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my beautiful husband/wife
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No you
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Isn't there already a ff thread to post Phox why make a separate one?
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>Isn't there already a braixendump thread?
>why make a separate one?
Not the OP, but I wanna talk and post Phox not her teenage son. And ff has been forcibly taken over this years by that kind of people.
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Fair enough that you want to make a separate thread but ff isn't just a braixendump (imo) I mean look at the current one going on right now there is plenty of Phox in there.
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I've routinely ignored it since the OP image of a pissing braixen in a nappy being dominated by a fennekin. There may be some diversity today, but overall it's a containment thread for furpaedos and I've always been a milfchad - 2d or 3d.
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lol stfu faggot troll
Christmas tree Delphox
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Ngl but I dont think Delphox and the other Kalos starters are getting megas in the upcoming game. The reason why Gamefreak has abandoned megas and I don't see them bringing it back. Maybe the Kalos starters will get a new form and ability?
Oldest of hags.
Here's Delphox with Meowscarada in their Pokemon Unite battle pass Hollowear
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I wish I had a Phox wife.
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My favorite >:)
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>Living the Dream
I want believe
Personally I prefer Cinderace (female) or Incineroar (female) as the fire starter wifemon
Traffic cone.
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I like this "traffic cone" so much!
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Watching a film with Phox.
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Tasty bunny
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stfu and fuck off
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Anon, lurk the fuck more. They teased the return of megas at the end of the L: Z-A teaser trailer.
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>the absolute opposite of a problem
delphox's MASSIVE hag ass!!
>westurd shart
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Its not that MASSIVE, she keeps it well hidden underneath her robe.
I genuinely wish that Delphox's robe only extended on the back and one could see her (or his) black legs clearly from the front. It would help break up her shape to look like less a traffic cone. I'm not even into legs. Just, from a design perspective, it would be nice to have the legs visible with the black against red, which would also allow Delphox to have more dynamic posture and animations because right now having the robe/dress limits what they can do.
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Milphox on femboy would be hot
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why did this guy lock his twitter
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Just looked on his profile to see if there was a post explaining why but didn't find anything.
Fox wife!!!!
Idk who that is, but a lot of people locked their twitter accounts and moved to bluesky recently. It's been the top mobile app for like a week straight now, so I'd see if he's on there.
He's probably mad about elon and trump or something
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I don't really think that a full robe hinders Delphox with a dynamic posture, when it comes to drawing you can find alot of Delphox with dynamic poses that work and when it comes to ingame animation... Well Gamefreak is fucking lazy so nothing would change there. Besides you can always shave it a bit to whatever you like.
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Shaved phox
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Not the ears too!
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Heavy Phox.
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School girl Phox
Dat ASS!
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You can't unsee it
Why does a phox need such a hefty chest
Gays also seem to be unable to view 'Phoxy as depicted on the right.
Who is buying panties for their phox to wear???
What would happen if a delphox appeared who actually looked like that? TPC thinks it would result in a drop in profits. However, I disagree. Everyone and their cat loves fox milfs. For instance, even the Taliban can't resist Maid Marian. So what harm would there be in Pokemon having a fox milf of its own?
What are you hoping for when it comes to her Mega, Phoxbros?
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I always thought it was a dress
It's part of their culture, it's a status symbol, that's how you can spot the Grand High Witch in a Phox coven.
I honestly don't know what they'll do, fix her posing is my #1 bare minimum

Give her even more ear hair would be hilarious, but it's hard to say. Mismagius already has the witch with hat look down, and I don't think they'd do riding her stick like a broom.
Delphox should learn Milk Drink
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It is ambiguous, it can be a wizard's robe, a witch's dress, or the kosode and hakama of a Miko.
>Give her even more ear hair
yes, please
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That would be a healthy buff but is it the buff Phox needs?
More floof like >>56938306
is the traffic cone joke that prolific?
Anon, that IS how they see Phoxy. For a start, they haven't featured a male Delphox in any of the canon, never mind they gave the eyecandy and her rival both females of the Fennekin line. Furthermore, Game Freak are WELL aware they can't blatantly slap tits on a pokéon and get away with it, which is why they do things like add frills to imitate a low-cut top showing cleavage (and allowing people's imaginations to fill in the details). the defined bump on Delphox' chest is as much Game Freak anointing her Tittyphox, just as Primarina's natural curves emphasise her arse and Meow's design makes her Legscarada. Because that's what the kid-friendly, SFW details are meant to call to mind.
