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So... how did she become a champion at such a young age?
Because she is a good Pokemon trainer
diversity hire
MENA cutie (no sub saharan black)
diversity quotas + sexual favors
she did lots of footjobs
Canonically she trained very hard under Drayden, and after Hilbert/Hilda left to chase after N, she defeated Alder to claim the vacant Champion position
age doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting a position in the league lmao
Red became champion when he was like 12
She's Sudanese, "Sudan" literally means "blacks".
MENA =/= Arab
Rent free
She earned it with hard work.
>t.toothpastehead bozo
literally a dei mandate "'"'"'champion"'"'"' to replace the native unovan guy
How old is she again?
Arabs castrated every black slave the moment they bought them
Canonically she was a super talent that trained hard. Much like most prodigy champions(Red, Blue, Leon).
Absolute cope.
No such a thing. And nobody thought of her as such before the leaks where she was described as wearing Nile valley clothes.
by taking names and kicking ass. Dragon trainers start off slow, and then come back with fully evolved mon's and SWEEP.
Also, No Ice-Type E4 member to stop her, and Fairy didn't exist yet.
Drayden beat the shit out of Alder until he handed the title over to Iris. Iris is giving Drayden certain "favours" in return.
Drayden is probably 5-6 times her age
Favours obviously means Iris getting that faggotslacker Drayton into notUnova academy with her influence, dont know what age has to do with this anon
I would lick her armpits
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Brown lolis (fertility godesses) owe me (aryan) reparations (breeding sex)
By being the absolute best girl of this franchise, duh.
69 vs 11
He's slightly more than six times older.
Because she's cute & funny
Alder had to retire 'cause he got his ass kicked by a hippie, and they figured a dragon specialist would last longer so they wouldn't have to change the reigning champion as much as Kanto and Johto. When we get remakes I'm going to enjoy using a fairy for that damn Hydreigon.
This. She's also like N in that she could communicate directly with her Pokemon. I always headcannon that they had some blood ties.
Iris does not wear panties
I checked
Sorry, I can't just trust random people on the internet. I need photographic proof.
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here you go
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Holy fucking based.
White man's kryptonite
she fucking won
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>Arabs are part black now thanks to the Arab slave trade.
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why is she balding at 10 years old lol
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I was the one who stole them and all the pairs she once had
>find out she's not black
>mmmmh she's actually kinda cute

