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You're in charge of making the next pokémon game. You have "carte blanche" BUT there is ONE requirement:
the game must be “pokémon with a twist”.
The twist must be primarily scenaristic (but may have repercussions on the gameplay). It can be whatever you want: a new region where all pokémon have a particular theme (“all dinosaurs” for example), or a pokévirus that turns pokémon into zombies, or new types specific to a location, etc...

Tell us what you choose and let the others explain why you're stupid and your idea is shit.
>You're in charge of making the next pokémon game.
Nah i don't want to
You can willingly turn your Pokemon into more powerful Shadow Pokemon. This affects your invisible Moral Value and NPCs will treat you differently depending on how many you've Shadow-fied. Usually it's just NPCs being colder to you and treating you like you're a bad person but there may be some features that become inaccessible to you, for example the only shop that sells evolution stones.
>You're in charge of making the next pokémon game
Pokemon but you can have sex
>You have "carte blanche"
Pokemon but you can have sex with humans and Pokemon
>BUT the game must be “pokémon with a twist”
Pokemon but you can have sex with humans and Pokemon, also you can only breed Pokemon with yourself as the other parent
Ditto is not in this game
Pokemon, but the villain team are the staff of Pocket Pair, Inc., and their villainous actions consist of defending themselves from the gym leaders and officer jennys hunting them down and killing them in front of their families.
The player character is a gun for hire, so to speak.
Cool idea. I wonder why more games don't reflect player action in NPC behavior.


I would happily be on team Jenny.
The fuck is "scenaristic?" Scenario?
Well in that case, I have three potential ones.
The first is a bog standard retro-futurist space adventure game. Each planet has 4 towns, with a total of 5 planets+the megastructure where you fight the E4 on. The villains are alien Pokemon who threaten the towns because their habitats are being encroached on, with the resolution being that humanity will simply tame the wilds and bring these unruly beasts into the fold so that they can live in relative harmony.
The other two aren't quite as fleshed out. A steampunk Leviathan-like world where you flip between a region that rests between a pair of Darwinist and Clanker countries, and a game where you have to stop the collapse of both the PMD and trainer worlds.
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The player character and 18 other trainers based on the 18 Types are selected to colonize a mysterious island. Collect materials and Pokemon to expand your camps, get to know your teammates, slowly but surely find out the secret behind this strange island, etc.

Playing as the bad guys fighting off Jennys and Gym Leaders sounds cool, they teased a little of that in Coliseum but dropped it before too long. The killing in front of their families bit is obviously a little much for a Pokemon game tho.
The game would start as normal. But about halfway through, an invasion begins from the abyss: demon pokémons invade the earth. From this point on, the game completely changes tone and becomes horror. Demon pokemons are resistant to all types, and insensitive to fire, ice and Dark types. Only the fairy type is neutral against them.

At some point, players may start to catch demon pokémons, but this has an impact on themselves and others: demon pokémons remain violent and kill their opponents in battle. The hero, if he chooses this path, becomes more violent and frightning.

The player's goal then becomes to find “angels”, i.e. celestial pokémons, the only ones capable of facing the demons.

There are 3 possible endings:
1- The “good ending”, where the player has never used a demon pokémon in his team: he ends up defeating the demons using a team of celestial and normal pokémons.
2- The Mixed Ending, where the hero repels the demons, but because he has used them, he can no longer be a pokémon trainer, and is subject to violent and paranoid outbursts for the rest of his life.
3- The Bad Ending, in which the hero is completely corrupted by demons, and defeats the celestial-type pokémons to reign over poké-hearth
City builder.

