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Dude Where's My Yellow Energy Edition

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

first for fuck pikachu decks
I hope we get a Psychic WT event soon with Gardevoir and normal Mewtwo in it.
Need those missions done somehow.
I need more battle music. This shit is too laid back.
just mute the in game music and put on your own
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>can't run anything but exeggutor ex and kingler coin flipper decks
KO CRAB is based thoughever
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Next thread I'm making /ppg/
Do you see this game being fun to play longterm?
Everyone is hyped and active right now around the launch, but I feel like the actual gameplay itself is bordering on being too simplistic.

The main evidence of that being the fact that you can often tell whether you win or lose many turns in advance because there's only so many possibilities with this system.
Blaine seems to be a good matchup against them.
Is leaf the worst deck type right now? Not counting steel or dragon yet since they don't have enough cards. Also wtf happened to the pink one
>bought nothing but fire packs
>you can wonderpick all the best cards from it in the next event
That's taken though. It's BEEN taken. For a while. If you're gonna change it to something sensible use /tcgp/
yeah, and now the leaks are done and the threads are going to die most likely by December, its ours now
Nope. We /ppg/gang here.
I look exactly like this IRL when I'm playing, including the extra finger.
>That's taken though. It's BEEN taken. For a while.
Yeah, by us
I see the simplicity as the right move though. Resets the power creep entirely, and allows interest in new set releases to be driven ever higher with only minor increments of power creep each time. Starting like this also helps target the oldfags with nostalgia for the original, since the meta is like what they grew up with. You can tell that's who they're targeting because they put all the gen 1 mons in. It makes sense to target them since they're the ones with not only cash to blow now that they're older, but also kids of their own they can introduce to the ranks.
For me, personally since I like the pack opening and colelcting aspect, absolutely. I'll stick around for a while. At the very least until Gen3/4.

And the events are well done imo. (Pvp event just having participation awards and another reward for sweats sits well with me)

100% agree with you on the gameplay side of thing
Those threads will keep digging for a long time.
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>stopped pulling fire packs before I got Arcanine EX / Magmar
extra blaine copy is cool too
This meta is nothing like the old TCG.
bullshit, people will lose interest after the millionth unused generic npc text
By getting necrobumped for weeks.
>/ppg/ has been taken
Shit reason, we're more important so we can take it over
>/tcgp/ is better
Okay now you have my attention
Kinda like this game, yeah.
I'll probably lose some interest once we get to the era of unrecognizable shit designs so gen 8 onwards I guess.
I'll mald if it happens, since I just caved in and bought Gardevoirs.
That's when they bring these out, for you bro.
Not 1:1 there are plenty of differences, but the vibe seems intentionally similar to base set and jungle to appeal to the millennial crowd. Low HP, simple attacks, using stage 2s is impractical, etc. It's good for on-boarding. Then once they're hooked they can just feed us FOMO up the ass
Gen 5 onwards**
the base mechanics (turn structure, wincon, etc) feel appropiate to support a fun game, but to make the average gameplay actually fun we do need well designed cards that promote interaction and back-and-forth
stop changing the fucking general name your stupid fucking retards
b-but muh dead general...
3D art is so soulless man. I wish they wouldn't do it and just use nice soulful art instead.
I would do unspeakable things for a pair of evosoda cards in my deck right now
As someone that has played on and off since then, 120 HP was the max for normal Pokemon until Gen 4 (And EX, which capped at 200) didn't exist until Gen 3.
We're clearly way past comparisons to anything but Gen 4 at the very least.
However, even base set had more complex attacks/abilities.
This is meant to be a casual side game for people who want to collect cards or play a short game. It's perfect for normalfags on the toilet and japanese salarymen to play on their train rides.
Your best bet is a new mode that is more similar in length to the actual TCG, like Duel Links vs Master Duel.
should be tcgp like it was before non-nz peasants joined
This game needs some additional mechanic. Something like instants or maybe enchantments/attachments (berries?). There's just too little with the few items and trainers we have. Also the deck size is really small, maybe make 20 the minimum but allow up to 30.
You're taking the point too literally to see the broad strokes. Sometimes to see the forest you gotta step away from the sudowoodo
>similar in length to the actual TCG
you mean your opponent taking a 30 minute turn using their 40 trainers to search for the one energy card in their deck to end the game then and there?
Official ladder for nonex mode would be nice
>NZ getting it right for once
Wow, it must be the first time since what, the lotr movies?
Any fellow colorlesschads? What's the best card(s) to build around
Nah. It's night and day here.
Granted, Gen 4 is the era where they made the game too complicated for its own good, and had to scale it back, so maybe Gen 5 is a better comparison.
>multiple 500+ reply threads a day
>235 replies after being up for three days full days
I wonder which general is getting necrobumped...
>Something like instants or maybe enchantments/attachments (berries?)
yr'oue thinking of tool cards
Yeah, after how many months?
Give it time, we'll get there.
Wigglytuff and Weezing.
>he admits his leakfag general is dead
I accept your concession. Now get out.
Trust the plan
Mine? Sorry, I don't use those threads.
>what did you guys do today
>2 daily pulls
>what did you get
>nothing. how about you
>also did 2 daily pulls
>what did you get
>also nothing
I'm doing your mum
Ummm, we had a 10 hour discussion on why Fossil is a good card in mewtwo, mmkay?
>braps on you
how do you respond without sounding angry?
Sure you don't, bud.
It's a PVP game.
I only have one charizard ex and one moltees ex
What two cards do I substitute for their misisng copies in my char deck?
If I did, using /ppg/ wouldn't be an issue because I'd be searching for it anyways.
You not grinding levels for free packs? You a whale? Go on. Level 100 awaits you.
rapidash, to shit on people turn 3 with them
>inhales and braps back
what do whitneys braps smell like
Nice try. You're not fooling anyone.
I’m gonna run a single basic and then double stage 1s and 2s for all my lines.
If my initial set up fails then I’ve probably already lost. I’ll put 2 Pokédex in my deck so I can plan ahead.
The exp you get from online battles is too little, the bar barely moves after a battle, it feels like I have to win 100 battles for a level, it's not worth it.
thats ptcgl
Why would I bother not being angry? That's what the primeape deck is based on.
>game so devoid of content that /ppg/ os fighting over the name last 3 threads
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Ja Leck mich fett and der Arsch Rosette
You level 100 already?
how to level up other then buy packs
>game so devoid of content that /ptpg/ is fighting over the name last 3 threads