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Actually viable. Magician is a garbo ability and her stat distribution is very awkward.
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There are never enough Delphox threads.
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I really hate this deviantart furry weirdo artstyle
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>Come to furry thread
>Complain about furry art
Don't act dumb, you know exactly what I'm referring to.
I came here once again to say
Based GD-058 posters

Trips of truth
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Cooking Delphox! Enjoy a fresh meal prepared with lots of love!
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one of the worst pokemon design ever. Rancid.
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What ability would you suggest?
cute self-baking cookie
>even the Taliban can't resist Maid Marian
Isn't being into furshit literally Haraam?
Magic guard works well with her theme. Its what alakazam gets as his normal hidden ability, with his mega getting trace.
She also has really solid special def, so I feel like her mega could be neat in a sort of bulky fire type role, instead of just another sweeper.
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Calm down anon. No need to be tsundere, Phox loves you too.
Foxes =/= dogs
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Disney Delphox too stronk.
Besides, skipping prayer is haram, but I've worked with an arseload of muzzie chefs who've rarely adhered to call to prayer in the middle of service.
>Game Freak are WELL aware they can't blatantly slap tits on a pokéon and get away with it
But that's not true. It would be highly profitable for them to do exactly that. Sex sells, and everyone loves fox milfs.
It's a kids series dude. They're never going to go PG-13 or beyond in that regard. They don't even admit to pokémon breeding sexually, despite admitting to breed successfully, you need a male and female who are compatible, their worldbuilding talks about humans impregnating pokémon and they even added deliberate references to it in their games. There will never be a pokémon with proper adult features, but that doesn't stop them drawing something that screams she should have those feminine details anyway. Just as we all know Phox should have a nice pair of knockers even though they didn't put them on her.
Simply lovely.
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I receive a nice meal.
Phox receives headpats.
I know they WON'T, but that's because they're out of touch Japanese businessmen who just stumbled into a golden goose and don't actually understand what sells. IF they did it, it would be very profitable.
phox sexo
Instead of a mega, I wish that Gamefreak would buff Phox by making it fire/fairy. It would be a tasteful buff and not a change since it already has so many fairy moves.
Or give it Psycho boost so I can nuke shit
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No dude, Tajiri and co still run the show. Oldfags peaced out, but the younglings they hand-picked to replace them, were handpicked for a reason - because they get it. All these cunts out here wearing bifocals reeing about Ohmori being a waifufag and me out here with perfect vision, understanding it's for furry waifus. Ignore the rest, Nintendo contract the games yearly, because they sell systems, Ishihara is an empire unto himself, as long as it doesn't directly contradict Game Freak/Pocket Monsters Series/Pokémon Legends and Game Freak sit at the head of the table, setting the canon, shitting out the games (as it directly feeds into their desire to carpet bomb kids with their world and games), now shifting to Game, DLC and other exploratory work in the universe. Have to wait and see if Pokémon Works ends up as remake studio or if GF still directly contract a studio like BDSP, but they've moved on from remakes, if teraleak is to be believed.
Fire/Psychic is my favorite type combo so she should stay as is. But she definitely needs some buffs.
would you be able to see her belly button through the fur?
only when she's pregnant
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Mega Delphox based on Bayonetta
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It's not even that it's a kid series, but that Pokemon is like Disney in that they will appeal to the biggest soiilard imagineable, but really they want to avoid controversy at any possibility. It's why some mons got released in say, gen7 but not back in gen2. Like Digimon will have a bit of cheesecake in its kids games, but it doesn't have the same public eye that Pokemon does.

Look at how terminally online zoom-zooms blew up the Typhlosion leak story despite being a pokemon themed folklore because
>aaaaagggghhh non-con!! AND underage?! Aaaaaaahhhh Masuda help me, shove bugs in my anus until I can consoom to make it go away!!!!
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While terminally online genwunners et al pointed and laughed at the retards who weren't alive when /vp/ was opened and we'd discussed this shit in the context of origin myths.
It's expressly because it's a fucking kid's series, you mongloid retard, because even digimon saw how powerful Pokémon was and went for the tweenagers and older, who would grow out of pokémon and into their shit. And for all Tajiri's bleating about "no interest in making violent video games" he sure as fuck isn't adverse to making creature fucking infused games.
