I humbly request a grass type thread
hey guys what's going on in this thread
let's see what I got
I really like Chespin.
posting this here just in case any of you can tell what is going on in it, because I sure can't
>>56924122they are dressing her up as a christmas tree
>>56924130but what does that have to do with the rain?or the bag of water on its head?
>>56924147she learns snow waring->makes snow
>>56922942Reminder that grass type pussy or penis if you're into that would taste like pistachios or some other kind of seed
>>56924349it's a good thing I'm not a pokefucker, then
gen 5 kino coming through
>>56922954You sound like a very sad person. Have some grass Pokemon and maybe you'll feel better
I sure love grass types
monki posting
>>56924067seems like a dangerous place for a nap
hello there
>>56924122I think the Abomasnow has a fever, so it's high temperature is making it rain instead of snow. The bag of water on it's head used to be a bag of ice, but it melted so Dawn's taking it off.
>>56924127Are they dead?
>>56924320>Leavanny spoil their Sewaddles >Sewaddle grows up to be a NEET Swadloon because they've never knew hardship>Swadloon eventually matures and becomes a responsible Leavanny themselves, who spoil their Sewaddles Name a more kino evolutionary line
>>56931761ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhholy shit, thank you
snek of grass has entered the thread
Holy shit, do NOT go into any threads about starter Pokémon!
>>56939920It can't possibly be any worse than nor-oh... oh my...