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Dot y Liko Ediccion

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>November 22nd: PM2023 074 - The Three Explorers


Future episodes:
>November 29th: PM2023 075 - The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World

>Upcoming episodes preview:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56934277
Alex will fuck both.
>Liko and Roy are having a small adventure in the woods
>Suddenly, Hoopa appears, he seens to have an interest in Roy and Liko because of their encounters with Mystical and Rare Pokémon.
>He decides to prank Liko and Roy, he surprises Liko and Roy and use his rings on Liko and Roy.
>Liko and Roy are both half-warped.
>The rings are up to Liko and Roy's waist height, without them knowing, Hoopa uses its power to distort space and time, while Liko and Roy are worried trying to get out of Hoopa's rings on the other side of the clearing, their bodies are being fattened by Hoopa using his powers.
>They are unaware that they are being fattened up to extreme sizes but soon Hoopa will release them.

>Half of their bodies start getting fatter and heavier by the second
>Liko and Roy are unware of this situation
>The rings start getting up slowly until thei reach their faces, as the rings goes up, their arms, torso get fatter
>Hoopa laughs and wait for the big moment for a big surprise

>Hoopa finishes the warp and they are back to the forest but now they are completely useless ball of lards, unable to adventure and Pokébattle.
>Roy and Liko are completely embarassed and confused, but one thing for sure they are certain: They are very hungry.
>Hoopa leaves laughing at the two trainers.

>Their clothes are barely containing their girth and they are having trouble to walk back to the Brave Asagi
>As they walk they complain, feel hungry, sweat and feel totally weak, they need to take a rest for two minute of walking
>Soon night approaches and they start to hear the cries of night Pokemon who mighty be tempted to eat them due to their big meaty succulent bodies
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>Exhausted and only 1/2 way to the Brave Asagi, Roy and Liko decide to rest near a cave, they are so hungry, but they already ate their energy bars
>Even worse, it seens that Hoopas magic also blocked them of using their Pokéballs, they don't know if it's forever or just for a time...
>They complaing about being hungry, helpless, dirty from all the walking and being totally useless 300lbs Pokémon Trainers.
>They hear a cry of a certain...Pokémon?

>They suddenly are found by a pack of Pokemon Hunters who are puzzled by the weak obese Trainers, they easily steal their Pokémon.
>Roy and Liko tried to struggle only to hear insults about their size

>Roy and Liko spend the night crying about their stolen Pokemon and how horrible they are feeling, not only they have been insulted by the Pokemon Hunters but they are completely dirt and smelling bad from walking so much being 300lbs Pokémon Trainers
>Next morning, the duo decide to continue their journey back to the Brave Asagi, maybe reaching their friends they will help them
>Unaware to them, Hoopa is watching them

>Each step they take, Roy and Liko bodies jiggle, their fat shows as their shirts and shorts can't contain their girth
>Sweat pour from their round faces, exhausted, they keep going steady, but slowly
>Their bellies grumble as they want food that they don't have
>They feel pain from their feet to their head, a 300lbs body is not suited for such long walks, they moan in exhaustion

