What’s your favorite Pokemon and how have you been lately? Feel free to give an explanation of why it’s your favorite.
>>56955849Snivy and I have a cold, but it is getting better
>>56955849My favorite Eternamax Eternatus and I like the fact that its a giant hand
>>56955849CharizardGood but tiredStraightforward cool dragon that doesn't go overboard or try to do too many things at once, also like Salamence a lot for the same reason
audino, and also i feel like shit and need audino healing right fucking now
Cool as fuckStill the best water and gen 1 starter
>>56956181Audino tlc
I have the kind of tired that sleep won't fix.Though getting some good sleep would be nice.
>>56955849My beloved grass snake, whom I alternate between wanting to be with and simply wanting to be. I've always had an affinity for scales, and I like this design quite a lot, especially with the smug/confident attitude. I'm doing well. Been doing a weekly draw and/or fic to finally get around to the whole reason I'm learning to draw in the first place (getting art of my OCs without having to get commissions). This week is a bat girl who likes, uh, giving wing-hugs.
>What’s your favorite PokemonI randomly pick one from this chart every morning>how have you been lately?A bit overwhelmed, got hit with a huge workload right before Thanksgiving and now I'm concerned I won't be able to have my promised break>Feel free to give an explanation of why it’s your favorite.I can't choose, I love them all so much. Send help bros
Hitmontop is my favorite. I think he's cute and I like that his fighting style is based on caipoera.
Zoroark, not a furry but he's so cute...
>>56956181I wonder if humans have much longer (and healthier) lifespans in the Pokemon world thanks to the healing abilities of certain Pokemon?