Fixed it for you
Does no ex actually make the game better or does it just shift what dominates the meta?
grinding a million matches
Finally got win #50 with the rat, ironically my draws have been so shit that I struggled much less with zard.
Now into the trash it goes, time to test Arbok + Pidgeot.
just Iike in masters
it just shifts the meta over to other decks. it will be fun to play for a while but then everyone would be bored after a month.
it's not as used so it will feel like the first even if the second happened to be true
Base Lapras is arguably better than EX Lapras. The Blaine deck is the best non ex deck by far but its weakness to water just makes me want to die.
>struggled less than zard
Until you have matches of triple tails or missing a stage. I want to like that deck, but my opponents have more luck flipping Heads than I do
Play the game
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Favorite base art?

https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc/en/card or codex in the OP for cards
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They'll never stop KANTOOOOOing, they can't help themselves
So now that we know it's truly predetermined the moment you pay for the Wonder Pick, and not by what card you pick, does it boil down to "Do I want to spend 1-4 Stamina/X hourglasses on a 1/5 chance to get this card I want?"

Are there any believers that our choice still matters?
I'm still under the impression that the only reason all 5 were the same was because after the first pick, the game recognized that was the card he got from that specific users wonder pick the first time and defaulted to giving it to him on the other 4 android emulators he had running
I've yet to see any real proof that it's predetermined.
these are the two that have made it in game but I love all of Asako Ito's cards

Based Kniggler bro.
>spends a minute to play a pokeball
If this is the case, then couldn't he log into the same account on a couple of different phones and try to hit them all at the same time? It would either show an error on some of the phones, or something, right?
The master level remix is nice. They should use it for events.
That sounds like a pain to code. Much easier to assign the winning card to the wonder pick the moment it's presented to you.
Lol just played someone who couldn't get their mewtwo in 4 turns
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you just know he's in this thread right now
>truly predetermined the moment you pay for the Wonder Pick, and not by what card you pick
this doesn't change anything from our side though
Not really. Once you pick a card, that's the card you get. If you have multiple emulators open, it doesn't matter. The first card you picked was already given to your account. No gaming the system, sorry.
There's no filter? I'll go with ヒトラー once I can change it.
>wonder picks are predetermined
Dude, trust me.
It's the same with the 10 packs you can rotate
wp = getWp(playerId, packId)
if (wp == null) {
wp = rand(0,5)
setWp(playerId, packId, wp)
return wp
>b-but, if you close the game on the pack carousel and reopen it, you'll have new cards!
yeah, the cards from the pack that was front and center when you close the game
They datamined it's predetermined
>another Full Art Rapidash
>only use case for Rapidash is a budget Fire deck
>the cards from the pack that was front and center
Probably wrong, but it wouldn't even change the odds
Your choice really doesn't matter in the pack opening. They just do it for the gambling addicts and ritual tards
We LOVE turn1 misty
bro you're Jynx?
Don't know if crown rares appear in wonderpick, but here's friend ID: 5350714969570997
It's not quite the same. Packs are determined the moment you hit the open button.
WP is determined the moment you click on the card.
Functionally makes no real difference, but the big key here is that with the packs, they don't want you to be able to back out, because impulsive rollers sometimes do that.
grats but no
they don't, but added
you're pearl clutching at something that does not affect the probability of getting a card in any given way. it's 1/5 if it's predetermined and 1/5 if you pick the card. put it another way, there's no "picking strategy" that moves this probability in any way, shape or form
I WILL keep opening only bent packs and there's nothing you can do to change my mind
>opponent always has their entire gardevoir line and mewtwo ex
It's so fucking weird how consistent that deck is with stage 2 evos
What do you do when no bent packs appear?
meanwhile my nidorinos like to fuck around having gay sex at the very bottom of the fucking deck
spin the carousel until I feel a slight vibration and then open that one
no I already stopped playing and i just open packs
>it's a cat
It makes no difference in the least that the card spot doesn't influence your choice. It's also just like normal pulls, so you can't discredit one without the other
>normal pull
>3 different pack types that form the subset of possible cards
>you can select which one you want to pull from
>subset has a hundred or so cards
>which cards could appear in it are public info with exact odds
>picking gives you 5 of them
>which ones you get is determined when you pull
>the card wheel makes no difference

