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File: poli.png (76 KB, 500x348)
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Why does GF pretend pokemon can't have 4 evolutions and must have regionals if you want a new evolution?
Megas were the 4th evolution. Take it up with them for cutting it
you mean alternate final evolutions
>Megas were the 4th evolution
not all are 4th evolution, examples are single & two stages too.
>can't have 4 evolutions
They can't
Pokemon can have alternative evolutions but they all hardcap at 3 stages because they don't want pokemon's stats going past a certain point
Mega evolutions are the closest you'll get to a 4th stage
kys, you fucking retard
If politoed came out today it would have been a regional evolution, they just didn't think of the concept yet.
you first, you motherfucking tourist newfag.
They’ll think of anything if it gets them money.
NO WAY a company wants money??? fuck off retard
The mechanical reason is >>56947674, the lore reason dovetails with that with the implication being that evolving past a certain point is either unnecessary for the monster (a lot of them don't even evolve at all) or the creatures would need to assume such hyperspecialised forms that they're not fully sustainable (the combat prowess-focused Mega Evos are only possible with outside help in the form of the power of a bond with a trusted trainer and energy from mega stones, don't last very long and in many cases cause the Pokemon in question some amount of distress).
I would not be surprised if in the future some special Pokemon family is designed whose entire gimmick is evolving three times without the final evo being temporary. Maybe another egg-themed Pokemon like the Togepi line, with the first in line barely having hatched and needing all those additional stages to reach full maturity.
They should retcon the whole 3 stage mon thing and let the BST dictate whether it's allowed to have a new evolution or not. Raichu could benefit from a new evo despite being the third mon in its line.
In Raichu’s case they could just make Baby a distinct stage. That way, instead of the rule being “no 4th stages” it could be “no permanent stage after Stage 2”
So every family would have a limit of Baby-Basic-Stage 1-Stage 2
The would also make babies a bit less hated since one of their points against them is that they allegedly cuck Pokémon out of a stage 2 phase
It also, probably, has to do with eviolite.

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