>over 1000 pokemon now>only 6 party slots allowed still
>>56948270The NPCs only use two of those slots. You're already 6v2 gangbanging everyone.
If GameFreak is willing to do a complete combat overhaul (they aren’t) 8 party slots with matches being a 4v4 would be better.
>>56948327Okay so that's 3 v 3 lag + 1 with the performance issues of current gen + dev skills. totaling a 3-5fps game play, How will you be playing?
>>56948270with the PC being available everywhere now, does party size limitations even matter? it's not like you're going to go through 10 Pokemon fighting an NPC, and it would just be obnoxious in PVP. being able to use your PC anywhere means you basically have your full reserves ok you at all times, I think that's the best you'll get.
>>56948620I don't think he means 4v4 as in quadruple battles with 8 Pokemon on the field at once lol, just single battles and being limited to 4 Pokemon
>>56948637My bad i amused Anon meant 4v4 due to the now 8 slots.