>wonder pick
>each of the dozen or so wonder pick groups form its own subset of possible cards
>you can select which one you want to pull from
>subset has exactly 5 cards
>which cards could appear in it are public info with exact odds
>picking gives you 1 of them
>which one you get is determined when you pull
>the card spot makes no difference
Getting mad over the card spot meaning nothing is just like getting mad that picking normal packs with bent corners or flipped backwards means nothing. It's all just animations post-determination, you've already thrown the slot machine lever. Nothing changed.
You’ve got it backwards. I’m not mad over card spots not mattering. I’m trying to spread the good word and open anons eyes to reality. Card spots not mattering will set you free. There is no way to influence the outcome, so enjoy your ride on Lady Luck and hope for a satisfying climax.
Parasect is underrated.
I hate hate hate hate HATE that they made gardevoir's ability be able to be used on the bench AND by multiple of them. Every single psychic deck in the meta will require 2 full lines for YEARS because they didn't restrict it more. Being able to get 2, maybe even 3 energy consistently EVERY turn is just too valuable to sideline. At least with misty you have to burn one of a maximum two copies of it, and the effectiveness depends solely on how much she loves you (she does not). Meanwhile this SLUT is out here handing out free quickies every day guaranteed, and she's down for threesomes too.
It needs too much energy.
They take a lot of space in the deck and maybe future meta psychic cards will not require 3+ energy.
anyone whose mood would change over card spots mattering or not most likely doesn't have the mental capacity to appreciate your message
so what youre saying is that misty can sometimes get very wet and wants to be flipped for hours
Nope. I have played other card games like hearthstone and shadowverse and they peaked in the first few expansions.
I am expecting the same for this game, I bet 2 years later every fucking pokemon will have their own abilities
God I hate this place sometimes
>babe get in here new unhinged copypasta just dropped
Anon, the difference between Misty and Gardevoir is that, as you yourself said, you need to actually set Gardevoir up, it's not just one card you play to get an effect, it's 3 cards that have to be played in sequence.

I wouldn't worry too much to be honest, it'll still be good but I expect future sets will include more bench disruption effects, which will make back-bench cards like Gardevoir that are only good while on the bench easier to deal with.
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The only reason Gardevoir is even run in the current meta is because Mewtwo EX's main attack burns 2 energy to use.

I honestly doubt people would run an entire evo line that takes 3 turns to set up in a deck where the main attacker doesn't need to burn energy and doesn't gain anything by having excess energy attached to it.

Or in other words, if the next 'Heavy Hitter' Psychic pokemon has a 4 energy attack that is just a normal attack (as in, it doesn't burn any energy to use), no one would EVER run Gard in that deck since in the best case (you go first AND open/draw all 3 stages on curve), it gets you to 4 energy 1 turn faster and in EVERY other case, it just clogs your hand then proceeds to do absolutely nothing of value.

In short, you have terrible card assessment skills, not every Psychic deck will run Gardevoir, only those that actually NEED a continuous source of free energy to fuel their primary strategy will.
I swear it feels like I get those 3* immersive cards more than 2* cards.
Is this a pedophile?
I fucked up, my second account is now much better than the first one where I already used the premium pass trial. Is there any way I can get the trial on the second one? I refuse to pay a single cent on gachas
>slowpoke profile
I just opened up 10 packs and only got Pokémon that appear in all packs. I didn’t even get any new ones. 6 zebstrika. Fuck you charizard, I’ll start opening up Pikachu packs u bitch
They're not the same, because the timing of when it's determined differs.
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>Finally dip below 3 Stamina
>Immediately a double appears
I don't even really want it, but still.
Hey, I'm using slowpoke and I'm a huge titted bimbos/oneesans lover.
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this meta is boring. we need more turbo. not being able to discard 2/3rds of my deck on my first turn makes me anxious
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I'm gonna fill a complaint to the European Union. This game is rigged as fuck.

Why the fuck do you never draw hands with 0 pokémon like in the normal game? It's the proof that the game is rigged

Currently proofreading my mail, I added video recordings too.
True, never ever had an opening hand without a base pokemon
Why is this weak to grass
Hey, I just wonder picked a Full Art Lapras just a second ago!
It was a double too, but it was two Lapras instead of a Lapras and a Pinsir.
use saucenao you troglodyte
Pika is the biggest faggot deck there is
Then why don't I play it?
>Why the fuck do you never draw hands with 0 pokémon like in the normal game?
Its to make games quicker, it just resets the hand in the backend until you get a hand with basic pokemon
so it's rigged, thank you very much for confirming it anon
The game is going to be dead pretty quickly anyway
Yeah, it's so fucking dumb.
I have a boyfriend and I play Exeggutor deck
Because if you have no monster you lose by default and you would lose from the start? Ofc it's rigged everything is these days
>Weighted wonder picks
>Bad luck protection packs
>Auto mode retardness to throw the game
Just because you play it doesn't make it a faggot deck, sorry.
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If there's auto mode I finna set up a auto clicker and just let it play for a 1000 wins
Mewtwo mogs Pikachu stop pretending Pikachu is the strongest deck in this game
both are braindead to play, but at least mewtwo you can get fucked trying to build gardevoir
Well, I manage to beat M2 decks just fine, but I need to be extremely lucky to have a chance to beat a Niggerchu deck.
Pikachu can get fucked by not pulling enough basic pokemon from the deck
Pikachu can get fucked if you only pull Zapdos because there's no way to "energy cheat" in this deck

The deck is strong and obviously destroys Articuno but to pretend that Mewtwo gets destroyed too is a big lie.
Look at the tournament statistics too. Mewtwo is way more consistent.
I just want full art Sabrina bros...
Germans pls.
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trolled you good not even german btw
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I love this fucker lads
Educate yourself.
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I survived 9 turns without getting a single Lightning energy, and yet people would have me believe that these bastards at tpc/dena actually playtested this fuckass game
you can pokeball for pikachu, and every other basic pokemon that pikachu runs. you can't search for kirlia or gardevoir, so if they happen to be at the very bottom of your deck, which happens more often than you think, then you are in fact fucked
I need trading so someone can finally give me an Aerodactyl and free me from wonderpick hell
I would honestly put Pikachu in S tier and Mewtwo in B or C tier. I lose every other game on Mewtwo because of garbage draw luck. Pretty sure my Pika win rate is above 90%.
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I just pulled 2 aerodactyl from one pack, I just want my rainbow articuno ex
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I like the ones of miniatures or clay sculptures though
For me, it's the pack that's already facing backwards.
git gud :^)
Grass bros, Lilligant or Exeggutor EX?
Playing Lili version feels more comfy, but is more susceptible to Pikas and Mew2s.
Eggs make this deck super tanky, but if they finish them off before you charge your Venus it's over. I like both, but for now I feel like Eggs are doing better because they wall Pika dex hard
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that’s what you get for going zard instead of pika retard
why are basic Pokémon in pocket not allowed to have more than 1 poop move
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Give friend code I need to wonderpick
what do you do when you get a carousel with no bent packs
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shame he sucks, maybe tangrowth will save him
good luck seeing it, it was a part of my weekly $20 worth of packs
Even this retarded ass energy system is a goddamned fuckass coinflip lmao fuck this game
here's your bent pack bro
you just didn't believe hard enough
If you're not playing Oak then that's on you anon
anyone else just open packs now
>friend requested a bunch of foreign bros
>realise I’m a racist and hate the look of non-English cards
No Major Bob or Boober for me.
ahh yes, drawing 2 will absolutely help me get the card I need right now that's currently sitting at the bottom of my deck, thanks anon
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please accept my humble request
When's Johto
It's a card game, there's always a chance it can happen. Same as someone trying to one shot Mewtwo with Zapdos and rolling 4 tails

