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So... how did she become a champion at such a young age?
Because she is a good Pokemon trainer
diversity hire
MENA cutie (no sub saharan black)
diversity quotas + sexual favors
she did lots of footjobs
Canonically she trained very hard under Drayden, and after Hilbert/Hilda left to chase after N, she defeated Alder to claim the vacant Champion position
age doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting a position in the league lmao
Red became champion when he was like 12
She's Sudanese, "Sudan" literally means "blacks".
MENA =/= Arab
Rent free
She earned it with hard work.
>t.toothpastehead bozo
literally a dei mandate "'"'"'champion"'"'"' to replace the native unovan guy
How old is she again?
Arabs castrated every black slave the moment they bought them
Canonically she was a super talent that trained hard. Much like most prodigy champions(Red, Blue, Leon).
Absolute cope.
No such a thing. And nobody thought of her as such before the leaks where she was described as wearing Nile valley clothes.
by taking names and kicking ass. Dragon trainers start off slow, and then come back with fully evolved mon's and SWEEP.
Also, No Ice-Type E4 member to stop her, and Fairy didn't exist yet.
Drayden beat the shit out of Alder until he handed the title over to Iris. Iris is giving Drayden certain "favours" in return.
Drayden is probably 5-6 times her age
Favours obviously means Iris getting that faggotslacker Drayton into notUnova academy with her influence, dont know what age has to do with this anon
I would lick her armpits
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Brown lolis (fertility godesses) owe me (aryan) reparations (breeding sex)
By being the absolute best girl of this franchise, duh.
69 vs 11
He's slightly more than six times older.
Because she's cute & funny
Mating press
Alder had to retire 'cause he got his ass kicked by a hippie, and they figured a dragon specialist would last longer so they wouldn't have to change the reigning champion as much as Kanto and Johto. When we get remakes I'm going to enjoy using a fairy for that damn Hydreigon.
This. She's also like N in that she could communicate directly with her Pokemon. I always headcannon that they had some blood ties.
Iris does not wear panties
I checked
Sorry, I can't just trust random people on the internet. I need photographic proof.
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here you go
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Holy fucking based.
White man's kryptonite
she fucking won
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>Arabs are part black now thanks to the Arab slave trade.
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why is she balding at 10 years old lol
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I was the one who stole them and all the pairs she once had
>find out she's not black
>mmmmh she's actually kinda cute

is this normal?
no, you're a racist, normal men find black women hot
pic related
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I need many more Irises
Daaaamn Unova Champion looks like THAT
Based non-racist, but the link doesn't work for me
Hot in a she ork way
Thank you for your service.
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I wish Iris had made an appearance in Alola. She'd fit in well, since it's basically cunny heaven and all.
Unfortunately post Switch era seems done with having cameos. I would've loved seeing an adult Iris
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ayo white boi
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>Unfortunately post Switch era seems done with having cameos
You know, given S/V's artstyle I think that's actually a blessing. Hopefully they purge the fugliness from the next games and bring back some cool characters.
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The pants ruin her design. No wonder she's not as popular as Ass's other female companions who only wear shorts and miniskirts.
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She makes them so weak
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No one on the planet can resist the allure of delicious brown lolis
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She was Alder's onahole
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Because Twitter trannies
I want to kiss each individual strawberry while she's wearing them
Kissing and rubbing my face against iris little soft inner thighs
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Way too childish style, you're such a kid to think she'd be wearing these
Iris being an hypocrite is kinda cute, teasing her because her kiddy panties sounds fun
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Nothing ruins her design. And she's beyond popular with how fans of other female companions seethe about her superiority, 24/7.
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Here is canonical proof she doesn't.
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I think most men would be able to instinctually tell that she does not wear panties.
Nopan shitposters should be banned from existence
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Agreed. Especially when it's so obvious that she doesn't wear any.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Even in the most shithole poor third world contry, little girls wear at least panties if it's not the only thing they wear
>nopan shitposter babble
She's clearly not wearing and panties, and she is well within her right to do so. As you can see by her attire, she is not subject to some shithole poor third world country.
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Well post official art of Iris bare pussy. Little girls wear panties so they are there until proven otherwise
Nope. She's nopan and it's obvious. You're just shitposting. By your own standards, you should be banned from existence.
I'm only reacting to nopan nonsense because panties are the best
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does it smell like strawberries?
or like cunny and poop?
The main characters of the games are all 11 years old and become champions in like a couple of days
Why the fuck would it smell like poo? Does yours? Do you not bathe??
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Normal BO not like you, fucking pig
>>t.toothpastehead bozo
pedos aren't good at thinking up of insults, huh?
She looks like she fucks white men.
It's from the game he is in.
Only Dawn doesn’t wear panties. Although Iris and Dawn got along in that season of the anime.
Little girls wear them, but Iris is not such a kid
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same way (you) did. why is this even a discussion
sorry, he's a zoomer who forgot Blue was a thing and thinks only the player can have special privileges to become Champion at such a young age
I would too. I'd give her a full tongue bath
she italian
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Which of Iris's outfits do you like best?
Her champion dress seems to be the most popular with artists, possibly in general, but I think her regular outfit is really cute too. And then there's that great Halloween costume from MasterSEX.
I think I just might prefer her original outfit over the others. It best suits the sort of wildchild character that she is.
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I like her default outfit. It's simple and humble. Not trying to be cool, not trying to be pretty, not trying to be intimidating, not trying to be fancy. I'm reminded of how Jedi wear simple robes even when operating as ambassadors, police, guards, etc. She's supposed to be a naturally talented trainer and should have neither the need nor the desire to show off to people by trying to dress up like some kind of badass. Compare to Clair for example.

Of course the best outfit is nothing except maybe some cum on her cute little chest after I'm done with her but I feel like that doesn't count.
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Champion, but I like all of them
10, actually.
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I like the regular one because when she swings, you get butt
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I used to not care for her champion outfit; I thought it was pretty over the top. But it's grown on me a lot over the years. Like Iris herself actually.
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PokeMoa is a god.
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She's got a lot of determination thats for sure. And she's good with her feet... mmm.. brownie toes...
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Would look better without pants
Must've took wild child Iris quite a while to learn to keep them on
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would suck each toe!
would her and pale Hex get along
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Georgia was hot.
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Lucky, I wish I had Iris' brownie feet all over me..
Cute. Cute!
I want my foot (or any body part) to squish against Georgia's soft tits...
Same. Would love for Iris to use my face and or crotch as her personal foot rest
white as fuck thread
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They can't resist
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Choco toes!
Iris is going to bite you!
She scared me stiff
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The most delicious kind

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