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I finally didn't forget the previous thread edition

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be creative, be spooky, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc, what do they do?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC browsing the internet.

>Thread Task: Draw yourself interacting with your OCs.

>Additional Thread Task (so people don't cry about a "missed opportunity"): Draw your OC participating in the Alolan Battle Royale.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

>Recent Works

EIF Episode 6, "Where Loyalties Lie": https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ACCQRBGk2dcOYjfIF9qaZJH1OQmwCxbUPBdL8FXAW4/edit?usp=sharing

Agent Orange is set to release sometime this thread. Be on the lookout!

>Previous Thread: >>56893501
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Gotta say, I'm still very tempted to sign off on threads, but I'll at least be more creative with it now.
Full list of ideas from the previous thread:
>Question: What's some bad Pokémon advice that your OC believes. Anywhere between uninformed/misinformed stuff to conspiracy level stuff because they don't trust big pharma or something.
>Thread question: Tell us about your OC's favorite holiday or festival, in or out of universe. What do they enjoy most about it?
>Thread question: What is your OC's biggest hope for the future? What are they most concerned about?
>Thread question: What is the one gift your OC hopes they never, ever receive?

>Thread task: Draw the type of person your OC is attracted to.
>Thread task: Your OC just walked in on their Pokemon doing something they're not supposed to.
>Thread task: Draw your OC bullying the archivist.
>Thread task: Your OC is on the hunt for the undiscovered Turkey Pokemon, often spoken of, never seen.
>Thread task: Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc

>I don't know who the archivist even is.
Same. Sounds made up to me.
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little doodle for that thread task dropped a while ago about double battles just so i got something to show
love the swimsuit! i selfishly want all of her type specialist possibilities to get drawn too.....
all this discussion kinda makes me wanna do my own take on mega jynx even if i haven't designed some kind of fakemon since i was actually in the series' intended audience age range.
>I do very much want more moths, spiders, mushroom and ghost Pokémon tho...
you and me both brother
anon you evil, terrible little devil, how dare you drop this when i've been busy. i want a divorce. jokes aside i typically try to reserve my thoughts on eif stuff until i can show up with some fanart but fuck. i gotta get this out there now you absolutely fucking killed it once again. getting to see phos and franco work together again in the main story was brilliant. despite it being a long update i practically flew through it since it just kept me excited the whole way through. phos being a little brat and dragging that confession out of franco was a delight, and god was i not expecting to see the other legendary paradoxes used like that. and the thing is......despite all the high octane action, i think my favorite bits were the stuff that was a bit less so. i thought murkrow and zoroarks illusions were horrifying(ly fun) and the conversation between franco and ida at the end just really got to me. something about sentiments buried under a thin veneer, him essentially making sure she gets off scot free..... you never ever fail to draw a myriad of emotions from me with your work.
glad you had fun! i love the idea of her rocking a leather jacket from him, it'd make for a good biker chick look while on koraidon. i think she'd be terribly curious about david's own scars and ask about them without even considering it might be a bad idea. just blurt it out and then slap her hand over her mouth right after, though i don't think he'd mind. as for the teasing bit i think bibi would get incredibly embarrassed. she's a lot more used to be the flirter, not the flirted-with, so even if he's joking she might just make up a reason for why she has to leave and run off, though she'd feel a little nice about her scars not being treated as something gross or scary after the fact
>complete one-shot manga
well, just a chapter, but hey, that's a whole 15 pages
>Bibi really understands what makes Trainers who they are
it's definitely a bit of a thing with her that she treats battles as a way to connect with others, what she can't learn about people through conversation she tries to glean on the court
nothing major, i think she would've just subconsciously gravitated towards it since david advertised smoochum dolls at the end, i can see her as the type to collect cutesy knickknacks
experience and lack thereof does a lot to shape someone's outlook on life and attitude, it's really fun to compare young phos to older phos and while i don't think the changes are drastic, using an older bibi for this and the raphael interview all the way back is a fun way to explore what changes a few years brings
OP here. I had to go do some bullshit (well, I still am) but I forgot to update the task. Seems like there’s always one thing that I’ll forget.

>Draw your OC riding one of their Pokemon.
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After last thread, I say it's a good time for a palette cleanser. There's so much amazing art in the archives from all the wonderful people who have been working hard on improving their art skills. You should be proud of all you have accomplished.
Here are some of my favorites:
First up, this one from Miko. I think about this picture often. Definitely one of my top favorites to have come from this general.
the background is really nice
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Second, is this hilarious piece by Silas. My favorite moment in a very fun thread!
I have made pics about David on a computer, so I will use the Question as a task as well.
After so many adventures in PokéJapan, David went to Unova to open his horizons, and since he was retro enough, got a temporal gig as a meet and greet guest in Nimbasa City. He went up the ferry's wheel a lot.

Woah, that's a lot. David likes Valentine's Day. Chocolate is the candy of gods.

That is still a fun one.
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David! I think this one is my favorite "fantasy" David that you've done! Though it's hard to pick; there's so many fun ones.
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Moving along to Gene, this is my favorite picture that you have made so far:
You have a real knack for visual storytelling and the funny scenes you make always leave a smile on my face.
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My apologies to this anon as I do not remember their name, but the tarot card draw task resulted in some really amazing pieces. This one just captures that "Cardcaptor Sakura" vibe so well. Come visit us again sometime, anon.
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Like I said with the cards, This is also a bit of frankensteining, We have a collection over at the other board that has scenes/loaded presets of random stuff, some horny, some props, maps, and of course there is a part that is focused entirely on internet stuff or random memes. You can notice in bottom right what was the original scene of >>56924904 and some other scenes I posted before, this collection is like 30 GB size worth of presets that I have ready to whip out at any moment I have motivation.
Of course I have done my own stuff or changed it so much it becomes unrecognizable, but if the resources are available and I dont gain money or claim these scenes as my own, I dont think there is anything wrong in using them. (spoilering just in case and also butt)
I think her name was Medley, or something around those lines.
He was also making a fangame, I wonder if he did progress with it.
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>you absolutely fucking killed it once again.
THANK YOU, Jesus, that was bugging me too for the longest time. Medley, Medley, Medley. Absolutely, it's all rushing back to me now. That anon was good company while it lasted.
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Luke, you've made many nice AI pictures of your character, but you pushed yourself to start drawing in MS Paint and have made some wonderful drawings! It's been great watching your skills improve. I know the Luke camping picture is a general favorite, but this one is my favorite one you've made so far:
I don't care how many times it gets reposted, the juxtaposition between the MS Paint drawing of Luke and the more realistic-looking giant gun is just too fun!
I wasn't going to touch on the writing side of the general, but it'd be dumb to not mention how much work you've dedicated to committing the tabletop adventures of you and your friends into writing. Thank you for immortalizing your adventures into a story and sharing them with us. Hopefully, once the work is complete, you'll have created something that you can look back on with fond memories, laughs, and smiles.
>Spoilered image
I need that disgusted Poppy image, but with Emily, and is a Discord notification, just for the "no Discord" joke.
Thank you! I feel bad for not doing a lot of tasks lately and I haven't been doing a lot of MS Paint stuff, but I have been doing an hour of pencil and paper everyday for a while now, and I think I'm getting better. progress is slow because I don't think my brain is wired for this sort of thing, but I'm enjoying it and if I can find a way to share my journal I will.

I'm really enjoying writing Gilded Platinum I can't wait to get deeper into the story and often have to rein in my desire to "skip to the good parts" I've realized I want this project to immortalize our characters more than anything else and so the most important parts are the quite bits where the GM just let us roleplay together for like an hour before we did anything he actually had planned for us to do that session.
I've got a question for you folks- how do you come up with names for your characters?

Right now, I'm puzzling out a first name, and wound up going down the rabbit hole of toxic pigments due to the planned starter, and I'm wondering if there's a better way that'll be more obvious than zoning in on who figured out why people were getting sick after licking their brushes.
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Wanted to drop that before you disappeared again.
But hey, if that anon with the really great hips is being sentimental this evening, I will be too.
The work I do on behalf of /tog/ makes me so proud to be able to help others explore their creativity.
But everything that I do on my own time, I do for (you). Having you for a captive audience makes all the headaches and sleepless nights worthwhile. When I'm exhausted and can barely tolerate my own narration, knowing how happy my work makes you gives me the energy I need to keep pushing myself above and beyond. For all my prose, I couldn't begin to tell you how much your support has meant to me all this time. You've been an amazing friend, and I'm glad I got to meet you.
Luke's name came from a google search for "down to earth" names. There's no wrong way to really pick a name. Most of the time a character just sort of makes themselves known if I don't force it and just start the creation process. I looked at the list and that's the name that grabbed my attention the most.
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Thank you David for the great set up story to the idea.
>He went up the ferry's wheel a lot.
I'm guessing he wasn't up there alone? Sasuga Davido.
I think after you have a few ideas for a name, a method I've used in the past is this.
Imagine the voices of the supporting characters to your OC calling their name. Say it in your head in different ways as they would. Endearing. Or with rage behind it. Maybe casual. Put a sentence behind those calls and become a total RPer in your head.
Did any of that make you cringe? If so, change it up. Otherwise, you might have found the one.
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Sometimes, a name means the word you want to use to best define your character, other times, you can choose a name related to the theme of that character, like the association between the name Catherine Wolfe Donohue and Radium here.
I usually pick simple names. Easy to remember.

David's name came because my name starts with a D, and his surname Castle came from a Russianbadger video.
As for his Pokémon, is the same reason: Blaziken? Blaze. Sceptyle? He 'sweeps' with his speed, so he is Sweep. Swampert? They like the mud and he looks like a wrestler, so Macho Mud.
Hmm... All good points. I'll keep these in mind.

I had started off thinking of photography techniques, but then I went down the toxic pigments route 'cause of the cliche of 'naming character after a color'. And the fact that I've realized the penciled-in team is gonna all have something to do with poison, be it typing, immunity, or even being a 'mon with an ability relating to it. I'll keep brainstorming, though
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Hasumi, you've created some wonderful works of art in this general. It was difficult to settle on just one. From the fun summertime vibes of Hasumi on the beach shielded by Golurk's hand to the captivating portrait of Hasumi standing in the snowfall, you've made some beautiful pieces.
This one stands out as my favorite: the expressions on their faces; the posing in the piece. You can feel connection between the characters, the rush of emotions, the prospect of their shared moment leading to something more. Well done.
Bro, you are posting like if today was your last day.
I mean, I appreciate the positivity, but after yesterday's whole storm, this is making me feel like I'm watching the goodbye post before I get hit with a "last day online: 3459 days ago", and increasing.
i like the noivern choice because it's just cool as a whole plus iirc it has infiltrator which fits in with the delinquent theming. i'm a bit curious about slowking though, not a bad choice at all, but what immediately comes to mind is someone trying to sell its tail as a slowpoke team rocket style before getting too attached to actually hurt the poor thing lol. i'm sure you had a different origin story in mind though
not sure how we got to the point where my feedback would be so important to you, but i hope you realize you and e-chan's work is worth so much more than the praise of a single anon. i shower you with compliments and draw fanart only because your art and writing really, genuinely, make me happy. but my biggest hope is that you as the creator are happier and prouder than your supporters. seriously, i hope you hype yourself up after every release. i'm glad you value my sentiments so much though, that feeling's entirely mutual.
i generally like to pick out names that relate to the character somehow (no doubt because that's how a lot of manga/anime handle it) but i've also just picked them based on mouthfeel. looking at famous figures isn't a bad starting place at all, but other source ideas are mythology, and pokemon loves plant based names too so naming a poison specialist after toxic plants is an option. hell sometimes just googling "names related to xyz" can help
I'm definitely going for the 'delinquent with a golden heart' thing for him, yeah, but I could absolutely see him trying to dip his toes into something criminal like that to make money, only to realize he's not cut out for it.

