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Fuck you, we're having a Whitney thread
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my favorite cow.
They say trainers and their pokemon take after each other
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Whitney is the CUTEST
Killing Whitney with the steel rod gun from No Country for Old Men like the cow she is.
I'll kill you first before you can lay a finger on her
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Don't be mean to cute Whitney!
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Whitney is not a cow, don't call her that
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It’s over for your heifer, I read a Temple Grandin book. I know how to lure her in.
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Stop fighting and post cute Whitney!
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Im going to pity only for you, cute whitney!
How about a Whitney request?
Big fan of milkers over here. Go saucy if you want.
>Go saucy if you want
Well since you're offering
Whitney in her miltank print being groped by Ethan, and both being into it.
She is a good cute milky pokecow
My bad anon, I didn't include that I prefer doing solo drawings.
Damn. Well Whintey in a super thin cowkini teasing for the camera is just as good
bonus points if she's lactating
A man after my own heart, I see.
Let me whip up a milky treat then. I'll do a colored sketchy pic so it shouldn't be long.
Whitney has the best milk of johto
With karen and clair, of course
You there anon? Want pubes or nah
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My man, you're singing my song
Of course
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For you anon
Regular https://files.catbox.moe/bmjtc9.png
Extra Calcium version https://files.catbox.moe/yyzpi0.png
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Very nice drawbro anon. Thanks
No problem, fellow milk enjoyer.
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Whitney drowning her sorrows in her own breast milk?
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Dumb bimbo (affectionate)
based drawfag
That's hot, I love Whitney and I love milk, thx anon!
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>Yet another pokegirl thread ruined by some faggot spamming lewds or posting links to porn
Just nuke this shitty board already
>implying people like most pokemon characters beyond finding them hot
Pokemon characters aren't very deep or well written. Most pokegirl threads only exist because people want to fuck them.
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>Why is this Pokegirl thread a Pokegirl thread?
You sound annoying
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Thanks, anons! Don't forget to get your milk straight from the tap
She had one of the redesigns I like more than the original, but I think the version with the white hotpants is also charming. Maybe a bit more memorable while ironically also being a bit more boring to look at because it's monotone/more monochrome.
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Share more christmas milky whitney!
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Pokegirl threads and lewd dump threads are not the same thing but ok
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They are so full of yummy milk
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Whitney asking If I'm an S or an M!
Telling Whitney I'm a masochist!
Whitney CBT!
How much milk she has on her! Wow three milk juggs
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Do Whitneyfags understand that girls don't lactate unless pregnant and or having recently given birth to their baby? The only other way they would Is If they have something very wrong and possibly life threatening with their bodies.
Shush, my wife is very sensitve about her pegnancy
In a recent Crystal playthrough I laughed my ass off as I steamrolled Whitney with Rollout.
what pokemon did you use?
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Quilava and Golbat
Could open a metal can with that moe chin.
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Why are Johto women like this
It makes them perfect
Johto baby girls weren't ready for Gold's Chad Kanto Skills.
Jasmine has an excusable reason.
Whitney is emotional but otherwise fine.
Clair’s just salty.
It's a fetish bruh it doesn't have to make sense.
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nice, reminds of of this video I saw of someone Sweeping lances team with just Typhlosion using rollout
what software are you using to make these?
Also galactorrhea is real, and is more possible with busty womens
And induced milk
Really? Good to know.
Now to impregnate your bratty ass, and sell the milk for millions.
Wasn't Gold/Ethan from Kanto, but then he moved due to the Cinnabar Eruption? Or maybe I'm confusing him with Brendon, who is actually from Johto.
Yeah, you may have mixed them up, an NPC somewhere in RSE mentions that Norman's family moved Olivine City, but I don't recall anywhere mentioning Gold moving from Kanto.
Maybe I mixed them up because in Ethan's house you can check the stove where your mother prepared her famous "Cinnabar Volcano Burger."
I want to cuddle her while she cries and comfort her
Ok I can see were the confusion comes from.. And Cinnabar is fairly close to NewBark Town, so them moving there from there would make sense. Though Johto and Kanto so close they share a league, and their two biggest cities are connected by a 5 minute train ride. so them having similar recipes could just be due to that.
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Whitney has the largest dairy reserves in Johto
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Does Whitney charge for her MooMoo Milk?
how many Tauros?
How many milk bottles does she sell?
All of them
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The Incredibly Pretty Girl
Careful not to get too infatuated
I already am...
But she always uses Attract
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Completely immobilized huh
Can't be helped, Attract really suits a cutie like her
Very. Unable to do anything but stare at Whitney. She's too pretty! With huge Moomoo Milk...
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Now animate her stepping on you after destroying you
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I wish she would.
Grab those love handles
Damn, I'm getting served.
Look at her go!
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The world needs this
Whitney cosplay Joi from naturally busty asian when?
No, Whitney! The power of Calcium is too great!
She's just filling up to drown you with her own
Do you think she spends any time at the Game Corner? It's not exactly her style, but Porygon IS a pink normal-type... I could see her spending a long time there desperately trying to earn enough coins to get one.
Her dad maybe is trying to get her one. Wasn't one of the rumours of her family that her dad spent a lot of time playing in the slots?
I feel like gambling is something Whitney wouldn't do.
I would cum onto Whitney's thighs until she has fully depleted me of my "milk" so-to-say
Absolutely not. She lives in Y2K Osaka. Gambling is a complete den of salarymen with undone neckties, delinquents, and cig-smoking otakus. She would never enter a pachinko parlor. She spends her pokeshekels on cute things like ice cream outings with her girlfriends, knee socks, and ingredients for poke munch she prepares herself.

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