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ITT: Kino Moments in Pokemon
SV would have so many kino moments if only the graphics didn't largely suck ass
You could say that for EVERY pokemon game
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When is anybody going to start the thread...
The terapagos fight was ruined by being about some stupid kid's self esteem issues instead of about discovering the secret of area zero and learning what terastallization really was.
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Is this the newest gamefreak cultist cope?
Getting molested by Carmine as a young boy...
>Looks worse than every non-pokemon games on the DS
>Makes fun of gamefreak games
>h-aha is totally a gamefreak cultist goys!!
Never seen a cringiest cope
BW and XY were the times the Pokemon games came the closest to looking like a typical game for their hardware
The proof is start playing games that aren't pokemon
>BW and XY were the times the Pokemon games came the closest to looking like a typical game
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ds era was so kino...
The fact pokeshill keep defending pokemon games despite looking worse than other non-pokemon games is honestly fucking grim
The DS and 3DS Pokemon games look fine when compared to Zelda and Mario games on the same consoles.
Holy kino.....
>insert the Volo and Giratina gif about to strike the player down
MUH GWAFICKS is gay as fuck, but they really do need to up their game. All their shit is unoptimized as FUCK and it's just ugly to boot. They need to stop remaking assets they already fucking have and put more effort into performance. Baked in detail looks better than play-doh.
Finally the thread started
And the stupid kid's self esteem issues story was ruined by having it dragged to area zero as an excuse to fight some dumb, ugly turtle.
>all that ugly 3d
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That's from a romhack though, which is not an official Pokemon moment...
maybe cause a game is more than just pretty graphics? none of those other GBA games have anywhere close to the scale and depth of Pokemon RSE for example, except maybe Minish Cap (which was also released two years later). the problem with the new games is they look bad AND they're unambitious compared to other games on the same system.
also subpar pixel graphics can still look clean with visual clarity and a consistent aesthetic style. while SV just looks a mess of assets and has no style.to speak of.
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Still gives me the creeps
>play Ruby
>Groudon awakens
>the dreadful music
>the sun burning everything
>feels scary as fuck

>play Sapphire
>Kyogre awakens
>it's just raining
This shit scared me ngl, and I was like 14
The disparity was hilarious, the shiny screen and OST really felt life-threatening. Glad I chose Ruby.
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>it's just raining
Bad argument. I can also say its just clear sun when Groudon awakens, instead of cloudy sun
The theme of Heavy rain(esp the Emerald version where its slowed down) is better
But taste is taste
I'm still doisappointed with Terapagos, the "Barely Hidden Bait of Area Zero"

What is the secret of Area Zero? Terapagos. No way! The Pokémon that I can see IN THE MENU.

Also. How did it made time travel? Who fucking knows.
It's not time travel you massive dumbass. How is it possible that there are people that still can't understand the fucking plot of a POKÉMON game?
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The fact that the vast majority of players probably missed this makes me sad. It's only visible for a few frames in the game (the gif is slowed down a lot)
I've always headcanoned that for this scene, Kyogre isn't pissed about Archie trying to command it. Rather it's pissed off because the command was "stop"
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>b-bdsp totally is'nt the best remake goys
>>it's just raining
And there is thunder
Yeah, that was epic
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Best moment of every gen:
Finding Mewtwo for the first time.
Shiny Gyarados at the Lake of Rage
Facing off against the box legendary in their respective locations.
Once again, Mewtwo.
Giratina's Distortion World
Ho-oh intro and battle. Sorry Lugia, you lost this hard.
Region being frozen over by Kyuurem
AZ battle after becoming champion.
Fighting Deoxys in space.
Possessed Lusamine. This will not be topped.
Green trying to turn you into her Pokemon.
Eternatus battle, part two.
Same as D/P/Pt
Tie between Volo Giratina and Arceus.
Fighting the opposing Koraidon/Miraidon, even if it's a scripted win
Riding Complete Zygarde and shooting down Enraged Yveltal before it destroys Lumiose City
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Based, the ZA one didn't happen yet though lmao
Someone post the fug edit
...is not one of them.
THIS is who resulted in the creation of Anything Goes?
>implying Minish Cap, Summon Night, Sword of Mana, and Dragonball Advanced Adventure aren't some of the best games on the GBA gameplaywise as well as graphically
Better bait than the original post.
>main game says it's time travel
>dlc says it's time travel
>imagination theorists abandoned their theory to alternate timelines which, despite being wrong based on the game, STILL requires time travel
How many times do you have to be told that it's time travel until you get it?
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Probably not for everyone but I truly enjoyed this
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>dlc says it's time tr-AAACK!
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I also loved this. Leon has a move on his Charizard specifically so he can use it against your starter in this battle
>How is it possible that there are people that still can't understand the fucking plot of a POKÉMON game?
Time travelfaggot DOES understand it xhe's just in denial butthurt
>"Finally the last battle! Red the last among the toughest trainers is the opponent! How will the challenger take on the wildly veteran who has prevailed through hundreds of battles? Victory is within sight! Go for it!"

