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Last Time:
>I continue my trek through Yang Intense (again)
>Jagi is approaching Empyrean's endgame
>John vppposter, hater of cringe talking MCs, gets cursed by rng into playing Vanguard
>Wagie (temporarily) puts Yang to the side to play some other games, including yet another 1 gym rebornlike demo with shit balancing
>Both he and Bunken move on to Fusos Meteor after that
>Ose starts up Elite redux

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean

>Oxidized Gold

>Pokemon Perseida

>Pokemon Dimension Defender
>/chuds/ play whatever
Last Time:
>I, chud centinal, continue my trek through Yang Intense (again)
>Chud is approaching Empyrean's endgame
>Chud McChudster, the chud with strong convictions, is happily playing Vanguard
>Chud (temporarily) puts Yang to the side to play some other games, including another promising 1 gym rebornlike demo with interesting balancing
>Both he and Chud move on to Fusos Meteor after that
>Chud starts up Elite redux

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of chuds come together and play fun fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Be a Chud.
Sorry musk, looks like your get was already monkey's paw'd
>This mod has the following changes
>Almost all field transitions are disabled
>Updated trainer teams up to the champion
>Some passwords are disabled
>Slight Pokemon learnset changes
Will probably play it tomorrow anyway though, I'm curious to see what this fag gets up to when he's not being kept in check by the Yangdev
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Got done with Crow while thread was being baked
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And now onto doing some detective work
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Mystery of naraku village solved
Probably wont be this easy though
Actually it looks boring as shit t b h
Just from speedrunning to Fern1
All the normal trainers are unchanged, except for one who got moved and gigabuffed to a full mono normal team and ganks you before you fight fern
>Fern then still has 3 mons, but they've been gigabuffed too, with shit like Sitrus Berry Scyther
And since there's no Gen 8/9 shit from the looks of it, I'll probably just stick to Yang tomorrow kek
Oh fuck
>Almost all field transitions are disabled
Half the fun of the field system is changing battlefields to suit your team and adapting to changes
Removing that just kills any strategies or team comps built around/requiring field changing to perform optimally
It’s immersion breaking and removes depth from a core mechanic
>Some passwords are disabled
aka anything that’d let you make things less AIDS
>Slight Pokemon learnset changes
a sugar coated way to say “we regularly nerf shit”
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Fun puzzle
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I’ve been kinda thinking; as practice with RMXP, why not make our own Reborn rebalancing mod with blackjack and hookers and actually good game design considerations?
Maybe with some goodies added on like Aevian forms in a game that isn’t as much as a trainwreck, updating mons’ level up movesets to gen 8/9, adjusting mon availability to be less absurd, & making trainer teams actually decent to provide a more refreshing experience that’s ideally going to be harder than normal but still reasonable (no bullshit custom moves or enemy-only mechanics or illegal EVs); expect a higher power level for both you and your enemies
besides I’m sure getting the same mons at the same points every playthrough gets a bit stale, especially if you’re doing a mono/dualtype run and you have to suffer a drought of few new meaningful encounters
Ideally each type will get at least 3-4 mons before the first badge and at least 3 new mons each badge to ensure you have a steady flow of new toys
Obviously I’m not intending to do much story changes at all; this mod idea is mostly gameplay related

tl;dr it’s gonna be a difficulty/rebalancing hack but based because we’re making it, plus you’re not getting your options nerfed to the ground while having to minmax to stand a chance against busted shit we gave the AI that you barely have answers for
I’ll seriously consider this beyond idea guy posting if enough people show interest
>happily playing Vanguard
nothing's really happened either way apart from the usual retarded characters and s-s-s-s-stuttering player character
every battle has a random chance to be on glitch field
glitch field can no longer be nuked by lycanGOD's z-move
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Jesus that took like 5 tries
Deep sleep is fucked
i’m not making kaizoslop
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Wait I get to catch the thing
god damn about time, wish I could've gotten my hands on the rapidash but this'll do
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its defenses were a lot lower, shame lol
What does W. T. stand for in Empyrean?
Wejuslos Thegame
White Tower, Empyreans have a chess naming scheme
So I am, once again, the Chosen one in this game. How unexpected.
So begins the we wuz kangz level.
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>after a quick save state to check this gives you a random starter
It truly is fate
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This is actually way better than what I was expecting and the new abilities are very neat
Outside of the first battle because I wasn't prepared for anything everything else has felt fair but still needing some thought
The difficulty certainly picked up in the sixth Stratum. I have to be very careful, even in regular ass trainer battles.
And now I probably have started a campaign in Hoenn, hope this at least causes a headache in this island
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>is it true that there is a link between REJECT WOMAN and MONEY
I miss the times where me and my friends would do shit like this in original emerald
>Chud chudfies hoenn
Truly the most evil of places
it'd be funny, I think
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Oy vey cool it with the antisemetism
what the fuck happened to my credit score
yesterday I had fucked up float interval 11 million and today I'm capped at 10 million
>can only deposit 6 digits worth of pokebucks so I can't just debug the correct amount of money onto my person then deposit it
some serious shekel shuffling scheme is going on here
>say 'i'll wait for kaizo yang before i reset'
if it's as boring as you say it is ALBEIT i'll probably still wait

