Why are they no popular water, fighting and ground type pokemon in gen 9?
Genwar thread
>>56933698if it actually was popular and not a fotm meme then people would have caught paldean wooper more than the og.
>>56933657Don't really know what this list is but popular Pokémon from gen 9 of those types are (ignore spelling going off memory)Water:>Palfin, Dodonzo, tsurugiri, wugtrioFighting:>Annihilape, Pawmot, Flamigo Ground:>Toedscruel, Clodsire,Okay ground is pretty weak but Annihlape and Palfin are popular. Dodonzo and Tsurugiri even have their unique ability thing which was cool.
>>56933657>>56933929Alright found the list thing. Flamigo and Tatsugiri are literally on there so water and fighting have pokemon just under different type catagories. Ground doesn't but this is a nothing list so whatever.
>>56933929>the only "popular" ground types are regional recolors of older mons yikes