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people still do those? i haven't seen any in like a month
Normalfags, probably.
ah no wonder its dead then
Yeah. We all know how much normalfags LOVE their pedophile jokes nowadays.
>noooo you can't like her she's 10 you sick pedo
also normalfags
Do people just assume that Sonic is a fully grown adult? I mean being a rebellious adventurous teenager is coded into his everything.
The movies and Frontiers finally made people shut up about their forced anti-Sonic garbage. Shadow's being redeemed too thanks to Shadow Generations and the third movie.
Anyone with an ounce of good taste was tired of it within on the first day. And even then only humor was the sheer surreality if Game Freak writing something like that.
It’s died down massively but that’s only because it was fucking global before. Faggots are still making “jokes” about it.
Game Freak’s sabotage attempt was successful. I honestly can’t fathom hating one of your own products and its fans enough to allow it to become a permanent symbol of child rape but Gamw Freak is as mysterious as they are stupid. What exactly Game Freak had against Typhlosion and why they were so angry that its fans liked the cartoon badger and wanted to see more of if, who knows.
The overwhelming majority of normalfags are literal shitstains. Guaran-fucking-tee you most of them are SAing their daughters friends or some shit. >>56969601
I thought the problem people had with that pairing was the “bestiality”?
There are no good Sonic games.
nah there's quite a few you're just a miserable /v/fag who will never be happy
Mania is the only one i played and it was pretty great
Chao Garden
>good thing BAD
>bro is literally not like us :skull:
>ain't no party like a typhlosion party
>how hard is it to not like kids :sob: :sob: :sob:
>bro is literally a pdf file :skull:
>put the freak in game freak :skull:
(btw this shit actually hurt to type, I need to rinse my mouth out with soap)
T.diddy meltdown
nothing is more cringe than a normalfag who thinks they're funny
Typhlosion fans got a tiny dose of what it's like to be a Meganium fan with it being shit on and crucified every day.
SA1, SA2, Sonic Riders, Sonic R
SA1 is better than 2 besides the chao garden by the way
Always had a soft spot for Rush as well, though I haven't played too many of the 2D games
if you ever made a joke about sonic kissing a human, you deserve 30 years of typhlosion jokes
>t. Daughter rapist
I never made a joke about it. Why am I being punished?
pokemon in ohio :skull:
Sonic has more good games than pokemon
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SA2>1 but Rush is probably my favorite in the series. Best of both modern and classic imo.
Sonic has a better fanbase too, remember at shit sonic model that fans told them to fix. If it was Pokemon, fans would make a bunch of retarded excuses and dix anyone who complained
>Detective Pikachu.png
They literally hired that man to make realistic designs for the movie and you got abominations like aipom and jigglypuff
For being retarded and a schizo about "muh typhlosion reputation" conspiracy. kys.
>typhlosionfags forced to feel 0.001% of a sonicfag's pain
Lol people already forgot it, still see hypno fanarts and Japan didn't give a shit leaks typloflop, hypno is the king
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are you so stupid as to not understand what goes behind the scenes in corporations and such work? Pokemon are products, and any company worth a damn triple checks to make sure that anything that would even accidently cast a product in a negative light (especially a light as negative as fucking pedophilia), would never be allowed to be written in the first place, let alone leaked. And Game Freak knows this, if anyone bothered to actually look at anything other the the LOL TDIDDY BERRY RAPE story, they' see how anal Game Freak is about the reputation of the products they care about to the point where even Selene's Bag had to be changed to avoid a stereotype.

Does Game Freak HATE typhlosion, did they intentionally conspire to take it down? Most likely no, otherwise we'd be talking about Dynabear. But they sure as shit don't give two shits about it or its fans else this wouldn't have happened. Consider this, did it ever occur to you that none of the shillmons that show up in everything showed up in any other stories. Because Game Freak values them too much, so they just used D-listers and fodder they don't care about.
Funny thing IF Typhlosion even HAS a fanbase after this mess, that would ironically imply Game freak are even bigger retards than we all thought, since it means people love a bland cartoon badger so much they'll stick by it even at the risk of being seen as creepy "T-Diddy" pedo-defenders yet GF still barely shills the fucking thing.

not an argument
Cyndaquil was my favorite gen2 mon and I had him as a kid and now that I'm a grown man I like kids too so this typhlo meme is nostalgic and relatable
shut up schizo t.diddy typhlosion
You feel attacked because you like t6yphlosion and lolicon, and that's why it hurts you. They simply uncovered your disguise.
>no argument
choke on your wordsalad faggot
no u
Just like Pokemon
>but muh gorillion dolars sales
and people ate up Fagtears and a romhack
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>normies meta-ironically meme about breeding a Vaporeon but punch down anyone goofing about Lapras (before her folklore story leaked)
>zoomers ick on Elise doing the Prince Charming on Sonic because (mainly) MUH BESTIALITY but have ZERO problems with fucking HMOFA memes with Rouge the Bat or her entire appeal itself.
I am SO SO TIRED of mainstreamer hypocrisy.
Normies and especially Zoomers/Gen alpha are hypocritical filth, what else is new?
the Sonic 06 guy stated he wants to take on remaking that game and the entire fanbase just had it's own World War III.
How did Sega react?
Just get the level designers from Sonic x Shadow and I'd take it, they're free now since they don't have to work on the Shitty Mario and Sonic games anymore.

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