You start on a mostly uninhabited patch of wilderness. You recruit Pokemon to help develop the city. Each pokemon species has the ability to help in different ways. There's some general trends like:

Electric pokemon help power buildings
Grass/bug pokemon help growing crops or managing trees
Water pokemon help build ponds or water crops
Fire pokemon cook food/heat buildings
Steel/rock/fighting pokemon can help build things or do mining
Psychic pokemon unlock research for new building types
Poison pokemon help with plumbing/sewers
Ghost/dark pokemon provide surveillance, protecting crops/resources from greedent raids or something
Fairy pokemon unlock 'beauty' features like statues, benches, topiaries, etc.
Ice pokemon provide niche buildings like ice rinks, fruit refrigeration, or maybe snow removal if the game has built-in seasons

Some types of buildings need more specific types of Pokemon.

Need to start a mushroom farm? You need mushroom pokemon recruited (Breloom, Shroomish, Shinotic, Amoonguss, Parasect, etc.).

Food buildings like bakeries unlock when you recruit food pokemon like Slurpuff or Dachsbun or Alcremie or Vanilluxe

Playgrounds unlock when you recruit several baby Pokemon like Pichu or Magby

Clothing store unlocks with textile pokemon like Ariados/Spidops (silk) Flaffy/Wooloo (wool) and others like Leavanny

Flower gardens unlock when you recruit butterfly/moth pokemon like Butterfree, Beautifly, Vivillon, Venomoth, etc.

Outdoor music venue/music stage unlocks with music/singing pokemon like Kricketune, Chatot, Loudred, Toxtricity or Jigglypuff

Build hotsprings with Magcargo or Camerupt etc.

Medical clinic with the typical pink blobby cleric pokemon

Want to build a lighthouse? Ampharos or a Heliolisk

Museums with fossil pokemon

Clock tower unlocks with enough Hoothoot or something

Want to build a dojo? You'll need to recruit some of the classic combat pokemon like hitmonchan or machamp.

Give me more themed building ideas....
>Give me more themed building ideas....
A brothel?
Love this one, sounds super comfy. As for more ideas
>Psychic-Types unlocks a fortune teller shop that can give you hints for items you missed and solutions to puzzles
>Enough Fighting-types and you can have a Fire Emblem coliseum
>Rock-Types make a mine that'll net you gems and evolutionary stones
>Flying-Types make an airport or postal service so you can send letters to NPCs like "I wanna rematch"
>Steel-Types make a Blacksmith so you can upgrade items, like turn some coal into a sword that increases attack
this but Ditto's in the game and its egg group is now Undiscovered so it can only breed through you
Pokémon Dig Dug
Shit, that's a great idea. I love the postal service idea. I didn't even list flying types, couldn't really think of what to do with a bunch of birds.

Coalossal would be great for a blacksmith.

Fortune teller shop makes me picture the one from animal crossing - comfy af
Glad you approve, came up with some more real quick
general store to buy and sell items
farms to grow lots of berries
restaurant that serves food to buff your Mons
port to catch exclusive fish Mons
arcade to play minigames
postal service to mail your friends items
clothing store
mines to nab gems and fossils
waste disposal / cleanup crew
dojo to train weaker Mons
fortune Teller to give you hints
museum to look up lore of the past
blacksmith to restore rusted items to an improved state
music venue where Jigglypuff sings the soundtrack

I can't think of anything that good for Ice, Ground, Dark, and Dragon that could be useful in Gameplay. Ground is heavily associated with construction, but that means they'd stop being useful once you have built everything you want
Pokemon but overbreeding has resulted in familiar 'mons being horrendously deformed or afflicted with dreadful diseases, manifesting in gameplay as a variety of changes and debuffs. For instance, Magikarp has been bred for performance in its Magikarp stage, in which it's bigger and better than standard Magikarp, but this has horrifically affected it when it evolves into Gyarados, resulting in amongst other things brittle bones, causing it to suffer recoil damage whenever it uses a physical attack. Also anorexic Pikachu to make fun of his post-RBY weight loss.
Pokémon with dark souls combat
that's legends arceus
>BUT there is ONE requirement:
>the game must be “pokémon with a twist”.
I make pokemon but the twist is it's actually good and has effort put into it

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