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Glaceon should get Snow Warning
Yeah she's a Double's Pokemon
you need to pair her up with Alolan ninetales or that fat snow tree.

Game freak should just make Double battling more common in the story game, it makes more sense with these abilities they keep pushing
>Game freak should just make Double battling more common in the story game, it makes more sense with these abilities they keep pushing
You're forgetting how incompetent these hacks are.

>Verification not required.
fat fuck
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Glaceon should also get a Chappy!
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Someone should've warned her
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Indigo Disc was all doubles, so its not like they can't. That being said I don't see them doing things like that for the main story due to it being "too hard" or something, so odds are something like this will be DLC only.
Indigo Disc was easily the best part of SV. Some of those battles were actually challenging and I had to pay attention to teambuilding and strategy to beat them underleveled, but a little kid could still beat them just by candying their team up to level 100.
I agree with you on that. Doubles is a lot of fun thanks to all the abilities, moves, and overall team synergy they can encourage you to bring to the table. I think it would be an improvement for the games to have more of them and it makes sense too as doubles is their official tournament format.
Brought to you by the same kike that wanted to pretend it couldn't possibly advertise on 4chan.
I'm still laughing about the one NPC that had a Moody Smeargle and Power of Alchemy Alolan Muk
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Glaceon should get 95 Speed
Ok we get it
You are a braindead tranny faggot from reddit who discovered the snow warning meme and can't post anything else
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Glaceon should also get Chilly Reception
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Or Slush Rush
i would pound that fat glaceon's tight little asshole
Articuno deserves it more
Glaceon can get Slush Rush
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Herro most honorabu OP-san, I am Masuda-sama. We at Geemu Fureaku have been moved by youru dedication to Gracia. To remind the jews kvetching about you why they fearu the samurai, here is Gracia with abirity yukifurashi. In youru ranguage, it mean Snow Warningu
Glaceon has some good stats for Slush Rush, too. High main attack stat, good enough bulk and speed. And literally every other Slush Rush user leans physical, so having one that can spam Blizzard and quick Freeze Drys would at least be different.
Glaceon should get a big human dick in her
Look at that fine ass
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Glaceon should get Snow Halation
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glaceon should get thick fat
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Replace Freeze with Frostbite
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Was it rape?
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Give tough claws
Girls cannot commit rape
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Imagine the farts
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>Glaceon used Icy Wind
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I want to eat her ass
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Glaceon is right, that bitch needs to get a stronger lap.
>Snow Warning
Am I missing something other than the ability name?
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Imagine the FARTS that ass could do!
Forget Icy Wind, she's using Blizzard
More like an Ice-Age exSTINKtion event
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I wish I was that eevee
Oh you already posted it here kek thanks!
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built for anal
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Glaceon is loafing around!
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Stop sexualizing Pokemon
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Shut up, you slut
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why does she run like that is she stupid
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> is she stupid
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Glaceon, Glaceon, über alles
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Über alles in der Welt~
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like this?
he gon freeze to death
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Glaceon should get removed from the game for being the worst designed Eevee and ice type in general. Only dogfuckers think a dog in a hime cut is a good design.
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This is the smug smile of something that cannot be removed
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Same with Glalie.
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Look at that size of that Glaceon's ass! It could swallow your face right up if it sat on you!
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Why is everybody obsessed with her butt
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she's weak to anal type moves
where can i catch this new "anal-type" pokemon?
On the island of Sodomito. It's a dinosaur called Penetratorus
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its big and stinky. two things no man can resist.
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*mutually sniffs butts*
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Hahaha! Nice one, OP.
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Haha, brilliant humor, OP.
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Give it Slush Rush. The point of the Eeveelutions is their adaptability to new environment : being able to adapt to a snowy environment to get faster is exactly that. It wouldn't be that OP either, base 65 speed isn't too high knowing Cetitan has it with base 73 speed. Snow Warning makes way less sense, it's about summoning weather, not adapting to it.
Thick Fat could also technically work as it's a form of adaptation but it's a bit less relevant to Glaceon specifically.
This also, Articuno makes so much more sense to have it.
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she dont be looking like that
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