>download it anyway
>the eevee export is still left in the folder

>check out julia
>her team is literally identical to yang except now she doesn't have the signature move anymore and she randomly has a fucking zebstrika instead of pawmo

it doesn't even look like you have any midbattle effects or anything. it just looks like easier yang except now there's a bunch of random lazily designed bossniggers and you have legendspam out the ass in endgame (which yang did as well, but c'mon, heather getting nihilego and naganadel?). also there's no side areas or gen 8/9 mons. lol

you should just be doing this anyway, or at least some small scale project before you actually work on a 14 gym or so game, just to be familiar with everything
anyway, time to head back to this shit

that's just the regular owner of funko pops thoughverjoebeit
>mist ball is super effective on nogs
>niggerball restaurant
>the patrons use pokemon like darumaka
>they serve fried chicken
all i need to see now is the newports in the ash trays
i didn't realize how heavy this game got on 'rebalancing'

>chimecho gets astral barrage, which is now a multi hit move that can flinch
>banette gets poison heal (??) and is normal/ghost
>sandsneed gets tough claws
>arbok is now part dragon
>aggron gets double iron bash
>marowak gets parental bond
pretty neat

i'm not really sure how many pokemon are le good now with the buffs they have doe
Does Arcanine get dragon dance
inah, but it got sacred fire
>no idea how to proceed forward so i just stumbled around until i found the singular important building needed for progress
this game has a sidequest log, why couldn't it also include the mainquest there
fug, no....

>girl in the cave says 'are you lost?' and gives you directions through an extremely linear area
what? kek
oh yeah, you know that thing the game is named after?

it would be cool if it were actually...a thing...and not just something an out of the way npc talked about a few hours in
wouldn't deoxys be more associated with meteors anyways? i guess he just needed to include the family guy joke, now deoxys can't be used as the main legend of this game
economy crashed
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Remember when Solaris was just here kek?
>Meteornigger has illegal pre zen darm
>Transforms back to normal darm on entry
who would've thought that the first le "big" 19.5 moderino would be "difficulty"slop? th-things will start taking off when gen8/9 gets implemented haha
I'm also betting on more self insert battles that break the game popping up d e s u
Shouldn't have voted for Gumshoos chud.
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Also the inspect bug is really consistent kek, I think it has something to do with plus
You can whittle down the pre burn niggers this way too
No idea why the image is spoilerd kek
>talk to random miltank on overworld
>get no reward
i guess i was supposed to catch it

tbf, i don't even mind that he wanted to get his foot in the door for the first big 19.5 modrino, but man, at least make it something other than 'yang but literally objectively less interesting' kek
it's a real bad look when even yang without the 13.5/deso v6 scriptbase can do trainer effects but this guy couldn't
then again given his coding ability >>56947721
the ID gods demand you use this
roll credits

it's gone permanently, apparently
I am almost done with Pokemon Odyssey sixth stratum. I'll miss this game until it gets the next update.

you won't have to wait too long
according to the 'cord he's already mapped out the 7th and 8th stratums, and just needs to actually finish up coding the shit that happens in them (on top of postgame shit)
i think it's expected for very early next year
triple battle jumpscare
man certain things in this game really cause the performance to tank
Reborn MC moment
Yeah, but at least you can use fullcontrol, which automatically makes the shitty 12v12s infinitely more bearable kek
The only thing here of note is the Rage Fist Primape that I accidentally gave +2 atk using webs kek
and now time for the obligatory shitty mountain level

these sidequests are definitely...mm...

i did forget about that kek
bet ten to one the yangdev just disables it (and that the captainfag already has done so for his game)

apparently, it's shitty mountain mixed with lavender tower

everything must be 3d and animated because it just has to, okay?
>some random fucking schizo babbles a bunch of nonsense then attacks you
well, glad to know i'm still playing the average pokemon fangame

>auto sets up spikes at the beginning of the fight
>delibird has ice gem present (which is now an ice type version of eruption)
>hariyama and cloyster, the latter of whom spams blizzard after the snorunt sets hail
>and he spams potions and x items
YEAH cool

i still haven't evolved like, anything i have, by the way

Whiteouts: 7
>turtwig and grotle's abilities are both overgrow/snow warning with thick fat as a hidden
>torterra switches snow warning and thick fat so snow warning is the hidden and thick fat is the regular
I guess I'll be paying the ability patch tax down the line
>game finally gives you a proper exp grinder
>she uses a bunch of...azumarills?

gotta use those plugins somehow
I thought Yakub got acked from here? I remember seeing something like that anyway
If he does, I'm re enabling it out of spite kek
The captainfag hasn't though, I could enable it when I looked around

wonder which passwords he did disable
probably shit like percentlevel or whatever you can use to nerf the AI
i do appreciate at least some of the sidequests handing out neat rewards
pokedex rater gives this prize for having caught a grand total of 10 (ten) pokemon
actually it's only one health per like 20 steps so it's nowhere near as overpowered as I figured it would be
for the same amount of steps and time taken to regenerate a pokemon to full you could've ran to a pokecenter and back
>White herb Kilowattrel to click hurricane for a free +2
Whiteouts: 84
Might just do Coolant man instead kek
>nooooooooooo flame orb is le too strong!!!!
l2d = percentage chance you debug something in out of spite by the next thread
gg, my brain is the size of a walnut
>>>he didn't learn
Whiteouts: 85
Granted it's not AS free as the last one was, mime needs HP Water and timid to prevent garg from switching out
Thanks kek


