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>"lets give this character constant bedroom eyes and a pear shaped body"

explain to me why GF made this decision
Nobody cares about this "character"
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I dunno anon.
Why not?
am I the only one who didn't see this as an allegory for sex toys?
like, I adore plushies and having a robot plushie would actually be kinda cute.
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To get coomer to open wallet and exchange money for game to hunt down said character zoom into her face and other assets with one hand
Wild to think immediately after the credits she would get knocked up with Mars' ancestor

Only a coomer would, this is obviously an allegory for femcels

>inb4 femcels don't exist
Pretty ones don't!
GF understood that redheads need to return.
It's not one, it's about lonely women buying those lifelike baby dolls
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they wanted to get boys to eat more fruit
woke mars Is a failed waifu, and no amount of shilling from desperate placucks will ever change the fact that even ryuki got more love from TPC than that bitch will ever get.
Yeah, I always interpreted it as a pokemon version of a crazy cat lady
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>woke mars
I want to eat Arezu's fruit.
Nah, Lorelei buys dolls too
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Because Game Freak knows braindead cumbrains like you will defend their slop modern games as long as you slap a couple of waifu characters into the story.
This. Instead of the battle frontier, we got a tranny Cynthia fight. Thanks shitsui
You're not.
It's just that Twitter has infiltrated this place.
Why don't you do it?
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Wasn't the "pear shaped" thing just her sleeves?
They still made her bottom heavy and I love every bit of it
>>inb4 femcels don't exist
>Pretty ones don't!
Pretty femcels exist
femcels aren't unable to get sex, they're unable to get sex from a man within their (unrealistic) standards and will reject any advances from those who don't fulfill them.
They did it by accident.
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Mars had to come from somewhere.
Why does she look like Mars’ biological daughter
You have that backwards.
Yes, something that you and everyone who posts "sexo" (or uses that term at all) and nothing else will never experience
The real question is, is Arezu an ancestor to one, two, or three characters?
However many you think, plus one by the time I'm done with her.
She spoils and kisses Rei like crazy
What would her voice sound like if she appeared on Masters EX?
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Sara Stiles
I know one (1) guy that does that and has sex regularly.
Not me though.
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She's so hot. I remember another anon talking about how he's able to masturbate to just her face. Imagine having that level of desirability. I don't think even the hottest men in the world are on that level. Even the biggest gigachads don't have women masturbating to nothing but their face.
I can also masturbate to just her face.
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I'm doing it right now.
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>a battle frontier set in the age before penicillin
confident childless women are "woke"
She has a great face for bukkake.
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PLA >>>>>>> SV
>instead of a good remake they made a shitty tech demo set in the age before penicillin
Morgan Berry
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She wouldn't know what panties are.
The amount I've gooned to this picture...
Why is she wearing socks?

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