I'm old but I'll always treasure that fight, it was the first time I got to use my in game team in that game
>despite being wrong based on the game, STILL requires time travel
>STILL requires time travel
Timelines don't just exist, dipshit. You need to TRAVEL back in TIME to change an event to a new one.
>Timelines don't just exist
You didn't play the games
>You need to TRAVEL back in TIME to change an event to a new one.
According to who?
>Not Planet-sized Complete Zygarde stopping the apocalypse for Za
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>hand sketched 2D cutscenes for a 3D game
I am a sucker for this
They should do this again in Z
>My dog died bullions must die
No, that's not how parallel timelines work.
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NTA but you're confusing parallel universes with timelines.
Universes just exist unto themselves but time is essentially predetermined. I mean, you're probably thinking something like every choice creates an alternate timeline right? But having a choice doesn't mean amother timeline spawned where you did the other option, you chose not to do it so it's still just one timeline.
To make a split you'd have to go back and convince yourself to do the other option and let those events branch off but then your original timeline wouldn't exist since you didn't do the option that led to you coming back.
Basically, alternate timelines are inherently paradoxical and not the sustainable kind. That's why some media has to make a rule that the original timeline exists like dragonball for instance.
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This !
Because of Dialga in the back there I'm just imagining Cyrus hearing this >>56928143
From Lucas and realising his plan was always doomed to fail.
>Universes just exist unto themselves but time is essentially predetermined.
Correct. Alternate timelines don't contradict this. The timelines crossing like we see in SV would be predetermined too. That's the paradoxical part. It's not something that changes because someone does something - it's just going at determined.
>I mean, you're probably thinking something like every choice creates an alternate timeline right?
No, that's what >>56927227 thinks is happening. And it's wrong, as you also said. So I don't get why you defend the other anon when you actually agree with me.
>To make a split you'd have to go back and convince yourself to do the other option and let those events branch off but then your original timeline wouldn't exist since you didn't do the option that led to you coming back.
All this isn't even relevant because (You) don't talk to your past self - you talk to the professor. And the MC doesn't consciously change anything - whatever they said just made the professor do what they did, which is exchange their book with yours. This event did not happen in the MCs timeline. But all of this was out of the MCs hands. They didn't decide to do anything specific. It's just "fate" doing its thing.
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>The timelines crossing like we see in SV would be predetermined too.
You're not getting it, there are no timelines to cross before you create one. The whole timeline theory relies on a timeline already existing, but it can't without someone changing it.
Get it?
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You're not the one changing it. You don't know when and why the timeline split.
There is absolutely no proof that alternate timelines don't exist.
It's amazing how the simplest time travel plots melt kids' brains so completely. It's like I fell into a warp back to PoA discussion.
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It's an example, anon.
It doesn't matter who does it, it always requires going back to change an event. If something was already there then it's an alternate universe wholly separate from any time travel/time lines.
That's how it works.

I should also add that we don't have an instance of alternate timelines in any piece of pokemon media that I know of, whether it's mainline or a spin off it's always one singular timeline.
>That's how it works.
That's what I thought.
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... The laws of physics and what the pokemon series has already done.

Let me ask you this though, where did this alternate timeline you think already exists come from?
>It doesn't matter who does it, it always requires going back to change an event.
Correct. Do you have any proof that this didn't happen?
>If something was already there then it's an alternate universe wholly separate from any time travel/time lines.
No, you're conflating alternate timelines and parallel universes. Two different things.
>I should also add that we don't have an instance of alternate timelines in any piece of pokemon media that I know of
The mega timeline, you dumbass.

