>Base stage pokemon is more popular than it's own final evo
>>56949354Name three examples
I love it when this twink looks at me with a disgusted face
>>56949358Samurott Rillaboom Skeledirge Mudkip Decidueye Incineroar Venusaur Empoleon
>>56949358charmeleon, morgrem, and togedemaru
>>56949354Ironically, Eevee is the perfect example of this.
>>56949372>All those>Base stage>>56949373>Togedemaru, who doesn't even have an evolution
>>56949449All shitmons anyway
>>56949450>Doesn't know
>>56949372all true btw
>Final evo pokemon is more popular than it's own base stage
>>56949372using starters is cheating based on how they're introduced
>>56949449nobody cares about any of these flopmons one way or the other>>56949545pic relimpidimp so kino and completely ruined by its evo line
>>56949372Don't forget Openly Gatr
>>56949358for me:HelioptileDunsparceTorracat
>>56949949Heliolisk is more popular.Dunsparce is more popular because of the memes and its evolution being a disappointment.Torracat doesn't have Smash and anime privilege.
>>56949372Litten is not more popular than Incineroar
>>56949962>Heliolisk is more popular.source?I don't watch the anime, but didn't one of the characters tote around helioptile?Also if we're going on popularity, I'd say you're right on Incineroar. But I didn't quite understand the assignment, and just picked three that I, personally, like more than their evolutions.I like Torracat. I also Like Incineroar despite those who hate him. But between the two? Torracat is better.
>>56949354Ironic to use Sylveon because Eevee is more popular than every Eeveelution