Additionally, I included Slowking because I like the idea of it beginning to communicate with him once it evolves and act as something of a wise mentor to him. He had to grow up really quickly as the eldest of all his siblings, and didn't exactly have a mentor in his life, so I thought it'd make for a nice look into his character for one of his mons to be this wise, sagely Slowking amidst his more seterotypically 'delinquent' mons
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>Bro, you are posting like if today was your last day.
Not the case. Please don't worry, anon.
I was gonna spotlight five anons and stop, hoping that others would chime in with their favorites too, (and avoiding spamming the thread), but it's been a quiet night and I don't want anyone to feel left out if I only did a few. We have a great community of anons here, how can I stop at just five? I am running out of steam though as my bedtime approaches.

Brendoom, you don't have much fanart, but we love you, dude. You're a hero. I'm glad you came back to hang out with us around Halloween.
>Brendoom, you don't have much fanart
Not if you visited the Edgyverse threads.
Or you still would have, if my PC didn't died. One day I'll lose myself in the archives and see how much I can recover.
>I like the idea of it beginning to communicate with him once it evolves and act as something of a wise mentor to him
Hehe, reminds me of the Lugia movie.
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Please do and much appreciated!

I can't stop before I get to Bibi! Like Miko, how can I possibly pick just one piece of Bibi's art as my favorite? Among my favorites, are the multiple drawings of Bibi and Wolke and Bibi having fun with Koa. Then I noticed that Bibi seems to really go the extra mile when drawing others' OCs. You can feel the care taken when depicting them and the attention to detail. Thank you for showing so much love toward your fellow anons!
>hoping that others would chime in with their favorites too
oh in that case, I really like how Miko and Bibi writes their characters. So much endearing soul in both of them. I love and admire Archivist's writing, art, unwavering dedication to /tog/ and helpful art tips as well as Alex for doing his part in setting up the OP for us. I really like Zatch since they showed up shortly after me and I really enjoy the character concept and eagerly await my chance to read what they've written. I'm really thankful for this thread and for how I've grown because of it.
I also like Emily, even if I'm not overly fond of the character, I gotta respect his dedication to his vision and I'm glad for the bumps.
David and Silas are fun too I always enjoy updates from them and really enjoyed doing the interview stuff with them.
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Zatch and Lychee Anon here, thanks for that compliment.

I know I’m spotty showing up but I am work hard. 2 chapters are done but I really want you guys have at least more then one chapter to read and then judge me for it so I originally made it and sticking to getting 3 chapters done before I post.

CH3 is in the works now but I’ll post 1 more thing to look forward to in it.
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This spoilered image and accompanying text is the equivalent of an older sibling telling you Santa isn't real.
You're half-right: If she finishes her montage before midnight, she's going to walk to my front doorstep and shoot me in the head, as is the traditional Chicago greeting.
>reminds me of the Lugia movie
Heh. The pants quote has been permanently burned into my brain for 99% of my life.
>not sure how we got to the point where my feedback would be so important to you
I wasn't kidding when I said I don't have the words to properly explain it, but I really broke my brain trying my best here. Calling Whine-1-1 for a Waambulance ahead: It means all the years I spent catatonic and completely nonfunctional were actually worth it in the end. You didn't--and don't--owe me a single thing. You and anyone else could have flamed me into oblivion if you felt like it, but you believed in my dream all the same. Your words gave me the courage to find the part of myself I hoped but never dared to believe I would see again. I finally feel like I'm living again after spending most of my life feeling like a dead man walking.
>I'm really thankful for this thread and for how I've grown because of it.
Honored and privileged to have been of service. Thank you for being here, anon.
Wow, timely appearance. Unless you've been here all this time? I gotta tell you: I can't wait to see whatever you end up posting. It's either going to be something beautifully sincere, or the punchline to the most elaborate troll campaign I've been on the receiving end of in ages. And whatever it ends up being, I am all for it.

I need to go to sleep, good luck night crew.
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>If she finishes her montage before midnight
I ran out of energy an hour ago, sweetie, and unfortunately before I could pay proper respects to Wolke, Ruka, etc. Their characters and art are cute as hell. This is the last one.

This is my favorite work of art that you've done so far. It was no easy decision. "You're not even goodt enough to be my fake" lives rent free in my head. This one puts a smile on my face and I still wish for it been the OP image for the thread at some point, but it keeps getting passed over (similar to the Kingdra pic). The dynamic of this one is great: Franco leads the way and is looking at where they are going as Franco is a visionary. Phos is looking at Franco, matching and adapting to his movements.
Your artwork has improved so much over the months. Every piece seems to serve as experience to elevate the next. Even going back a few months, you can really see the difference in not just the leaps and bounds you've made in shading, but in your line work as well. You have a lot to be proud of, sweetie.

Good night, /tog/. Sweet dreams.
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It’s gonna be sincere, no trolling here. Just wait a little longer and you’ll see the culmination of someone working hard with writing alongside a friend who been helping with editing and cutting down walls of texts.

Zatch and Lychee anon out for now.
I forgot about wolke and ruka. Wolke is so cute and like I said before rukanon always has a way of making jynx look adorable
With all this positivity around, I wish Tweny was here.
Fly high, you crazy glorious russian bastard. May the God of Vodka gives you all the "nono" pulls you want.
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Since we're on this train. I'm still looking forward to more Merry content.
And still missing Axel and the ill poison girl.
Also I do appreciate Alex's edge when it's not excessive.
His oil rig set up and goon network is very nice, and for sure enjoyed the collab writings.
Who was the anon with bpd again? I hope she's okay
Lilico. I also hope they are alright.
With this positivity, let's make something great, /tog/.
It would also aptly be how I feel about getting "1" pinged from the very few servers I lurk in only for it to turn out to be an @everyone ping or something similar.
The few times I had that happen I just either left or adjusted the settings.

That said, in regards to the previous thread, there's no need to treat it like the impending apocalypse. If anything it was a just a release of built up steam, of issues that people had with some aspects of how the threads were carrying themselves. Only thing left to do is do something about that which needs something done about and carry on.

Thanks bro, I really should draw the two more often.
I’m very surprised people still care about this, especially since it’s probably the part of Alex that I have expanded upon the least. Although now that you do mention it, I just remembered that Archivist never added this final part that I wrote before the Silas collaboration dropped off a cliff.
Remembering this thing honestly feels like revisiting ancient history.
>is the equivalent of an older sibling telling you Santa isn't real.
Yeah, sorry, I just prefer to point out from the get go that my stuff is more often than not pieced together from various other stuff, and I can't properly give kudos to the original creators because of who is the author of what (either the maker of the card, of the scene or the mods used) because I forgot or I have to make like 900 paragraphs for them.
still I try to post something that matches the vibe or is just a funny joke in the thread that I could recreate here.
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Hey guys, it’s me again after a little bit. Still busy. I wanted to take the time to talk about a concept I had for a TTRPG campaign that didn’t happen.

A friend was setting up a DnD 5E game with a homebrew Pokémon extension. Basically, it was kinda like Hisui but more medieval than anything, and people fought alongside Pokémon with weapons and powers (something that normally I wouldn’t really find interesting if it weren’t specifically DnD). The character I had planned for that was a kid called Takamaru.

Takamaru was raised by the “gym leader” of one of the cities, basically a warlord that led a whole town. Essentially, he was raised by a kimono girl on steroids who refused to recognise him as a son publicly. His dad was out of the picture. Takamaru’s only friend would be an Eevee called Mizuto, and guess what type it would evolve to from the name alone. He was gonna be like a water monk of sorts, a water bender who fought side by side with his partner. Eventually he’d have to fight his mom head-on and make her accept him as a son.

That campaign didn’t get to happen in the end, but it would’ve been really cool. My friend also had this idea where eventually Mizuto would die, and a previously obtained Ho-oh feather would resurrect and transform it into some kind of Vaporeon/Suicune hybrid.

I still have to make a few edits (and artwork) to Dragon Whisperer chapter 1, but I kinda want to do something with this other guy eventually. Main problem is: too similar to Koa. Determined kid with a deep bond with a partner, a type specialist, and he also has some kind of parental drama. I also came up with a Fire specialist flamenco dancer some time ago and I never even got to draw her. Maybe I could do that first
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Seems like we’re in some downtime so I’ll write a bit more for the time being.

I’m picturing Takamaru now as the Shadow to Koa’s Sonic, if they ever were to meet. Takamaru is far more driven by rage towards his mother, and does a lot of stuff to try and prove herself to her in a complicated feudal landscape. I’ve also started to see him more as a Water/Fighting mixed specialist, with his team being pic related. Rapid Style Urshifu would fit him like a glove.

As per the powers thing, which I normally wouldn’t really approve of (sorry Emily-anon, just not my style), I think I could think of him as an Aura user, but due to his deep affinity with Water types he also acquired some mild waterbending. That might be cool. Dunno if I’ll write anything about him because Koa is my main focus but I could draw some stuff, maybe a one-shot manga or something. Heck, I think Takamaru could work well with the Furia people to a degree, since he’s from a more ancient time.

As I wrote this I also had a concept for a Bug specialist TV superhero that could exist in Koa’s canon, that might be interesting
Is there anything more luxurious than a long, hot shower?
>I just remembered that Archivist never added this final part that I wrote before the Silas collaboration dropped off a cliff.
I didn't even know it existed. I always wondered whatever happened to that orphaned plotline.
>a kimono girl on steroids who refused to recognise him as a son publicly. His dad was out of the picture.
You're saying that kimono-clad muscle milf is single?
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Nono I didn’t mean LITERALLY on steroids. I meant a super powerful kimono woman who’s the warlord leader of a whole village. Takamaru’s dad is a sailor from another village that she met once, slept with and then parted with. She’s extremely cutthroat and just threw Takamaru out once he hit 14, only giving him an evolution stone of choice for his Eevee.

I’ve actually been considering writing this story concept in the Pokémon Conquest universe. Maybe a hundred years or so afterwards, the protagonist formed an Eevee-related clan or so. Takamaru would travel around, make allies and fight warlords to prove himself to his mom.
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Too late
Today my phone case of five years came apart. It was a pretty good case too. Going to buy a new one when I get home. In a way, this case is a lot like me, withstood a lot of drops from high places but eventually broke on one unassuming day and suddenly became useless. Reccomendations for a new one will be accepted but I’m probably just going to get the same one again because I like the design too much. Hopefully it doesn’t go out of stock because all the other designs already have (and it’s unlikely that more will be made because I have a iPhone 12).
My Apple Problems also don’t stop there as my Apple Pay was locked for NO FUCKING REASON and this nigger named Ronda (not even joking) and a pajeeta on the phone (I called twice thinking that I was just getting Nigger Service) both told me that I have to wait 30 days to get it re-reviewed and they refused to tell me which information I entered incorrectly during verification which led to this situation. “Legal reasons” is what they told me. This was after I had to give over my SSN to be verified (I’m sure that Archivist is going to have a stroke upon reading this). I don’t know why Apple would suspect me of money laundering or whatever because my parents send me money.
Fuck you Ronda.
You too, huh? I wonder how just big the overlap between Pokemon and DnD fans is. If he’s willing, I wonder if you can post your friend’s extension on here. I don’t like the idea of having to learn an entirely new TTRPG system and having to mesh it together with 5E. I would prefer to just add game stats and mechanics alongside 5E but I’m still not sure how to go about it. Speaking of which, was this 2014 or 2024 5E? I asked Archivist about which would be better to use for my writing (if you’re not already aware, I’m preparing a sort of fantasy AU for Alex after Black Blaze gets finished) and he was blathering about how 2024 5E is too easy. I’m curious to know your experience.
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Oh, he didn't make the extension. It was a big document with stat blocks for a lot of Pokémon, I'd have to look for it. As for my experience with 5E, I've almost always played with a lot more homebrew than not. I think I've only been on ONE whole campaign that only had the main rule books. Maybe two. The rest have been very homebrew-heavy, with original classes, subclasses, special combat mechanics and other stuff. I've never played anything like Curse of Strahd or "main" 5E.
if you're looking for a pokemon ttrpg, you should consider giving Pokerole a look-over.
>I always wondered what happened to that orphaned plot line
Silas went on hiatus and I lost interest. That thing was written well after it was silently canceled because I had a lot of things going on and couldn’t write at the time. In fact the first thing I ever began really writing, Black Blaze, didn’t start until like late April or May.
Then just give him Rapid-Strike Urshifu. Lucario is too cliche. Or give him Mega Lucario. Or both. To make his team stronger. But spread it out over time. Both of them should require some kind of journey to get due to their rarity and I think that such a journey could be a good way of him proving himself, either to himself, the world, or his mother, because she won’t be able to defeat him with such an upgrade.
>Shadow and Sonic
I am the biggest hater of the “bonds” cliche but if you insist on doing this, you can use him to approach an alternate angle with it. Whereas Koa believes that bonds are formed with trust and mutual care, this guy might believe that bonds are only forged in bloodshed and hardship. Whereas Koa believes that the purpose of a bond is to grow with each other, this guy might believe that the purpose of a bond is to defend each other. And so on.
>Bug Specialist Superhero
Choosing what is objectively the worst type for someone who is meant to be “super” is an interesting choice, but I know Bibi’s owner said that Bibi unironically likes Tokosatsu (don’t know if I spelled that right) and came up with the idea of “Exleg (Lokix) Rider”. Yanmega is probably also a good fit for that. I still don’t get the Kamen Rider reference, Lokix looks evil as fuck honestly.
I'd give him Urshifu as more of an endgame sort of thing. That Lucario would probably be a mega, I guess, I just don't like how it looks in the layout. This story would be far more serious, so I'd contemplate the idea of some team members dying in battle and being replaced.