>Hoopa decides to give them a relief from their stress in his own way, the Pokemon smirks eagerly imagining the perfect scenario.
>Liko and Roy moan, shout and laugh as their put more and more food in their mouths.
>Their hands are full of food crumbles, sauce and cake forsting.
>Driplets of food fall from their mouths, they don't care, the bliss of eating food is too much for them to hold back.
>Their faces get rounder, their arms plumpier and their bellies heavier and heavier.
>Food simply appears, probably a work of a Ghost Pokémon, but our Pokémon Trainers are too focused on eating to care.
>They have breaken the 400lbs mark a while ago, how bigger they can get?
Rystal makes more sense. The explorers with the exception of Lucius have minerals for names.
Can the mods ban this fetish spamming piece of shit already?
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In two days it's gonna be Lore-hour again, this time about that woman who accompanied Gibeon and Lucius all those years ago, Kickstarted by a battle between family members.
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
>What happened to that woman?
>Are they gonna show Rakua during the next two episodes?
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
Dot's faggot duck learned a new move during her battle with her mother so Liko's weedpussy learning a new move from the second battle with her grandmother isn't unlikely.
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
>What happened to that woman?
In true trad fashion got told to get the fuck out of a man's job
>Are they gonna show Rakua during the next two episodes?
The title of the 75th episode seems pretty daunting plus they get redpilled about the past so them not showing Rakua at this point seems weird.
>Liko and co walk to the lake
>See someone who died
>Dead person starts talking about the afterlife and how there's nothing but darkness
>Oh and maybe something about how she died or why she feel "guilty" about ruining the friendship of two guys.
Likonime hitting a bit too close to IRL
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
It's about time that Liko adds another move or party member to her arsenal.
>Are they gonna show Rakua during the next two episodes?
After the teasing, yes they definitely will show it.
>The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World
Liko and her other two friends getting entrusted with keeping the Cocaine of the Pokemon world away from civilization. That's definitely gonna be fun for her, especially after seeing that Spinel knows how to weaponize it.
It's Rystal. She and Gibeon are named after Minerals, probably were siblings too.
>She and Gibeon are named after Minerals, probably were siblings too.
Well that's kinda disturbing and another win for the nipglowie meme if that's true. Like goddamn, I was joking in a previous thread that the Likonime was started because Lucius went Hoes before Bros but this is too of a coincidence if that's the case.
L and R are the same in japanese tho. "Lystal, Lucca, Liko, Laqua and Laqunium" and "Rystal, Rucca, Riko, Raqua and Raqunium" are read the same
Diana is still the one that doesn't work
This has even nothing to do with that L/R nonsense. Rystal, as in (C)rystal. The coincidence that the two of the original explorers had mineral-based names seems too much on the nose, abbreviating it because of a naming pattern within the family doesn't work either.
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
Yes. Likos overdue for it.
New Poketoon episode

So who is getting Armarogue? None of cast seem to fit with Armarogue.
>Liko and her other two friends getting entrusted with keeping the Cocaine of the Pokemon world away from civilization.
Can't believe they introduced Drugs to Pokemon
It will probably be an upgraded version of one of the existing moves in Liko's cat moveset. Idk stronger options for her over Acrobatics, Magical Leaf and Sucker Punch but the second might go away.
>Liko's cat moveset. Idk stronger options for her over Acrobatics, Magical Leaf and Sucker Punch but the second might go away.
It can learn Play Rough now but that might wait until later to not coincide with Dot's tinka. Currently looking at the movepool of Floragato and I am surprised to see that Liko's weedpussy can learn between Thunder Punch, Low Sweep and Shadow Claw. If they are gonna sneak its way into the egg move territory then it can learn Copycat too so there's that.
>Liko's weedpussy can learn between Thunder Punch, Low Sweep and Shadow Claw.
Well that's a decent pool of options. But I think it will be varied between close range and distance. The Yo-Yo can act as both for it.
>Like goddamn, I was joking in a previous thread that the Likonime was started because Lucius went Hoes before Bros but this is too of a coincidence if that's the case.
Be careful what is said here. You don't know when someone from overseas might see it and has a laugh because of it.
What's wrong with drugs? Do you know the mad shit you see when you are on Rakurium? Or how it has boosted my focus and attention?

Me and Umbreon sniff it every day and I offer a sample to any little girl who wants it.
>Someone joked over an beach episode
>Summary for one got dropped within an hour
That was spooky.
Liko getting more cooking lessons when? I like that she got more attention in the battaru and moveset department but she needs more training in the household department
Rakulium is fine in smaller dosis but down shoving the mist down the noses is over the top. It might mindbreak a Pokemon.