i thought this nigger was going to be the final boss kek

Whiteouts: 14, this was annoying, if his jolteon sets up even a single calm mind it just murders everything due to lmoa perfect coverage. i should have just gone all the way back to the move relearner or vitamin shop or whatever but without fly that also sounded really painful kek

don't be a retard like me, bunken, the eviolite is right next to the french guy's house when you make it to the mountain

just telling you right now, overbuy healing items, routes are very pointlessly fucking long and the game loves spamming trainers at you
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>lose to route three route boss after figuring out you just talk to them twice for a battle (string shot spam is fucking bullshit btw)
>remember the one in the forest cave
>run back for an easy win
that's total whiteouts: 5, in case anyone was curious
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oh cool, is the plot finally going to get interesting now?

>magic bounce and encore niggery

apparently that retard is PULSE2 on all their mons for some reason kek
they might have fixed it in later versions
gg. thanks for letting me know about the eviolite wagie
No way, fag
I will run a hundred trillion miles back to the pokecenter before spending even a single pokecent on healing items
>stealth section

thanks. hopefully you have a better time than i did
Delicious MonsterTM Energy Forme Rayquaza
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>farmer has nurse joy wife
I'm the same way bro, but not for that game kek
at least the cute rival's back, i guess. ONLY one layer of spikes as the midbattle effect this time

i'm getting so tired of the potion/healspamming, fucking hell

Whiteouts: 15

haha...how do you know he doesn't mean the clefable
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>beat edgyfag in a battle
>he mouths off to the farmgirl who I'm assuming is cute
>s-s-s-s-s-s-s-st-t-sst-s-tstutter out an apology for him (there wasn't actually any stuttering by the player character this time)
>schizo time attack jumpscare
>i'm getting so tired of the potion/healspamming, fucking hell
bro? your embargo?
GG again
>I'm the same way bro, but not for that game kek
I guess I'll find out how bad it is
I'm assuming when everyone else played these mid-route nurses existed? Or are they early-area exclusives
gg. thought you were gonna get another mime sweep but beach field is truly that awful
gg. I know because this isn't a spanish fangame
>female rival says 'let's return to the prison yard'
>she's not there

>mid route nurses
they begin to stop existing after a bit, yeah
>isn't a spanish fangame
never mind, i didn't realize you actually have to go over and pick up the package in the cell, dumb

anyway, given that ekat did work on this game, i guess it was only time before the gay mobster gangbang started
mating press her
oh i completely missed this, GG

hopefully shouldn't have another bad matchup until serra?
>'wild' pokemon holding normal gems
>evolved so they're casually faster than all of your pokemon
>ai partner is retarded as usual
one also used sandstorm
can you believe that
can i report this game on pokecommunity for whitewashing idris elba
Thanks bros
>hopefully shouldn't have another bad matchup until serra?
Aya's probably gonna be a bigger problem than Serra kek, I don't think Tinkatroon and Mawile can carry me through the gunk rock spam
...i was being distracted by my bullshit and thought for like 2 seconds you were doing a bug/psychic dualtype because of mime and orbeetle, kek
>flinched like six fucking turns in a row while retardmcgee gets oneshot every turn
not counting it
that rat fight is unironically like one of the hardest in the entire game kek
it's even harder than the evil team supreme overlords later (who are almost all complete jokes compared to the ratGODS)
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>unironically like one of the hardest in the entire game kek
I put oran berries on all my mons and nearly had it
at least it isn't a 6v12
we're doing all the early 2000s HBO shows huh

>sidequest where you have to run around the fucking stealth section and check every prison cell because the guy can't give you a general clue where they are
>rollout resets
>so it shouldn't kill turtwig even at 75% health
>so I should be able to get off my razor leaf and chunk both raticate and rattata
>it fucking crits and turtwig dies and I lose again
>hey a refightable trainer near a rest point, great
>not a chansey trainer, or an audino trainer
>fucking azumarills with aurora beam
hey chuds it’s trans day of remembrance
you WILL respect trans folx and join them in their cultural tradition of playing kaizo shit without using debug like a fucking cheater chud
>haha...how do you know he doesn't mean the clefable
Get back to Sinnoh, llamafucker.
>all I had to do was let turtwig nuke two of the rattata and then clean up the last raticate with a scary face and my three remaining mons
for bunken

>first guy is at the very top of the upper room in the prison
>second guy is towards the bottom left of the bottom room
>third guy is on the upper left of the bottom room

i'll go espeon, eeveelutions have new abilities

Eevee = Protean
Vaporeon = Multiscale
Jolteon = Sheer Force
Flareon = Fur Coat
Espeon = Neuroforce
Umbreon = Magic Guard
Leafeon = Moxie
Glaceon = Speed Boost
Sylveon = Soul-Heart

thanks. leafeon could be funny
thanks for letting me know about the abilities and pirson puzzle, I mean
the gimmick this time was only him just using torment on the first two pokemon you have out, probably the easiest major boss so far
>Route Four A
how forboding
also shiftry got a crazy buff (base atk +10 to 110, spd +30 to 110) so I guess I won't be getting a leaf stone any time soon
he is appropriating blxck folx culture
Damn, that's some hardcore eevee simping.
this guy unironically just seems like a lamer version of fern