is this normal?
no, you're a racist, normal men find black women hot
pic related
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I need many more Irises
Daaaamn Unova Champion looks like THAT
Based non-racist, but the link doesn't work for me
Hot in a she ork way
Thank you for your service.
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I wish Iris had made an appearance in Alola. She'd fit in well, since it's basically cunny heaven and all.
Unfortunately post Switch era seems done with having cameos. I would've loved seeing an adult Iris
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ayo white boi
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>Unfortunately post Switch era seems done with having cameos
You know, given S/V's artstyle I think that's actually a blessing. Hopefully they purge the fugliness from the next games and bring back some cool characters.
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The pants ruin her design. No wonder she's not as popular as Ass's other female companions who only wear shorts and miniskirts.
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She makes them so weak
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No one on the planet can resist the allure of delicious brown lolis
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She was Alder's onahole
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Because Twitter trannies
I want to kiss each individual strawberry while she's wearing them
Kissing and rubbing my face against iris little soft inner thighs
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Way too childish style, you're such a kid to think she'd be wearing these
Iris being an hypocrite is kinda cute, teasing her because her kiddy panties sounds fun
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Nothing ruins her design. And she's beyond popular with how fans of other female companions seethe about her superiority, 24/7.
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Here is canonical proof she doesn't.
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I think most men would be able to instinctually tell that she does not wear panties.
Nopan shitposters should be banned from existence
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Agreed. Especially when it's so obvious that she doesn't wear any.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Even in the most shithole poor third world contry, little girls wear at least panties if it's not the only thing they wear
>nopan shitposter babble
She's clearly not wearing and panties, and she is well within her right to do so. As you can see by her attire, she is not subject to some shithole poor third world country.
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Well post official art of Iris bare pussy. Little girls wear panties so they are there until proven otherwise
Nope. She's nopan and it's obvious. You're just shitposting. By your own standards, you should be banned from existence.
I'm only reacting to nopan nonsense because panties are the best
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does it smell like strawberries?
or like cunny and poop?
The main characters of the games are all 11 years old and become champions in like a couple of days
Why the fuck would it smell like poo? Does yours? Do you not bathe??
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Normal BO not like you, fucking pig
>>t.toothpastehead bozo
pedos aren't good at thinking up of insults, huh?
She looks like she fucks white men.
It's from the game he is in.
Only Dawn doesn’t wear panties. Although Iris and Dawn got along in that season of the anime.
Little girls wear them, but Iris is not such a kid
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same way (you) did. why is this even a discussion
sorry, he's a zoomer who forgot Blue was a thing and thinks only the player can have special privileges to become Champion at such a young age
I would too. I'd give her a full tongue bath
she italian
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Which of Iris's outfits do you like best?
Her champion dress seems to be the most popular with artists, possibly in general, but I think her regular outfit is really cute too. And then there's that great Halloween costume from MasterSEX.
I think I just might prefer her original outfit over the others. It best suits the sort of wildchild character that she is.
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I like her default outfit. It's simple and humble. Not trying to be cool, not trying to be pretty, not trying to be intimidating, not trying to be fancy. I'm reminded of how Jedi wear simple robes even when operating as ambassadors, police, guards, etc. She's supposed to be a naturally talented trainer and should have neither the need nor the desire to show off to people by trying to dress up like some kind of badass. Compare to Clair for example.

Of course the best outfit is nothing except maybe some cum on her cute little chest after I'm done with her but I feel like that doesn't count.
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Champion, but I like all of them
10, actually.
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I like the regular one because when she swings, you get butt
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I used to not care for her champion outfit; I thought it was pretty over the top. But it's grown on me a lot over the years. Like Iris herself actually.
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PokeMoa is a god.
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She's got a lot of determination thats for sure. And she's good with her feet... mmm.. brownie toes...
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Must've took wild child Iris quite a while to learn to keep them on
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would suck each toe!
would her and pale Hex get along
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Georgia was hot.
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Lucky, I wish I had Iris' brownie feet all over me..
Cute. Cute!
I want my foot (or any body part) to squish against Georgia's soft tits...
Same. Would love for Iris to use my face and or crotch as her personal foot rest
white as fuck thread
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They can't resist
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Choco toes!
Iris is going to bite you!
She scared me stiff
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The most delicious kind
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Indeed, so soft and sweet! I wanna paint them white so badly...
Kohatsuka never fails...
gabite doesn't look very happy being there
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you think all the simping in this thread for a brown child is to do with the white man's fantasy of taming a wild native child. historical isn't it.
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but I want to be dominated by Iris. Damn female brat
All men love little brown girls.
Her daddy must've been super rich and had the connections. Just like...
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They will happily spoil their lineage for chocolate cunny
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Moar Pokemoa.
Iris is cinnamon not chocolate
Dragon pokemon gave birth to her. Like Anakin with midichlorians.
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Stealing from the Iris thread on /v/ lol
Hilbert is literally me.
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>All men love little brown girls.
Love this artist's works, too bad they don't do pokemon arts anymore.
>get Iris to return
>give her a dress
>people want to have sex with her now
It's just that easy. Too bad they made her lose constantly in this season.
We are just purifying a race through progressive methods.
Not sure, she used the worst dragon types. I guess if shitters like Geeta and Diantha can ce champions anyone can.
The anime kinda disliked young prodigy characters with a passion(which is hilarious when the games do the opposite).
Ash was explicitly the opposite of that on purpose.
Iris in BW is a joke compared to how skilled her game self is supposed to be(pretty much still true even after they made her champion in the anime).
Even the undefeated Leon had to get an added story about how he used to constantly lose to Sonia when he was younger(which wasn't in the games, they just traveled together as friends there).
Can you blame them? her dress was made for sex! the open front, her exposed creamy legs, the translucent frills, and the best part, her pretty white sandals! You have to be a fag not to want to breed her!
>not wanting to fuck Iris since BW
>not getting White simply for Iris
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I haven't watched Pokemon since the original airing like when Ash stole Misty's pike and got attacked by Spearows.