>I am the biggest hater of the “bonds” cliche
Welcome to Pokémon lmao the whole franchise is like this (but yeah I get your point). Takamaru's bonds are formed in battle.

>“Exleg (Lokix) Rider”
FUCK I probably shouldn't do it then but I think Kamen Rider is vaguely insect-themed? That's why Lokix references it. My guy was gonna have Heracross as an ace, maybe Scizor or Scolipede too
>I just don't like how it looks in the layout
As in, it feels weird to me to have a mega lined up with 5 others instead of the base. I'm a bit autistic about that. It's like, imagine playing a DBZ game (like Sparking Zero) and choosing Goku in Super Saiyan already. I'd rather choose base Goku and transform mid-fight, if that makes sense.
pretty sure you have also PTU and that other Pokemon ttrpg available in tabletop simulator
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aw shucks, you guys are too nice i think i'm going to have to save my own loveposting for after work though
i think all i really know how to say to that is that i want you to live with your head held high dude. and thanks for actually taking what i've said to you to heart
>evil as fuck honestly.
i'm an outsider to the franchise tbdesu (despite being knee deep in otaku culture i get fucking filtered by toku) but a lot of kr protags are anti-heroes far as i know and the suits aren't exactly all heroic looking. plus the older ones aren't too shy about violence or morality conflicts, i watched the movie adaptation of the first series at the behest of a friend and it literally opens up with the hero punching holes through people in a borderline comedic display of bloodshed. especially with how often grasshopper motifs specifically are used and the famed "rider kick" (which gets referenced in lokix's tcg art) you couldn't make the rep better than with a dark/bug type with kick based attacks imo
>FUCK I probably shouldn't do it
i actually strongly encourage you to do so since the idea wasn't an oc concept, just a show-within-a-show type of thing, a series bibi would watch. i could never flesh it out and do it justice but i think you could! lokix is a no brainer for a bug superhero. but also don't leave me hanging on your flamenco dancer i wanna see her too
>Shouldn’t do it
I think having some “convergent” items in your writing is fine just because of how difficult it is to ensure that every sort of your writing is “organic”. It can even be an additional source of enjoyment for the audience to point out all of the references such as the “iPhione Seven” in EIF, although I would advise against doing too many puns (I only did one at the very end of CHD). Sometimes it’s too difficult to make up things for everything. I know I use real world firearms and artists because it’s just simply too much work not to, and while I use fictional car manufacturers I also sometimes use real one as well (Driver San Francisco and Dirt Showdown also did this) I usually just transplant them to regions. For example, FN Herstal is based in Belgium, but it’s in the French speaking bottom half called Walloon, so I can just say that FN Herstal is based in Kalos. Likewise, Black Anvil is a black metal band from NYC, so I can just say that Black Anvil is from Castellia City. The issue arises when we get to places that haven’t been regionalized yet. For example, let’s say I want to give Alec a Mercedes, that’s from GERMANY, so I can’t do that, so I have to find a substitute (e.x Bentley from Galar). This issue gets worse when we get to non-specific objects. Vodka originated in Eastern Europe, but there’s no Pokemon equivalent to that, so do we just assume that Vodka never existed in Pokemon?
I think /tog/ honestly dances around this question whenever it’s asked because it’s uncomfortable to answer. How do you think death is depicted or how do you depict dying in Pokemon?
That is autistic, and I’ll tell you why. You aren’t providing the full details. If you post >>56933429 and you don’t immediately say “his Lucario is a Mega btw” each time you do it, someone could potentially miss that his Lucario is a mega. It’s easier and more concise to just show it as a Mega in the image.
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That's it, Koa is a tokusatsu fan in-universe. He watches movies where a giant Baxcalibur fights a giant Tyranitar and then a giant Rillaboom causes havoc in Castelia City. I guess I can expand on the bug superhero a bit, kinda.

I had more of a Great Saiyaman vibe in mind, but the name could be Cross Rider. Maybe Horned Rider? The guy dresses like a Heracross. Big TV star, maybe Koa could meet him during a shoot or something. Maybe Macro Cosmos invites the actor all the way from Unova for an ad campaign in Alola. I kinda have this idea where the guy would have to learn to be a hero IRL when there's an accident during the shoot?
Still not sure if Cross Rider could be his own thing or just a Dragon Whisperer side-character, but I guess I can make the concept my own, yeah.

Uuuuuh, haven't thought about it yet, but clearly Pokémon don't fight with killer intent most of the time, even when using super-effective moves. I'd say there'd have to be some clear intent for the power output behind a move (or even a status condition like poison) would mortally wound a Pokémon, but I wouldn't be gory about it or go into Pokémon biology or whatever. A Pokémon just takes enough damage for the fainting threshold to be passed into a mortal damage threshold instead. I'll also note that it would be VERY difficult for humans to kill Pokémon, since humans (most of the time) have no elemental affinity whatsoever and they're physically a lot weaker on average. In this canon, based off Pokémon Conquest, people can fight too, but humans mostly fight other humans or sic Pokémon on each other.
This next part is kind of “filling in the gaps”, but I always imagined that there’s a veil of Infinity Energy protecting Pokemon from dying before they faint. Kind of like Sturdy, but for death instead of fainting. You have to make a Pokemon faint before you kill it. I figured that this explanation works because it explains predation in Pokemon, Pokemon have to make their prey faint before they can kill it and then dig in to eat it. A more “home brew”ish thing that I’ve thought up is a sort of gacha-esque type reactions thing to expand a bit more on type interactions. Basically, when two Types collide, they react according to the matchup, for example, a Focus Blast colliding with a Dark Pulse would overpower and push the Dark Pulse back. I don’t do immunities in my writing (because it’s something that’s very clearly done for balancing purposes rather than logic, just like EVs) but theoretically something that is immune to something else would just phase through it, like a Shadow Ball passing directly through a Hyper Beam. If the attacks are neutral, NVE, or SE against each other, then it just comes down to base power, level, or the effort put into the attack. However, if an “aura” attack collides with another, let’s say a Dragon Rush collides with a Dragon Pulse, there’s an explosion that deals the damage of both attacks (usually resulting in a KO). There’s not much basis for this canonically but it’s the way that I imagine attacks colliding with each other because of how little the canon elaborates on it. A fair bit of writing fanfics is filling in gaps, and above all else you just have to make it make sense.
Also also, forgot to mention that I totally won’t leave you hanging on Ceniza! She’ll exist sometime soon! I think. Fuck I’m really piling up tasks lol
Looking forward to seeing more highlights/art by other anons
I think we've all got a to-do list stacked enough to keep us busy until New Year's.
We already went through them all.
Not even close.
Hardly even halfway
We have plenty of good anons
What exactly is there even left to highlight? With the exception of Ruka and Wolke, the only people left are the writing only people. Vega is long gone, and Emily and Alex take months to write something. What are we even going to do? Repost their writings or AI generations?
And Zatch too ig but she hasn’t even posted writing yet
Yes, dipshit. The point is to look back at some old favorites in the archive. I liked this because X. Here's my opinion on Y.
Conversation? Discussion of Trainer OCs?
Ask questions about OCs, pitch theoretical things at them like the one thread task about said Trainer OCs approached for autographs/battles/etc.
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>Writing only
HEY I DRAW I’m just really busy so I don’t make /tog/ art as often as others
That guy didn’t mention you because he knows that you draw.
As one of the people mentioned who doesn’t draw, I feel like this is really more celebration than discussion. I find it odd that we have already begun a sort of “hall of fame” when we haven’t even had our first anniversary yet. Do you just subconsciously think that this thing isn’t going to last (which is fair honestly)?

It’s also arguably more difficult to showcase people who can’t draw, because there are no home-grown visuals. People won’t really take AI content as seriously and it takes more effort to see words than images.
Zatchanon, bibianon, grymanon, etc...
Come on now anon
Just to clarify, I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, but I’m confused by it because it’s very spontaneous and I feel like it’s not a “real” discussion. I was also about to start talking about minor antagonists and people are already clamoring for another round of… awards? When we kind of already did all of them.
bibi was the first person to get mentioned and the only person to get two mentions I think
My apologies there then
Zatchanon here. Tbh I’m legit taking steps to draw my own stuff now and move away from AI.

I’ll admit I’m using it for now but once I get some skills I’m ditching AI for good. I’m having fun drawing and learning tutorials then I ever did just putting in some prompt.

Nothing to show yet but will share results as I improve. Always nice to see this place lively
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>It’s gonna be sincere, no trolling here.
All I'm saying here is that you have the option to do the funniest thing ever.
>I'm having fun drawing and learning tutorials
Hell yeah.
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I made a silly doodle.
Little rascal
i like it when pokemon aren't just little robot fellas you know?
Incredibly powerful Pokemon just not cooperating with their trainers is one of my favorite forms of Pokemon comedy. Nicely done.
trainer-trolling is endemic to ghost types. That's 100% true don't look it up just take my word for it.
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Okay, I believe you.
>Okay, I believe you
I feel you should've posted Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
Honest to god, cross my kingdom heart, I was going to post this at first https://files.catbox.moe/mw0j67.mp4 but didn't feel like linking an mp4.
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This one's for our absent Grym. I don't care if Entei's always been the worst of the three, it's still my favorite, dammit!

The second Community Booster Pack starts NOW!

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

>Submit your cards here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Submissions end December 11th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png (embed)
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png (embed)
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png (embed)
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png (embed)
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
what even is this
How new?
Hehe, now that's a modern classic.
very actually
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Not a problem, let me bring you up to speed.
One of our frequent contributors (who is currently on vacation) coordinated a community card-making collaboration based on a prior thread task that got a huge amount of traction at the time. The final tally of 101 cards can be found here:
And, because the event-organizer is... more eager than he is wise, he immediately launched into a sequel event (>>56936191).
It's fun drawing practice for me in between writing sessions.
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I wasn't going to fault the poor lad for misremembering a detail from a game released in 2010.
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Tbh that option would be VERY boring.

>”Hey, you guys are cool! I’m making my own story about a Native American based trainer but I’m waiting till I got 3 chapters done to post!”

‘Chapters get done’

“Lol it’s all memes!”

Nah I’m just gonna stick to making a good story: If it good, cool I’ll keep posting here. If sucks, cool I’ll fuck off keep writing and improving, and then comeback later.

Just wait and I assure you the 3 chapters will be worth it. Edgy or not, I CAN say for sure it’ll be better than anything so AI could write. Ya’ll are alright.