You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
>The mega timeline, you dumbass.
Anon, that's a universe, not a timeline.
>And about the existence of another world, which we have long observed to be just like this one and yet not the same... That's right. A Hoenn region that's almost exactly like this one we live in. Filled with Pokémon and people like us. A world where maybe the evolution of Pokémon took a slightly different path, where Mega Evolution is unknown... A world where that war 3,000 years ago...never happened. A world where the ultimate weapon was never even built.
You really didn't pay attention to any of these games, did you.
You're arguing with someone who gets his information from reddit and bulbapedia.
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>tfw you will never be molested by Carmine as a young boy
It was revealed to me in a dream
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Silence, everyone.
Listen carefully.
>Do you have any proof that this didn't happen?
Are you retarded? You're supposed to be providing evidence that it DID happen.
And imagine saying this
>you're conflating alternate timelines and parallel universes.
And then proceeding to confuse the mega universe for a timeline.
You shot yourself in the foot, dumbass.
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I liked the games more when it could had been the machine making the Professors theories into reality. The only good thing the game have narrative wise is the entire Avery arc
yeah it was cool
Deoxys one in ORAS was great if you didn’t know about it beforehand.
>Space scene with Rayquaza happens
>Remember thinking during the first part about the BS school rumours as a kid in the mid 2000s about catching Deoxys in space and thinking it would have been cool if GF did that instead of Birth Island
>Meteor in ORAS breaks and reveals the triangle before it does the Birth Island pattern
As shit as GF is and has been, this one did put that stupid smile on my face.
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Was it kino?
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How do the pokeballs float
With the power of Magic
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>You need to TRAVEL back in TIME to change an event to a new one.
But if the event you change prevents current events from happening then all the people in that version of the future that no longer exists should disappear
Taking the professor's book should turn you and all your friends into the PMD2 protag
nice fanfic
>You can't even go to the distortion world!!
You can't?
>A world where maybe the evolution of Pokémon took a slightly different path
That's clearly an alternate timeline you retard
UBs are from parallel universes which is why they are completely different from Pokémon
Aren't UBs just aliens?
They're alternate universe pokemon.
nice fanfic
UBs are just route 2 shitmons from other dimensions
Dude, just because it says "took a different path" doesn't mean it's an alternate timeline.
Pokemon evolution took a different path in the Ultra Ruins and you can find Guzzlord there as a native and we know that's an alternate universe because that's what's established in the main story.
You're mixing up the idea of alternate timelines and alternate universes without realising that both have their own rules.
Which rules? The ones you made the fuck up?
Guzzlord down my cum, fag
>Kyogre isn't pissed about Archie trying to command it. Rather it's pissed off because the command was "stop"
Guzzlord is great. Pikachu fags need not reply.
At this point you're just admitting to headcanoning everything because you don't like the answers.
No, you're headcanoning because you just make up your own fucking rules that the games don't even support. The games have proven multilple times that other timelines are a thing.
>The theme of Heavy rain(esp the Emerald version where its slowed down) is better
Eh, I'm going to have to say no. Drought sounds more oppressive than Heavy Rainfall does
>has bever been near a hurricane
>The games have proven multilple times that other timelines are a thing.
That's the thing, they haven't.
We haven't seen a alternate timeline at all, all we have are alternate universes. Not to mention every time someone goes back in time there's seemingly no change to the future.
Yes anon because hurricanes have fucking music.
If you really believe your own shit then explain the difference between alternate timelines and alternate universes.
Oh I thought you meant the rain itself
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>every time someone goes back in time there's seemingly no change to the future.
That's EXACTLY why it's MULTIPLE timelines you dumb fuck. If it was a singular timeline then things would change, but since you can interact with individuals from the past and it doesn't change anything in the present or past it's PROOF that it's multiple timelines interacting.
Alternate timelines share an origin point, alternate universes do not. That's why Koraidon and Miraidon share DNA with Cyclizar and UBs don't share anything with existing Pokémon.
>That's EXACTLY why it's MULTIPLE timelines
Anon, that means it isn't.
That means that those events were always supposed to happen to cause the timeline to get to where it is.
>Alternate timelines share an origin point, alternate universes do not
Okay, and how did you come to that conclusion.
No. Predetermination doesn't exclude the existence of multiple timelines.
The fact that the professor gave (You) their Violet or Scarlet Book means that it's gone from their timeline. We know this didn't happen in our timeline because the professor still owned that book. It has to be multiple timelines, otherwise these events are both impossible.
I literally explained that in the next sentence anon. Alternate timelines are "close" to each other and are really similar, while parallel universes are entirely different worlds. That's why Paradoxes look so similar to existing Pokémon whole UBs look nothing like the Pokémon we know. Also compare how different the people of Ultra Megalopolis are vs how Sada/Turo are almost exactly the same, except their progress in research has been slower.
>That's EXACTLY why it's MULTIPLE timelines you dumb fuck. If it was a singular timeline then things would change