>blxck folx culture
i assume that it's just copying a bunch of lines from The Wire, that's the common catchphrase of the nigga senator character on that show (and also probably the origin of /pol/ using it for niggers in general)
ez, you just have to focus Empoleon down, of course
The muddy Water proc was probably necessary without me relearning Thunder on Dedenne
Sorry xister, I went a step further and put a hidden power changer in the debug menu
thanks and GG yourself
thought that was some mod-inserted character before I clicked on the replay, completely forgot about those two
>Synthetic Sneed rising Voltage faggots
unironically fuck off
>freeze dry does not get buffed by neuroforce on water types

gg. forgot nature power was really annoying in reborn/rejuv with the new fields
no shit
surprised the dev had the restraint to make the battle only two shiftry, pulled through an amazing victory by spamming ice shard every turn until I won
fucktard has actually been quite a good punchingbag, he's pulled aggro in every single battle so far
I wonder if that's accurate to interactions on cart.
I'm guessing this is why there are teleporters all over the place?
>her nidorina sounds like a snorunt and the shuckle sounds like a fearow
>the mc has made (silent) comments about her acting weird
am i getting bamboozled by a redhead in one of these games again

there's barely any side content worth doing tee bee haych, certainly not a lot that requires backtracking either
wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't caught just from how niche it is
i do actually wonder if similar fangames like how rejuv's arenite wall reduces damage from supereffective attacks gets sneeded by this
am I going to need to use this from go or only when I'm low on pokefunds
and I wasn't going to but I might as well start professor oaking it and catch every new mon with how many free pokeballs I'm being given
only mildly irritating to have to re-visit every house and backtrack every route due to the teleporters and infinite repel
I'm glad this is happening this early when I don't have much to backtrack, if anything
Whiteouts: 88
Didn't deserve that at all kek, but fuck rising voltageniggers this early

>curse on one of your pokemon at the start and +1 def for her froslass
not hard, i was just a retard and forgot to give the choice scarf back to crawdaunt. plus had to reteach mist ball to espeon for her alolan muk

Whiteouts: 18

>Didn't deserve that at all kek
it's taka, he does
gg, luck is a skill
well, it's a less painful prisonshit arc overall than rejuv. time to hit up the casino

those seem like reasonable prices
surely some for the player as well as a reward for helping you escape, right, you absolute nigger?
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think I'm reaching the end of mt urn, beat up the lombre gang for the shiny snover, and elekid finally evolved.
dumb price when you get can axew for free at mt urn
finally we're getting to the edgekino

i'd say snorlax is also probably better than chomp kek, or at least comparable in quality
i don't know either bro

good luck
Whiteouts: 90
Had (wanted) to figure out how to do this without using my sash, Perish cheese wouldn't work because of the camerupt in the back
Also wanted to ack the camerupt with tinkatroon, but whatever kek
Thanks kek
he said the line bros
so as it turns out route bosses raise their level to match your cap, which is swell
and after scouring the previous few routes/houses/etc. for anything new and catching every not-obtained pokemon along the way I have discovered that there is not a single new quest that I needed to backtrack for
>Also wanted to ack the camerupt with tinkatroon
just as long as you do it to any mega corviknights that come along
don't actually if said mega corviknight is from, like, titania or something and it makes the fight too hard
i can't tell if this means the female rival is actually a man or if there's going to be some lezdom that the game is going to cut away from
that black haired bitch can sit on the cuck chair while I have leglocked handholding sex with the redhead
forgot to get the fight with beef, but whatever it was ez first try. watch out for the octillery's held item that doubles its attack and special attack, bunken, as well as the TAVROS

this is the first one of these i've found, both electabuzz and machoke need this sadly
i'll go electivire for now


i didn't need to record this, it's just a cool theme. Whiteouts: 20. make sure to go heal and save after fighting beef in the police HQ bunken
mark it off
bros....it's....it's her.....
>not a gay wedding
uhm....i'm thinking this game is REAL problematic right now, xisters....
I think the encounters in blackstone cave are bugged
I was running around with the infinite repel on and realized I should turn it off to train a bit on wild pokemon
and now I'm unironically getting an encounter every single tile/turn movement
it's happened ten times in a row now
Thanks bros
>don't actually if said mega corviknight is from, like, titania or something and it makes the fight too hard
It's okay, rock smash will clear, 100% haha though maybe fairy tale is retarded enough that you actually CAN ko it with Gigaton hammer kek
>actually flinched when i heard the music because of how long i had to listen to this in b*bel

i don't even know where i'm supposed to go or what i'm doing, i guess i'll just wander around until i find the next plot point

sounds about right, haha..
>free sail fossil
surprised aurorus wasn't changed to be a fire/dark type like everything else in this game
so the infinite repel was given as more of a necessity than as a convenience item
that's... just great
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Wait a minute, this is just Berserker of Tenyi
That looks retarded
I blame base machamp, it should have kept the dino face
oh okay cool
somehow i missed the large fucking building in the beach town the guy told you to go kek