There's statistical data that Mewtwo does better than Pikachu in most matchups. Just look up the tournament data.
I also battle when I have a new deck to try and/or until I get 5 thankses
whoops, sorry anon, added. Just so you know, I'm currently only opening mewtwos for the foreseeable future, so if you don't get an aerodactyl now there'll surely be more chances for one
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FUCK mewtwo niggers, enjoy my 200 zapdos over kill. the stars aligned just for me to defeat you
>my braindead deck is better than your braindead deck!
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good rng vs good draw
that's how that works
fuck you kingler normie go run a grass deck or som
Thanks, almost everything else I need for the Kanto Pokédex is in Pikachu packs so I've moved to them.
You didn't appear in Wonderpick yet but I did score a Kirlia and Charizard EX for the first time.
Brainlet Pika abuser beats brainlet Mewtwo abuser, more at 11
>tfw I just realized all my cards are in my native language somehow despite having set my location to US when I started the game

it's over
Pikachu is honest. Mewtwo and Misty are the real problems with the current meta.
Dark type is weak to bug in the games. Bug was folded into grass in the tcg
People heavily overrate Mewtwo. They don't understand how tournament stats work. You dumbos only look at who won. The fact of the matter is that Mewtwo depends a lot more on draw luck than Pikachu, Blaine etc.
You people only look at who got first in the tournaments, but you also need to look at how many players playing the same Mewtwo decks are down in the dumps. The thing is that Mewtwo also stands to gain much more from draw luck than a Pikachu deck would, so it's not hard to believe that among 100 entrants olayun the same Mewtwo deck, one of those players is going to have a lucky streak and win the tourney, but it we averaged the total rankings of Mewtwo decks, I'm pretty sure it would come out below Pikachu.
im down down
>hits u 4 infinite dmg with lickitung
git gif zapfag
never seen a lickitung
t. lvl 27
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Mewtwo apologists LUMAO
I've seen one and two shot it with mankey while it was gathering energy for 12 turns
Pikachu can only kill Mewtwo with Zapdos and there's only a 25% chance for it to work
huh. I play Pikachu thougheverbeitly
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Pikachu kills Mewtwo easy as fuck if the Mewtwo has no draw luck, which is 75% of the time. Again, you people need to look not only at the top performers but also the bottom. Like I said, Mewtwo gains a LOT more power from rng than Pika can, so in an ideal situation Mewtwo always wins. But the fact of the matter is that it's pretty much a coin flip which Mewtwo is going to win the tournament, which is going to place 5-19th and which is going to place 70-100th. On AVERAGE Pikachu places much higher. This is just a fact. I'm simply saying, if you play Mewtwo and expect to win a tournament, you're going to be surprised. Some Mewtwo is probably going to win the tournament, because statistically one player is gonna get lucky game after lucky game, but it's unlikely to be you.
>can start attacking mewtwo turn 4-5 for 90
>at the same time mewtwo can only hit for 50
>needs two more turns or a gardevoir out by turn 4-5 (unlikely) to actually take down pikachu
> the winner of the tournaments doesn't matter, look at all those losers lol!!!!!!!!

okay so now we're forgetting all those Pikachu and Moltres decks that can't even win a single tournament? The mental gymnastics are insane.
Mewtwo can have bad luck draws, no shit sherlock, but every single deck in this game has a RNG factor, it's all about which deck is the most consistent, and in the current meta it's clearly Mewtwo by a mile.
I didn't say the winner doesn't matter you fucktard manbaby. I'm saying the losers matter too, especially when they're playing the exact same deck. God, I know Pokémon fans tend to be idiots but please.
>you people
>it's all about which deck is the most consistent and in the current meta it's clearly Mewtwo by a mile
this simply isn't true. you don't understand statistics. if you want to measure consistency you need to look at average ranking, and not what deck wins every tournament. but it's probably impossible for you to grasp how this can be true when mewtwo wins almost every tournament.
If most winners are Mewtwo deck than statistically you got a better shot playing a Mewtwo deck you retard

All card games are RNG reliant so of fucking course you're not going to win every time, no matter if you're playing Pikachu, Mewtwo, Moltres or Articuno, a ton of people are playing the same decks and the skill required to play this game is pretty basic
point is, in terms of average win rate overall, Pikachu places higher. and that was the original point. if we had % win rates on vs. I assure you Pika ex would sit at 60-70% wr and Mewtwo maybe at 55%. Mewtwo wins tourneys because, again there are hundredths of people playing that deck, and one of them is likely to get a lucky streak, and in that circumstance Mewtwo is the strongest deck by far, but that is NOT what consistency means. idk how something so simple can be so difficul to grasp for adults.
You saw M2 is dependent on good draws, but can't this be said about literally every deck?
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After weeks of nothing but trash picking top middle, I never wavered. And see how my faith has been rewarded.
You missed Misty on the second one though.
Then all those Mewtwo winners are just lucky? And Pikachu can't win a tournament to save his life? LOL
pikachu can kill mewtwo if the nerd doesnt have voir on the bench
yes, but obviously it's a spectrum. something that people seem to have understood only in regards to decks with misty because it beats you over the head so much with its volatility. I can assure you that if we had as many mistycuno entrants as we have mewtwo entrants, there would also be one player among the bunch getting consistent 3 energy flips.