Something like Fug or Zygarde getting drugged with Rakulium might become Liko's greatest nightmare.
>Liko getting more cooking lessons when?
With Suguaro? Soon
>Oh and maybe something about how she died or why she feel "guilty" about ruining the friendship of two guys.
That shit shouldn't have made me laugh
Thinly veiled fat posting
Oh yeah they'll head back to Paldea sooner or later.
>who is getting Armarogue?
>Something like Fug or Zygarde getting drugged with Rakulium might become Liko's greatest nightmare
Turn it into a regional nightmare.
>Currently looking at the movepool of Floragato and I am surprised to see that Liko's weedpussy can learn between Thunder Punch, Low Sweep and Shadow Claw.
She might learn Thunder punch at one point
I just want to see Suguaro, anon. That was a topic back in April too.
>You don't know when someone from overseas might see it and has a laugh because of it.
>Mfw shitposted about Anne showing up for the third chapter a week before the preview confirmed it
>Mfw it actually happened
Y-yeah, I'm sure they don't monitor our threads.
>The title of the 75th episode seems pretty daunting plus they get redpilled about the past so them not showing Rakua at this point seems weird.
Agreed. They'll show that paradise this month for sure
>Gibeon got assblasted over Lucius potentially plowering his sister
Can't blame him for being angry at him. But the family tree must be a mess to explain to the affected parties.
Pls let Gibeon be the Genghis Khan of the Pokemon world.
That shit would be so random. I would lose it if true.
Does Iono keep an PokeFans?
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>Literally just kill Friede.
>Explosion or a pitfall. Fade to credits. But this time he doesn't miraculously come back with an unexplained getaway. Friede is just gone. Dead.
Explorer hands typed this
They had the chance to get a Charcadet so I think it's unlikely one of them will get one now.
>Dot's faggot duck learned a new move during her battle with her mother so Liko's weedpussy learning a new move from the second battle with her grandmother isn't unlikely.
Yeah that checks out.
>Liko's greatest nightmare
It's Roy beating her senselessly again.
Yeah Suguaro would make a decent episode.
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Sombreo croc is nice.
>In true trad fashion got told to get the fuck out of a man's job
I'll now watch your show
Can somebody post a webcam version of this? I don't know how to make webcam. It is a crime that Pokemon release the best animated fight of this year yet nobody posted any wedcam of this fight on /padt/.
I think the cat is going to replace Magical Leaf with Grass Knot, it's been using the yoyo thingy a lot lately.
Grass knot isn't so bad.
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Here's your Rystal
Rystal is cute. Can see why the turtle was fond of her.
Wasn't expecting a tomboy underneath that hat. Can't complain tho, that's nice.
>Rystal and Gibeon
Yeah I smell the latter getting stabbed in the back by his homie Lucius having his ways with his sis. No wonder he's pissy.
>Literally just kill Friede.
Aside from killing in the tv programming of Pokemon being a no-go, him getting rendered unconscious is more likely.
>The explorers with the exception of Lucius have minerals for names.
>The name comes from the Latin word lux, which means "light". It is related to the Latin verb lucere, which means "to shine".
Minerals shine, just saying.
Lucius shined his light on Rystal if you know what I mean.
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I am enlightened.
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Are you american...?
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*looks at her eyes*

