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Its actually pretty bad
It's a transcoded spinoff. No one cares about it except contrarians and homosexuals who goon to the trans Cynthia fight.
Verlisify proved it.

nope. sorry. most fun I've had since HGSS.
>imagine caring about youtubers
It's the best game in this shit franchise
How the game is boring
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>region with the lowest sales
>only 20 new pokemon; 17 of the are hideous
>ugliest starters
>ugliest legendaries featuring: pink trans genie and squidward dialga
>pseudo is a fat gayer version of fucking Goodra lmao
>only 5 landmarks across the entire region
>no online
>no abilities
>only 1 village hub, 3 settlements in total; smallest of all regions
>only 12 trainer battles in the entire game
>smaller dex than gen 2
>garbage shitty persona battle gimmick
>story that makes no sense
>rotom phone but now le godphone
>ruined BDSP
>set in the past but delves into 0 myths because it’s only 150 year or so back
>shittiest battle facility across the series
>less moves than rby
>characters are all tranny hotswaps of existing characters
>professor is an obese brown fatass from galar
>instantly abandoned by GameFreak for SV
>no replayability because the first 3 hours are nothing but boring cutscenes and tutorials
it’s an awful “game”(tech demo)
It's peaceful, with intrigue. Those that can't process PLA just have their dopamine receptors fried from growing up on swipe culture internet
I got more atmosphere from GTA3 tf are you taking about
completed the entire game and caught arceus. it's boring dogshit
Genwar thread.
Eight games sold more than one game? How can this be...?
they all printed the same amount of copies, tranny
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>this game is terrible because I didn't like it
typical PLAfag
is u esl ?
iss that problem?
OP is right and I'm going to explain why:
>SLOW start (holy shit stop talking and let me play)
>The additional of a roll command feels pointless as the wild pokemon are never aggresive enough to warrant it
>The game feels directionless. I think the best example of this would be its boss fights. Does the game want to be real time action or traditional turn based? The sudden switch between the two is awkward
>Shitty battle system. The removal of abilities, hold items, and many strategic moves bring it back to the game boy era except arguably worse due to the strong / agile thing it never explains well.
>Too high ratio of cutscenes. I think people overlook this point too much because the game as a whole it about 14 hours, but seriously about 6 that is cutscenes / too much words.
The story is also lazily told with cheap fades to black whenever anything unique happens
>Shallow feeling. The 5 open areas are pretty empty and there's virtually no replay value or well anything to do once the short main game is over besides shiny hunt.

The only positives I can say is the traversal onthe mounts and real time ball throwing feel good. As an overall game? It's shit like the rest of the switch era
Oh yeah I also forgot the non-gameplay of watch magikarp splash 50 times. That's just padding out this eshop tier game and you know it
What the fuck are you talking about lmfao
No they didn't, that's not how that shit works
yes it does tranny
face it, no one likes shitsui except contrarians and the shovelware sold piss poor for a switch game
Said extreamly well anon
shitsui troons can't handle this brutal trukerald.
The game just feels so.... empty. There's only a single town, and no post-game. You just... catch all pokemon, and that's it. Run pointless challenges on each and every single pokemon, and for what?
Literally show any kind of proof that it printed the same amount of copies
Plus the majority of sales are digital these days
she was in the teraleak go check the threads tranny
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Lmfaooo good one
Well said
>>this game is terrible because I didn't like it
Its good. Not amazing. Just good.
Only bad pokemon games are D/P(Because platinum mogs them).
PLA is part of gen 4 retard
plass is just a shitter version of dp with trannies and less towns tho
>The story is also lazily told with cheap fades to black whenever anything unique happens
Actually the ratio in previous games is WAY worse. Thankfully they are improving.
>and no post-game
Post game exist. The game ends when you finish the storyline. Catching all mons and doing all missions are post game
And still ended up the absolute best game of the entire series. Fucking wild how that happens huh? Ignore the hideously overgrown manchild retards, suddenly stop making shitty constrained games impeded by having to make sure regional shitmon #17 gets added to the game despite not being available in-region.
where's thorton then?
>And still ended up the absolute best game of the entire series
Boomerfag, you have 2000 hours in SWSH. Your opinions are irrelevant and PLA is dogshit.
Seether, you can't afford a switch and are malding Game Freak only cater to paying customers.
Coper, Game Freak only panders to trannies in Pla
Nah, while it sold bad it was the first Pokemon game since BW/2 to have genuinley cinematic story moments, and while SV have an actual full open world, PLA felt more "free" and like a logical next step to the original R/G/B/Y formula, similar to how BOTW attempted to deliver on Zelda 1's open world attempt.
Stupidest comment I've seen here in a while, nothing but bad faith arguments. Of course a single game is going to undersell multiple games, which is the standard release Type of pokemon. The amount of people who buy both versions is ridiculous, and even without that they'd still always outsell a single game release with no DLC. On the topic of the new pokemon and starters, that's all just your opinion, not an objective fact. I'd say the majority of Pokémon fans would rank the starters in the mid-high range, for me it's one of my favorite trios since all 3 are the starters I chose in their respective gens. The rest of the hisuian designs, besides Sneasler, are all good in my opinion, and have a closer design language to Gens 1-5 than all other Pokémon created for 3D games. If you can seriously look at Kleavor and Ursaluna and think "this sucks actually", you just have bad taste. Is your favorite pokemon Bruxish?
>tranny weavile
>tranny typhlosion
stopped reading there
>If you can seriously look at Kleavor and Ursaluna and think "this sucks actually"
Kleavor is terrible lol. Ursaluna is ok I supposed, but still nothing special
Legends sold the highest single total for a single game in series history (previous holder was Yellow with 14.64m), never mind it sold about as much as BDSP (a traditional launch window launch) from a January release. These numbers are unprecedented and factoring in the industry as a whole are incredibly strong for a game released in what's traditionally dead air for major game releases (most favouring releasing closer to the end of their FY estimations, either December or March).
But Game Freak decided to make that, having a desire to give Sinnoh more than just a shitty remake and passed off the shitty remake to whos so internet kiddies need to cry about it.
It's fitting for a meh Gen 2 era pokémon (it actually made the line worthwhile in my eyes, as I always felt Ursaring was a middle-stage looking its final evolution).
>more than just a shitty remake
true, it got a dogshit spinoff with everything gutted and an outsourced demake because of said shitty spinoff
>she still thinks shitsui is sinnoh
i'm playing it right now and it's pretty comfy
i love catching and collecting pokemon
I literally mentioned Sneasler as a bad design, reading comprehension matters. I get that you guys are obsessed with trans people but I can assure you that Pokémon isn't "LGBT propaganda" or has anything to do with trans people besides it generally being a popular franchise to them, the same way it is for literally everyone in the world.