ah well

kek, forgot about this shit
Man I'm really not looking forward to Aya kek
h-haha.......though admittedly this was apparently toned way the fuck down since we played
>turn one stun spore missed twice in a row when it failed sucker punches (absolutely not counting it)
>then it uses shadow punch instead because lmao
>then it powers through six turns without being paralyzed, outspeeds my entire team except for pidgeotto and grotle (who it speed tied with regardless)
>and then dies to a full paralysis and trying to bulldoze my flying type
very glad to find out that there are TMs in those route chests and that I'm obligated to collect all of them (I was going to anyways)
was it level 50 or something
incredible design

nothing too hard, he just sets up rain at the start and has a bunch of ludicolos

i don't think the toning down is going to happen until 4.0 bro...
>Man I'm really not looking forward to Aya
haha...first things first, think about ace and fern kek

i just realized, sticky web doesn't even work on wasteland does it? shit field
>was it level 50 or something
No, there was just a fuckton of those niggers everywhere throughout the game in 3.0
it hasn't happened yet? I thought Ayrei already got rid of most of them kek
>haha...first things first, think about ace and fern kek
haha...I may be trying to think of a way past Ace right this moment, I'm getting acked by Meow, Delphox, and Copperajah kek
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perhaps I underestimated how much of an issue fire types will be
but I could never have expected that every other pokemon would be type changed to become fire
sounds like shit
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oh wait, I forgot Scolipede is in byxbision, this should be alright then kek
>sounds like shit
it was kek
i like how ridiculously overpriced healing items are, but repels cost like 100$ thankfully

fresh water/soda pop prices i think were not as fuckified

not only do I think it's not happened, I wouldn't be surprised if ayrei just thought people were complaining about the trainerfags, and kept the wildniggers intact kek
godspeed bro
i-is...i-i-i-i-is....that the trick master....from HOOOOOOOOOOOOEENNNN
Yeah that was it kek
Whiteouts: 92
>Suddenly find a way to outspeed the fast niggers
kek, I'd say maybe bunken could weigh in, but I doubt he remembers, or wants to
Even Pokemon land feels the effects of Bidenomics...
>my ass is bashed, maybe I should teach eevee something from the move tutor back in first town
>debug is disabled to the point where the only thing you can open in rpgmaker is Main
>instead of a nice fast warp I get to walk all the fucking way back through fields, mountains, sewers, and caves for ONE MOVE, then back again
>don't even end up using it
that was fucking painful. if you're gonna force an eevee as starter either give me some early stones or let me dump it in a box until I get a stone. this thing isn't truffles or unbreakable riolu, it has no character, hell you don't even get to nickname it till the second town. whiteout status:ass blasted

That reminds me
>>>>>>>>>>>>It's still in Mirage Tower
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G fucking G
i didn't even notice the eevee couldn't be boxed until recently, it's definitely weird as fuck. he definitely played ashen frost but then didn't understand why truffles worked well

also yeah they REALLY should have given the fly item by this point, especially when the 'QoL' is all over the map
also GG
gg bro
>another 'stealth section'
>houndooms walk around teleporters
>if they see you you get sent back to the start
literally why?
>other guy's name includes "MonoWoke"
lmao what the fuck are you doing in that server
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>Mega Gatr Y is literally just Godzilla
Guess I am contractually obligated to use that one since I have always named my Totodiles Gojira
gg. if you're talking about the shit like all of the pokemon in the ice forest before fighting articunofag or all of the garbodor in the sewers, those are still there. So are all the pokemon on the way to the ice base after articuno fag, and I think the ursalunas are still in the awful cramped maze forest
thanks bros. other then it being a good flying move I don't get what the apprehension is with giving the player fly in these fangames
>hey could you go take care of those WILD pokemon for me?
>WILD pokemon aren't reskinned trainer battles but are proper WILD encounters
>You can't throw a Poke Ball!
fuck off
Grimace status: purposeful
Sound status: unknown, presumed terrible
some tripfags have alts in those kinds of servers to 1: find lulzy stuff to screenshot, and 2: get updated on new releases of stuff for us to make fun of
it'd be a moot point anyway since this game uses HM items, i don't even think you can get any of the actual HM moves. shit's retarded
people have brought this shit up to him before right? and the nigger forgot? kek
also kind of fucked up how the move is still called hail and the description still says it damages non-ice types but it's actually s(oy)now
a bunch of games only give updates via d*scord unfortunately
it's also a useful resource when looking for information because chances are someone else has asked before
Brave men all, I don't think I'd be able to stand that for long without outing myself as a deplorable
Of course Fern has a sneeded sneedler, why wouldn't he
Whiteouts: 93
>those are still there
Gotta get information for shit somehow now that nearly everything nowadays is locked in some shitcord
And it provides some funny screens sometimes at least
why would you ever post anything yourself
just make a throwaway account named pikachu5937421559 or similar and appear offline, then you lurk to your heart's content
most people on there are deplorables, they just have the correct politics about it
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also is the free egg you get always a stufful
>every trainer in here uses basically the same fucking team
>retarded houndoom stealthshit
retarded area. please let it be over now