Have a Miku gentleman
You're telling me an AI made that?
Wow, that tech's really come a long way since the last time I looked at it.
ok that's cool, carry on
That’s not AI art, just something cool I found off Danbooru
>ai writing
Don't tell me people do that here
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as far as art goes, these are my favorites from the people who haven't gotten specific posts about em yet, not all of em are regulars but i mean, it's all art that stuck with me for one reason or another!
>Still not sure if Cross Rider could be his own thing or just a Dragon Whisperer side-character, but I guess I can make the concept my own, yeah.
that's the spirit, i love him already, though that was a guarantee as soon as you said the words "great saiyaman"
>suddenly less than a month to submit entries
where does the time even go
Don't be ridiculous.
No worries, the copypasta's outdated, the deadline was pushed back to the 30th. Grym has it corrected in the actual submission link.
well. whoops i forgot miko already got one but fuck it, that anon can get the double shoutout
It’s a thing sadly yes.

I’m not one of those people though, my writing is 100% human. If my stuff sucks then I rather it be by my own hand than some soulless machine.
>adding game stats and mechanics to 5e
I'm a big PTU fan (no surprise there) I known you said you don't want to learn a new system, but PTU literally just takes the stats straight from the games and divides them by 10 and rounds up. It does a good job of simulating the games as best it can and even improves on some thing in my opinion (stuff like 6 moves and multiple abilities) for my writing (and encounter building) I like to look at what a pokemon's move list is, what their abilities do, their stats and what their capabilities are. This is what led me to making the Likitung encounter I did. You don't even need to learn the system. Just knowing what the capability and abilities do is enough to get the ball rolling. I am biased towards PTU though because it unironically became my favorite system out there (DBU is a close second if they could get their shit togehter)
I know there's fake books being published on Amazon, but we do not do that *here,* which I think is what our curious guest was implying.
Ohhh, sorry for sounding a little hostile then. Curiosity is a good thing to have.
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No, the people who use AI-generated images to portray their ideas are very open and honest about its use and why they use it.
But we all take pride in our writing. And most of it's so specific that I doubt an AI would be able to replicate it anyway.
And I'm not interested in putting that to the test.
That Stunfisk one was so great, I remember it like it was yesterday. If we're talking one-hit wonders, my vote goes to this guy's collages.
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Seems like everyone and their mother wants to draw now (except for Emily, can't say I blame him). I'm a big "all or nothing" person which is why I was hesitant to really begin until I got my pen (and I only just found out how different it feels from using paper, which is an issue). I'm curious to know what exactly you're doing to learn.

Also, Archivist, I just realized something. Are you REALLY sure that you want to be so encouraging to me? Because on the slim chance that I actually make it, you're not only going to have to deal with updating grammatical errors, but updating drawings, and updating my writings with new drawings added. Are you sure you don't want to be a little bit more pessimistic, perhaps? A little bit cynical, if you will? Incredulous, even.
My main issue is the clunky Berry system that replaces PP. I might just write out that one specific part if I like the rest of it. I already do away with 4MSS in my writing. Don't think I'm doing multiple abilities but it's not completely written off. I'll have to see about the encounters.
Berry system? At-will, EoT, Scene, and Daily replace PP. The digestion buff thing is a mess though, especially if you hate book keeping.
>I'm curious to know what exactly you're doing to learn.

For now some YouTube tutorials on Charcoal art as well as guides.

Here’s the last vid I watched on the topic of Charcoal if it helps any

Not editing this one because it got trips. Call that a self-checkout.
>But we all take pride in our writing.
With one exception, yours truly. But I am curious to know, if I made an AI-generated writing with Alex, assuming that it's perfectly coherent structurally and grammatically, what exactly would you notice is missing that gives off that it's AI and not me?
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>Are you REALLY sure that you want to be so encouraging to me?
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I'd have to adapt this to the Sugimori style, but here's a first concept of Cross Rider. The guy under the mask is a cocky and clueless Unovan actor who means well, but isn't very privy to what's going on in Alola at the moment of his arrival for a promotional shoot. Koa's a big fan, so it's natural that they'd CROSS paths eventually
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>Koa's a big fan, so it's natural that they'd CROSS paths eventu-ACK!
Oh fuck off, retard.
Ok, but don’t complain whenever I ask you to update my drawings.
Koa, that’s an amusing design, but… are you aware of the fact that his Heracross belt buckle looks like an erect penis, at least from this angle? I’m tempted to ask for an Alex cameo as the generic corporate villain of whatever episode he’s filming, but that’s probably not suitable to tokusatsu
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Thank you, thank you, I'm here all night.

I think you're just not seeing it in space properly. The horn protrudes a lot less than you'd think. I can look into it, I guess. Eh, Alex is way less cartoony than the average tokusatsu bad guy but I can imagine he could buy himself a cameo, or convince the producers to offer him one or something. Not that I'd add someone else's OC to my stories all willy-nilly like that, but still
I mean, it technically is Sora in the past because Ventus' heart went inside Sora's so he could save Aqua who was brainwashed into being evil when she did nothing wrong, so Xenahort could get the keyblades while everybody was sad, and I better stop here because, as we all know, Kingdom Hearts' timeline is more convoluted than Pokémon's timelines, and we don't even scratched the Final Fantasy crossover.

>Are you sure you don't want to be a little bit more pessimistic, perhaps? A little bit cynical, if you will? Incredulous, even.
My friend, her we aren't pessimists nor optimists. We are objetivists.
We don't say "I have a half filled cup of water" or "I have a half emptied cup of water". Here we say "I have a cup with water", and that's what's important.
One, you spelled “objectivists” wrong, and two, I don’t think you know what that word actually means.
Well, you get what I mean. The idea is to make content, and progress for the better.
You did something good? Well done, good job. You did something, but it was bad? Bad luck, you'll get it next time.
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Meh, good enough.
I like the effects, it almost makes it look 3D.
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Honestly, I don't know how I do that. It's a shading trick my subconscious picked up while doing some practice with a Helioptile drawing and it's been doing wonders for me ever since.
Bring back Wolke and Athena!
This design is rad. Need to hear more about Cross Rider's style of fighting and any gadgets.
Alex funding things behind the scenes would be funny. Slamming his fists upon his desk when he hears the silly kaiju villains he ordered got melted by the guy in a Heracross mask.
Your perspective/shading is really going places. This is awesome work.
Crazy that you got close enough to the volcano next to Lake Michigan for the background pic.
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First reply intended for >>56936725
Oh who was the heretic girl from the mystic stage or whatever. She was cool. Wish we could have seen more of her. I can't remember her name for the life of me.
Vega? She comes once a month, IIRC.
Good morning, /tog/. Have a great day!
No, no. It's still applicable to my post because I miss them dearly. Miko too, for that matter.
Pfft, I wish. Bah, he's thinking about the evil one who can hear the voices of legendaries in her head. The busybody who declared jihad on Arceus after losing her friend in an avalanche. We were helping that anon organize their thoughts just a week or two ago. I'm only going to be awake for the next few seconds so I'm blanking on her name right now.
You better rest, man. Maybe her name will appear in your dreams.
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>except for Emily
Part of the unwillingness is not having a tablet to draw with. Digital art's just entirely more convenient than pencil and paper art regardless. Otherwise it's simply the fact I spent a lot of my early years as a kid finding out I don't have a natural talent for drawing but I had one for writing so I ended up honing that instead. Not interested in spending 10+ years trying to get good at drawing just to be mediocre anyway cause everyone has a different ceiling, not everyone is meant to be great at everything.
I’d have to explore how Pokémon can help with special effects in this setting. I’ve got a few ideas for this guy in general:

Cross Rider is a long-running franchise, one of the biggest TV products from PokéStar Studios. There’s been crossovers with Brycen Man and even the Hoenn Rangers. The current actor, a guy by the name of Caraway, has quite some fame, but he’s pretty careless and overall just the typical actor type that barely cares about the product. I could drop him into Chapter 3 or something, where I’m planning for Koa to go to Kantai City. Mallow, Kiawe and Lana would show up too. A promotional shoot of a special Cross Ranger episode would be going on at the moment, and some kind of incident would be set off during the process. Not sure what that would be yet. I want this Caraway dude to go from “I’m just here for the money, screw all of you kids” to “I can be an actual hero if I try!”. This would also be a cool thing to show in my last chapters, where Caraway would show up again, in full costume, fighting like the real Cross Rider would.

Cross Rider has plenty of martial arts moves and maneuvers and copies some Pokémon moves with some special flair. He does a big acrobatic backwards flip with an axe kick and shouts “Unraveling U-Turn!” or he grabs and tosses a guy and shouts “Shocking Seismic Toss!”. That sort of thing. Cross Rider changes his moveset slightly depending on which Pokémon he’s fighting alongside with and I have this idea where he can activate Mega Heracross with the belt buckle and slightly transform. As for gadgets, the belt would sell like gang busters as a toy, but he HAS to have a bike. Maybe some kind of brass knuckles or something
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Despite all the heroics she pulls, Emily is still a teenager. A delinquent one at that. She tries not to take advantage of the wealth she'd been born into but sometimes it's a bit hard for her. Being a girl born into a rich family with a tech genius of a "sister" like Arai, she likes taking a motorbike Arai made-- using materials bought on the dime of Emily's family under Emily's guise of developing a performance bike to put on the market and make the family some money with-- since her main tech interests are vehicles and weaponry and causing issues for local police while taunting them the whole way. Complete with a plate on the back that says "Unova" as the regional indicator with "Will Run" underneath it. Pic related being rather close to what I had in mind.

A lot of OCs here are still teens and such, what do they do to get into trouble for the cheap thrills and fun of it? Or do we have a bunch of goody-two-shoes in here?
Gonna bump anyway or else we're gonna get bumped into the Archive by said shitposting.
>I’d have to explore how Pokémon can help with special effects in this setting
I think all or at least most of Unovan Zoroark's appearances in animation revolved around their bending light to trick cameras. The bad guy from the Zoroark movie used it to create fake news, there was that kid who used Zorua as an actor standin, Iris used that same Zorua to pretend to be the dragon sperg, etc.
>Emily gets on the bike
>her legs are too stumpy to shift gears
I never actually got any delinquent vibes from her before. Grumpy stumpy frumpy tryhard vibes, but she seemed too stonefaced to ever get in pissing matches with the police. Figured she'd just say "whatever, weakling," and storm off.
>what do they do to get into trouble for the cheap thrills and fun of it?
In our world, only juvenile crows value shiny objects. As they mature, crows become more pragmatic as they learn to value the utility of objects over appearances. Murkrow (and Honchkrow) by contrast never abandon their appreciation for pretty loot. Teen Phos would have her Murkrow steal other people's things and stash them in someone else's belongings just to stir up trouble. They have the same trolling style of humor that means the two of them were constantly egging each other on to even more petty affronts to society.
Well that shouldn't be a problem (and the cat's out of the bag now), we all love Emboar here.
>her legs are too stumpy
Obviously Arai would set the gear shift somewhere else in the design to accommodate for her gremlin sister's shortness.
>Figured she'd just say "whatever, weakling," and storm off.
That feels edgier and more tryhard than anything I actually write of Emily.
>but she seemed too stonefaced to ever get in pissing matches with the police.
She likes flexing how FREE she is compared to the civilian cattle. It's one of her few forms of whimsy and slight bits of ego. She especially loves when some over-concerned WENCH tries yapping at her on the road about what she's doing just to retort with "Yeah and? I live free as a bird while you're chained in the pig pen." and then zoom off.
>Murkrow/Honchkrow bit
Sounds like something Mari would do if she ever outright took a liking to Murkrow/Honchkrow as a species.
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Hey Archivist, I was checking the art Mega for a meme and I noticed that a certain Kommo-o reaction image that I sometimes use is in there. I did NOT draw that. I got it off of Google Images. I feel like it probably shouldn't be in there. Thanks.
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>Murkrow enters someone's home
>finds something that looks important sitting out
>stashes it in a drawer
>Phos and Murkrow watch through the window as the homeowner flips their house upside-down looking for it
>they would do this for hours
This betrayal of my trust is remedied only by the honesty of your confession, thank you.
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I mean, I never claimed to have made it lol it's just one of several Kommo-o images I have for different situations

>She likes flexing how FREE she is compared to the civilian cattle.
>"Yeah and? I live free as a bird while you're chained in the pig pen."