Oh god, she's related to Gibeon, isn't she? In which case...Amethio/Liko has been an incest ship all this time? Amazing.
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Learn how to spell Edición, anonero
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Well that changes the alignment regarding Alex...
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>Liko isn't an incest fr-
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Go back to ruining your gene pool
Liko will make her family tree a family circle
adult florian in the middle
...Huh, does kinda look like him, lol.
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The 256gb of AmeLiko on my drive hits differently now.
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Crocalor is so cute. I hope he doesn't evolve later on, but he probably will unfortunately.
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>256gb of AmeLik
Skeledirge looks cool, but it really clashes on how Crocalor acts.
Because of the drastic change, it'll likely evolve near the end of the show to be more reserved for battling
Rhyperior when?
Let me guess, she is the ancestor of Roy's mother.
Rise up ピッカン
Rise up ピッカン
Rise up ピッカン
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Let me battle is still on top but Pi-kan is alright
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Why is the turtle such a mood?
That's a trade evolution, he wouldn't dare
Do you think that these pokeballs will appear in Legends ZA?
Could be possible.
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Nah, imagine if Spinel is one of the descendants. I want them to make the family tree crazy.
Considering Liko and Roy poor dynamic with their own starter, giving them Charcabet would have been a waste.
>Own starter
That you cope like that says enough about you Fagmon. Get a job, useless phonefagging hobo.
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>Crocalor is so cute. I hope he doesn't evolve later on, but he probably will unfortunately.
It will probably go down amidst the lines of evolving in the last chapter, minmaxxing the stages for when they are appropiate in relation to Roy's progression.
>Is the Cat gonna learn a new move?
Probably a new ranged move after the latest addition were more for close combat.
>256gb of AmeLiko
That reminds me of that one anon who has over 460 gigabytes of Pokeasses. Wonder what happened to that madman
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Did someone said the I-word?
Probably when he accidently fumbles some inputs.
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I watch for she
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God I loved her episode.
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LikoXGurumin forever
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So someone put me in the mind of a CEO and help me understand the logic behind the release schedule for the dub? I feel like a majority of anyone who even cares about this show would just look for subs.
Heartbreaking. Why did they do Kitakami so dirty? They tricked me into watching this
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Someone made a very accurate summary of the subs and dubs situation.
As for your question, they will probably lump the third and fourth chapter together as season two, hence the search for Laqua because the description for it includes both the gym leader battles and them searching for Rakua again, which is the current chapter.
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>Reading too much into the phrasing of my post
Why are you so fucking negative? They haven't left Kitakami yet, people had the same mindset about Penny or Nemona, they can go in circles from Paldea to her blueberry academy. Why is there still doubt about her showing up again with that track record of the anime?
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Oh Lucius shined alright.
The torrent comment is so wrong I have to ask what this dude is smoking? I watched yugioh gx/5ds a couple months ago and finding the episodes in english was easy as typing the number in google while the subs kept returning dead links. Sub groups are the most unreliable/whiny mother fuckers on the planet and after a couple of years trying to watch them anything requires a damn good virus blocker.

That list is pretty much all whiny baby shit but that last bit is objectively wrong. Hell, it's funny as shit watching other shows on /a/ having to beg the subbers to release the episode and not squatting on them for 5+ episodes at a time.
>people had the same mindset about Penny or Nemona
And they were right as nether Nemona and Penny live up to their expectations.
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>And P-people
You don't speak for others, F aggot. Zip it, the adults are speaking. Hating the anime like the pest for not catering to (You) alone means jackshit. Carmine will return and lying about it will only hurt you more.
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>finding the episodes in english was easy as typing the number in google while the subs kept returning dead links.
>Making it about Yugioh in a Pokemon anime thread
Best concession of the Year. That post was made in response to a post here on /padt/ which asked whether Subs or Dubs are the better option nowadays. Subs edges out everytime it comes down to torrents. And the "torrent comment" is literally so right it's baffling to deny it. If I look up Pocket Monsters on Nyaa and sort it by seeds, then the highest result is over 200 seeders. Now if I try to look up torrents which include the english audio, then the highest count is just 57 for mainly webrips which explains the sloppy quality too.