tournaments don't go on for long enough for the odds to even out. you'll be able to look at a misty and see a 80% heads/tail rate, despite there being a 50% chance to get heads or tail.
>Then all those Mewtwo winners are just lucky?
yes. that is actually what I'm saying, and with how many tournament entrants playing mewtwo there are, the chance that one of them will get consistent luck and win the whole thing is like 90%. Pikachu can't win tourneys in a world where 70% of entrants play Mewtwo. the chances of that happening are very low.
are you blind
no, but it's possible that you are if you're referring to the results of little league, a tourney with a unique ruleset.
I hope you will apologize to every single person on this thread when TPC ends up releasing the winrate stats for the first expansion
>(you go first AND open/draw all 3 stages on curve), it gets you to 4 energy 1 turn faster and in EVERY other case, it just clogs your hand then proceeds to do absolutely nothing of value.
this is exactly why I stopped cracking mewtwo packs for gardevoir and refuse to spend points to get my 2nd. I'll do wonder pulls for it but stage 2 sucks shit even in the smaller decks pocket has. best case scenario gardtwoex can still lose to misty, marowak or even fucking dragonite if luck isn't on your side. still top 3 deck by virtue of 1 shotting everything that isn't a genwun starter
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Big dick is back in town
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Sure but I do statistical analysis for a living and I'm pretty confident in my ability. Also, they probably won't release any WR data of that nature, because there are too many different versions of each deck being played on vs. I could go and calculate the average win rate across all tourneys played so far, and I assure you the amount of mewtwos you see down in the 100th rankings down here like in pic related will drag down its WR significantly. the deck is volatile, and it wins tourneys because volatility wins in numbers. in reality its wr is barely different from Mistycuno, a deck everyone has accepted is volatile and unreliable, despite its at times high placement in tourneys. I want to reiterate that under ideal conditions, Mewtwo's power level is unmatched. But it gets there in tourneys by sheer statistical advantage through entrants, and it's avg we still is not that high in comparison.
Pikachu wins tournaments literally all the time
More than M2 I'd say
btw when I say win rate I mean avg amount of games won, not tourneys won. should be obvious but you never know around here.
Nice Hypno
Absolute chad
is butterfree/venasaur just too fucking slow to deal with real decks?
at the very least it's not venu's best version. ironically caterpie alone without the rest of its evo line is much better
Thanks for confirming I've got no reason to play Pikachu or Misty if I want to win a tournament
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this game needs rare candy for bug pokemon so I can play beedrill without throwing
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>spent my three WP charges on a Mewtwo EX rolled, failed
>4 WP Hourglasses left, no choice but wait
>next event gives us a whooping 1-4 hourglasses per mission and still expect us to spend our charges on common low rarity cards
>morning daily pack gave me only duplicates, not even the full art mattered because it was a third copy of Nidoking
>have opened nothing but duplicates on the past 5 packs
>after almost a whole week of waiting, I have only amassed 38 Hourglasses, doing a ten roll from daily hourglasses alone takes literally an entire month of saving
>and playing PvP is worthless since I get tickets from showcases, Exp is a minuscule amount and only when winning and meta is already solidified so everyone is running the same three decks even on Beginner
>if it wasn't enough waiting for anything to do, we still have to wait almost 2 months for trading and it will be limited to certain cards anyway

Literally 2 minutes of content per day, one per pack opening.
stop complaining about it, at least you're not playing the infamously volatile and inconsistent Mewtwo/Gardevoir deck
crazy this game actually got a nomination, what an embarrassment
Same with me for my victreebell deck
I am in awe people pretend theres any skill in this game as i get 8 water energy on my articuno turn 2 and kill my opponents bulbasaur
>Grass bros, Lilligant or Exeggutor EX?
Pic related. Great deck.
>Consistently flips tails no matter what
>Decide to play a Zard/Moltres deck against the ivysaur deck in the step up battle stage just for the heck of it
>out of 3 moltres uses, get full 3 heads two times
Yep. This game is rigged.
all decks concede to the
brapzing and the bokcock at the end of the day
Mewtwo/Gardevoir fell to my Nidoking/Arbok deck. It's not all powerful, you just need to had a strong dark deck.
It's not rigged. Based on the recent statistics it's better to play Charizard/Moltres than it is to play Mewtwo. Play more games.
The deck will probably fell from S to A tier in the new tier lists
>It's not rigged. Based on the recent statistics it's better to play Charizard/Moltres than it is to play Mewtwo. Play more games.
It's rigged because in all my plays, I've never had full heads. Let alone full heads twice. Weird how they show up in a low tier match that doesn't matter.
yeah the only thing powerful about the deck is garde which is why people fill up their mew2 decks with fossils and other shitty psychic mons so they can stall.
>The deck will probably fell from S to A tier in the new tier lists
Mewtwo/Gard is still a top 2 deck right behind Pikachu EX/Zapdos.
This is the actual game tier list
Pikachu ex
Articuno/Starmie, Articuno, Charizard, Venusaur, PikaRaichu
Mewtwo/Gardevoir, Dragonite, Greninja
all the other decks