Japan is an incredibly conservative place, far more than Non-Trump USA, they aren't pushing "trans ideology" in there games because theres probably less than 1000 openly Trans people in the entire country. In Japan they just use a lot of feminine men and masculine women in their media for contrast and fetish-shit, not because they're "woke" or trying to turn you gay. Hisuian Typhlosion isn't trans, it's quite clearly meant to invoke the vibe of a "scene kid" or Emo with its eyeliner, Ghost typing, and smarmy expression. If you can't look at Pokemon without your mind thinking "TRANNY", you either have some serious sexual issues and need to lean off the porn addiction, or you've let sensationalist "news" warp your reality so much that you see a nonexistent enemy everywhere you look.
>they're still melting down over not getting a shitty remake
And you only have hoennnigs to blame, as THEY demanded they get a shitty remake after FRLG and HGSS, meaning Game Freak felt compelled to contract whos to make a remake while they made something they'd wanted to, instead of what they were told to.
How far are you in? Have you found the hot springs in the alabaster icelands?
>shitty remake
PLA is the worst remake though
Its ostensibly not a remake so stop being retarded
Yeah I forgot it’s a shovelware spinoff instead.
>schizo rambling
Still a spinoff. Still a shit game.
Simplified combat, catching the same pokemon over and over again is the main goal of the game, too much dialogue, game is disgustingly ugly and runs like shit, world is empty and boring. Yup, game sure does fucking suck. I cannot comprehend how anyone could like this piece of shit but at the same time I also don't understand how anyone likes Gen 6 and up so it doesn't exactly surprise me.
well said
it's been almost three years and plafags are still unable to put into word what they actually like about the game or why it supossedly good.
>femboy tyhphlosion
>goodra with eyelashes and more obese
>trans weavile
this is what they like about the game
tell me three good thing about the game then.
region isn’t called sinnoh so no
Shitsui fags think they're troon cynthia makes their spinoff mainline LOL
>verlis hates it
Not sure where you were trying to go with that, that just makes me love PLA even more.
Huh, almost as if they're actually playing the game instead of shitposting about it on an indonesian cocoa farming forum.
>w-we're totally still playing the game with the least amount of replayability ever goys
post your ingame team now or gtfo
>almost as if they're actually
dilating over trans art of volo and goodra
>sex with Asseru
>sex with Sneedler
>sex with alpha snorlax (female)
that’s already more positive that I can say for any other 3d pokemon games.
>woke fat mars
>trans weavile
>DEI fat apologist snorlax
do shitsui troons rlly
>it's sexier than the original so it’s le woke
>it’s not pedobait anymore so it’s le troon
>muh fotm word i heard in a random concord/dustborn video essay
Spoke like a true zoomzoom
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>troon cynthia
>its fat mars with more clothes on so its le woke
>its weavile after 4 years on hormone therapy and limb lengthening so its trans
>dei fotm word even doe ive been saying it for 2 years
>shiny female Sliggoo
>shiny female Samurott
>shiny female Alpha Lopunny
>shiny female Basculin
>shiny female Gardevoir
Hunting for a shiny Froslass but the bunny took me 5 months of runs with a perfect 'Dex and I ended up with two shiny alpha female rapidasdh, a pair of shiny alpha infernape and a shiny alpha snorlax (among others) before finding her and I'm already up to one alpha on icelands just seeking out Froslass' spawn, so...
>no screenshot to prove she’s not bullshitting
>is a shiny autist
opinion discarded.
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Yes kid, when you catch them all again and again and again, you get tired of catching them all and start catching the alt forms for entertainment.
Also means I'm not reliant on comp staples getting in or being kept out of any game (much less pvp being implemented or not) as to whether I enjoy my kid's game like shitheads here are.
Post your hours boomerfag
Fucking coomer
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This game is only seen as the best because pokefags play only pokemon so they are easily impressed by something other games of its kind do way better.

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