Is it worth watching for Iris? Is Nessa in any of the anime?
I liked Iris in the anime, I typically like more bratty characters though. A lot of people hated her because she made them feel self conscious by calling their self insert a kid
I love anime Iris, absolutely worth watching for her, such a dynamic character who can show her worth.
Absolute tastelets.
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Iris actually did win a lot of her battles in BW which made Ashkeks seethe.

It's only Journeys that wanked Ash to oblivion where she suffered, but it's not her fault, only that series writing.
Yeah, if I recall correctly the anime took place before Iris became a Gym Leader or anything so she wouldn't have any accolades. Plus so many battle tournaments gave not just Iris, but a lot of the rivals a chance to shine and get wins and not just have them all be relegated to Ash and his main rival. May's and Dawn's rivals were a bit better in this aspect as the format of contests required them to get some wins to compete at the Grand Festival but who even remembers any of Ash's post Kanto rivals. Even the Kanto ones are only held up for nostalgia as a lot of them only have the 1 or 2 appearances as well
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nopan princess
She and Shauna are the reason i'm not racist.
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Peak sexo
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I never watched the pokemon anime, I just played the games. I'm told that the series with Iris in it was kind of... garbage. Is this true?
If you need Ash to be hyper competent then yes, it's probably his worst season. They also dropped the Team Plasma plot until really late into the series because their original intro episode involved an earthquake around a time when Japan got hit by an Earthquake and they refused to just rewrite it. If neither of those are dealbreakers for you though, I thought it was pretty good for Pokemon anime standards. Not the best but probably mid tier
all of the pokemon anime is garbage so yes
Is it worse though? The only pokemon I ever watched was waaay back in the early Indigo League.
No pants (and no pan) Iris really jumps her up a tier.
Best Wishes and Journeys are considered the worst seasons overall.
It was particularly bad. Ash acts more childish and idiotic than ever, even compared to fucking season 1 most of the time.
He loses the Unova league to an even bigger idiot that brought only 5 pokemon to a 6v6 match.

Iris herself is also pretty wasted in terms of potential - strives to be a dragon master yet her best pokemon for a while is an Excadrill for some reason. Her partner is an Axew that barely battles - instead Iris gets handed an OP Dragonite on a silver platter that beats Dawn's Mamoswine in a competition even while it was still disobeying her.
SM was worse and it's not even close.
I find Iris cute but honestly I really wouldn't wanna watch it again
Nah, it's a pedo thread so the posters here are mostly Latinx and pajeets
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love of cunny transcends such superficial things as skin tone
All white men love delicious brown girls
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It's why comquistadors keep coming to South America.
They ether want to tame the wild girl or they want to be turned into a slave by the wild girl.
Trained by absolute chad of an experienced trainer that wrestles with his Haxorus for fun.
To be honest Drayden should be an actual champion but I guess living a humble life of a gym leader is just comfy af for him.
SM was great because from the ground it was written as comfy adventure/SoL series and it just fucking worked.
BW was cursed and confused from the beginning.
>HURRR lets make an entire plot about Zekrom sucking all the strength from Pikachu and then connect it to the movie.
>DUUURRRR the plans are changed, we are making the movie a 2-in-1 weird shit with Zekrom or Reshiram depending on what version you watch.