If you can't read tournament statistics then that's on you anon
I meant A not A+ for the 3rd tier, obviously
>If you can't read tournament statistics then that's on you anon
depends on the site, honestly.
next week.
Honestly I hope they add support to Mewtwo to make it more consistent. It's such a clunky deck to play currently.
Isn't the Magikarp Gyarados and Fire Outbreak tomorrow?
What are the best decks without the good EX cards? I'm guessing Blaine and Koga + Arbok? Are there any waters worth using that aren't EX?
Well now that I own Mewtwo, Pika, Vegas Bonehead, EggsVeno Ex, and Blaine, I'll just be cracking exclusively zard packs looming for 1 more moltrs, zards, and full art sabrinas. Feeling wuite satisfied with my f2p luck. Will probably paypig for the subscription though whennthe free trial ends. Enjoying the game a lot and ive paid shit loads to play magic online in the past where decks are quite literally hundreds of dollars.
Koga/Arbok would be the best choice, it consistently beats Mewtwo
Anon, I know you're just shitposting but this board has the most non-functional autistics of any 4chan board, so I just need to clarify that the game having a different set of rules doesn't mean it's rigged.

if you're looking for something without trainers then there are some choices as well.
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try to make a mawile deck with Fearow
>Misty flips heads means the game is over
>Too slow to knock out Mewtwo energy unless they brick on the gardevoir
>Too weak in damage to get past the Weezing to knock out Dragonite energy
>Fighting Types don't require that much energy and can easily setup by sacrificing a mon
>Same with pika shit decks
>Moltress and Charizard generate too much energy too quickly for the succ to matter
>Absolutely decimates venasaur decks

But even if there wasn't a coin flip to remove the energy, even if it was guaranteed removal the deck would still suck

It's honestly disgusting how many ways there are to generate free energy and how little ways there is to remove energy from the opponent

There should be a trainer card or item that says
>Remove all energy from active pokemon
It wouldn't even be that good
Koga has a really good matchup against one of the most popular decks
>he's back
Its time to bait my fellow baitGODS
It's pretty easy to notice when you see that this board is unironically pushing this narrative that Mewtwo is a strong deck when it has the most glaring flaws of the meta decks.
I don't understand how anyone can be so inexperienced at card games that they somehow think Pikachu is harder to play than Mewtwo. The furtherest you need to plan ahead is usually just twos turn for Zapdos EX when it's clear you're going to need to win some coin flips. People act like Raichu is some masterful strategy when in reality it's telegraphed beforehand with basic Pikachu and then people know LT. Surge can come down. Mewtwo is far more complex and requires planning for many different game trees: do I need to be aggressive, do I need to meat shield, do I need to go for ralts line, etc.
>remove all energy from active Pokemon

I think it'd be breddy damn good sir.
Blaine, easily.
God bless you. I only have one copy of the Clefable line so I'm doing Mewtwo Swoobat but this is way better than what I was running before.
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No it wouldn't it would kinda reset the board. There's no
>Dark hole
equivalent in the game or any comeback cards

If your opponent is winning, he's won. End of Game. If you try to Sabrina, it's only delaying the inevitable.

The only card in the game that can kinda HARD reset the gamestate is aerodactyl, but you have to be a real fucking degenerate coin flipper to main this card.
So does it mean anything if a pack is bent or I can skip this pack flipping bullshitry and hit the >| button?
Is there matchmaking based on the rarity of cards in your deck? Feels like I get way easier opponents when I'm playing my janky Nidoking deck
The plan was successful.
I flip over the packs though so I can keep hope for slightly longer
>Is there matchmaking based on the rarity of cards in your deck?
Nope. Seems to be random.
sure, but you're also very unlikely to place higher than one, or win more matches when playing outside of tournaments
Anyone else having good luck using Gengar in μ2? I've got a one of for the line as a spare tank and backup attacker and it's actually done me some good in disrupting people.
Lilligant is a trap. Completely useless card.
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looks like a solid deck. wish i could try it.
If I had to play another Mon, I'd play little Mewtwo. Honestly though 4 basics is plenty to have won me over 300 matches.
>Lilligant is a trap. Completely useless card.
its a budget deck mon. good for getting hourglasses until you get a better deck.
Eggs are good for you.
When/if eggs gets another aggressive partner, I fully expect it to be at least a tier 1.5 deck.
Never mind, I've picked a reverse pack, not gonna skip the pack selection thing.
Suddenly I can play my water and pika decks on easy mode.

Add me for increased luck and wonder scam.:
Wow, crown rares are LAME. Just another 2 stare. 3 star is way cooler
God, not Gengar ex. Normal Gengar. 1 energy, 50 damage, and locks down supporters for a turn while I fish for Gard? It's a great tool.
I'm trying Gengar with 2 Kangas and 1 Jynx. It does allright but I feel it lacks something.
>God, not Gengar ex. Normal Gengar. 1 energy, 50 damage, and locks down supporters for a turn while I fish for Gard? It's a great tool.
Ya need EX for the effect to block their supporters. its also strong enough to not be one shotted by anything other than the luckiest of flips or charizard.
>I'm trying Gengar with 2 Kangas and 1 Jynx. It does allright but I feel it lacks something.
yeah it's either two kangs or the listed deck. boils down to preference on supporters and items at that point.

