander her by labeling her a shotacon.
The ESL isn't wrong
>dead meme lost
Eat shit, literally!
>You have to be retarded to think spooky goth girl is a personality
Many people believed it was a personality back in the 09s to 2010s, and I miss that era.
Yeah, you are. You missed the entire point of the statement that superficial personality traits are enough for men to fill in the gap. YWNBAM
TF fetishes are literally what Hexfags are into you tranny.
Best girl
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Only good girl
Best tranny.
See, she's aiming to take that shota for herself and steal his virginity with lots of steamy hot sex!
>goth girl is not a personality
Some women unfortunately think this and go on a path of pretending to be intelligent and opinionated (ie bitchy) instead of remaining hot, yes.
>Only popular because of off model coomer art
>Best girl
Kek no
Disgusting cow.
The amount of seethe in this thread now is honestly hilarious. Can't argue against Hex being a great waifu anymore once you realize we don't care about muh writing (which is gay in the first place) so you guys have to resort to saying random inane insults. Like water off a duck's back.
>we don't care about muh writing
yes we know you're retarded and have no taste that's why you like garbage like Hex
Very rude!
When will GF push for a Pokégirl dating VN? I want to have double battles with my girl.
Bad, anon, bad. No goth gf for you.
>I need other men to write how much dey wuv me to get a boner
Fag lmao.
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Oops, didn't mean to quote.
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Queen of off-model slop, name a more dishonest "fan"base than hers
>muh off-model
kill yourself autist
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