And then the fucking dropped Team Rocket vs Team Plasma bs happened and all other mess. You know that it was bad because very last fight of the league was Pikachu vs Lucario.
Imagine being her seat cushion
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>Iris actually did win a lot of her battles in BW which made Ashkeks seethe.
Yeah but the writers favored not letting it really be her wins.
Her Excadrill won a bunch, but for a while it did so entirely on its own.
Her final fight against Georgia is kind of a depressing rethread of this.
>Dragonite isn't even following orders, so it wins the battle while ignoring Iris
She then proceeded to lose more than win with her Dragonite in BW once it actually followed instructions.
imagine the smell too
there was nothing great about all that solslop schoolshit
Comfy equals boring
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By being so cute
Doesn't even look like her anymore
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Hard work, practice and dedication
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Iris pits!
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Hate this balding bitch
Imagine after beating her in a pokemon fight for the championship title, instead of becoming champion, you ask for her hand in marriage instead
wouldn't that be funny? haha...
Post more chocololis!
cannon princessification? I like to think so anyway.
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Iris pointing out her smooch zone.
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Now you get to kiss her somewhere else~
i'd miss on purpose so that she made me do it again
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>Hydreigon's onahole
Cute... I like the attention to detail on her pussy.
Journeys made every returning pokegirl look gorgeous
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Not only is the design, her relationship with Ash improved exaggeratedly, from being a conceited and annoying girl she is now a major rival and she doesn't even have a Mega, Dina, Giga, Z crystal, legendary, or any advantage in battle.

Yes, they still argue, but now it doesn't feel one-sided, but more balanced, this is how their interaction should have been in BW, leaving Bianca as a traveling companion, eliminating Trip, and making Iris the main rival I think would have improved the series.
>she doesn't even have a Mega, Dina, Giga, Z crystal, legendary, or any advantage in battle
Her advantage is having a cinnamon cunny.
Same way cynthia did, by having lots of dragon sex
Cynthia fucks one pokemon and it isn't Garchomp.
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Any pee-ers here in /vp/? (If you know you know)
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Dang it, that didn't work quite right. Maybe this will.
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>(If you know you know)
I don't know if I know but the answer is definitely yes.
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She was never annoying to begin with. And she wasn't a jober pre-Journeys.

BW Iris >>>> Journeys Iris
muh champion attire doesn't change a thing, it's a worse design anyway.
>instead Iris gets handed an OP Dragonite on a silver platter
Dawn got handed Togekiss on a silver platter. Misty was handed Mega Gyarados sometime off-screen on a silver platter.

But yeah let's single out Iris because reasons.
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Best Wishes has best girl in every episode, therefore it's... Best Season.
Iris was equal to Ash in BW and he was gigantic retard jobber.
>equal to Ash
Only his Krookodile stood a chance, and he was OP regardless of Ash. Iris never lost to his Pikachu.
>Bianca as a traveling companion
Hell no. Iris being the traveling companion was the best choice Pokemon anime ever made in it's life.
>And she wasn't a jober pre-Journeys.
With her Excadrill:
-Lost so hard to Drayden her Excadrill lost faith in her abilities
-Lost to Georgia with a disobedient Excadrill, still only managed to tie with it obedient
-Loses to Montgomery
With her Dragonite:
-Wins against Georgia and Dawn(but only due to Dragonite fighting on it's own, not following her orders)
-Loses to Ash and Krookodile
-Loses to Drayden again
-Fights Ash's Charizard, battle stopped before it could lose
-Loses a Sumo match by disqualification
-Loses to Clair
BW Iris is a massive jobber, I don't know what you are on about.
Reminder that game Iris was already as strong as Drayden the first time she shows up.
Easily best champion. Geeta,Diantha, and hag Cynthia designs are the trash compared to this.
I like my hags too but nothing can compete with chocolate cunny.
I love this artist.
No competition because her region is so shit

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