I'm sorry but the "good guys VS morally grey" debacle is never NOT gonna be funny to me, even if I respect everyone's writing
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Damn, that Franco side profile goes hard in a vacuum.
It's from a picture in the Mega. Yeah I agree it's kinda cool lmao, but I guess I'm always gonna find the "goody two-shoes or morally grey protag" conversation funny, no matter how many times we have it.
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We have that conversation often?
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I like how out of all of these characters, Franco is the only one who bothers to have any form of higher ideals and moral system. The rest are simply only looking out for themselves, and, depending on who you ask, either disregard and ignore conventional morality or just flat out reject the concept of morality altogether.
Dunno, there was a time where we’d spend a long time debating character morals. It’s been a year since I started being here and I’ve been on and off at times, so I can understand the confusion for newer people.
I kinda grasped when selecting people for this image because some are outright evil and some are just chuuni.

Speaking of, I gave Transcendence chapter 1 a skim. I’ll admit I found it a bit confusing at first who the text was talking about before it was spelt out that it was Emily. The rest seems cool, though. Espionage stuff was not on my bingo card for Emily.
He truly is the only conscious human in a world of sheep.
>>56940883 let me jus' switch posts real quick
>goody two-shoes or morally grey protag"
I understand. I, too, yearn for classically good and classically villainous characters. With Phos and Franco, I wrote them in the hopes that readers would say "so-and-so has a point" or else take a step back and recognize that they're both caustically toxic people who deserve each other's company.
Recently I've been contemplating the idea of future stories revolving around a trio of comically-inept Pokemon thieves and their adventures, but I haven't given it much thought beyond the elevator pitch. On one hand, I absolutely adore the trope of villains who are really bad at being evil; on the other hand, I'm wondering how I'd avoid making them a Team Rocket retread.
Well, I don’t really mind what people choose to write, but in my personal opinion, for almost 20 years the idea of subversion in media has become stale and tired, and in turn, is deserving of subversion in and of itself. It’s kind of the same idea behind the Superman story “What’s wrong with truth, justice and the American Way?”. Although even that story is several years old, and they didn’t pick up that spirit for future interpretations of the character. Koa is a “goody two-shoes” because I want him to have growth and become an admirable guy. Koa doubts himself every step of the way and has to navigate a complex and changing environment, but his friends and allies keep him grounded. Plus, I always found Pokémon to be a mostly cheery setting. The whole “kill or be killed” angle really isn’t my style.

Still, we’ve talked plenty about this in the past and I don’t mean to criticise anyone.
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Thanks for implying I’m buff, man. I appreciate it.
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Um, excuse me, I was thinking solely of myself with that post, you egomaniac.
Now pardon me while I return to sulking over someone disagreeing with inserting tone-deaf and overplayed postmodernist morality into a declining media franchise.
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Only unspoiler this if you have read CHD: Yes, the first concept is a reuse of Katie. Yes, she still has a crop top and navel piercing.

One thing I don't see people discuss a lot is minor antagonists. Do you guys prefer for them to be related or unrelated to the major antagonist? Do you contemplate using both? How do you portray them in relation to the timeline of events? I've been thinking about minor antagonists for Alex's DnD storyline, and I've come up with three concepts.

The first is your typical femme fatale rogue. I don't know how Alex will deal with theives' guilds yet (maybe it will be on a case by case basis, some like him and some don't), but this one I imagine will be either a high-level enforcer for one that Alex pissed off too many times or just someone that they hired to take him out. Don't know how she will fight yet, maybe it will be another Arcane Trickster or maybe an Assassin to contrast with Alex being an Arcane Trickster. This is the team that I have drafted for her so far.

>Great Tusk
>Roaring Moon (?)
>Mega (?) Tyranitar

Other considerations:

>Slither Wing
>Iron Valiant
>Mega Sharpedo

The idea behind her team is that, while she herself is feminine (or well, as feminine as the Phos kind of woman can be), her Pokemon are extremely stereotypically masculine.

I'm much less inclined to go with this next one due to trope overlap, but she could also potentially have a partner, either her sister or just a fellow psycho. Unlike the first one, while she is a femme fatale as well, her Pokemon actually do line up with her archetype.

>Mega Mawile

Other considerations:

>Walking Wake

Pic related is not related to any of this stuff. I'm unsure what to do with him.
You can't say for sure how Emily works until I get off my lazy ass and push out more chapters anyway.
>good guys vs morally grey
Emily's story is morally grey (herself) vs bad guys. She just looks down on normie cattle that whine about her exerting her freedom. Like when Karens whine literally anything to people who can get away with shit said Karen doesn't approve of.
do you guys have like a shared canon or something?
Think some guys run a collab story, or at least characters, so to an extent sorta?
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This other antagonist is a little bit interesting because it's a Paladin. A little bit of background here, since neither Team Plasma nor his childhood bullies are present in this timeline, there's a gap in how Alex's socio/psychopathy is supposed to fester. So, in this universe, he gets upgraded to a full blown psychopath. If my understanding of feats is correct, this would be kind of like a racial feat which gives him two free INT and CHA points (yeah, I'm still doing stats in this storyline) at the cost of... uh... something about the pure of heart being more wary of him? Anyways, while he's still "good", his excessive brutality as well as occasional bad deeds finds him in the crosshairs of some Oath of Vengeance guy who starts tracking him down. So far I have


Aegislash could replace Garganacl, and Kommo-o is also a consideration to replace Urshifu-R. Dragonite, Zapdos-G, Arcanine-H, and Armarouge are also lesser considerations.

I feel like this an interesting dynamic because it highlights Alex's lack of moral standing, while he's fighting against someone much worse than him, his repeated questionable behavior also catches the ire of someone better than him.

Attached is an inspiration for the design of Alex's pistols in this. Suggestions on how to alter or improve this design to be more "Alex" are welcome. Besides turning the purple to black, of course. Think the gold should also be turned to silver, maybe?
>related or unrelated to the major antagonist?
It's important to understand the role that an antagonist plays in a story. By virtue of the etymology, the antagonist is the equal and opposite of the protagonist, they are both "contenders to the prize." Contrast deuteragonist, in which a character is earmarked as the secondary protagonist. A deuteragonist can be an ally (off the top of my head: Willy Wonka to Charlie, Beauty & the Beast) or serve as the antagonist (Frollo to Quasimodo, Scar & Simba), but the story is equally about two characters and their quest for The Prize.
Put simply, if a "minor antagonist" isn't actively contending for the same prize as the protagonist, then they aren't a true antagonist at all--they're just an obstacle for the protagonist to overcome along the way.
Let's analyze a fairly well-known story: Darth Vader is the supreme antagonist competing against the Rebels as they fight back and forth over the Death Star, but you wouldn't really consider the Stormtroopers to be equal to the main party just because they're shooting at the Rebels, savvy? The Mujahideen that try to mug Luke in the desert have no personal stakes in the battle for the Death Star but they still provide critical and memorable worldbuilding to enrich the story. Are the sand people antagonists, obstacles, or something else entirely?
In your case, reflect on what role the rogues here play. Beyond that thing you have for women. How does their presence enrich the narrative or else fortify its core themes and further the competition for the prize? You'll have your answer there.
Nah, just little crossovers. One-on-one character interviews became something of a tradition for the general, but whatever happens in one story isn't canon to another. Some of us would like to think that there's a shared canon, but it all comes down to the whim of the authors involved.
Eons in Flux, by virtue of being the most-involved setting, is also the one that has the most shoutouts to other works. But they're just shoutouts with one exception.
I'm apparently left in my own corner at this point it seems but idk about anyone else.
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What are you talking about? That boulder sits quite comfortably as the centerpiece of the /tog/ living room.
Look, there's even a little red rug so it doesn't scratch up the woodwork. It's got those cute little tassels on it and everything.
Room social stuff =/= Shared canon storyline stuff.
*thread social stuff
idk why my brain went with room
The main stories are:

>Eons in Flux
The rivalry story between a rogue woman and a controller CEO. Near to finish.

>Alex's path to (in)fame
Alex's growth from a little sociopath to a megalomaniac who never allows mistakes against him, any measures needed. In progress

>Silas' little sea shanty
Silas' (mis)adventures for fame and fortune to riches. Someday he will have his own ship and crew, but for now a little boat and his sweet Volbeat. In progress.

>Koa's biggest trial
The adventures of Koa, a dragon tamer from Alola, ready to take over the world. But will the Brave New World will change his perception on traditions and family? He will venture to discover it. In progress.

Behold: Emily. A short girl who may as well be a one man army. Her adventures and seek of challenges will make her go beyond realms she even didn't imagined. And she is ready to fight whoever tries to stop her. In progress.

>One shots
So one day anon grabbed his keyboard and started writing... Updated when a funny idea happens.

There may be more, but those are the "main" stories that come to my head.
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You were the kid who got F's in Spelling class, weren't you?
Being an ESL does that to you, but I can't complain.
I find your alternative spellings very charming.
I'll let it slide for now then since ESLs in this thread haven't given me a reason to hate them on principle like others do.
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>Koa's biggest trial
Erm, it's actually "Tales of the Dragon Whisperer"???? I put effort into the name, anon...
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Rocky, chill.
I am being chill, otherwise I'd call him a double retard.
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Sheesh these threads go by so quickly, but I've been lurking as I'm reporting to you guys from the writing trenches. Alongside struggling to get the next chapter out, I'm also working on a surprise for the TogCG. In the meantime, here's my submission for a DT from last thread: Ivy dressed as Rosa.
Always an honor to make OP
Really glad you liked this one anon. And thank you for showcasing everyone's amazing art- this thread has such a wholesome start thanks to you.
>the background is really nice
Funny you say that since backgrounds are the thing I think I struggle most with, especially back then. My motto is to slap a bunch of colors and effects on it until it looks good. Fake it til you make it :P
>little doodle
>proceeds to make gorgeous art of my favs
ok bibi-anon, riiiight. You're so good at capturing that etherealness Rina has. From the facial expressions, to the poses, to the movement, everything about this "doodle" is so top tier
You guys are really too kind
This is really great. I love seeing how OC's interact with their Pokemon like this. That 2nd panel is also really great.
I think the stunfisk OC's art is criminally underrated (as is Luke-anon's- shoutout to Luke-anon: I fucking love you) and that specific piece is so comfy cozy- I love it so much. also thank you for the double shoutout
This guy goes hard
Fuck this is great. Entei's one of my fav legendaries and u did it great justice, amazing work as per usual.

hitting the character limit so i'll continue in the next post
>>56942124 cont (with some OC mon interactions inspired by >>56935526)
Side characters, NPC's, rivals and antagonists are something I've been giving a lot of though to recently, especially in my own works and how I want to proceed going forward. I think having minor antagonists unrelated to the major antagonist is a fun idea since it kind of expands the world a bit more. There are multiple forces at play instead of one major looming threat. Maybe these antagonists even butt heads once in a while. It can also make for great A and B plot divergences. As for the teams you have planned out for this femme fatale, I'm always such a proponent for clashing ideas and duality in characters. I think the femme fatale with stereotypical masculine Pokemon is more compelling than the straight forward femme fatale. Kind of like how Oleander had a Garbodor amongst her typically femme and beautiful Pokemon, a trainer's team can reveal something about them personality wise that they don't let off themselves.

Reading everyone's amazing works really gives me a great perspective on how to handle character interactions and connections as well as just write better. You guys are seriously talented and inspirational so just want to give a general thank you to everyone <3
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My darling.
I just need Wolke back and we can be a family again.
>These threads go by quickly
No they don’t, this is an anomaly. We haven’t had a thread this fast since the Teraleak. Usually threads last a week, this one is projected to last four days.
That's fair. My perception of time and sleep schedule are super fucked so everything's just been kind of a blur.
>How does their presence
Still trying to figure that out, but her presence implies that Alex has had a bigger impact on the region than just his main conflict, ergo, he’s been fucking shit up for a while, and we just witness the part where the conflict comes to a head. Whereas the Paladin shows that he’s continuing to have an effect on the world that goes beyond his main conflict.