i think something's not quite right, though...
oh noooooooooo please don't kiiiiiiill hiiiiiim
I care soooo much about... uh... I don't know who they took actually but I know about one person who I'd actually care about being taken
password for when bunken gets here. make sure to take the left stairs when you reach that one part of the prisonshit segment
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>OH NO!!!!!
surprised he wasn't stuttering to himself
oh also that's a 1, not an L or an I
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why on earth does he have a fucking regular monofire vulpix
is that an anime thing
Yeah fuck you
Aside from the sneedler, not terrible thanks to alolatales, hopefully crustleGOD will continue to ack sneedlers whenever they appear (because there WILL be more)
Aya time, h-haha....
he jobbed once his dishonorable and dishonest f*re type was dealt with
he also had a zubat so I'm assuming this is some anime team
also I can fight him over and over again for free money, 1 good boy point, and a couple exp candies
he even heals me afterwards
Crazy attempt 1 desu
Got some good rng though
Whiteouts: 94
>covers rhydon in shit
the most evil rival. gg
but it's wednesday...
good luck with lmao wasteland
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You know Shaun, I find it funny how you never tried shitting up these threads when I was around back in 2023
Probably because you’re terrified of groundARYANs such as me
Get lost and tell your ‘cord I said fuck you
>is that an anime thing
Yes, Anime Brock pretty much abandons the rock monotype gimmick the instant he sets foot out of his gym.
>you can actually leave eevee in the box after being disarmed in the prison
Least deranged Unovabortion
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damn it
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I'm questioning how useful this will be but I guess I'll find out
I can't help but feel that somewhere an Austrian painter is smiling
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Took me way too long to realize Feraligatr was made part dark, this kinda makes sense and also kinda doesn't
Hey instead of posting your stuff in /vp/ go to /trash/ there is a vore general for you to have fun there, alternatively you could just go to Eka's portal and look for the Barbftr thread on the games tab, learn to mod it to have Cynthia and you will have content for a long time and also stop posting for a while to have fun by yourself without having to share with this board
i'm just going to be honest with you

>gauntlet of two bosses
>doubles first, singles second
>you do not get healed
>enemy just does not fucking stop spamming potions
>enemy also spams a bunch of the bullshit mid battle effects
>fight consists of a long as fuck dialogue before the first fight that you can't speed through and a long as fuck cutscene between fights
>second trainer also just has in general a ridiculous team, as well as the first mega of the game so far (mega gengar), it's a team i'd probably find difficult if i didn't have to do it right after another fucking boss that takes like 4 minutes to get through at bare minimum
>this dungeon is long and annoying as fuck to get back to, there's no fly, i can't use debug, even if i could go back there's no good grinding trainers to go to, nothing
>literally my best attempt through the first boss with like 5 members of my team still healthy just ate shit

this is probably like bottom 3 fucking bosses i've ever seen in any of these games
i think i'm done with this game honestly. i mean i could spam items, i could go back and lower the difficulty, but i really don't care

bunken, next time you see a difficulty adjuster, go down to normal
Whiteouts: 95
FreezeGODS win again bros
kek, thanks
ladies first since you wanna be one so bad even doe you never will
alright never mind

bunken, head into Data, Scripts, and then 001_Settings and flip DEBUG = true at the top

i guess i'll give this another shot now that i won't need to run around for 2 hours assembling the shit i need to beat this one extremely retarded fight
>needlessly hard gauntlet with walls of text and no backtracking to get better mons or level them up
Is that a heckin Pokemon Xenoverse reference?
no u
that sounds fucking awful, thanks for finding a way to turn on debug. if I get to it I'll give it a go but after how long I took with the rival fight I don't have much hope
And cain got acked easily
>Snipe shot gets poison type on wasteland because....because.......because it just does, okay
according to the readme, this is only a no heal gauntlet on hard mode, and on the lower difficulties you can just go back and heal

i don't know why you'd ever design fucking ANYTHING like this in the first place, regardless of difficulty modes
>grunt forcefully healing his pokemon to max has obvious fatal downsides when he keeps releasing them straight into a woodchipper (me)
>rylas just fucking kills the guy after his pokemon ack themselves
>I don't know why there's a knife in my hand and I killed him I don't know why I did it!!!!!!
>crying and pissing her pants over something which was obviously self defense
>schizo time magic bullshit to save the day
nothing ever happens
>The Defiance
what the fuck kind of ebul team name is that
>I don't want to be a trainer either.
>What? Why not?
>I'm just here because I feel like I should be. Honestly it's kind of fun.
that sounds a lot like you do want to be a trainer you retarded little
>You should stay [by my side].
I take it back player character is based and literally me
things are heating up in the vanguardium region
>chapter 5
>level cap: 17
the level cap was already 17 you idiot why make it a new chapter at all
>oh shit a free snorunt?
>name menu sprite isn't it's usual shade
>oh shit a free shiny snorunt??
>check pbs to see if it's stats got changed at all to decide what nature to give it
>it's actually a f*re type
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>I could've just gone to the beach for the sidequest in the lab this entire time
>and I missed out on having ice???dark spearow and a.sandshrew who miraculously wasn't changed to fire type
how irritating
I look like this and say this
do you know how much I'VE suffered you FUCKING NIGGER


Whiteouts: 36, wasn't actually that much, because of how much time was spent trying to 'perfect' the first boss

at the end of the day, i actually 'only' needed to mostly just perfect my IVs, which i could have done without debug due to how cheap vitamins, but that would've required running all the way back to whatever store i can't remember sells the faggots

bros if he throws another absolutely fucking retarded gauntlet with no way to get back to literally anywhere i don't know if i can take it
game if you try to fucking 'win battle lose anyway' me after that shit
well, ok, i guess i get killstolen

i don't care
end it
who’s that in the pod
inb4 it’s yet another faggot dev trying to remove tolerable characters from the story for stupid reasons
>you now just join the bad guys (???)