I don't know what your beef is with subs but dismissing something that can be refuted with only five minutes of checking it seems silly.
>Delete their own seeds
Dubsperms deserve a bullet for this.
That retailer part is so on point it hurts. Got two DVD boxes (Two Disks each) for anime about 70 bucks including import fees and it had all of the episodes. Trying to get the ones of my country would be double the amount of boxes and disk's for the same length of episodes. Its absurd
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>has been an incest ship all this time
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Gonna keep my LikoThio folder in the end, most of it is just dork material anyway.
You think that's gonna stop me?
>Amethio/Liko has been an incest ship all this time?
There was always something about it
Liko... Alex and Amethio are both wrong, you have to aim for a healthy relationship.
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Yeah, healthy. Roy's skin disqualifies right away
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So Gibeon is Liko's... Great-uncle? Then Amethio is her..?
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Why is the turtle such an mocking asshole?
>December 6th: PM2023 076 - Sohnano? Soh It Is!
>December 13th: PM2023 077 - Randou Returns to His Hometown
>December 20th: PM2023 078 - A Fierce Fight Against Entei! A Noble Roar of Flame!!
Enteibros, it's on.
Another Mighty G ep? PLS let the 77th episode be another Mighty G
Entei already?? Damn
While I am surprised to see all five heroes being collected by this year (Assuming that Entei gets recruited in the 78th episode), it would also settle that they will head to Area Zero next year.
I'm surprised that Wynaut is getting a spotlight episode, considering he isn't in SV.
They might head back back to Galar for that episode, plus some more Galar PR
True. That's always nice to see.
Entei already? There's no way. What...?
The next year might get shuffled around between Rakua/Explorers/Paldea stuff until the endgame occurs.
>A Fierce Fight Against Entei! A Noble Roar of Flame!!
Oh hey, Entei hour.
Either it's a pseudo Johto wankfest or it's a speedrun until Entei
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Waku Waku?
God, I hope so.
So next year is gonna be completely unpredictable. I like the Entei section
Sudden Johto time, huh. Interesting. Looks like we'll be heading to Olivine. Would be curious if someone challenged Jasmine's gym.
They won't show her anon. It's gonna be one of the episodes where it's in a town but not with any of the known characters from there like every other classic Pokemon episode all those years ago
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>Noble Roar
>Regular Entei can't learn Noble Roar
>Paradox Entei can

But they wouldn't show Paradox Entei in Johto, would they?
>tfw Amethio-kun and Alex-sama won't agree to tag team your holes cuz muh morals
Wtf, haven't noticed that.
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Huh, smart assessment. Guess I'll wait until the preview shows how it is.
What if they think it's Entei, go look for it only to find Gouging Fire.

For context, the Japanese title for the episode literally says おたけび, which is Noble Roar's Japanese name.
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My mind is blown.
Now I am confused over part with Noble Roar.
Gonna wait until more information is out.
Interesting to note that the Shiny Rayquaza Tera Raid is also happening on December 20, the airing of the Entei episode. I wonder if Rayquaza may appear in this episode or the following one.
>Naranja Academy
>Scarlet Book
>ancient paradoxes
>main duo are blue and red colored, the third wheel is the purple one
Violetbros... when will we stop losing?
It will probably appear in the flashback, or right after that flashback.
Maybe Rayquaza tease since he's the last of the Heroes + a big PV for the rest of the arc
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Fair enough
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It's in the name, it's a Paradox.
Serena won
so is liko related to both lucca and the woman? she has amethios eyes so did she have twins or something
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I guess that Fug will pop in after that fight.
What are the best movies? Already saw mewtwo, celibi and lucario
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>Waku Waku?
Waku Waku
>Gibeon is Liko's... Great-uncle? Then Amethio is her..?
Yeah. But hey, Liko can say that she's always surrounded by Family, no matter what side of the conflict she's on.
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Entei? Time for genocide
Huh neat
Teal Mask doko
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Mildly curious about this sequence but I think that it will take multiple episodes for Entei.
I will believe.
When Ash returns with Miraidon to defeat Lucius and Gibeon.
>Randou Returns to His Hometown
>Liko takes Entei
>Goh took Suicune
Raikou sisters why doesn't anyone want us
>So Gibeon is Liko's... Great-uncle?
Could be, yeah. It's definitely gonna be awkward between her and Amethio if it's actually the case.
Episode about the old man? Noice.
Ash x Dawn

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