What’s the least problematic Gen?
>>56956708Your mom
>>56956708Probably 4.
>>56956715Hilarious bro! Add me on 9gagbut it’s 9
>>56956708genwar thread
hoenn or 4
>>56956708define problematic
>>56956733You never have anything to say that isn't completely worthless. Why do you even open these threads faggot?
>>56956728My favorite gen is 5 but this is true> Gen 1: Glitches and established event exclusivity and DVs> Gen 2: Issues beaten to death. DVs to gender meaning even if you had control of full Pokémon right now you couldn't simply make DVs alterable.> Gen 3: Trade restrictions, IVs increases the range of DVs, EVs are less user friendly than stat experience (Using an iron you find comes with a draw back) Natures. Way more event exclusivity/rare accessority exclusivity. Berry glitch as well as timed events being inaccessible on older cartridges.> Gen 4 too many mythicals and Legendaries> Gen 5 adds way more talking, reduction of enemy team size, difficulty decrease. Content no longer accessible due to Dream World's closure> Gen 6 ends the postgame from gens 3-5 and goes to 3d and has boring idle animations. introduces gimmick> Gen 7 too low level postgame grinding and does add back the postgame. introduces second gimmick> Gen 8 Dexcut. Introduces third gimmick and the idea that the gimmicks are completely disposable> Gen 9 doesn't end the dexcut and glitches. Fourth gimmickI'd rank them 1,8,9,6, 3, 5, 2, 4
>>56957008Affects other gens in a negative way.
>>56956708i dont think anyone genuely hates the first 2, maybe 3 generationsprobably1,2345<power gap>76<even bigger power gap>98
>>56957063the gen with the least negative consequences for the series was Gen III easily
>>56957027> Morimoto makes it so Mews automatically battles you if you caught all 150 other Pokémon when you leave your house> DVs affect stat experience yield instead of stat caps> Team chooses multiple save files over nicknames> Pidgeot has stats balanced for how late it evolves. > All TMs purchasable two gyms after it's first available> Key item bagWe could have started so much stronger.
>>56957072Maybe but hoenn's completely monotype elite 4 and the trade restrictions damaged gen Z's perception of boss damage and usage of foreign Pokémon.
>>56956708https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/comments/1gwietm/what_pokemon_game_has_you_like_this/?sort=top'literally any of the 3d gens with some DS gens sprinkled in
>>56957084>boss damagedefine that>usage of foreign Pokémonthey don't design the games