Now, gun suggestions, go.
Alex’s main storyline hasn’t even started yet. Black Blaze is a huge one-shot and I’m highly tempted to start his fantasy story before his real one because the latter is a MUCH larger time sink.
I agree, I’m just putting things out there because I’m wondering if this should just be a one on one side conflict or not. The thing about character concepts is that not all of them get used. I know Bibi has some school newspaper reporter that was eventually canned due to lack of ideas.
She got taken away by a Driftblim.
Had one too many parfaits
How often does her freedom infringe on the freedom of others?
yesssss 'mon interactionssss
Very rarely. She makes it a point to not tread on the "smallfolk" but she's not above talking down to them if they start getting uppity like Karens or other types of idiots do.
>Entei's one of my fav legendaries and u did it great justice, amazing work as per usual.
Thank you. While looking at Entei's official cards, I saw that it did not have a single piece of full-body artwork where it wasn't soipogging. Entei's my favorite of the three even if it's always been a left-handed shitter, and I think it looks best when it can look regal and dignified and not when it's constantly mouthbreathing.
>Ivy dressed as Rosa.
[Entei mouthbreathing]
>Ivy fighting Chansey
Excellent work. E-chan is telling me that she wanted to cheat and feature you twice with your tarot card and now I forget what else I was going to say here.
>Crazy that you got close enough to the volcano next to Lake Michigan for the background pic
I'm always surprised to find out there are people who have spent their entire lives in the area and don't realize the magma flows start to cool off after October. If you visit there in January, you can even walk across the top as long as you ignore the signs telling you not to walk across the top (I ignore the signs).
>she's not above talking down to them
I don't think she's talking down to many people when she's level with most people's kneecaps.
>I don't think she's talking down to many people when she's level with most people's kneecaps.
Saw that joke coming from so far away it can be seen up in orbit with the naked eye.
>it can be seen up in orbit with the naked eye
Just like that giant robot?
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know is a misinterpretation in the last part of that chapter, but I wanted to make a meta joke. I'm sorry.
I only just now saw the spoiler. I had a brain fart. Fuck.
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u wot
Bless you, bump bro.
I'm heading to bed early tonight for a change, you're in charge, night crew.
Good night, man. I hope you have sweet dreams.
Night crew taking over now.
I mean, last night I had a dream that my spiders were trying to get inside my car while I was trying not to close the door on their legs and this morning I had a dream that Wolke came back, so it can only get better from here, right?
At least is better than mine.
I dreamt I was taking dates like a mad man, and had shit endings. At one point somebody appeared in my room and said "you are wasting your time, why are you having dates if you are screwing them up? Don't you love the girls", and I responded "of course I love them, I just know love is for idiots."
"Then why are you having dates?!" the man yelled at me. "Because I want to believe I'm wrong", I answered. I woke up with the biggest "WTF?!" feeling ever. Did I just called myself an idiot? Because I never dated.
You don't need women, you had a horse.
I may be a ponyfag, but I'm 100% the women in my dream were human.
First night bump
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i forgot to comment but it's good to see audrey (if that's still her name) again, funny stuff, love to see gengar get up to some mischief!
YOOOO fuck you worked fast on that anon! sick stuff, i love cross rider already. the urge to draw him is killing me, the scarf adds just enough contrast and the net balls are a great little detail
oooh fun bit of emily lore, i thought she'd be too serious for that kinda stuff but i thought wrong!
>A lot of OCs here are still teens and such, what do they do to get into trouble for the cheap thrills and fun of it?
while bibi's not a trouble maker per se, i like to headcanon that paldea's got a pretty big racing scene given cyclizar's a pretty common mode of transport, and that she gets into some pretty reckless street races throughout her teens. has never lost a game of chicken (err...game of torchic rather?) either, but koraidon kinda gives her the world's most unfair advantage far as all of that goes. alto on the other hand shies away from stuff that's too physically dangerous but he skips class and trespasses fairly often. back when he used to get detention he'd have misdreavus "haunt" the bathrooms just to see if the shrieks of other students would be loud enough to reach him. he will neither confirm nor deny that he put a cop to sleep with his jigglypuff once to steal their megaphone and walkie-talkie. (pic semi-related i guess? mostly just wanted to drop this gag cuz i've been sitting on it a while)
once again you flatter me! and the adorable ivys give me the strength to go on, thanks for delivering my regular dose of mikoverse ocs
>oooh fun bit of emily lore, i thought she'd be too serious for that kinda stuff
People seem to think I'm the unrepentant edgelord writer of the thread when that spot goes to Alex. Emily's just a grumpy tsundere ice queen gremlin with a bit of a whimsical duality hidden behind said icy outward attitude.
>cyclizar and such
Emily would think of stuff like Cyclizar and Koraidon as unholy amalgamations of motorcycle and Pokemon. Probably not a good idea for her to ever end up in Paldea. But otherwise all that stuff you just said was within the bounds of my expectations for Bibi and Alto.
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I never thought I would say this, but I actually like Alto more when he's tan. And I guess, so does Alex. Was this one of his phases?
Also, Archivist, I thought you were going to give me magical pistol advice before you went to bed.
>unrepentant edgelord
nahhh i don't see your stuff as overly edgy at all, emily just usually seems to be turbo serious in comparison to everyone who surrounds her so sometimes i forget she's still got the capacity for acting like a shithead teen (something which i'm happy to be wrong about, it's definitely fun)
ah he's not any more or less tan than i usually portray him here, but then again i use colors fairly inconsistently since i usually just pick em to suit the scene. just like how bibi gets a timeskip look change i wanted to play with a different hairstyle for alto (and makeup style i guess). there's a decent range of looks that crop up in vkei frontmen so i'm just dabbling in other options
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>Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc, what do they do?
Hand them each a nugget and run away, she's shy and can't communicate with strangers
Turbo serious is the image she prefers to present in public but despite her "higher order" lifestyle she's still very human and prone to outbursts of whimsy, being an awkward little autist and dorky, corny bullshit and will continue to do so even into adulthood. Things that keep her very "human" even as she leads a very "inhuman" lifestyle. I've also literally said in this thread before that she's secretly IN PRIVATE something of a cuddlebug with both Mari and with Mawlie and Tinkaton.
Anyway I am heading to bed, hopefully you niglets keep the thread alive.
This dude is cool, can't wait to see more of them!
>A lot of OCs here are still teens and such, what do they do to get into trouble for the cheap thrills and fun of it? Or do we have a bunch of goody-two-shoes in here?
Sounds like a fun question for the next thread. Or this one even: what would your OC do if they were a delinquent?

Bibi being a racer and Alto being a prankster sounds fun. Like if we had a Kunio-Kun style Pokémon team.
He would probably get off to that if he gets to see the tanlines.

Won't stop me to try to communicate with her. She looks adorable.

Emily being adorable in private sounds fun for a moment where her sisters go into her room, and maybe she is stuck singing something corny and cheesy. Like, 90s pop punk or a very catchy anime OP.
Also, I'm surprised her favorite rifle is chambered in Lapua Magnum. I would've expected to be in 700 Nitro Express
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Do boys get tanlines? I mean, there's parts where you will be tan and parts where you won't be, but tanLINES sounds like exclusively a woman thing that results from bikinis. Men don't really have clothing that would give them LINES like that.

Honestly I hate tanlines btw, and so would Alex
>Do boys get tanlines?
When I worked in the army, they allowed us to work in our short sleeve shirts when the weather was too hot.
Needless to say, I will forever have a "sleveless shirt" on my skin 'til the day I die.
Also, they are a thing as well. Men can wear those speedos to make the short beach shorts tan more noticeable.
Hit a setback with my drawing practice today. Feels like I'm going backwards and spinning my wheels. It's all over the place with no real consistency in quality. Anyone else hit a wall like.this?
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>Won't stop me to try to communicate with her. She looks adorable.
You'll have better luck if you're a bug type fanatic like herself! Bugs were the only type her mother allowed her to keep as a child.
Other than that, she sticks to talking to her partner pokemon. And thank you!
hitting the hay but before that
i remember the cuddlebug bit but i'll keep in mind her more public displays of fun-having from here on!
ooh she's so cute, what's her name? and what's on her team besides frosmoth?
>Bibi being a racer and Alto being a prankster sounds fun
it'll only be fun for one of them at a time because either bibi has to promise to "drive" responsibly or all of paldea hears alto shriek as she has them clamber up and leap off buildings as a shortcut
some days will just be like, i usually give myself a break for a day and come back to it when i'm well rested. art takes more energy than people tend to think, if you're struggling with something in particular it might just mean you need to come back with a clearer head later
What's the main issue? Lack of desire? Lack of a set goal? No more progress?

How fancy. Is she galarian?
inconsistent progress, I'll draw something like a face or a hand really good by my standards, but when I'll immediately try it again and it's like it couldn't have been my hands that did it the first time.

I should probably just rest like >>56944322 said
>ooh she's so cute, what's her name?
Yi, or Yi-Yi
>and what's on her team besides frosmoth?
leavanny / centiskorch / scolipede / frosmoth is her team (so far)
Not Galarian, the Snom was a gift from her sister who travels a lot. Not really sure which region she's originally from...
>Anyone else hit a wall like.this?
Yes and the best solution I can offer is to switch it up. Maybe a different brush or art program. Or just sitting back and realizing not everyday can be good art day, take a break, and try to not let it get to you.
I've been working with just pencil and paper. I find digital art unwieldy and difficult to grasp. which is why silly MS Paint stuff is a comfort zone I'm seeking to break once I go back digital.
Now that was a nice night. Let's have a nice day, /tog/.
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All this talk about tans got me itching to draw this beauty again. Been giving more thought into Ivy's relations with her Pokemon and how her team interacts with each other. Might put together some sort of chart or doc outlining it all. I've also been thinking about giving epilogue Alolan Ivy a Buzzwole- I have a fun story idea of her fighting/wrestling one in mind.
>TQ: Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc, what do they do?
autograph: Would gladly oblige as they feed her ego
battle: A chance to go all out and get stronger? Of course
date: If a group of young trainers are asking her out on a date, she'd be flattered but turn them down. Way too young.
apprenticeship: These poor trainers don't know what they're getting themselves into, but Ivy would happily and eagerly accept anyone looking to train under her.
Miko: unless they're coming at looking to play a game of sorts, he would definitely get overwhelmed and bolt.
this is adorable
and I'm really loving the fits and bibi's long hair.
>what would your OC do if they were a delinquent?
Delinquent Ivy would definitely have more frequent Marshall incidents where she just attacks people unprovoked. She'd also probably have a bat.
Miko on the other hand would be the worlds youngest scam artist.
>Do boys get tanlines?
I feel like farmers tans are pretty common for guys in the summer.
I feel you anon, this sort of thing happens to me too every now and then and can be super frustrating. Like bibi-anon and others have already mentioned, resting or taking a break is usually what works for me. Coming back to your art with a fresh set of eyes and new mindset can work wonders as a sort of factory reset for when this kind of stuff happens.
Aw Yi-Yi's so cute. Love the bug specialty, seems super fitting with her shyness. Hope to see more from you and Yi-Yi soon
>I thought you were going to give me magical pistol advice
And I thought you would wear something nice to dinner. You want some magical pistol advice? Use a revolver, they don't drop casings.
Perfectly natural, especially when you're still learning the motions. Take a step back and return to basics. Draw circles with your whole arm, draw ribbons coiling, draw cubes from as many different angles as you can think of. These basic shapes are fundamental building blocks for the more advanced concepts you want to draw.
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Question for the thread: how did your character meet their pokemon?

Hyacinth (pictured here, I'll post actually art of her later) met her Larvesta when it randomly showed up in her bed one night after she got through a severe case of disease. It's unclear if the bug is real or some kind of ghost, a trait their trainer also possesses.

Both would also die after too much sun so no tan lines for them.

Lmao. This is the girl from that AU where she died in Area Zero? I remember the comic about it from a few days ago.

Cute. Trainers and their Pokemon should have more dynamics.

