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Tiny Tiny Clever Optimist Edition

>What would you do with your favorite Fetimon?



DEX 1:

DEX 2:

DEX 3 (DOA):


ITEMDEX (Free Write):

ABILITY DEX (Free Write):

MOVEDEX (Free Write):

If you need help adding any Fetmon concept into the FWD, please feel free to contact an admin through the Comments function or in the thread.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69361377/
Steven Universe looking ass
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I love Biidi, but damn, this got me good
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I was thinking about changing Virilous' body type to something more muscular, but it seems I am at odds with myself...
On one hand, I do like the idea of a soft-bellied pig with delightfully coarse fur. Plus being fatty makes it look more similar to Beastard...
On the other hand, it might be nice to create a musclegut Fetimon, and it would help accentuate the "unintentional intimidation" aspect of this very unfortunate swine...
That does not look like a Pokemon at all, this general is terrible
What do you expect from a dying community kek
All the actually creative artists already left
NTC, but what do you think a Pokémon should look like?

There are one or two left, but neither seem to capture the Pokémon aspect.
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I'm still here, i was just thinking about this general actually. I think about drawing my mons a lot. Sorry if i haven't been around! I don't see too many threads anymore
Y'know what fetimon is missing? More world building and stories. If any of all have story ideas let me know, cause I feel like that's what were truly missing

Nta but it's good to see you Snackub anon! I've missed seeing all your doodles.
That's a trap, isn't it?
For once nope
Then what's the fetish behind it?
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>I've missed seeing all your doodles.
That's a nice thing to say. I appreciate that, thank you. I like to think about how they would interact with all the others
>interact with all the others
Agreed! I think the interactions add a amount of life to them. An interesting interaction would be Hambaga (the willing preymon of gen 2) with Hangrizz. I'd guess Hangrizz would try to fight off the Hambaga as it tries to force itself down her throat
>>What would you do with your favorite Fetimon?
have sex with it obviously
and occasionally getting eaten by it
I can't post images because my current IP address blocks them.
>Body Integrity Identity Disorder
Biidi (monster in the OP) is a Psychic-type with very strong psychokinetic powers, yet wants to become a physically strong monster. Unfortunately, it can't even damage a Caterpie with its fists...
It loses its limbs upon evolution, but how it manifests its psychic powers depends on which evolution route it takes.
Vorefags were a mistake
You learn something new everyday. But i'm still surprised it isn't a trap
>Kinkshaming in THIS thread
lol, lmao even
There's a 50/50 chance for Biidi to be a "trap," if you see it that way. The artist made the species androgynous after all.
And honestly, the Biidi tree is one of my favorite Psychic-type Fetimon because they're one of the few that don't become retards upon evolution.
Kinkshaming IS my kink ;^)
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Sketching out a new mon in mind, a skunk maid, someone suggested it a while ago and the idea kinda stuck in my head but i'm only coming back to it now
but i haven't nailed down many details, such as the name or if she should smell good or not, or if it should just be a funny walking contradiction
bombardier beetle pokemon
based on autopaizuri
Super ultra adorable! Maybe have the smell vary depending on the skunkmaid, like one can smell good but another bad or a mix of good and bad smells
Most of the regulars hang out in their Discord circlejerk. It's actually very depressing.
Why am I not surprised.
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Here's the final design, her name is maisuki. Suki meaning like, so she likes to be a maid. She cleans your house and other chores, don't worry she likes it.
Lay on her lap and sniff her tail, it'll make you feel cozy!
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She so coote! I'd sniff her stinky bum any day!

Also here's my suggestion for shiny
Ah yes, a piss-and-shit shiny
I like it! It's like a broom shiny
who said that was a bad thing anyway
I was going for a blonde/dirty blonde look lmao
[spoiler:lit]True XD[/spoiler:lit]
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Another shiny suggestion for you Snackub anon
Looks more like an oc than Pokémon
You say that when braixen exists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're proving my point
>normie still seething about muh anthros aren't real pokemon
I like monstrous pokemon as much as the next anon but can you take your faggotry some wheres else
Oh wow, I thought the whole thing was dead for real since it's been AGES since I last saw a thread (both here and on trash)

Crazy to think how long ago 2019 was. Wish I still had the energy or time to even attempt to lend you a hand. Goodspeed
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>isn't that just a beetle with a canno
its a beetle that has sexual innuendos
>what is reading comprehension
>If any of all have story ideas let me know, cause I feel like that's what were truly missing
How about coming up with your own? I highly doubt much of anyone has the creative kind of autism, so you wouldn't get many if any suggestions.
i wish you came up with the names for the other fetmons
Which ones?
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it only took like one and a half years to finish it
now replace all your biidi pics, they have eyebrows and they shouldn't
biidi is ~95 cm tall
the head and torso stay around the same size in both evos, so without psychic energy they are smaller and with it saifii is a bit larger
I think the eyes should be red
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I love your creatures! Seeing these three was well worth the 18-month wait, and were one of the only reasons I even created this thread after so long!
Picrel is a Fetimon I made that was inspired by you. Still in progress
I've been thinking of how to express the idea of lolibaba in one of these.