it's the rival, evil soience man is trying to transfer consciousness from his dead wife into her. watch the video if you want to see it
accidental reset number 3 led me to my first shiny and it was something I can use as well, so that's something nice at least
>mid gauntlet cutscene
>mid battle free dialogue buffs
crazy stuff going on in the fuso'smetoria region
gg. can't wait to get to that nightmare

the fuck is even going on

it is actually nice that of all things vanguard's stolen from other games, it didn't take midbattle effects
ayrei talked about wanting to implement reborn/rejuv fields into the game but just couldn't, i think thankfully he's just ass at coding and it would cause a trillion bugs (not like the regular slop churned out isn't buggy as shit doe)
i'm sorry for spoiling bunken i can't keep quiet

>guy runs a dystopian nightmare society where he literally sends kids to work in the mines and controls the region with glowies
>now he's le inspirational and wholesome heccin good guy

what the actual fuck
so basically he’s trying to take away our right to have a cute tomboy gf because he’s using a shitty stock cliche excuse to be evil

well that's that i guess

i'd honestly just turn difficulty to normal and/or itemspam
>from the plot summary: Behind the scenes, however, an authoritarian government operates in secrecy. Their hidden agenda remains elusive from the general public; enforced by a band of crooked cops.
>somehow turns that into "no he actually good"
ashen frost kicked my dick in but at leas the plot was interesting, idk what the fuck is going on with this one
congrats. I probably will if I continue, but what an absolute nothing plot
>turn in eevee quest
>get to keep the eevee
>meaning this whole time I could've had a pokemon not weak to fire (yet)
how much of the game would you say season 1 was
Remember that these writers often unironically worship Stalin and it makes more sense
>dev moved leafeon's 130 stat from def to atk
oh coo-
>and moved the 110 to spattack
yeah we need more frail mixed attackers with mediocre speed
didn't even get a busted nugen ability, still leaf guard/chlorophyll
and it's special moveset consists of the usual grass type specials, hyper beam, weather ball, hidden power, and for whatever reason shadow ball (and whatever 40 power moves of every type that eevee gets happen to be special)
really boggles the mind
Retarded developers? In MY fangames?
It’s more likely than you think.

>The Good
The game looks really good, I presume courtesy of Ekat. The presentation and overall atmosphere is not even a tenth as well done as Ashen Frost, but the tilesets, sprites, etc. all look solid.
QoL is...mostly nice. I like the low cost repels, the EV slider, so on.

For the most part game is competent. I know I obviously bitched hard about the certain awful segments, but I do want to stress that most people can just play this game on normal and I think have a mostly good time if you want something a bit more simple that's not just 8gymslop.


>The Bad
This game just has way too many issues that pile up over time. I assume this is what Ashime was feeling when he played Crimson and Cobalt, except to a harsher degree.

The story is bad. Almost insultingly so after Unbreakable Ties. It wants to be a revenge plot + a big revolution against an evil empire and manages to successfully toss both of those away in the most unsatisfying way possible.
Zero notable characters, I still don't even really know the inciting incident that provoked the bad blood between the MC and the edgyrival. Yes, they TELL you he stole some important ring, but SHOW you nothing. It's such an ineffective way to try and establish 'I need to enact revenge on this retard'.
He talks and acts like a toddler too much for me to actually hate him and does almost nothing notable besides. The MC is silent, so I can't even see whatever the in-character reaction is 'supposed' to be, I'm just told to hate this character. And I do, but because he's hilariously underwritten.
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The villains, the female rival, etc. are also all similarly shit with literally almost nothing to any of them. The 'twist' at the end being that you end up just joining the evil government I hope actually pans out into a proper conclusion but I kind of doubt it.

When the gameplay isn't serviceable, it's also bad. I'd say this game is maybe 60% kind of 'okay Pokemon game', 40% 'annoying'. No repels for the first section through a mine with a high encounter rate. Stealth section prisonshit fun times. The game being frequently vague where you're supposed to go while at other times holding your hand through a tiny linear cave. Sidequests that are often completely useless and flesh out none of this presumably interesting setting but you're encouraged to do anyway on the offhand they might give you a good reward this one time. QoL like the move relearner or IV increasers is all over the map and you're not given Fly, so go fuck yourself if you just need to grab something to beat one shitty boss.

The battles are similarly a mess. Healing item spam, midbattle effect spam, levels higher than cap. I'll give the two fights of this game that are clearly supposed to be the hardest (the edgyrival and labfaggots) are the hardest, but in all just the wrong ways. Not even because the fights themselves are hard, but because of how annoyingly far the game makes you go if you need to adjust your shit, or because you have to fight a no heal gauntlet and gradually try and figure out a strat for a second team that will require spending hours on the first redoing the same stupid fucking fight over and over.

