While dexcut has had a lot of focus over the years, the other thing that unfortunately came with it is movecut. Many moves were never put into the gen8+ games and are not selectable. If you transfer a pokemon with a certain move into a game where its movecut, you simply can not use it and the game recommends you to forget it forever.Just like with new repeating released games undexcutting pokemon and dexcutting different pokemon depending on the game, some moved have been brought back, some moves were usable up until the newest games, and some remain unusable still.What are some significant moves that have been lost due to movecut? What are some lesser moves that were movecut but could have had potential with the right circumstance? What movecut moves were absolutely useless and not needed in any way? It seems more notable and visible what pokemon you’re not able to transfer into a modern switch game, but cut moves are seemingly glossed over in favor of the newer pokemon, newer moves created, and increasing methods on how to get more exclusive moves, like getting an egg move simply from an item.Did TPC ever say they were movecutting or why they did movecut? Can they really not just program in the same couple moves with the same animations? I can sort of understand the limitations of dexcut to an extent, but not wanting to code in every move all of a sudden sucks for move appreciators.What moves would you like to see brought back in newer pokemon games? What moves do you never want to see again in a pokemon game? Is movecut simply insignificant in the grand scheme of the franchise or does it deserve more focus in the community?
if it's post-RBGY and it doesn't have pursuit it's not a real pokémon game simple as.
>m-muh double kickwho gives a shit as long as it not moves that actualy matter like earthquakes and surf
>>56947351Shitmoves like that matter for early game and sometimes have a niche otherwise.
>>56947329Who could forget Ion Deluge, Rototiller and BestowTruly the most iconic moves
>>56947329signal beam
Hidden Power should return the way it worked in PLA as Unown's signature move
The only way the move cut makes any sense is if they reprogrammed the entire battle system from scratch for swsh to use moving forward. If the goal was to overhaul the battle system's back-end into something less hard-coded and more data-driven so different effects can be added and reused in more combinations with fewer bugs so designers can more easily make new moves without them being a bitch to implement that'd at least make it a temporary sacrifice with long-term benefits. There's no consistency in what was removed to validate any other reason. If it was for trimming the fat then why did they remove some of the more mechanically interesting stuff like hidden power and pursuit instead of focus on redundant moves that only really differ in flavor text? If it was for balance why don't we have at least one physical and one special move of every type in every power/accuracy bracket and moves so every type is equally viable at all levels yet we still have a ton of overpowered signature moves for legendaries with crazy stats? Also if the goal was balance there's a ton of abilities and items that need to be cut/added/reworked too. If it was to make it simpler by removing the stuff that's got a bunch of hyper specific edge cases to account for then why were a bunch of status moves that just buff/debuff stats like barrier and basic attacks like comet punch removed yet we still have shit that do complicated things that effect how everything else has to be calculated like trick-or-treat potentially adding a 3rd type to a pokemon? Even if it was simply taking out stuff that should never be usable due to the only pokemon that can learn those moves being dex cut, that's just creating more work for themselves because they still had to have the code recognize the move to display it with the default can't use this so delete it message, otherwise the game would crash when you used a transfered pokemon with a cut move if they just deleted the move's entry entirely.
>>56947733>why don't we have at least one physical and one special move of every type in every power/accuracy bracket and moves so every type is equally viable at all levelsThis would be very boring, but I do think things should be a bit more balanced. Rock type moves have no reason to be so inaccurate
>>56947733>why did they remove some of the more mechanically interesting stuff like hidden powerHonestly? I think they did it because of Dynamaxing, and not wanting to have to code interactions with it. So...laziness. It certainly can't be game balance, given the vast majority of Pokemon got nothing in return. Oh, speaking of>ReturnWHY THE FUCK DID THEY CUT IT? What POSSIBLE reason could there be? So many Normal-types now have no good move to use.>and pursuitI'm guessing there was some new buggy interaction that they decided not to want to have to fix. Pursuit's always been a weird move. Note I'm not saying it should be cut; just that it's always had weird interactions with other things.>why don't we have at least one physical and one special move of every type in every power/accuracy bracket and movesBecause that would be very, very boring. Do I think some type/category combos need help? Absolutely; like physical Ghost, and physical Electric. They're aware of the latter, at least, and they did honestly try recently. The problem is their new move, Supercell Slam, is absolutely worthless because it's an Electric-type Jump Kick clone.
>>56948332>Supercell Slam, is absolutely worthless because it's an Electric-type Jump Kick clone.>special electric gets several decent moves with zero drawback outside of thunder which can be patched with rain>physical electric is either a signature move or you need to kill yourself in some manner to use it
>>56947329I'm upset toxic distribution got fucked over, I loved shitting on stall with toxic on the most random of Pokemon>Oh you predicted a resisted move and switched in? Too bad now your wall will die in a couple of turnsWithout moments like this the game feels kinda boring
>>56947329>What are some significant moves that have been lost due to movecut?You literally just described a rotation.>Did TPC ever say they were movecutting or why they did movecut?They've yet to explain the moncut and even its announcement was faulty as it said only "GAlar mons". They never officially announced the non Galar mons.>Can they really not just program in the same couple moves with the same animations?That's not what programming is anon.