>what would your OC do if they were a delinquent?
The last character I posted here, Adeline, actually did have a loose idea I made in the threads a couple years ago but it never went beyond a single doodle. Real Adeline has a gimmick where she only speaks through a megaphone, so delinquent Ado speaks through gunshots in Morse code because that's stupid and I like stupid things. Also uses Pawniard over Durant.

Yea, I've felt that. I feel like my style hasn't really changed or improved since 2020. I'm not that torn up about it, but it's definitely a flaw. I guess try experimenting with new styles, techniques, and studies. Branch out some more.
I still have to try and draw him in a more Sugimori-esque style, but I’m kinda liking Cross Rider, yeah. He’s still a show within a show for Dragon Whisperer, but the actor is the more relevant character there. I could always make comics or one-shots for standalone Cross Rider stories to be more of its own thing.

I’m also trying to make a theme song lol
Emily already has her own private selection of bits she ends up singing in private when the feeling takes her. It doesn't take her sisters poking her to get her to sing something in private.
>I'm surprised her favorite rifle is chambered in Lapua Magnum. I would've expected to be in 700 Nitro Express
Lapua Magnum is better for long range shooting, 700 Nitro Express is a glorified, sharp slug that is made for putting down elephants at close range. That's why.
>bug fanatic
Pretty sure she'd be clammed up anyway since 2 out of 3 of Emily's bugs are the intimidating types in the form of her masked Volcarona and her scornful Golisopod.
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>TQ: Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc, what do they do?

I'm probably gonna use this for part of the SoL sequence in Chapter 3 so I'll probably answer vaguely and say Emily tends to be caught off guard by people recognizing her in the street since she always felt any following she had was niche and that most people that saw her on the TV/streams of the "Selda Championship"-- fanon tournament centered around regional pride and such-- and that most people who talked about her faded within a few months after that, as per the usual NPC's goldfish level memory spans. She believed she flew back under the radar and would be caught off guard in a somewhat bad way by someone wanting an autograph or even an apprenticeship.

The autograph she'd begrudgingly give but she'd outright reject any sort of apprenticeship. She'd largely reject any of the other things too.

Battles would be a case-by-case basis and greedy little "gimmedats" would get the pic related treatment.
I made a dark-type sand team for a recent "post a theme; get a trainer class" thread and it inspired me to make a new character. Desert Punk is placeholder art since the anon in that thread gave me the Punk trainer class.

Working name is O'Connell. He works as security for archaeological sites in Unova to protect them from looters/grave robbers. Dark types work well at night when looting often happens and this team is immune to sandstorms, so it's perfect for guarding places like Relic Castle.

I designed the movesets around it being an in-game NPC trainer doubles battle, hence only 3 moves and not all of them having items. Wanted there to be some synergy/themes between the paired mons and a variety of moves to make it fun.

>Tyranitar + Cacturne
T-tar sets sand for the team (assuming they're not under desert perma-sand already). T-tar boosts its accuracy with Hone Claws while Cacturne uses Sand Veil/Double Team to boost evasion.

>Drapion + Krookodile
Drapion uses its Sniper crit-boosted Brutal Swing to hit everyone, which ideally activates Krookodile's Anger Point. It would also boost the power of Krookodile's Assurance since Drapion is slightly faster and would damage it first. Drapion has Goggles because it's the only one not naturally immune to Sandstorm (but Pokedex entries mention it being a desert Pokemon, so it fits at least).

>Mandibuzz + Bisharp
Both of them use a status move against the opponent and uses that against them. Mandibuzz with Flatter to buff its Punishment and Bisharp using Taunt to guarantee Sucker Punch landing.
Welcome newfriend, thanks for stopping in!
Your line work is good and the style is distinct, I'd say you're doing just fine. Maybe give that poor girl a few cheeseburgers and 50cc of fluids. She looks like she took an extended vacation in Auschwitz.
Does it really need a Sugimori touch up? What's there to fill in? I would say do a helmetless version and you're on your way.
>I designed the movesets around it being an in-game NPC trainer doubles battle, hence only 3 moves and not all of them having items
God, I wish more people were like that.
a farmer's tan is just a really big tanline if you think about it
So apparently /pol/ is pissing and shitting over Russia supposedly getting ready to launch Nukes. I claim it'll be another nothingburger but just in case; See you in the next life boys.
Putting this out there just so I don’t forget about it later.

I was listening to a song when I suddenly got inspiration for another enemy. It’s a Soulknife.

>Mega Alakazam

Metagross or Flutter Mane could replace Indeedee. Weezing-G could be a consideration. Psychic/Ghost specialist that SHOULD be able to be flattened by Alex, but psionic damage keeps making him make mistakes that even the odds. At some point, though, he’s supposed to get psychic immunity/resistance, probably through a potion or magical item that he’s been reserving and hesitant to use. That’s where the song comes in. It’s basically saying “you controlled me before, but have any power over me anymore, I am in control now”, while the tone highlights his desperation to fight back, as he was saving this item for when he really needed it and finally realized that he fell for the ruse of weakness that the enemy deployed, but this realization allows him to beat it. The “I cast you out of my mind” line was the biggest inspiration for this fight, as a Soulknife can’t really do much against an opponent that has suddenly gained psychic immunity, and “cast” in particular is sort of a play on Alex being an Arcane Trickster.

Unless you live in Wyoming, the only time you have to worry about being hit by a nuclear strike is if China decides to get involved.
Nuclear war strategy is like a game of chess as the two players try to incapacitate their opponent's ability to send out missiles. IE, they're targeting silos specifically as well as military installations that would run interception ops.
China is the outlier to this, their strategy involves specifically targeting civilian populations because they know the rest of the world wouldn't do the same to them. That's when you need to worry.
Tldr, nothing ever happens.
Implying Putin is smart enough to subscribe to Nuclear War strategy. He's a gorilla that would just glass everything as long as it means no one gets to formally uproot him.
Anyone who knows even a little bit about Russia’s population distribution knows that nothing is going to happen.
i am not going to ignore the cats ears, they're adorable.
Yeah well here's to hoping. Or that they nuke the country full of big noses and small hats for perpetuating this shitty proxy war using the western puppets at their disposal and the rest of us just continue writing about our OCs in peace.
I live pretty close to russia. I'd prefer if they didn't start a nuclear war.
Don't let her hear you say that or she might attack you. tfw the AI liked Emily so much it apparently gave her a giant of an older brother
what she going to do, bite my ankles?
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She has a giant Greatsword for a reason.
i'm having a riot imagining this gremlin waddling around with 17 guns and a greatsword and pokemon.She's great.
You don't get it, anon... I have to draw Sugimori stuff because I need to learn the style... yeah I need to draw Caraway, the actor. He's blonde and probably wears sunglasses
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>17 guns
2 at most. Little pocket bullet hose and a rifle. But those are just for when handling normal fellow humans. She prefers not using her Pokemon or her outright powers on otherwise regular humans.
she should carry around 17, it'd be really funny.
Why 17 in particular? Am I missing something here?
no, nothing in particular. It's just funny because it's an unreasonable amount of firearms to carry about.
Well either way nah. Carrying around 17 guns would be more of Alex's thing. No instead her sword is literally a manifestation of her Infinity Energy power and it shapeshifts into other weapon forms like giant metal fists, a spear, a hammer, etc.
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somehow i feel this one in particular suits yi. as for being a bug fanatic maybe bibi's ribombee could win her over? also seconding these art tips!
yeah transitioning from paper to digital felt awkward for me for a good while too, my other advice is to also just a draw a little bit every day, its how your brain and hands end up getting used to particular motions and such
>tan ivy with a sultry expression
and suddenly i have the strength to make it through the work day
>chart or doc outlining it all.
please do!

also glad you like seeing bibi and alto be silly
>Lmao. This is the girl from that AU where she died in Area Zero?
yep (and another oc of mine who's a rock star wannabe)! glad you remembered. i love the meeting between hyacinth and larvesta but goddamn, lets get that girl a warm meal. btw is that an odd keystone on her bedside table?
>how did your character meet their pokemon?
i'd have to write it all out to cover everyone's team members, but i do have this gif of bibi meeting her mienfoo on hand
you never stop cooking huh? looking forward to see his eventual appearance(s)
lines refer to any instance where tanned skin meets untanned skin i think. i'd bet alto, bibi, and nyx have to deal with them in the summer
fun concept! and i like the choice to mimic npc teams and have synergy while not necessarily being optimized, feels natural
>Hope to see more from you and Yi-Yi soon
I plan to stick around and get a feel for the ocs being posted here before I draw them, for accuracy sake ^^; but im glad people seem to like her so far! Yi also has a sister who is a poison type trainer, still havent settled on an aesthetic for her tho

heres her team btw
Ah yes, the puffy poke, I ALMOST added them to her team.
And as for Leavanny, I see what you mean, Yi doesnt just linger towards the "cuter" bugs. She an old school entomologist. Any bug will capture her heart, if there was a cockroach pokemon it would be her favorite baby.
What program is being used to plan out these teams?
I’m surprised that this hasn’t been already added yet. I suggest that Archivist deletes everything after Line 15 and replaces it with this section in the character making pastebin.

Organize your favorites to brainstorm new ideas:

Visualize your dream team:

Check your team’s defensive coverage and find out if it sucks or not:
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Been doing some work on my OC and his home region. I'm fairly settled on this being his "signature" team, though I'm likely gonna have him own and raising a multitude of Pokemon beyond this.
Ruka anon here! Late to the thread so gotta play catch up.
Autograph: Ruka signs her name with a spiralled "ru" kana and a kanji for flower. Jynx signs with a lip print.
Battle: "I'm always down for a battle, but it's gonna cost ya if you lose!
Date: I don't really know you too well. Maybe I'll let you take me out if you can beat me in a pokemon battle!
Are you trying to flirt? You're not my type haha.
I'm not exactly taking on students right now. Or wait. You want me to be YOUR apprentice? Screw you!
Oooh I love this picture! Team shooting star!
>love the swimsuit! i selfishly want all of her type specialist possibilities to get drawn too.....
I've been too busy to draw but i was planning on doodling fairy type Ruka at some point.
>Mega Jynx
I'd love to see that. Considering making a ruka specific version. Kinda like ash's weird ash greninja.
And I suggest you sleep with one eye open if you think you're giving orders to me.
>I plan to stick around and get a feel for the ocs being posted here before I draw them, for accuracy sake
I'm not sure I follow what you mean by that. We're a pretty eclectic bunch here, we don't have any standardized style or tone. If you want to see what we're about, you can check out the archives and writefaggotry pastebin in the OP.
>we lost an Axel and gained an Aksel to go along with Alex and Alexa.
We hate the dyslexic here. On a personal level, we harbor a wrathful grudge against the reading-impaired that is rivaled only by Ahab and the White Whale.
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Ruka I’m sorry but that would literally just be a worse Mega Alakazam. I am curious to see the design, though.
In all fairness to her, the list of mons that fall under the category of "worse than mega alakazam" is not short. Also by it's ability I judged it would actually jus be a worse clefairy who packs something of a punch at the expense of being worse clefairy.
That said, RU would love it, which is perfectly serviceable for OC/in-story fuckery
>we don't have any standardized style or tone
you never know these days, but its nice to see everyone has their own thing going on and people accept that. i honestly might just switch to my regular art style then, phew
We have just one rule: Please leave your fetish-posting at the door. We're not opposed to it, there's just better threads for that line of work.
Be seeing you, rookie.
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Thanks, although that pic was just a quick shitty scribble I did to accompany a writing thing.

I like your stuff Anon. Thank you too. And it is!

I really need to do a lot of new art for this oc, since their last standing ref is really old and grody (you can see the date on it). She's also a character that started as a pokemon oc but then became their own thing, so a lot of the art I do have for her doesn't have enough pokemon in it. I put together a few things here though.

This is Hyacinth, a dreary maid woman that just appears behind people sometimes, and you're never sure if she's alive or if the person you just met is a ghost. She's a maid working for someone else, but I don't have that figured out yet. She also has a relative I want to show too.
She's also a hyperanxious failure woman constantly getting into bad luck.

Ignore the mons at the bottom because what she has and doesn't have I haven't really set in stone yet.
Thanks anons, this is really useful.