that listed deck is for being able to 2 shot mewtwo.
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If you're running mono psychic like you should, you don't really need the ex. Regular gengar is fast enough to get running and lets you soak with a ralts if you have to.
I hope the miniset comes with another 3 star.
It would utterly ruin Mewtwo decks.
I need to get into the habit of spending wonder stamina whenever I see an ex. Sitting on 4 right now and there are literally no exs or art rares.
add more friends
>day 20 of waiting for a pika EX
>see a shining card in the pack
>it's another FA electrode
>mfw I have 5 electrode(2FA, 3regular) but only 1 voltorb
EX is a stall deck, regular is a blitz deck. all personal preference.
opposite for me, don't waste wonder stamina on regular packs and wait for the next god pack to drop
I'm done hoping and relying on wonder trades to help me out. i now spend 1 point when my points are full.
>Sitting on 4 right now
Not an awful place to be going into the event. You'll be seeing 3 cost picks for Arcanine EX soon.
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> 185/226
I think this is my limit, bros. Every pack I open for what feels like forever is just the same shit over and over again. I even recently switched packs to the one I have the least of, and it's still just the same shit over and over again.
I'm not running Gengar as the deck, though. I'm running it as a one-of in Mewtwo.
It's their one chance to make a TCG variant where stage 2s and single prize decks are viable.
I hope the mini set in December has a supporter card like Gen 3's Wally's Training (evolve your active with a card from your deck, irrespective of whether it just evolved or the turn you played it).
>log in
>immediately concede 6-10 matches to get 5 transflags
>check wonder pick
>close app
yep, it's gaming time
>I'm not running Gengar as the deck, though. I'm running it as a one-of in Mewtwo.
ahh. well that's a completely different issue.
uuuuh bro, your pack???
Which is why I said I was running it in μ2 in my first post, but I guess that was all greek to you
>I even recently switched packs to the one I have the least of, and it's still just the same shit over and over again.
Literal same, it's why I switched back to the pack I just want to fish for FAs I want from at this point, since if I'm getting repeats anyway I might as well wind up getting eventually lucky for something I actually want.
Game of the Year
I am in awe people pretend theres any skill in this game as i get 8 water energy on my articuno turn 2 and kill my opponents bulbasaur
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>Which is why I said I was running it in μ2 in my first post, but I guess that was all greek to you
maybe you shouldn't be posting weird symbols acting like you're cool or something.
your inbound mobile game of the year winner
It does nothing, and also, immersions can't be Wondered, so you're double worthless.
Sweatiest match I had so far and it was again against a fossil user
I'll been clowning on people running the full version of my incomplete deck because they don't have the foresight to think through what's going to happen on upcoming turns. I'm not sure if I'm beating up man-children or actual children but either way it's hard to take pride in the wins.
>I'll been
*I've been
there actually is some skill in this game in certain situations. mostly when you reach a point in the match where you can win via mind games (feigning a desperate play, getting the opponent to let down his guard and secure the win)
mostly happened to me while playing Pika ex because of its damage scaling. as soon as you skip a turn without putting down basics they're gonna think you don't have any on hand and get cocky and start planning around only getting hit by 30 or 60 damage
>mostly happened to me while playing Pika ex
Hmm... so are you saying that Pikachu EX might have a lot of lines of play to consider?
>duplicates opening packs
>duplicates in WP even when I'm now exclusively searching for ones with at least three cards I don't have
>can't even craft them because crafting is expensive as fuck
>and still missing key low rarity cards like Growlithe, Haunter, Magmar, Staryu and Tynamo

Fucking kusoge, worst TCG sim in the market by far.
>and still missing key low rarity cards like Growlithe, Haunter, Magmar, Staryu and Tynamo
that's what wonder pick is for
>Find a pack with chase card you want and commons you don't have yet
>duplicates in WP even when I'm now exclusively searching for ones with at least three cards I don't have
Delusional thinking you'd hit those odds unless you've basically emptied two of the boosters first with those numbers.
sometimes. i do think that Pikachu's damage scaling and also the Zebrastrika can lead to some interesting situations yea. other decks don't really have that surprise element except I guess misty coin flips but that's hardly anything strategic
That's wrongthink.
>fossil user
The way you replied makes me think of grinding up the fossil and freebasing it.
>Find a pack with chase card you want and commons you don't have yet
I literally said
>duplicates in WP even when I'm now exclusively searching for ones with at least three cards I don't have
I'm getting only duplicates whenever I open WPs, what am I supposed to do there?

Delusional, but what other choice do I have? I'm still missing 20 diamond rarity cards in the Charizard pack yet I keep getting only duplicates.
fossil cards remind me of ritual monsters from ygo, except shit
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I want your honest opinion on this card.
You do what I do, and keep pulling and hoping for WTs to deliver.
Triples are just not realistic at this point.
That card is red.
When it hits you, it can be either a nightmare or a blessing.
That's all.
You gimp your own deck for a ~20% chance to wreck your opponent's hand.
Noob trap.
Swap it for a supporter, X-Speed, or a potion.
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I cant win, what do i change.
>honest opinion
If you play it as early as possible, when the opponent still has a decent sized deck an a hand exceeding 3 cards, if you play the Red Card at the exact optimal time, I feel like it still only has a ~30% chance of working out in your favor, and a 70% chance of working out in the opponent's favor. The longer the game draws on, even if your opponents hand size is 7, as long as they are playing cards and the deck is getting smaller, then with each passing turn, Red Card becomes worse, to the point that if you play Red Card any time beyond the first couple turns, it will almost assuredly help your opponent rather than hurt them.

I think in order for Red Card to actually be good, you need to run 2x Red Card and 2x Hand Scope (or maybe even Mew?) so that you know what you are Red Carding, and even then your opponent could still just draw back into it. Let's even say you have the god read on an opponent on a turn-winning play of the game, they could still just as easily draw back into the card that wins *them* the game. It's basically the pseudointellectual's version of flipping all heads on Marowak or Zapdos or Misty.

I am glad that the trap is working though. Lots of people see tournament lists, blindly copy them, and just assume that Red Card is good because practically every list runs one. I've never been fucked over by a Red Card, and I've won games on my opponent Red Carding me. I always just draw back into it, because people tend to play it late in the game (as a "hail mary" or as a "don't Sabrina me") that it's almost guaranteed that I just redraw it anyway. You *need* to play it early to get any value, or you *need* a soul read and also for RNG to be on your side at like a 25% chance or something at best.

