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What would a region based around Seattle be like?
Even more ugly furry mascot mons, even more ugly tranny NPC's, most of the NPCs would have no dialogue, items would be more expensive, your bike would get stolen when you save the game
And wet.
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Fuck that.
Pokemon set in Pacific Northwest Suburbs, near the forests.

Big emphasis on creepy shit.
Isn't Seattle lawless hell hole these days?
I haven't kept up with the times.
trash like you are, David
There would be a group of white people obsessed with niggers declaring a couple blocks an autonomous zone blocking your path.
KEK fuck floyd
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As someone who has lived in the lawless PNW hellhole once upon a time:
>region food gimmick is craft beer or teriyaki
>Pidove, Murkrow, and Wingull fucking everywhere
>region's fashion is nothing but puffer vests, beanies, plaid shirts, cargo pants, shit you'd wear to go hiking, etc.
>trainer classes consist of hikers/backpackers/bikers, tech nerds/transplants (Super Nerd?), punks, musicians, artists, maybe their own new hipster trainer class, and the homeless
>rain is a near-constant for half of the year, so lots of water types
>Trubbish and Garbodor everywhere
>everything costs 2x as much as it would in any other region
>battle facility is either a sports stadium or a dive bar
>instead of a game corner there's pinball
>pro is that region has lots of different landscapes, mountains, beaches, etc.

I'm sure I can think of more, but that's what I got so far.
Expanding upon this:
>getting your bike stolen and having to buy a new one is a gimmick
>NPC's either have no dialogue or would add you on whatever the region Vs. Seeker/Pokétch equivalent is and then never talk to you again
>evil team is just occupants of the CHAZ
>alternatively, some sort of big tech corporation like Amazon idfk

>instead of giving your Pokemon vitamins/power items you give them weed
this shithole is literally California with snow
No culture and full of low IQ commie tier wokies
Differenve between you and Floyd is nobody's gonna give a shit when you croak
Communists shitlibs gays and immigrants

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