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david changed his starters again edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

>Tilesets: www.mediafire.com/download/sd99pug37y4v4se/Ziddy%27s+DS+Style+Tilesets+RMXP+.rar
>Archived asset library: rheg.booru.org/
>WIP Gen 5 tiles: imgur.com/a/CiudS

Notable fan game communities: >www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=289

Last Thread:>>56881137 #
Which game should I play first as someone who hasn't played pokemon in a decade?
Steam deck btw
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Now that you posted Maripup, here’s its fully-evolved form. It’s a sketch though. It’s supposed to be themed after ship captains.
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Radical Red.
So I want to make my region vaguely heart shaped with the league being int eh middle, though I'm not sure where the starting town should be
The bottom point. Have a train take you to the other side.
Other side?
Yeah. You go up one half of the heart, then the other.
Perhaps the oasis town could be in the rain shadow of the mountain the league is on top of
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I'm not going to draw all of the arrows because you get the idea, but this is what I thought of when you mentioned a heart-shaped region.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too
You could have the player surf over there too.
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kinda a dumb thing atm but slowly working on a region map. not based on any continent but a bunch of the pokemon will probably be africa inspired.
Yeah I was also thinking that, as well as having the start to the accent up the mountain being north of the town and accessible via rock climb
Good luck, anon.
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Been working on mine too. I have the layout how I want it but I would like to improve the art.
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I made my first town
>David edition
ew, ruined
see you guys next thread I guess
the next 10 days right now.
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fuck it, we posting region maps? this is obviously a WIP, but the actual maps are mostly done so the layout is pretty much finalized (might add a couple more routes if I get around to making a postgame). just need to clean up the terrain now. yours looks great, is there a resource for that or did you do it in paint?
Did it in gimp. If you're working with essentials then inside gimp turn on grid and snap to grid. Then set your grid size to 16x16. Then you can take the graphics for the towns and whatnot from the already existing map and make your own.
nice, thanks. that sounds a lot more intuitive than what I've been doing lol
How does one make a map
a region map, or a route/city map?
for the region map I found a tileset and just frankensteined it together, but I think this anon has the right idea >>56943833

for map maps either porymap or essentials, depends if you're doing a romhack or fangame respectively

here's the tileset I used if anyone wants to play around with it
I'm thinking region map
I can't believe you changed starters AGAIN, I thought you just finalized the backsprites too? Looks neat anyways.

Unbound or Gaia to start with if you want something new, a Drayano or Buffel Saft hack if you want something very similar to the official games that's a bit harder and has all the mons of that gen among other things.

Looking good guys!
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Hello, 4chin. I finished my roguelite hack today, and it features all kinds of shit, like 251 fakemons based on real world things, a completely original soundtrack, hundreds of items of randomized dialogue, meta-progression (no permadeath, otherwise it'd be a roguelike), ghosts, and all sorts of goofy shit. I even made a working cigarette item for your critters to hold.


It's called Pokimals, and I hope it makes one of you smile at least a couple of times. Thanks for bullying me into completing the thing.

>Pic related; It's digging academy instructor, Abraham Lincoln
Congrats anon! Sounds like you worked hard on it, thank you for sharing it with us! I'll give it a go later.
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yawnfag in shambles
Turning the exp share on/off does nothing.
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You fucked up, anon.
I think I uploaded the wrong file. There's probably all kinds of weird shit in that one.
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Thinking of trying a new romhack. If I want one without fakemon, with the biggest available Pokedex, which ones should I be looking at?
I definitely uploaded the wrong file. That was one from weeks ago that wasn't done and had a fuckload of problems.


Here's the correct one. Thanks for the support, anons!
RomHacks that focus on doubles?
I spent forever implementing all these plugins, modifying them, and creating my own just to get hard stuck on mapping. I can't create towns man. It's too hard. I mean I could but I'm actually making my towns kinda big. With even the smallest ones having like 7-8 buildings. The problem is I don't want them to all literally be a carbon copy of each other. I can't mix the tilesets though because then they look out of place. I'm not good enough at pixel art to create my own either.
First for kys David!
double emerald
rowe has a doubles mode
>38th reply
fail, even for a tourist.
Throw some houses around, and move/remove the houses until it's fun to navigate.
I was the first one ITT to tell him to kill himself, though.
If only.
nice try but your trollings acts will never lead anywhere desu.
You're mistaking me for someone else, I'm afraid.
KWAR kek what a retard.
Yeah but my problem is I don't want to put the same houses. There's a severe lack of building variety in the games but if you take buildings from other tilesets and combine them then they look too out of place.
Map bloat is a real problem for Essentials based games. The first thing every noob wants to do is make a 100x100 tile map and cram a bunch of features in there without considering what it's going to be like for someone actually playing the game. Compare your cities to those in the official games, NPCs and all, and ask yourself: does it really need to be this big?
Yes, because I want to make a big game. That's one of the biggest factors that motivated me to even start. I hate how small the official games are. Celadon "City" for example feels lame when it's like 7 buildings and the only reason anyone goes there is for the single department store building.
There's a reason the cities are that size.
Despite years of playing romhacks across gens 1 through 6, the only romhacks that are prominent in my memory are advanced adventure, brown, dark rising and snakewood.
I think it's because they have a moderate amount of confusing bullshit (not too little or too much) in the parts of the game that don't involve battling. Does anybody know what I mean by this?
hmmm i shall try a pokemon ultra rom
seriously though, why do you simp for David? he's a piece of shit, you know? and he has years of history of being a piece of shit on this site, so if anything you're the tourist.
there's a reason that the cities are limited in size and tilesets. you can try to break the mold, but you'll quickly find out why GF does it that way, and it's not just because they're mediocre devs. try to scale them down and focus on building unique layouts with some good points of interest instead of making a big sprawling, realistic city. the latter can be okay if you pull it off, I suppose, but it's not easy to pull off
>why do you simp for David?
yeah right. At least you conceded by playing dumb, pimp.
>he's a piece of shit, you know? and he has years of history of being a piece of shit on this site
keep telling yourself that
>so if anything you're the tourist.
the 2016 fingerbang buzzword >>56946702
says otherwise
>keep telling yourself that
search /v/ archives for grandiafag, tourist. David has been notorious on this site for years. you don't know what you're talking about and you're simping for an asshole and a pedo. assuming you aren't just David himself lol.
>archive stalking
You keep on lying, but you see anyone who tries it, sees that you have been spreading lies non-stop and is fed up with that shit, glowie.
>David has been notorious on this site for years
more like for months, and glad is not everywhere.
Here's an even older one.
"pimp" isn't the insult you seem to think it is.
but enough about "criminal scum" "melty" and "spergout"
see gangstalizard950 aka Cascalizard950 aka Shinkidink95 aka schinkid
Can we go back to talking about romhacks now?
What have you been working on?
>do you want zoomers to make romhacks
no? understandable, but fuck you anyways
>WHERE IS mobile romhack maker
i dont mean an all-in-one app, so much as a tileset editor, a map editor, an event (not mystery gift you dolts) editor, etc. so that they can edit on the go, like that tcg pocket game but for romhacks
mobile isnt worthless, i mean you can ftp w/ it, play roms on emulators, the works.
Are there any gen 2 romhacks with gigantic mostly empty routes? Like there's the same amount of grass, trainers, items and events between each town but there is also much more walking.
Peridot felt like that at times
Gold 97 Reforged too

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