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Famitsu did the Favourite Pokémon Music Polls and put it in their recent issue. Not only did they do favourite overall but they did favourites in a variety of categories including Battle Theme, Route Theme, Memorable Theme and more.
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Sinnoh bros keep winning
Zinnia's battle theme should be higher, best theme in the franchise
>only shitch city bgm is a shitty remix from a DS game
route 113 should be higher, route 47 shouldn't even have made it
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Common Cynthia W
So Lavender Town is 3rd in memorable track, but not in favorite town? Also I'm kind of surprised that Kanto Wild Pokemon didn't rank.
they were different polls
Cynthia just can't stop winning
why they combinded the dungeons and forests and bridges doe
She just just do be doing like that
based zased
But they were in the same magazine. Thinking about it, maybe it just means they remember Lavender Town, but don't like it.
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Total Kinnoh Victory
This feels more like people just voted for characters they like than actually good songs. There's no fucking way Leon's theme should be above so many superior things.
I don't consider myself a Gen 4 fan, but I would lie if I said it didn't have great music. It's definitely something they did right in that gen.

Also kek @ them having to censor the title of the final boss battle theme in SV because of spoilers.
i only played diamond once as a child and never replayed sinnoh until i was an adult maaaaaaaaaaany years later, but even then, the soundtrack was still very cozy and nostalgic to me. eterna forest, route 209, floaroma town, rowan's lab theme, solaceon town, canalave city
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Nice to see Iris' theme up so high, wasn't expecting to see that at all.
Hearing the remixes in PLA was fucking magical. They really got the comfy feelings right in gen 4.
Sinnoh always fucking wins
Looks like Cynthia's superiority has led to some controversy
LMFAOOOO average Cynthiahater
Of fucking course.
Children shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
Surprisingly decent list
>Uses the American term minor
>Is English
the UK is just the 51st state of the US at this point. How humiliating.
What word do bongs use for underage?
Most of the opinions you read now about anything are mostly likely from people 24 or under, with a higher concentration the younger you go. It's why I don't take anything serious on the internet. Every time I see a retarded opinion, without fail, it's posted by a retarded kid.
Just child vs non-child. I just find it funny how Americanised our country is, but people continually deny it. When I was at a party then other day, my girlfriend's niece said she tripped on the sidewalk on the way to the party. Pavement is the English term.
Yeah I've noticed this too. Whenever I read some absolutely retarded take or someone being mad about something completely trivial, it's usually someone aged 14-20. It's so tiring. I don't want to share the internet with these people. I hate that they can just choose to interact with me at any time, and I often don't even have a way of telling that it's a literal child trying to convince me that their retarded, uninformed opinion matters. I hate the modern internet so much. Smartphones were a mistake.
I'm guessing a teenager would prefer using "minor" to "child" because the latter would mean that they have to admit that they are literal children. Teens hate that, they think they are more grown-ups than children. (They aren't.)
I also have a British online friend who pronounces some things the American way, like banana. I make fun of him every time lol.
I can’t remember a single decent track from DPPt outside of when you’re climbing Coronet at the end, and the Galactic admin theme. The rest was boring droning garbage.
Your memory is shit.
I didn’t know HRT caused memory loss and shit taste. Stop taking it, xis
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I'm happy to see kieran champion theme in top25! I really like that music

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