If you could choose who to Red Card, like if you could play it on either yourself or your opponent, I think it would be very good and an auto include in all decks, maybe even as a 2 of. As is though, it sucks.
Drop Petilil, replace with Exeggutor ex, or Butterfree (then you'd also throw out Kangaskhan).
Exeggutor ex is way better than Khan. Butterfree let's you stall even more.
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Top right bros... we did it
a meme. but statistically useful when your enemy has 5+ cards on his hand
Lilligant is useless because it takes 2 energy before it starts generating energy and is very unlikely to generate more than 2 before it croaks, so it basically does nothing
I want that Cubone howling at the moon card so bad. I know it's not really howling but I can only see it that way.
The effect itself is disappointing. I'm always worried that my opponent is bricked and I'm cycling their hand for them.
The main benefit is your opponent has to play around red card, but that's true even if you don't run it.
>it basically does nothing
In the situation you're describing it walls for 4 turns and does 110 damage without putting you behind on energy.
>just a few days ago, I had to defend my opinion that Red Card is bad
>now, the thread seems to universally agree that Red Card is bad
Not even the first time this has happened.
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Drop Khan for a Sabrina. Then accept that a lot of matchups are tough and build another deck to play when this one isn't clicking. T. a fellow Liligantusaur connoisseur
It's mind-boggling that you wonder picked for that.
Mewtwo EX is just about the most common card above common rarity you can find in a Mewtwo pack.
There's an average of 0.03273 copies of Mewtwo EX in each pack and an average of 0.05970 copies of an given common rarity card, so it's not even twice as rare as literal chaff.
>still don't have a misty
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>turn 2
>5 water energy 90 dmg hydro pump
reminder that water fags are the real villain
>Dkayed runs PokemonMeta.com
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I've got four copies of mewtwo EX plus his golden full art. Can I please just get full art Gio so I can move on to literally any other pack?
haw cum mewtwo never give me thank just wan make frend
It's too likely to redraw your opponent into the thing they wanted. It's happened countless times to me and streamers ove watched. Often you redraw the exact same hand, just with some chaff removed.

I put it in my deck once and it was really impossible to use. I was facing a stage 2 deck and I wanted to use it to stop my opponent from evolving, but that doesn't work. If it's not literally turn 1, they're just going to evolve ASAP as soon as they topdeck whatever card they need. Technically if you see them put down a totally new Charmander later in the game, you can surmise their hand has a bunch of Charmeleons and Charizards in it, but late in the game there's a huge chance that Red Card doesn't even do anything.

I agree with Hoogland that it probably shouldn't be a good card though. It'd make stage 2 decks even more unplayable relative to the basic ex decks.
Yeah, I'd really like to start using an alternative site. I saw a good one early on that reminded me a bit of justinbasil, but now I can't find it.
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Replaced it with a second sabrina, no regrets.
>Lots of people see tournament lists, blindly copy them, and just assume that Red Card is good because practically every list runs one
I just run it because it feels good to dump my opponent's hand. Even if they draw some of it back, I likely had nothing else I could have played with a better effect anyways.
>including the extra finger
>I want your honest opinion on this card.
Filler for when you have no other good supporters or pokemon to add to your deck.
not very common to see, and for a good reason
I haven't used it once, and I was red-carded maybe 10 times out of about 100 duels, and it fucked me over exactly once, and it was after getting scoped. Not like it was the only time I was scope-carded, it was just the only time it mattered.
>Forest Dump
As in, they take a dump in the forest? What the fuck?
>I likely had nothing else I could have played with a better effect anyways.
Just as I've always thought Red Card is overrated, I've also thought Pokedex is underrated. Especially if you're running a threevo line.
>have to spent millions if turns foe venu end game
>opponent gets 90 dmg starmie on turn 2
ex pokemon ruined the game. They should have been slowly introduced through this shitty games lifespan atleast
You're lucky, I get red carded every time I have more than 3 cards in my hand. And if I'm holding onto a stage 2 I will get red carded even if I have 3 or less cards in my hand.
>have to spent millions if turns foe venu end game
mornin sir
>ex pokemon ruined the game. They should have been slowly introduced through this shitty games lifespan atleast
if you don't have an EX deck, you're not winning regularly, that's a fact.

they absolutely shouldn't have been added to the online game this early. maybe in another 2 or so sets.

but this game has always been
>if you don't have rare cards, you're not winning, simple as
I think the game would be better without EX Pokemon, but we can at least take solace in the fact that there are pretty decent decks that have no EX Pokemon in them. Alakazam, Dragonite, Primeape, and Koga, are all pretty decent.
The meme review should have tipped me off but I only found out when https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1buMUKVjGE showed up in my recommendations.
He said Pikachu is a better deck than Mewtwo but the Mewtwo deck is more popular "for aesthetic reasons". He's so out of touch with the game that he doesn't know the Pikachu pack is full of garbage.
when are we expecting the first new pack(s) to release?
Moltres Ex in Blaine, yes or no?
Who would you even battery?
Lol calm your autism down.
I've picked a lot of Mewtwo packs and have most of the cards from it but only ever got one Mewtwo EX. So i'm basically done pulling from the Mewtwo pack that's why.
any based Brock deck here
yea, sometimes you can have a bunch of ninetales ready to go by turn 2 that way, but I'm not sure it's worth it, which is why I asked
Big NO.
The only way for Blaine to be short on energy is if they evolve a Ninetales on turn 3. If the damage makes a difference you can swing with Vulpix and make the Ninetales on turn 5.
In any other situation you have more energy than you need.
Moltres EX hits for less than Ninetales and the extra prizes are a liability.
I wasted my initial pulls on the Pikachu pack, switched to the Mewtwo pack, and found a ton of Mewtwo EXs and nothing else. I'm salty about it.

Based on what?

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