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I've started to like her quite a bit.
I always liked her. What changed your mind?
There was a thread about her a while ago, and it gave me a new appreciation for her. None of the gen 7 girls really appeal to me, but there's just something about Mina. She seems like she would be very nice to hang out with.
Why the fuck she doesn't have a Smeargle
Because it's not a Fairy-type.
Anything about Mina that you like?
I like her chill art girl vibe. I would love to hang out with her while she works on her latest masterpiece. Sure, the smell of paint might be a bit overpowering at first, but I'll get used to it. i might even end up finding it comforting.
Helping her out with her latest project would be pretty fun. The smell of paint would be the least of your concerns, but whether or not you'll be covered in many colors of paint. Mina is both chill and very eccentric in her passion. Maybe seeing you in paint might inspire her.
Very much so. I would just be glad to be in her company. Her presence would be very calming.

Do you think she paints in the nude sometimes?
She wouldn't even want to ask anything in return, even being with her is enough for Mina to be happy as she paints and make a nice sculpture.

I think she paints in the nude all the time. She finds it most natural, she would probably ask you to do the same but she won't force you to.
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That sounds very sweet.

Cute. Mina seems like she'd be a bit of a nudist. Art girls like her tend to be quite adventurous. I'd love to join her.
I feel like traveling around Alola with Mina would be a wonderful experience.

Casually nude yeah. How adventurous and bold do you think Mina is? If you were to join her, she might have a new canvas to use for her next masterpiece.
It would be so lovely. Traveling across the region with her, searching for all kinds of inspiration...

She seems like she'd be very chill when it comes to nudity. It's natural, after all. What exactly do you mean by "she might have a new canvas to use for her next masterpiece"?
With Alola as the base region, you and Mina would be sure to get a lot of inspiration. I always feel like hanging around with an artistic girl like Mina would further enhance your passion and inspiration.

She's chill but when it comes to nudity with a boy she really likes, she might have a faint of red across her cheeks. And it's pretty obvious, painting your cock so her mind would be filled with lots of dirty fantasies.
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This is a full dialogue bit but one has to have it by itself. If anyone wants more I'll grab from the game.

I get it, people rave about 5 and 7's ladies but the first ones I always think of are Shauntal and Mina. We don't all have to be supermodels.
That's pretty cute.
Thoughts on naked Mina?
Indeed! I might become motivated to improve my own art skills as well.

So cute. She would be very nervous, yet excited to be naked around someone she likes. I would love to nude model for her.
I think she should have paint on her body.
Oh, you draw? That's pretty nice! You can always imagine yourself as drawing some scenery around Alola, only for Mina to draw something else entirely that's captured her eye.

She would make it very known, all you have to do is make the first move. And be sure to stand still, although Mina would make it quite difficult in a lot of ways.
>Oh, you draw? That's pretty nice!
I do! Not very well, though…

Here's a picture I drew. I'm not too good at drawing humans…


I would love to sketch the beautiful scenery, although just like her, something else will capture my attention…

I might be a bit nervous, but I would definitely work up the courage to make the first move. She's very clearly into me, so I'll be a lot more confident. I'll make sure to stand as still as possible when I'm modeling for her, although like you said, she would definitely be very distracting.

(I'm out at the moment, so I unfortunately don't have any pics on me, sorry)
I find it cute. You'll get there, anon! If you keep practicing you'll grow! I believe in you, and so will Mina too!

It'll be very difficult once she has to come near you. For artistic purposes of course, you understand. Just stand perfectly still while Mina adjusts to her new paintbrush.
Thanks, anon. Those words mean a lot to me. I'll try my best. For Mina!