So what you're saying is that we've never seen an alternate timeline then.
why are you lying?
>Predetermination doesn't exclude the existence of multiple timelines.
Yes, yes it does.
If everything is predetermined you can't make a change.
>We know this didn't happen in our timeline
The problem is that we know it did happen in our timeline due to the existence of the final journal entry.
>I literally explained that in the next sentence anon
You might think you did but you didn't. Sharing DNA doesn't mean anything to either one since a human from another universe would still have the DNA of a human for instance.
You're not actually talking about the idea of alternate timelines and universes and the differences between them you're just going on about irrelevant information while also not understanding what you're even saying for example
>Also compare how different the people of Ultra Megalopolis
The people of the Ultra Megalopolis are just humans who adapted to a world without light. The only physical difference is their skin.
We've seen someone FROM another timeline.
>The problem is that we know it did happen in our timeline due to the existence of the final journal entry.
No. The journal entry describes another (obviously extremely similar) event, the professor of our timeline did not meet the MC. They met another child. It cannot be the same event because the professor the MC meets trades their book away. This did not happen in the MCs timeline, the professor kept their book. Whoever gave them the white book was not the player.
Why do so many people have trouble understanding this simple logic?
>since a human from another universe would still have the DNA of a human for instance.
>The people of the Ultra Megalopolis are just humans who adapted to a world without light.
And how did the humans get there?
>Why do so many people have trouble understanding this simple logic?
Because your "logic" is nothing more than the rejection of the game itself proposing an idea that doesn't work with what we know.
It's literally exactly what the game shows you. It shows you that the professor who died still had their book, while the professor you meet at the lake gave it away. It's literally that simple.
Plus, the professor themselves mentions other timelines, both regarding their research and their own origin. Why do you ignore what the game shows you?
>And how did the humans get there?
Evolution? The same way humans got anywhere?
You know the idea of alternate universes allows for infinite possibilities, right?
>It's literally exactly what the game shows you
The problem is that the game only ever delves into travel into the past and future of a single timeline, multiple timelines are never actually explored with it only being mentioned in passing once by the professor and seeing the paradox cyclizar dashed that idea with them.
Not to mention, you don't seem to understand that a timeline doesn't just change at random on its own.
Okay, so it's pure coincidence that that universe also evolved humans, yeah?
In alternate timelines, it's not pure coincidence, it's because they share an origin point, but diverged into different timelines at some point for unknown reasons. All timelines are contained in their own universe, they are basically alterations of the same universe. Again, that's why Paradox Pokémon are pretty similar to normal Pokémon, but different enough to not be able to breed. UBs are far more different from normal Pokémon because they come from a different universe altogether, not just a different timeline from the same universe.
>Why do so many people have trouble understanding this simple logic?
Because you're saying things happened the exact same way but ended differently. That's the exact opposite of logic.
>The problem is that the game only ever delves into travel into the past and future of a single timeline
Only on the English localisation, the original Japanese text is ambiguous and doesn't specify that it's a singular timeline.
>you don't seem to understand that a timeline doesn't just change at random on its own.
How many times do I have to tell you? Everything is predetermined. It doesn't change, it's all going as determined, including multiple timelines intersecting. And that is necessary for those timelines to continue going as they are supposed to go. Nothing changes, especially not at random. I never claimed it did.
>In alternate timelines, it's not pure coincidence
>but diverged into different timelines at some point for unknown reasons
This is literally what everyone is trying to tell you but you just refuse to accept that they can't diverge at random. There needs to be an event that causes them to diverge.
It's like you understand but don't want to at the same time.
There has never been a good DB game and there never will be.
And no, Raging Blast was bad too.
No they didn't "end" differently, there is no end. There's multiple timelines and they all keep flowing constantly, nothing begins or ends. They just intersect at certain points.
Post something better.
What makes them diverge? I don't know what does. Do you? Did the game show you?
>Only on the English localisation, the original Japanese text is ambiguous and doesn't specify that it's a singular timeline.
That's completely irrelevant. Whether or not it was ambiguous we only see the events of a single timeline and characters from one timeline, there's nothing in game suggesting alternate timelines exist.
That said its not ambiguous, both professors just say space time and not timeline in the Japanese version while everything else about the past and future is consistent, especially the origins of the paradox pokemon and again the professor seeing the paradox cyclizar is a big factor being the reason they focused entirely on the past and future.
If it was just a series of infinite timelines regressing on each other that wouldn't work since you wouldn't have an inciting incident.
The issue here seems to be that you don't understand that "infinite" doesn't always mean the same thing.
An infinite regression starts with a single event and goes on forever, like a question where someone just continues to say "and then what happens". It's definite by it's start or end point and going on forever from that point.
An infinite loop is truly infinite with no beginning or end.

