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Alienless Edition.


We have:
>Shitloads of design docs, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gens 1-7
>Full SVN repos for Platinum, HGSS, BW, BW2, and ORAS, which includes source code and full commit history
>XY and ORAS source code/assets, staff documents, concept art, dev videos and XY prototypes
>Legends: Arceus (Hayabusa) source code, prototypes, and a mid-production overview PDF
>USUM, LGPE, and SwSh (plus DLC) source code
>BDSP debug builds
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Dev material on spinoff games from 2014-2020 which includes Masters, Pokken, and cancelled games such as "Rodeo"
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine, anime and TCG art, data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, QA builds, etc.
>Codenames for Game Freak's games

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development docs for Drill Dozer
>A DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff
>Some Temtem build and stuff

Be patient - this is an immense amount of data that's still leaking, and people are rummaging through it all as we speak.
Post filepaths/sources for leaked content or be forever deemed fake.


>LATEST LEAKS: "GFDocs" (four parts) - A repository of internal documentation concerning the games, anime, and third-party material weighing in at ~40GB
>WHAT'S NEXT?: 404 error not found

Last thread >>56932107
Leaks are over. Go home.
This is a space to discuss the leaked content
no, i'll keep making more just to spite you, then stop once you stopped, even if it means doing this for years
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Confirmation that the keyart for Worlds 2022 was meant for 2020
I couldn't follow all the Leaks, anything about Galar or Paldea? especially about the gym leaders
Who is "we"? "Back to" what?
>anything about Galar or Paldea?
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I slept with Ichihara's grandaughter, she told me that the fulldex and old EXP. system is coming back in gen10
The leaker doesn't have anything on SWSH and we only got some SV builds from 2021 that don't tell us much. He's planning on releasing the SV source code when its online events are finished.
I stopped keeping up with the leaks a few dozen threads ago, seems to have slowed down a loooot. Is the leaker finished now?
Most of them are trannies so probably some aren't alive by now
Yep. Though he's planning on releasing the rest of the remaining bits of XY stuff in the coming months and the PLZ-A builds after it officially releases.
>fulldex and old EXP. system is coming back
I would unironically buy both versions. This is my only standard for Pokemon games and the reason I don't own a switch.
Was this version of Slumbering Weld's theme present in the retail version of SWSH?
He never said any of that. And given that he won't release SV source even though the games are two years old you can be positive we're not seeing ZA until 2030.
NTA but there was mention of SV source code not getting out because it was technically still an ongoing game, which is straight up dumb too but I'm not surprised with this leaker.
Where are the naked Marnie character sheets
At least he called out Centro and that Chinese motherfucker Khuck.
Why do Leakers in Pokémon always have the most mental mindsets? If you won't share a source code, then don't say anything about it at all.
it's the theme that always play when sonia is talking about muh galar lore
Thx bro
>Old EXP system
How old
Can we have some pokegirls leaks? I'm thirsty
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Woah, I just notice that she's taller than DP Dawn.
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>Taller than fucking Red and Gary
Who isn't? Even at 15 she's 140cm.
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>Even at 15 she's 140cm.
I love my womanlet wife!!
I figure these are eventually gonna start getting deleted by mods who, basically agree with the first post.
Nah, think we'll stay. You can go home though
We still have a shitload of files to dig through. These two last days have just been pretty dead, probably because people are looking through stuff in their free time only.
for me it’s pokegirls leaks
So its probably fair to say well never see anything about megaflygon, even just concept text and stuff, consideirng they're locking down a lot more so that this sorta thing doesnt happen again? Assuming they never show off any notes or such themselves.
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Seconding this
That's the only thing that made me respect him.
You have to be pretty mental to hack a giant company rich enough to rape you and your family for the rest of eternity, make yourself known by sharing everything you stole and risk your entire lifestyle just for some 0s and 1s.
The only evidence we have if it was an interview saying they gave up on it, and not a single file even had a placeholder listed. Odds are it was just an idea that got brought up at lunch or something just brainstorming but never even got officially pitched due to lack of any idea what to do with it beyond "flygon getting a mega evolution would be cool."
that just seems so odd to me since didnt they like say they did try designing it but nothing was working? I would thing some art or something would "exist" if that were the case?
Which sounds a lot like pen and paper doodles that went right into the trash. Notice that almost every bit of art we have that wasn't 100% digital from the start like sprites in progress, even the early gen 3 concepts that are in a totally different style, are all completed pieces. We don't really have much in the way of unfinished sketches past gen 1 and 2.
I downloaded DeluxeDLC.nsp and ShowConsumablesSwitch.nsp from the torrents archive link, but does anyone know what they are? They're NSP files, but I'm assuming they can't be played in any Switch emulator.
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Is there an updated version?
From where is the Rhyhorn on the bottom?
these are fan made if i'm not mistaken and the rhyhorn was made to represent the electric alolan cut form, before it became geodude
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>Be patient - this is an immense amount of data that's still leaking, and people are rummaging through it all as we speak.
and there's still a billion of attention whores out there
This is real btw
filepath or it's bait
dui he call him a nigger?
the dark green has a shape of a woman
They're not 4chan junkies, so no.
If you're going to say they're not based anymore despite fucking over a few attention whores, apprehend yourself .
i just hate dumb nonwhite peoples
larping brown much?
What would the cities and towns in Southern Kalos be called?
>most of them are taller than me
This is unfair.
Stop being short, then.
I wonder why they decided to take Remoraid out of Mantine's sprite. Did we see any leak regarding this?
Probably to avoid any confusion of it being like a Slowpoke/Shellder situation.
It is true but we have like 1 or 2 anons doing the work now which isn't enough.
Yo, where is this from?
Is this part of the Teraleak or official info?
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The numbers contain the following message:

“I love your style of pokemon battling somehow your pokemon look like theyre having so much fun”

As far as I could gather, the cipher replaces the letters A-Z with prime numbers, while skipping every other prime number. So 2 = Skip, 3 = A, 5 = Skip, 7 = B, etc.

That message is a quote from Bianaca, after being defeated by the protagonist in the post-game battle in Nuvema Town in Black and White. So perhaps, it's saying the next game after Gen 10 will be BW remakes or a Legends game about BW. Which is hardly a difficult guess I suppose, we have gotten remakes in all of the even generations for a while now.
The thing with Legends is that we haven't seen if they're going to keep the setting in the 1800s or not. Because hoo boy they have the choices of American Civil War or American westward expansion. They're just lucky westerners aren't too familiar with the Ainu.
That guy only showed up a couple days ago, he doesn't have a shred of credibility.
What did he say?
Can I get a bump!?
Isn't famiboards the site that bans you for saying "guys"? Don't post that resetera-tier garbage here.
yes you can!

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