Do you ever look back on some old teams you had /vp/? Think back to why you chose the mons you chose? Favorites? Right type? For me recently I decided to go take a look back at my old Sun file and see my main team for the story. Love these fuckers like you wouldn't believe. Getting lucky with a female starter was also pretty cool too.
>>56944552I do... Not anymore, since I went back and fixed most of my old teams. When I was young, I would just keep using the mons I like, so I have a lot of Umbreons and Lucarios and Dragonites, etc.
>>56944552honestly? yeah, I do. I can even recall most of them by heart now. it's honestly really nice that I still have these pokemon. I'd feel bad for transferring them from their main game though..
>>56944552Wish I could, anon. I grew up with pirate GBA carts and they're unreliable. All the save files were gone the last time I checked. I can't even remember what the final teams I used were. I can remember a few Pokemon I definitely used like Nidoking, Kadabra and Scyther, but I have no idea if they stayed with my indecisive childhood self all the way to the end.Shit, I wish I wrote down what I used. At least then I'd have the knowledge of what my old teams were even if I don't have the memories or save files anymore.