This isn't a hard concept to understand so I don't see why you're having so much difficulty with it.
>I don't know what does
Look at yourself. You're just admitting that you have no evidence of alternate timelines.
>Nothing changes, especially not at random. I never claimed it did.
>It shows you that the professor who died still had their book, while the professor you meet at the lake gave it away. It's literally that simple.
That's you claiming it changed at random
It's not a loop though. It's literally impossible for it to be a loop, simple as.
Answer the question. I know that timelines diverge, the game shows us this. What the games doesn't show us is how they diverge - because it's irrelevant. I don't think why you think it is relevant.
Really? You still don't get it? It doesn't change at all.
See >>56933036
What part of "it's predetermined" do you not understand?
>Answer the question
The onus is on you, dumbass. You're the one making the claim that they diverged so you're the one who has to provide evidence.
>because it's irrelevant
How is it irrelevant when it's the difference between a time loop and alternate timelines?
>0 screenshots from the games
nice fanfic thead
Anon, if its predetermined then it can't change and if it can't change then it's not alternate timelines since alternate timelines require change to exist.
You're taking contrarianism to a whole new level to the point where you don't understand what you're even trying to say.
>It doesn't change at all
So then you're saying it was always a trade.
The book is evidence. It's 100% impossible for it to be a loop because of the book. It's literally that simple. You can keep ignoring the evidence if you want, but it's not gonna make your timeloop headcanon real.
A split is not a change. Splits would be predetermined too, and we don't know what causes the splits. Point is that we know that alternate timeline exists, see above. How and why they split is unknown because the game doesn't show us this, and it's irrelevant to the story. The book alone proves that there's multiple timelines, in fact it shows us that there's at least 3.
No. It's a trade in one timeline, and not a trade in another timeline. Are you really too dense to understand predeterminalism on several timelines?
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Best legendary fight in any mainline game.
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Boss is the greatest pokemon villain
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Best pokemon game
I miss this kino. Why did they kill PMD?
>last nonremake game was in 2015
Mobile games free to play bullshit killed it
This, but with the NPC on the other side that says something along the lines of "Do you know what you just did? You've just taken your first step into Kanto"
No idea. It's Spike Chunsoft's highest selling franchise, so there's no good reason why they wouldn't continue it. I assume the Pokemon Company won't let them for some reason.
It's definitely not chunsoft choosing not to. They were prepared to milk Danganronpa into the ground until the creator put his foot down
Never forget
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Unfiltered SOUL.
This made my prepubescent self cry so much. T_T
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Anon, that was his wife.
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Rip for a legend
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Soulful moment in modern pokémon
Why rip, did he leave this realm or something?
I don't get it, what am I supposed to see here? It's just a book?
Why are you asking if you're clearly not familiar with the context/game?
Because I forgot
Did you play the DLC and do the postgame event?
>Are you really too dense to understand predeterminalism on several timelines?
It's funny because you said this
>It's a trade in one timeline, and not a trade in another timeline.
If it can change then it's not predetermined, that makes it fluid, chaotic, random and that's not how time works.
If it were predetermined then it would either always be a trade or always be giving, not a mix. Do you understand?
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>The book is evidence
It's just a dime a dozen book, isn't it?
Isn't it just easier to say they had two copies of the book as a kid rather than going through all the mental gymnastics saying that there's an alternate timeline that we never see or hear of that would create more questions than answers?