I'm not sure I'd be able to handle a beautiful naked girl like Mina coming so close to me. I'll try my best to model for her, but I hope I don't put her off if I get a bit "excited".
Precisely. Sometimes the plain, unassuming girls are the best. I tend to gravitate towards girls with simpler, cuter designs, as opposed to girls who are outwardly sexy.
She's very beautiful! She looks very huggable.
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Mina's been my favorite Pokemon girl since her design was first shown, I adore her
According to dialog in Masters she uses Shiinotic as the subject for a lot of her paintings, imagine your little home together being full of pictures of Shiinotic's soulless stare
That sounds weird, but in a charming way. It fits her perfectly.
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I agree but also if I was walking through a forest at night and this thing emerged from behind a tree I would either immediately try to kill it, or run away as fast as humanly possible
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>living on a houseboat with your slightly autistic painter gf/wife
>waking up with the gentle swaying of the waves and stroking her hair while she's still sleeping next to you
>catching the ferry to one of the other islands and carrying her art supplies while the two of you go on an hours-long nature hike/inspiration hunt
>going back to town at dusk and eating at a small cafe together with the orange sun setting
>then catching the ferry back home to do it all again the next day
Sounds like paradise to me.
Never making an account, fuck off pixiv
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she would most definitely use paint with the curves of her body (hips, midriff, etc.)
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my wife
I want to smoke unfathomable amounts of weed with her and let our addlepated minds drive our actions.
I've got a couple more in me.
Does Mina shave?
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>Tfw no Mina wife
That's pretty hot ngl
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painting in the foonglight
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>thread survived til I got home from work
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Sygna Suit Mina was such a pleasant surprise, it actually made me go back to Master Sex after dropping it a few weeks after launch
She looks really pretty in the outfit and it was nice to get to learn more about her, even if it was about how she almost died
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What underwear does Mina wear?
None, and she casually walks bottomless in front of you
So hot. Her butt must be nice and small, yet still squishy. Does she shave?
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Wrong, she wears cute pink panties, and she goes TOPLESS around the house, not bottomless
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Of course not. Girls like Mina typically dont.
she seems very cuddly
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She does shave though
You don't like in the bikini capital of the pokemon world and not shave, even she knows this
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>bikini capital
>wears jeans
yeah man, she's not shaving those legs every day. Or week. The pants aren't shorts for a reason. Also she has terminal brainfog. Like someone hotboxed her head.
Taking all remaining brainpower and pouring it into art above anything else is why she's my wife.
>when the paint's flying around, that's a good thing! it's fun getting covered in paint.
>I mean, sometimes I put paint on myself on purpose. helps to get me in the mood.
interesting wording
we don't pretend that Masters is remotely canon, right?
They make a lot of characters who are more reserved, like Mina, a lot chattier.
Because for a waifu gacha, talking to them just to get
probably isn't much fun. But still, breaking their character is a bit of a shame for fans of the character.
I mean it reads like a innuendo
Masters isn't canon at all. Even Bulbapedia uses a separate section for Masters versions of characters.
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Mina isn't especially reserved in the mainline games, though? Her dialog is about the same, she's a bit peppy and definitely on the eccentric side but nothing about any of her interactions paints her as a reserved or quiet person.

>"Oh! You're the one from the great composition! I just did a hundred sketches, so now I'm taking a break. I beat all the Trainers around here, too, so now I'm totally bored again... I wish there was someone to go all out against. That's it! <Player>! If you can beat all the Trainers around here, too, I'll give you a battle against me!"
huh. I didn't mean she was silent. But I wonder why I headcanon her as being quiet and reserved then? She just seems relaxed and a bit aloof.
It might be that you meet her late game, and after that, there's not a lot more to do with her?
I do prefer SM Mina over USUM Mina. I like her 'trial'. But, as a character, I like how you meet her and she's like, "Oh yeah. I was supposed to have something for you to do... eh, just take the Fairium Z, I'm too busy painting."
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I've been playing the games long enough that Wigglytuff and Granbull fit more with Smeargle than they do Klefki and Ribombee.
Because my brain still reads them as normal-types.
I think she'd love Smeargle.
From the AI art thread, all credits go to Machine.
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God dammit, beat me to it.
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I'm still half-convinced that they changed Ilima and Mina's type specialties halfway through development
If Mina was in gen 9 she's absolutely have a tera-fairy Smeargle as her ace
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>thick eyebrows
these are two of my three super secret character traits that I really find attractive. I don't think the third would really work with her current design.
I like the Mina that we got.
I don't know what stage of concept this is a snapshot of, but it looks like a lot of their original 'feel' for the character stuck through until the finished design.
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Here's Ilima.
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>tanned skin, thick eyebrows, glasses
>somewhat voluptuous, muscular build
Wonder how we got from that to this
Not that I'm complaining, I love her as she is
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>If Mina was in gen 9
Thank god she wasn't. Gamefreak has taken so much from me lately. I don't need them giving me my new favorite wife in Gen 7 just to give her an ugly art-style cameo in the garbage that is SV two gens later.
...but I get what you mean. design wise, they share a very similar color palette, that she could almost pass a very subtle smeargle gijinka.
I think the tanned skin comment means her skin isn't as pale as someone like Sophocles. The glasses look like they evolved into the paint streak across her face.
>half-white, half-asian, blonde hair
japanese people don't know how genes work, do they?
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oh. I don't know what that means.