Forgot to reply earlier but nice art. Minior is based.
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Ruka is named after Jynx actually. The japanese name for Jynx is Rougella (written as Rujera). Which is where Ruka gets the "Ru" from her name. (Ka is just a very common Japanese suffix for girl names.) Her surname is Koga, a play on Kogyaru or High school gal(gyaru).
I decided to do the same for the gothic lolita character too. Since she's from unova I swapped the rule for given name and surname. Her given name is rita, taken from "gothic lolita" replacing the "L" with an "R'" as is common in Japanese. Her last name "Tellington" coming from the English name "gothitelle" since she is from unova.
Totally forgot to post the autograph I made.
That's definitely one of my favorite ruka pics too.
Love this. Ivy and chansey are two of my favorite Ocs. Battle nurse and brawny chansey are such a fun idea
Absolutely adorable design.
And she likes bugs. Even cuter!
Ruka used to be a bit of a delinquent before she met Jynx. She skipped class and smoked behind the school and went to the mall with her other gyaru friends. Eventually she realized she wasn't having fun and got her act together in her last few years of high school. Sometimes when pushed she lets out a bit of her delinquent side which catches people off guard.
As a present for going back to class her parents gave Ruka a smoochum as a present for her 16th birthday. It was supposed to wear the everstone it came with since smoochum are seen as cute purse pokemon while Jynx are seen as garish. But Ruka didn't know about it and over the summer of leveling up smoochums friendship it evolved. Jynx was nervous Ruka would toss her out but Ruka thinks Jynx is even cuter.
your style is neat, very Alice the Madness-like. I have a soft spot for maids, too, excited to see more!
Slenderman ahh anatomy
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Thank you

Oh hey that's me! I'm flattered Anon. I need to pay more attention to the threads because I like who I see here too.
If we go by Ruka’s metagame as being LGPE OU due to her story taking place in modern day Kanto, Mega Jynx would… still be outclassed by Mega Alakazam. You’d have to give it some insane ability and the list of “abilities more insane than Trace” is very short. Magic Bounce could help it function as a sort of offensive Clefable. Psychic/Ice however is one of the worst defensive typings in the game and is only an okay offensive typing, power creep would not have been kind of Mega Jynx, almost everything in Gen 8 and 9 OU and most of UU as well makes Mega Jynx cry, and the same probably goes for NatDexOU as well.
> That said, RU would love it, which is perfectly serviceable for OC/in-story fuckery
I don’t disagree and inside of a vacuum, current day RUmons are a bit more viable (and I guess NatDexUU as well). Most people are unfortunately going to be carrying teams populated by RU/UUmons (because they’re more common) so the power level as a whole is kind of lower than in the games. There’s more leeway in 1v1s (read CHD) because you as the author can matchup fish. Paldean Tauros has bad matchups against a lot of stuff, aside from being totally outclassed by Quaquaval, but has a pretty good matchup against Kingambit. So, if you show that kind of matchup, nobody would really question it even if Paldean Tauros is otherwise a shitmon.
>old and grody
But 2021 was only two years ago...
3 years.
Uh, let's round down.
For old time's sake.
You gotta think about about Jynx's gameplan though. Jynx is a fast frail sleep setter with both psychic and ice STAB. While in a vacuum its a worse mega alakazam that ice hits a LOT of pokemon for super effective damage. A lot more than just psychic does. And the coverages have no crossover so it's got decent spread. Also being a sleep setter makes its speed even more dangerous if they give it a boost.
If you gave it snow warning so it could throw out perfect accuracy blizzards it would be devastating to grass and dragon types. Even worse once hail becomes snow and gives it a much needed defensive boost like some kind of snow tyranitar.
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>Oooh I love this picture! Team shooting star!
>doodling fairy type Ruka
i'll be keeping my eyes peeled then!
>love to see that
overtime's calling my name so i had to rush it a bit but what i kinda had in mind was going a more himegyaru route with the hairstyle, making it really puffy with ringlets and turning those arms into the fluffy coats some of them wear. plus i gave jynx long false nails made of ice. iirc the yokai she's based off of has a mouth at the top of its head but i actually went the opposite direction and turned her dress almost into a maw, i'd hope the reference to the folklore still works though
very cute and very ruka signature
>I like your stuff Anon.
same! seeing hyacinth in color really makes her a lot cuter, i like the contrast between her eerie build but very cute color scheme and dress, also i know you said to ignore them but those unique mon designs are absolutely to die for i cannot pick a favorite for the life of me i'm also never opposed to maids
>minior is based
i'm even more grateful for your good taste than i am for the praise
>I'm flattered Anon
yw! i think your art's killer
glad to see our new delinquent boy pick up that noivern
>the bimbo icicle nails
Gamefreak could never.
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>Might put together some sort of chart or doc outlining it all.
ta-daaaa! I'll update this as I introduce new party members to Ivy's team (although who knows how long that will be since I'm writing at a snail's pace). Shoutout to Koa-anon for giving me a hook to write and ideate Ivy's alolan adventures. While its sad I won't be writing about them in Growing Ivy, it's kind of fun having a "where they end up" situation already determined for her. I do plan on writing little side stories in between chapters at glances into this future though- that and I want to write about Ivy's galvantula incident and how she met Plusle. Speaking of, I also decided to include a "how they met" section for each of her team members thanks to this anon's thread question: >>56945484
And on that note:
Hyacinth has a wicked design. I love her ooky spooky cottage core vibe and exaggerated proportions. I bet that long hair has to be super fun to draw too.
As a lover of Jynx and hard cut bangs this design slaps- I'm also really digging the cunty ice nails. I think it adds a fun level of camp that's consistent with Jynx's design and harkens back to her inspo which is awesome.
Maybe, if they looked like claws.
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And here's my work so far on Aksel's home region, Erikos.

Uncompressed: https://files.catbox.moe/v1c2q9.png
Damn, look at you go. You even turned Lapland and Murmansk into an uninhabitable desert, just like their real life counterparts.
hi shaunberg
ew i hate it
(I live there)
why is this nigger spamming vore?
All this time I thought you were American.
It's Shaunburg, he does that when he evades bans.
I think you're mistaken me for someone else. I'm really new around here, you see.
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It's a board-wide shitposter. Don't interact with it or even acknowledge it.
I did one of these for Luke's pokemon a while ago in a spreadsheet based on some homebrew rules to determine how much any two Pokémon would get along.

It's based on loyalty and shared likes and dislikes (food) as well as natures and Type resistances/vulnerabilities
Yeah, sorry, one of our regulars has a patent on all-lowercase typing, you're going to have to cut that out so my naive and trusting nature doesn't get confused.
Will this information be on the test?
Lol no, it's a mostly scrapped idea
Hi noodle
Back to thread fun
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I am once again pleading with (you) to start coming up with thread tasks before OP gets twitchy. This was definitely a faster thread, I don't think anyone would object to recycling.
Jynx as a sleep setter is outclassed by Iron Valiant Darkrai (it’s actually outclassed in every way by Darkrai except maybe having Ice STAB), and Sleep got banned in Gen 9 anyways. Plus Darkrai just shits all over it regardless, same thing with Megakazam’s Shadow Ball. Sleep becomes kind of redundant with the aforementioned two because they’re just so fast that they don’t really NEED Sleep to outpace their enemies and ideally just mash coverage moves until they have to switch or get sacked.
TTar benefits from an SpDef boost because its SpDef is already good. Jynx on the other hand barely benefits defensively from Snow because it has abysmal physical bulk, even Weavile has nearly double its Defense. I can’t argue with Blizzard but you’d honestly just be better off abusing Kyurem or Baxcalibur paired with Ninetales-A and Aurora Veil (or even Mega Jynx works better with Ninetales-A). Magic Bounce works better because it’s an offensively oriented ability that would actually help a hypothetical Mega do what it’s trying to do.
I was planning on recycling >>56929745 anyways. I don’t think anybody even knew that this thread task even existed.
Switching out "anime" for "cartoon" in my Bing prompts has given me a better quality of outputs. I finally thought of what to do for the SoL stuff for Chapter 3, now I'm just being lazy.
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>Sleep got banned
I don't give a FUCK about your fanfic meta, you slimy cunt.
>Sleep got banned in Gen 9 anyways
I'll never understand smogonfags. "Let's ban Sleep!" But isn't Sleep literally a main game condition? It's meant to happen, and it's meant to be exploited. Back in gen 1 it was a huge issue since it ate your turns until your Pokémon woke up. That was the idea: to be an annoying status condition.
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Smogon fags are the compfags that hate annoying strats except for explicitly the ones THEY like. Literal soi-boy level horseshit that should be disregarded at all times.
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Sup guys and gals. It's ya boi again back at it with the tabletop shit update. Creating a serviceable pdf of the ruleset is proving more difficult than originally thought. Mostly because I off loaded the work to someone else (and they're dragging their feet with formatting). Meanwhile I've started compiling the WIP rough draft of what we have into a document so we can quality check it before transmitting it over to a pdf for others to read. Currently at 60+ pages and 21k words of content and I'd say I only have about 25% or so of what we actually have on paper.
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The issue with sleep at the time was Darkrai and Iron Valiant abusing Dark Void and Hypnosis, particularly Valiant, since if it got a Hypnosis off it was basically GG's a large majority of the time, all it boiled down to was a coin flip on whether you'd lose the game or not, which was in Valiant's favor because it runs a shitton of different sets that you can't adequately prepare for them all in a single team, and hypnosis was an auto-win if you weren't built to deal with it.
>Tabletop shit
You have my attention. Is this something new, or more like a cleanup of PTU or similar?
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Entirely homebrewed 5e conversion of the original pokemon game stats, abilities, etc. Pic related is a VERY rough draft of just what would fit in the screenshot. By the end of the write up it should have about 8 or so chapters. Possibly 9 if we use the already completely converted moves list into our system format.
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I 100% do not plan on bringing this discussion into the new thread so as to keep our unusually productive flow, but I want to touch on this quickly because a lot of people are uninformed.

Banning sleep isn't new. Sleep is banned in Gen 5 because Sleep works differently in Gen 5, where the Sleep counter resets if you switch out, which essentially traps you until you wake up. This, obviously, was broken, as it resulted in a win-win for the Sleep user. Furthermore, Sleep was actually in talks to be banned since the start of Gen 8, but they were inconclusive, so the Sleep Clause was kept. Sleep Clause is a mechanic that makes it so that only one Pokemon can be put to sleep at a time, which attempts to balance how broken it is. Players put up with Sleep Clause because at the time, Smogon was more conservative with how much it touched game mechanics (which resulted in fuckery like unironically keeping the 99.6% accuracy glitch in RBY). Much like Gen 5, Gen 9 is a highly powercrept, fast-paced, offensively oriented metagame. Sleep seemed fine at first, but as metagame developments continued, it began to gradually become more and more problematic until a tipping point was finally reached.

At the opening of Gen 9, Darkrai was kept in Ubers and Iron Valiant was just being Iron Valiant. When DLC2 came along, Darkrai was unanimously unbanned. This quickly led to issues as it it began running Focus Sash sets that nearly guaranteed Hypnosis success and Iron Valiant began abusing Hypnosis with a Booster Speed Hex set, to a lesser extent, faster Sleepers like Lilligant-H and Ninetales-A were also running around. Amoongus also had a massive resurgence with Red Card lead sets that functioned similarly to Darkrai. The council members were presented with the choice of either banning Darkrai or banning Sleep. Since there were multiple Sleep abusers in the tier, and Darkrai was just the most prominent, sleep was banned, and very few non-autistic people miss it.
how is sleep different from paralyse?
Paralysis primarily slows you down, and you still have reasonable odds of attacking through it. Sleep just flat out fully incapacitates you.
Sleep completely immobilizes you while paralysis only fully immobilizes you 1/4th of the time.

Random chance is an inherent part of Pokemon that you need to deal with if you want to play competitively, but there's such a thing as too random, and when sleep moves are only 50-something% accurate, but make you win immediately, that's too much random chance for people to stomach.
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>5e conversion
You lost me there, friend. D&D is not the system to use for Pokemon battling.

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