I mean, from the way I'm reading this reply chain you think it's an infinite recursion that didn't change but ended differently meaning it did change but also doesn't occur at the start of the recursion?
You know that doesn't make a lick of sense, right?
It's not a fucking change, Jesus fucking Christ.
If there's two cars, and one of them is blue and the other is red, did someone paint the blue car red? No fucking idiot because it's two different cars. You're just trolling right? You're not really this fucking stupid?
But there aren't two copies of the fucking book. It's the same book. The game shows you this by telling you it has their childhood signature in it. They wouldn't have told you that if it's just a random fucking book.
>The game shows you this by telling you it has their childhood signature in it.
Anon, if they had two copies of the book as a kid then they would both would have they childhood signature.
Did you not consider that?
I stopped at the mochi event.
>If there's two cars, and one of them is blue and the other is red, did someone paint the blue car red?
I, wow. You've really opened my eyes and shown how idiotic you really are.
For starters we're talking about an event, not a static object. So let's use an appropriate car analogy shall we?
Now you have a car going down the road and it comes to a fork, it turns left. If you replay that event where does the car drive, left or right?
Trick question, the driver knows it went back in time and chooses to go right this time.
In other words the driver gained information he didn't have before.
Which is a change.
And why the fuck would a small kid have two copies of the same book?? Stop writing fanfics. The game doesn't support this.
It's two seperate events. It's literally just that simple. It's. Two. Events. Because there's more than one timeline.
You think it's the same car but it's not. It's a different car driving in a different plane of existence. Fuck me, you are one dense motherfucker.
Valid post.
>It's two seperate events
It's not, you're saying it occurs the same way infinitely.
Do you not know how your own argument works?
>villain goes full retard and seeks to destroy Galar in order to save it
not sure what's enjoyable about this but okay.
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It's supposed to be funny
>Stop writing fanfics.
You are aware that you created an entirely new timeline and made your own contradictory set of rules for it that isn't supported by the game in any way, right?
We're both making things up but in your mind it's more plausible that time spontaneously and randomly altered itself to create a new timeline that changed how things played out but didn't at the same time than it is for a kid to just misplace a book, buy a new one and find the original.
No, I've never said this, what the fuck? Are you now inventing headcanons for me too?
I'll try one more time, if you still don't understand then I give up because you clearly don't have the brain capacity to comprehend what's going on. Let's keep the car analogy, I'll try to keep it simple.
The red car drives to from point A to B. The blue car drives from point C to D. Maybe both cars were produced in the same factory, but that really doesn't matter.
Both cars carry a parcel, and both cars stop at a gas station that is en route of both of these cars despite their different starting points and destinations. The red car keeps the parcel, while the blue car gives the parcel to the gas station owner.
Now tell me, which car will still have a parcel at their destination, and which car doesn't?
If you don't understand this and how it relates to SVs story, you're honestly hopeless.
>The red car drives to from point A to B. The blue car drives from point C to D
Why do you keep on acting as if they're two different events? It's the same event.
It's not two separate cars.
It's not two separate paths.
It's the same car on the same path.
You're overcomplicating this whole thing because you just don't want to accept the idea of cause and effect and the function of timelines.
>and how it relates to SVs story,
Anon, it doesn't, you've made a completely different scenario closer to an alternate universe analogy than an alternate timeline analogy just avoided the fact that there's no inciting incident to cause an alternate timeline.