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>Two Wands
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Tajiri doesn't care about pokemon anymore, he isn't involved. No sign of him at all in the leaks. He's gone. TPC is ran by businessmen who don't actually understand why Pokemon sells. That's why they come to bizarre conclusions such as "we need to make sure that machoke doesn't actually wear a speedo", or "we need to make sure that dynamax and gigantamax is just holograms, not actually the pokemon growing". Imagine being so out of touch that you somehow come to believe little Timmy won't want to buy the pikachu toy if he thinks machoke wears clothes. Imagine being so out of touch that you think little Timmy would find a hologram cooler than an actual kaiju sized monster. Then realize that this is who's currently in charge of the Pokemon franchise.
They reacted that way because it was a story about a starter pokemon committing PEDO RAPE. Don't compare fox milfs to PEDO RAPE.
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Phox legs
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my weakness
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the grippy knot milker is still in there thougheverbeit
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Yummy Phox legs.
Funny, Masuda outright said in one the last interviews befire he left, Tajiri still does research for upcoming games and the series.
He doesn't DIVERSIFY into making a game, his input is now strictly ideas, like he had a killer idea for a moncap game, but piss-poor ability to direct a project to completion in a reasonable timeframe so he'd stepped back to allow someone who COULD do that in a timely manner. And knowing your limitations and taking steps to correct that is more important than coming back to make a game for Anon, the overgrown child, because he wasn't even born when Tajiri did it the first time and has big mad because of it. And here today in 2024 they're still making the games to his vision, which includes accepting pokémon and humans fuck.
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It's a stretch, but I like the theory that the line fulfills magical girl tropes, with Fennekin being the magical animal that contacts the heroine, Braixen being the heroine and a rookie magical girl, and Delphox being the villainess who often turns out to be an overgrown and corrupted magical girl.
Masuda is a liar. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously.
Finding out fox females ovulate when their prospective mate is near is a neat fact though
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And I thought bunnies were the horny ones.
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And you're a whiny little bitch, seething your ebin fanfiction about Game Freak is just that - fiction written by a sperg retard to try to explain why they still keep shilling at kids including plenty of boogyman talking points but little true info.
Delphox gives off mommy energy to me
Imagine your phox giving you embarassed side-eyes between battles because she's too near you and keeps wanting it
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I just wanna play vidya but my Phox is distracting me all the time and getting close to me... what could it mean?
You've done so much name-calling towards anyone who doesn't subscribe to your Tajiri conspiracy theory, your claim that he's a secret furry mastermind operating behind the scenes. But now we HAVE looked behind the scenes. The truth of the situation has been revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any skepticism regarding Tajiri's absence has been thoroughly swept away by the leaks.
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>okayed Lickitung's Jap name as a blowjob joke
>okayed Jynx' dex entries
>first Gen free of Masuda entirely ends up having a furry waifu shillmon starter okayed by Tajiri
>Legends having a Yuki-Onna reference which doubles as a poképhilia reference, also okayed by Tajiri
You can play dumb all you want kid. But Tajiri permitted the furry shit in the early days too. Hell, he fucking told Morimoto he could go ahead and add Mew to RG after they're took out the debug tools, because he knew everything about his project, even when one his devs went off the reservation to add just one more pokémon.
Ara Ara
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She does for most people.
phox has a milf monopoly
>>okayed Lickitung's Jap name as a blowjob joke
Lickitung isn't furry. Blowjob jokes have nothing to do with furries. Even if these things were furry, Tajiri had nothing to do with the creation of Lickitung or Lickitung's name. Sugimori designed the first gen's pokemon.
>>okayed Jynx' dex entries
Jynx isn't furry. Even if she was, Sugimori is the one who created Jynx, not Tajiri.
>>first Gen free of Masuda entirely ends up having a furry waifu shillmon starter okayed by Tajiri
Tajiri had nothing to do with Meowscarada's creation.
>>Legends having a Yuki-Onna reference which doubles as a poképhilia reference, also okayed by Tajiri
Froslass isn't furry. Even if she was, Tajiri had nothing to do with writing the Yuki-onna reference.
Tajiri stopped being involved after gen 2. That was long suspected, and the leaks have now proven it.
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Time to lay the controller down
No he didn't. Who do you think is inventing the battle gimmicks, you dumb little bastard?
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