>>56947733>If the goal was to overhaul the battle system's back-end into something less hard-coded and more data-driven It already was, likepokemon.>>56948474This. It also makes the mons you can transfer unrecognizable.
>>56948279Digin Story and SMT do it that way and it's fucking boring. All types are functionally identical and learnsets aren't exclusive, so you just slap on some coverage. I want types to feel different to play even if it makes rock completely worthless.
>>56948279>>56948332If everything was just the power, accuracy, PP tradeoffs you see going from ember to flame thrower to fireblast I'd agree. However there's ways to mitigate the boringness while making sure every type has good moves for each stage of the game. It'd definitely take some work to fill the gaps with something uniquely suited to the type, but it's definitely doable. For example, dragon. It's a powerful type that's supposed to be hard to control, but they've had a lot more early game availability in recent games while still lacking in early game moves as most of what it does have also has drawbacks that far outweigh any type advantage and damage output. It could use some weaker moves that instead of having fixed damage output or confusing the user just (have a chance to) lower its stats - still not as reliable or straight forward as tackle/vine whip/ember/watergun/spark but not something to be completely ignored before level 30.
>>56948332I thought Return was cut because they reworked the friendship system entirely and couldn't get it to work properly.
>>56947351neither of those moves matter, yet again not playing the games but answering a game thread
>>56948590t.seething jealous plakek
>>56948533Digimon was what I was thinking of exactly when I said it'd be boring. At least SMT has press turn and stuff to make battles more interestingBut I still don't think certain types should be outright dogshit. I never said they should be equal, it just wouldn't hurt to have more accurate rock moves, for example>>56948535This i agree with, dragon needs a tackle variant>>56948570We honestly have no direct answer for any move cut, anything is all speculation
I think it makes sense for stuff like Pound or Scratch or whatever to be cut. Or to consolidate attacks like Mega Drain and Giga Drain (I think they did this in Let's Go). Removing something like Vespiquen Heal Order in BDSP feels like an oversight.
>>56948506Pursuit and toxic were bad enough but bank erasing moves and pp ups too is just nasty, look at breelom and spore that oversight is bullshit
>>56948915bank did that?
>>56948945I think they meant Home.
>>56947329>limitations>with modern storage amountsNo. They could fit the entire national dex 15 times over if they wanted. They're dipshits who keep remaking assets they already have and won't invest enough time into quality.
Which moves SHOULD be dexcut in future games?
>>56949327None of them.
>>56949327protect,toxic and Willow wisp just to mess with compcucks more
>>56949463Ok I changed my answer. Metaslaves and competitivefags need to be fucked with as much as possible.
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Moves_unusable_in_Pokémon_Sword_and_Shieldhttps://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Moves_unusable_in_Pokémon_Scarlet_and_Violet>Hidden power is removed>Hidden power comes back in PLA only because Unown is in it>Hidden power goes back to being movecut in SVLmao
>>56949327Scald is still fucking gay.
Needle Arm should be reworked to work like Salt Cure.
>>56948474Toxic itself is also a stall move technically and that's a good thing
>>56949327i would have said baton pass but i think that can be nerfed so that it isn't cancerous, no removal neededmaybe evasion? evasion is almost like defense and special defense anyways except with way more RNG fuckery. attacking moves like mud-slap mud bomb can just be given different secondary effects, idk about double team, minimize, smokescreen and the likes
>>56947329>What are some significant moves that have been lost due to movecut?FUCKING SIGNAL BEAMREEEEEEE!!!
>>56950277it’s bothit’s useful for DoT-centric stalling tactics, and it puts exponentially increasing pressure on all mons not immune to it, putting a time limit on anything without rest or cleric support from teammates
>>56949327Knock Off, Protect and its clones, and Snarl.
>>56948474The state of retards thinking that toxic isn't a stall move.No wonder people claim Goldengo, Kingambit, and Heatran are not stallmon.
>>56947400You could have used Bestow on a Booster Energy / Quark Drive / [X] Seed mon.
>>56949327>Which moves SHOULD be dexcut in future games?None. I don't think there's any move in existence that couldn't simply be rebalanced if necessary.Pokemon should increase in variety infinitely.
>>56947400Rototailer was good. But it should have been a tm instead being natural.
>>56948871Heal order was cut as it got roost.
>>56949327Protect, Stealthrock and toxic should not longer be a tm
The main problem are most pokemon movesets are just shit and need to be reworked. Especialy gen 3 and 4 mons.
I'm salty Needle Arm got removed. I don't care about it only being know by like 5 mons, it was a cool move and shouldn't have been cut.
>>56951449The purpose is to put a timer on stallmons or force regenerators out at awkward timesIt's yet another too to make it easier to break stall and I miss it a lot
>>56951620>Needle Arm removed>Crabhammer isn'tNo justice, no consistency. Moves aren't just stat chunks, they're important if minor bits of flavor. An early stage mon that Scratches is different from one that Tackles or Pounds or Gusts. Withdraw or Defense Curl or Harden are all functionally the same, but say some small thing about the pokemon that use them.
>>56949747>anon learns of a rotation