Can you actually address this problem with your theory? Because your theory hinges on this.
>Splits would be predetermined too,
What the fuck are you even talking about?
You can't have a predetermined change they're contradictory concepts, if something is predetermined then that means it was set in stone and and always going to happen while a change is defined by doing something different. You see the problem here right?
No anon. It's two seperate events. You ignore the book as evidence and come up with headcanons like "they had two books" which is very clearly not the case. I'm not overcomplicating shit, I'm explaining exactly what the game shows you. The fact that you think that's "overly complicated" already tells me that you're seriously not mentally capable of understanding this stuff.

Whatever man, believe your timeloop bullshit or whatever it is. The professor had like 5 copies as a child. Whatever, fuck what the game says.
>. It's two seperate events
That's not how it works. Even if you think it's a split timeline you still need the same event but a change has to occur to create a new timeline.
It's like you think they're two wholly separate timelines, which wouldn't be a separate timeline but a separate universe.
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Kino... Such kino....
Yes, and a split did occur at some point, we don't know when or how because it's not relevant. Then these two timelines cross at a later point, which is what happens when you meet the professor at the lake.
The event that is described in the professor's notes in the AZ underdepth is NOT that event that you, the player, sees. It's ANOTHER timeline that the game timeline crossed with once. There, the prof only got the white book, without giving their Scarlet/Violet book away. We know this because the book was made to be the key to shut down the time machine, and (You) did use that book to do so. But that didn't quite work, so the AI robot takes a book and fucks off into he machine. The book disappears - and even does so from the title screen to reflect this.
Then you meet the professor at the lake in Kitakami, and they DO give the child (in this case, the MC of the game) their book. When that professor goes back to where they come from, the book is gone forever. It cannot be made key to the time machine in their future. Also, the book appears on the titlescreen again, to show you that it's the professor's book. (>>56934278)
This is NOT the event that creates or splits timelines or whatever. The timelines have been seperate before that. Both timelines have a seperate past and future.
>It's like you think they're two wholly separate timelines, which wouldn't be a separate timeline but a separate universe.
Maybe, but the game calls them timelines. I use the exact same words the game uses cause I follow game canon and nothing else.
>Though of course the complexities of space-time are beyond count... It's possible that our encounter might not even be occurring in a timeline connected to my own.
>I am researching methods to catch Pokémon that live in different timelines, so I might transport them to the present day in my own timeline.
If the game used the word "universe(s)" instead, I would do the same. But it doesn't. I don't write fanfics. Complain to GF.
>AI robot takes a book
*THE book
Before you put words in my mouth again. Just a typo.
>It's two seperate events
NTA but look this is what's happening
>professor is pulled to the present
>you and professor meet
>you two swap books
>the professor goes on to cause the events of the main game
This is the event that we see but you're saying that it played out like this before
>professor is pulled to the present
>you and professor meet
>you give the white book to the professor
>the professor goes on to cause the events of the main game
And then this leads into the top green text.
In other words, it's literally the exact same event occurring at the exact same time but randomly for no reason whatsoever the professor, not you, decide to trade books instead of you gifting it to them and that would be the reason the second timeline would exist, it wouldn't exist before the change happened which you seem to think.

