Buizel is adorable
>>56923368shes so cute
autistic pedo thread incoming
post buizel ash
>>56923368sex with him
>>56930654buizel airboat mod for Half-Life 2
>>56931920how did they get away with designing floatzel
>>56923412Do you know how little that narrows it down?
>>56931944Yes. Don't pay any real attention to my earlier seething. I'm just internally mad at a single autistic furry I saw like four years ago that liked Buizel but hated Floatzel for no good reason at all. Pedo is a more serious buzzword than furfag though, so I used that instead. I really like Floatzel, I wish I still liked Buizel.
>>56932357Yeah, honestly, I'm not a big fan of Floatzel either. The way that the flotation sac hangs around it's neck like that kinda gives me drag queen vibes, if that makes any sense.
>>56932463I've always seen it as like a towel, especially with the way it holds it. I think it's cool, but I understand disliking it for a reason like that.
bump for buizel!
fuck buizel
>>56935019do NOT do that to him
>>56935420shut up retard
>>56937188me on the left
>>56937188What's Barry holding? Ball stickers?
>>56937707You're a sperg in every thread, holy shit haha
>>56940917smug bui
>>56937737that's not how you pole dance