I can't call this gam outright bad, maybe Bunken will, but I think there's enough charm and enough of something enjoyable here at the core intact enough here for most people to interact with well. I can call it below average, and I don't really have any optimism for the future update. 3-4/10 and I'd drop it to the bottom of the mediocre tier, at least until I redo this list
thanks bros
>how much of the game would you say season 1 was
according to its own DL page it's 60% done

there's apparently a big tournament arc next time and then....however the game wants to end its plot concerning the dragon people, rayquaza and the evil government

i can't even say it's just a case of tankies being tards, because the guy has been treated as a villain for most of the game, he just decided to not be a villain anymore and give some big epic inspirational speech. it's genuinely bizarre
>switching around party to deal with the pack of firoids in the promotion exam
>shiny a.sandshrew also has nearly perfect IVs
holy blessed
not sure if they're nearly all maxed because of something the dev did to ensure shinies would always highroll but still, saves me a bunch of money on IV maxxers
however it won't be too helpful against the fire-type wall I'm facing, unfortunately
sounds like the final gauntlet poisoned the well a bit but it's an otherwise playable game
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>clover in tier list
multi-LP of Clover when? it has a showdown server so we can do battles online
so adorable
ah, maybe I was just lucky considering the non-shiny spearow I caught is also a full 31 spread (except for a 12 in spatk which is the nature dumpstat anyways)
...and then you have poor crabrawler who has single digit everything except 31 health and 20 spdef
more or less, i think it's probably just like a solid 4/10 (you can play it but it's probably not going to be anything special) the 3/10 bit of that is very personal spite from sitting through that dogshit fucking gauntlet
>promotional exam
yeah, that's probably the hardest thing in the game. also, the gym lea- ah, sorry, boss of that part is a fighting type specialist anyway
...and i just realized you're an icefag. godspeed bro
probably could do one when 2.0 or whatever releases
good review. I'll probably switch it to normal just to get through it later, but the game isn't giving me much. the big thing that hooked me from the summary was the betrayal, and not only do you not find out why the fuck but you also kick his ass already in chapter 4? idk if it would've been on par with unbreakable but another fangame called Legends of the Arena kinda does something simliar and it does it very well, love that game's story presentation. had my hopes up but this game is pretty disappointing
ice/grass, so fighting is at least something I have options for with (grass) pidgeotto and (fairy) pumpkaboo and the like
but fire is everywhere and applin (quickly becoming my top guy) can only take so much damage
also (ice) sandile hasn't learned any ground type moves other than mud slap which is also killing me
>the big thing that hooked me from the summary was the betrayal
I know I said it's often kind of cringe for the mc to talk but if you're going to tell a revenge story it really does feel like the mc should be talking, or you need to have your writing skills down very well
It's just weird how both the mc and even the edgyrival are just complete non entities, the edgyrival is just basically a couple garymotherfucking oak memes walking around
>applin lives on one health
>then does it again
wasn't really necessary for the win but still awesomesauce nonetheless
took a second try to re-organize my mons
going to finish whatever cutscenes come after and call it there
total whiteouts: 15
yeah I was just there like an hour or two ago scouring for shit
I guess the previous exam and cutscene after were the cutoff for some previous release?
G fucking G
>that applin name
>mfw bronies still exist in 2024
McIntosh is my favorite type of apple and he turns into a big nigger with the tankier evolution, I'm not sure what you're talking about : ^)
>thread misser is also a pedophile
He said the brony shit makes him vomit, that's the opposite of being a pedophile
nigger only pedophiles inironically use the word “loli”
>brony is also a newfag and probable shartytroon
so far game's not as bad as it was made out to be but I suppose Empire wasn't awful at the beginning either
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at some point this calendar day I’m gonna start (yet another) dualtype run of Reborn (this time I’ll try to complete it instead of getting hard walled by modded bullshit or annoying puzzles)
wheeldecide wants me to do dragon/ground (which makes me wonder what the point of leaving it up to chance was) which should be a fun combination, as it’s two of my favorite types
the mod I’ll play will be all-gen since I don’t wanna suffer Yang autism even on normal mode
gonna have turtwig as my starter because I’ve used grass starters the least in my /vpp/ career, with the only time I remember picking one being uuuh well lmao I don’t think I’ve ever picked a grass starter in a /vpp/ thread before
wish me luck
I am nearing the end of the playable part of Odyssey.

Then it's back to Empire, I promised myself. Sigh.
Yeeep, that's the end of the line for now.

Time to review Odyssey and Dimensional Defenders.
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Also when checking the files to paste in my usual shiny replacements
I found that apparently Sandslash gets a mega evo in this game
so I did exactly what anyone would expect me to do
and make the coloration orange and black because it’s cool and also since it’s kind of a cool looking inversion of a long tailed pangolin’s colors
>missed GET by 2
might as well copy over my custom male nido shinies because reborn’s are kinda meh imho
Having two of the posters here have their dark side revealed in one day wasn't on my bingo board at all.
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good enough for now i guess
Gave up on this puzzle, for now. I dont like Moltres anyways. Articuno, on the other hand ...
>stray white colored pixel on both mega backsprites
wep guess I gotta clean that up and reupload the fixed custom shiny spritesheet to the collection
is empire some chud game about restoring a roman LARP to its former glory?
Wait, so if I leave in-between fighting Ezrael and Articuno, I need to fight Ezrael AGAIN

I am about to give Empire up, lads.

Just ... tell me what happened from now on, or something. I am done with all the mechanics designed to make you waste time, rage and despair.

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