she makes me want to get really good at cooking so that she can tote me around to take care of her. I worry she doesn't take care of herself.
She leaves for weeks on end, sometimes.
If she wants someone who is also an artist to make her meals, I can make sure she's stuffed every night.
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I love the paint streak.
her bangs keep getting into her eyes, and she's so focused on her art that she brushes it aside without realizing she has pain on her fingers.
She must tuck it behind her ears, which might even explain the second paint dot further back on her hair. I wonder if the designers intended that? Or If I'm reading into it?
But what of her painted tips? Did she lean over into her palette, or does she run her fingers through the ends of her hair when she's thinking?
Because she has paint in the back too.
I love her so much.
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the bottom center picture makes it seem like pokeballs are like in the manga, or is google translating the Japanese wrong?
It's like she has paint on her pokeballs so she has to wipe them off to actually see who's inside before sending them out.
>I don't know what [innuendo] means.
are you 12 or severely autistic?
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>I get it, people rave about 5 and 7's ladies
No they dont
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I think it's very based that they retconned a gen 7 character into gen 1.
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I don't know why they did it but it's kind of neat
Mina seems like she had a very eventful childhood, between apparently getting stranded in Kanto because she missed her boat and how in Masters she tells a story about how she almost drowned once and was saved by Tape Fini
It's a miracle this girl even made it to adulthood
>complete girlfailure who probably needs adult guidance even as an adult
she just like me fr
Pretty sure LGPE is some alternative timeline
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I can tell exactly where you stopped reading my post.
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what's a perfectly good Mina thread doing down here?
back to the top with ya
>be an artist
>love the artist girl
I'm a simple man
Literally who?
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this isn't Mina. Mina is right handed, and would know how to properly hold that palette.
actually, based on her palette design >>56930871
she might hold it the uncomfortable way...
she put the hole in the wrong place if she wants to hold it on her arm
Shaun pls
Such a lovely goofball
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at some point her parents gave up on wiping the paint off of her face
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Bro she's perfect, just wish she had more time to shine in game Alola tho.
I wrap my arms around her and take a deep breath. And she smells like...
the faintest vanilla bean, either deodorant or shampoo
the paint swatch isle of a hardware store
pencil shavings
summer sweat
orange tic-tacs

she paints a little Cutiefly on my cheek as her way of asking me to let her go so she can keep painting (or else she'll paint me).

I sit in the grass and watch her paint. I open the cooler that I brought and begin to build her a sandwich. She can't take care of herself, so I'll need to make her a sandwich. Without a kitchen this far in the wilderness, I'm left to assembling food rather than cooking. But she isn't picky.

I'll end up forgetting about the Cutiefly on my cheek, and won't understand the strange looks people give me when I return to the docks to restock on food and water, later that evening.
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one more bump before bed
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Love this autistic artist like you would not believe
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You fucks made me want to go back to playing this game again
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Even for her it's not really worth it
I got my Sygna Suit Mina back when she released, played for a few weeks for her but ultimately dropped it again, it's just not a very good game
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did anyone draw her cindrace alt?
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every girl I've dated has hated pants.
I think because women's fashion has really tight fitting pants. So as soon as they came home, pants came off.
On one hand, I'd advocate for buying looser fitting pants, but on the other hand, I enjoyed the view.
So hot.
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I'll borrow this from the Alolan Girls thread.
It'll be more appreciated here anyways.
Unfathomably based. Her body is so beautiful.
takes me back to Life Drawing classes in college.
Based. Mina would definitely do her fair share of nude modeling.
nah, she's a plein-air artist, not a studio model.
she probably just stips Mallow and forces her to pose.
True. Although I imagine she'd engage in a lot of casual nudity when she's at home, or she'd at least wear a lot less than she should.

>she probably just stips Mallow and forces her to pose.
Are 'Sea People' a real thing?
like aquatic gypsies or something?
or is it a pokemon thing? Googling only lead to barbarian/pirates of the late bronze age.
Cute small inkling tits.
Sauce me boss
she paints hearts in turf while her teammates tryhard
Aww, that's adorable. I love that, it's very in character for her.
nip artist who locks most of his stuff behind DMs
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Sea people refers to those that live in the house boats in Sun & Moon. They apparently built an underwater temple.
so it's just a Pokemon thing.
I know house-boats are a thing, so It didn't seem too farfetched if there were some Indonesian 'Sea People' that they were referencing or something.
Just curious, I guess.
Very cute.
mina woo-
I mean ink kid.
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Granbull enjoyers <3
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I hate how much AI there is on pixiv. Hard to find good art of her on there
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I mean, there's good AI art.
Very cute pic. I imagine she'd have a slight belly.
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what's my beautiful wife doing down here?
Surely I have more images to grace the veepee with.
(I always do)
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