A child could understand this, so why don't you?
I'll even draw a shitty paint diagram for you just to make it clear.
If you add the right drawing to the bottom of the left drawing then you got it exactly right.
Again, this is what the games shows you.
>the professor goes on to cause the events of the main game
No, this is wrong. The professor YOU meet cannot possibly cause the events of the main game because of the fucking book! The events of the game cannot happen without the goddamn book. Jesus fuck. It's so fucking simple.
>If you add the right drawing to the bottom of the left drawing then you got it exactly right
That wouldn't make sense at all, the divergence point is the book gifting/trade, that creates timeline A and B.
If you put the right image on the bottom of the left you're now saying that the timelines crossed after the divergence point, aka the book exchange, to cause the book exchange.
How are you under the impression that you're still making sense here?

Unless you're trying to say that a wholly different event occurred further in the past to create timeline A and B but timeline A and B were exactly the same anyway outside of the book trade which wouldn't make any sense and relies just as heavily on an unknown event anyway.

Are you mentally deranged? Look at how many hoops you have to jump through to make sense of your theory.
>the divergence point is the book gifting/trade
No, it's not. We know this because the professor had no success with their research even though Arven is old enough to be left on this own. The professor of our timeline already had the Raidon around the time Arven was born. It's impossible for them to be the same professor from the main game. Their pasts are different.
>Unless you're trying to say that a wholly different event occurred further in the past to create timeline A and B
>but timeline A and B were exactly the same anyway outside of the book trade
Wrong, see above.
>Look at how many hoops you have to jump through to make sense of your theory.
It's not a theory. It's the only thing that makes sense based on everything the game tells you.
>No, it's not.
Yes, yes it is. That's the only place it could be in your theory and even if it wasn't it still is because if the timeline split before the book gifting and you already have timeline A and B removing the book from one of the timelines still creates a new timeline which would be timeline C now.
So now you have timeline A and B which went through the exact same events despite being two different timelines and should have diverged to the winds by that point making it impossible to occur the way you think it would.
>Wrong, see above.
There's nothing to see other than you wrongly assuming that Arven is 9 or 10 by the start of the game because you didn't pay attention.
Arven's age was one of the issues people brought up all the time because the professor's work on the time machine happened 10 years before the start of the story because of the history classes
>Approximately 10 years ago, a professor named Sada/Turo unraveled the mystery of the Terastal phenomenon.
But arven isn't 10 he's probably more like 14 to 16, so the only thing that makes sense is that he was born before those 10 years and surprise surprise, he was which was confirmed in the dlc.
So basically yeah, everything plays out exactly the same in these supposedly separate timelines

>It's not a theory
It is, and very bad one that can be debunked with ease using the actual game as a reference and common sense since you seem to think that it's effect to cause rather than cause to effect.
But you're probably going to ignore all of this and make up some hackneyed revision to it to make it work creating 5 new holes with your theory.
This is imaginationfag, anon.
He's just going to go on and on and on like he usually does. In fact I'm willing to bet that he's going to take this line of your post
>wrongly assuming that Arven is 9 or 10 by the start of the game because you didn't pay attention.
And go
As if he can't comprehend the idea of saying something without actually saying it.
>There's nothing to see other than you wrongly assuming that Arven is 9 or 10 by the start of the game because you didn't pay attention.
>Arven's age was one of the issues people brought up all the time because the professor's work on the time machine happened 10 years before the start of the story because of the history classes
What are you even talking about? I was referring to the professor's journal entry.
>Our time machine research has yielded a triumph—a Pokémon from the ancient past! I've named it Koraidon.
>I was expecting one new life to treasure, but what fortune to be blessed with this gift as well!
Again, this means that they got the Raidon around the time Arven was born. However, the professor you meet at the lake has never seen the Raidon before. But Arven is old enough to be left on his own over long periods of time, so definitely not a newborn child. The chronology is evidently different. It's two different timelines with two different pasts.
Also, the thing with the tera orbs being invented 10 years ago is not correct - Tera orbs were made "commercially available" 10 years ago. The professors research on them was done way before that, cause that funded their time machine research. Read the journals.
>can be debunked with ease using the actual game as a reference
Oh, as opposed to "it's a single loop and the book magically exists twice"?
Everything I say is directly backed up by the game's canon. A simple timeloop is disproven by the book.
I was never an imaginationfag but ok. I always suspected it was gonna be something like parallel universes, although I thought that ancient civilizations would also be involved which turned out to be not the case.
>Also, the thing with the tera orbs being invented 10 years ago is not correct - Tera orbs were made "commercially available" 10 years ago.
That's... not even what that line said.

No wonder you don't understand SV's plot.
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Let's put this headcanon together now because this is hilarious.
>timeline splits at random into timeline 1 and 2 long before the events of the game
>Timeline 1 is the game timeline with the book where an unknown timeline 0 occurs and the professor is given the white book to make timeline 1 happen
>timeline 2 is the timeline where we trade with the professor for absolutely no reason creating timeline 3 without an SV book
>this all also happens infinitely but doesn't at the same time
>this professor for some reason had Arven earlier than the main timeline professor making the main arven around 8 to 10 years old
>the main timeline professor also mass produced the tera orb 10 years ago before they figured out how terastalization worked
This is your headcanon.
If this sounds retarded to you then finally you know how we're all looking at you and I guarantee that if you personally did a summary like this it would just devolve into full on schizophrenic babbling.

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