Perhaps the first stage is our ancient tiny wisewoman finding a tinier disciple, then the second stage could be said disciple growing while the wisewoman stays the same size?
Sounds like either a Mantine/Remoraid deal, or a Binacle situation. Have you thought more of the specifics about your lolibaba Fetimon?
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I've been trying to design a map for the /fwd/ region. I shamelessly traced a map of New Jersey to make the base.
Any suggestions or edits are welcome.

Thanks for stopping by, Anon! Godspeed to you too.
If Mantine further evolved into a form with an Octillery attached to it that would be my idea.

The 'teacher' would have a loose old sage motif down to carrying a walking staff. To reflect how these kinds of stories go, the first stage could have the 'student' be in a basket, reflecting the idea of a woman finding a baby in a basket and adopting said baby, then in the second stage the taller-looking 'student' would wield this basket like a bag on the side.

I was thinking they could have Non-contact/Sp. Atk versions of Parental Bond, perhaps either the second or third stage could switch it up to a Sp. Atk version of Huge Power.

What could a potential third stage be? The 'student' succumbing to mortality as his immortal master weeps? A happier ending where the Pokemon is now portrayed as a family as opposed to a couple? Play it straight and make the 'student' an old sage type?
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expansy should have a male-only sandstorm evolution with a huge bulge
If its evos are 50/50 despite obviously having tits, then why should your suggested creature be male-only?
women don't have penises
Men don't have overinflated feminine breasts either, yet here we are
>he hasn't heard of moobs
Then by all means, show me a man with a pair of overinflated breasts
>I was thinking they could have Non-contact/Sp. Atk versions of Parental Bond
Parental Bond already work with special attacks/non-contact moves, so I think all you would need to do is rename it, if you need to.
>perhaps either the second or third stage could switch it up to a Sp. Atk version of Huge Power
I know this sounds cliché, but I'd call it Sage Power if I was moving forward with that idea. The final choice is yours, though.
>What could a potential third stage be?
I like Options 1 and 3.
Option 1 has the classic tragedy tied to it, so that appeals best to me.
Option 3, to me, is the more heartwarming parallel.
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A small sketch of a Sumarashi in despair. I personally think it's important to depict "invulnerable" characters experiencing moments of vulnerability.
Inspired by an infamous mind rape scene...

Not related, but aside from myself, are there any regulars here at least 21 years of age?
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Came up with a whole line. I just took the contradictory idea of a skunk maid and based it around that. I tried to give maisuki more pokemon-like eyes but you can draw it however you want idgaf. i just don't know how to uh. make it a maid based pokemon and be not a furry
what are the methods of evolving maisuki into its split-evos?
Yokai Watch thread
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Feels more like discount Yu-Gi-Oh to me tbhonest
I don't mind it too much, though. I actually like YGO better than Pokémon
Finally finished with my simian demons! Monsters, I meant
Shiny palettes
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I wonder if the original artist has figured out Sullender's evolution method yet
>If any of all have story ideas let me know
Since nobody will bite, I will.
How about a story involving a Trainer and their Fetimon exploring an Anarchian forest at sunset? Deeper in, they find the path grows steadily darker... until they finally stumble into a humble village, beautifully decorated with what appear to be bioluminescent mushroom.
Show me a woman with overinflated breasts.
Done. Your move, bitch
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>krampusmon anon still hasn't come back
I genuinely hope they didn't die prematurely.
Initial post as copypasted:
>So I've toyed with the idea of a spanking fetishmon, but I didn't want it to be really simple or vanilla and I didn't see any that fit my idea already posted. So my initial idea here is a psychic/dark type that senses any lingering or subconscious guilt you have about your past or behavior, fixating on it and amplifying it until you confess to it, at which point it uses its tail, arms, and psychic powers to deliver a punishing spanking while you are wracked by guilt and contrition. Any feedback? Any ideas for an appearance? I'm drawing a blank and haven't had much time to tinker with a drawing.
I drew this beta design for them after reading their description. I wanted to give it a name, but naming other people's Fetimon without their permission is rude as hell tbhonest
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>I've been trying to design a map for the /fwd/ region. I shamelessly traced a map of New Jersey to make the base.
if it's new JErsey Virbank should be there.
Any new fat fetish mons? I remember the bee from a long time ago, dunno if any new ones were made
>New Jersey
I think you mean Mistralton. Virbank is more based on Burbank, California.
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They would've been perfect without the eyelashes
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lvl up and key item probably, that's how it usually goes. don't know who has which
maybe whoremone could be the one with the level up requirement
and innscentress would need a specific incense to be used on it for its evolution
The fat baboon, as far as I care to know
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