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Viva Las Vegas Edition

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

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Kinda fucked how Pokedex doesn't tell you the next three energies you'll generate.
>easy win if I get my Chameleon to KO someone
>both are the last two in the deck
This shit is why Charizard decks suck shit. 3 stage EVOs are just so garbage when you have Mewtwo and Articuno to one or two turn KO.
bro your moltres?
Apples to oranges. Mewtwo can buttfuck you fast but if you deal with it early on it can't do shit in the late game. Charizard is the opposite where it just has to survive to the late game setup and then its practically a guaranteed win. I mean what does a Mewtwo deck do if its two Mewtwo are the last two cards in the deck? At least you can have a Charmander/Charmeleon fed energy from Moltres while you wait, Mewtwo can't do that.
>opponent melties and I have to wait 2 minutes before he comes back
add some player reputation shit and ban these faggots
You're more likely to not get your kirlia/gardevoir than not get your mewtwo.
The chances of a M2 deck having both at the end of the deck is minimal though. Imagine you start with a Ralts and they are towards the middle. You Pokéball and get another Ralts, shuffling them all the way to the end. Another Ball guarantees one and digs the other from the bottom.
That's what that anon is complaining about; decks with searchable EXs. The moment we get some form of searching for evos (Caterpie barely counts and only for one color), the meta will be incredibly shaken up.
>Another Ball guarantees one
Or hits your Kangaskhan because your deck is whack.
I'm really going to make it through this fire event with 12 Magmar and not a single Charmeleon to go with my 2 Charizard EXs.
The greater issue is that even though Mewtwo is reliant on Garde, it isn't completely over if he doesn't draw it since it can still attack on curve and nuke SOMETHING that may allow you to gain tempo, or two shot something with the weak attack.

H's reliant on a stage 2 but it still functions poorly without the stage 2.
Meanwhile other stage 2 decks like Charizard can literally do jack and shit if you don't draw Charizard, even going for Charmelon attacks leaves you more vulnerable at a much lower HP line, and attaching energy to attack with moltres is slow.

You have less options in a brick situation than Mewtwo does, despite both being reliant on a Stage2 mon.
This is the same for all stage 2 decks where the stage 2 itself is the actual wincon, Mewtwo however is the wincon it just needs support from what happens to be a stage 2 mon.
You better have BURN HEAL
Another day, another reason to play Kingler.
Melmetal doesn't exist.
Not in boosters.
Not in Wonder Pick.
If you've seen it, it was an illusion.
I don't! I only have potions!
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Revive soon
I've seen him in Wonder Pick but I didn't go for it.
it's very difficult to win with melmetal anyway, you're better off without it.
Speaking of illusion they could capitalize on the simulator only part of this game and make a really unique Zoroak card, though would need heavy consideration to not make it busted.

You play Zoroark and it appears as a completely different card to your opponent, until it gets damaged or something.
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got my second full art weezing today from my free pull
it appearing as a random other card in your deck until damaged would be fine I think. Although considering how small the deck size is and how few pokemon most meta decks run, you would probably run into the problem of getting found out immediately because you already played two of the same pokemon before you played zoroark.
I hope they don't shy away stuff like that, like Deoxys can have a ingame form change or something

Would be really cool and unique
It just seems silly to talk about Charizard's weaknesses when it shits on 90% of the game and all you can compare it to is Mewtwo which is even more stupid and Misty which is LOL
how would that even work? would it "evolve" to the other forms from normal form? Would the form you switch to be based on RNG or would it be selectable? Would form change be an ability, or would it be a high cost attack? I feel like it's simplest, and most likely they would do seperate cards if they decided to do more than just base deoxys.
Miniset will:

>Change up the meta or adds another deck type to the top 3 decks so far
>Does nothing, and we're essentially stuck with the same 3 top decks for 3 months until the next main set
>attaching energy to moltres is slow
unless your luck is really shit, you should be attaching energy to moltres every turn with your charmander getting 1.5 energy every turn and having a loaded up chicked by turn 3. even if you don't opt to load up your chicken early, moltres can tank a lot with 140 hp, and between cycling out your birds to eat hits, and switching in your extra charmander/fossils, you can eat up potentially 4-5 turns of just waiting for Charizard to show up before it really becomes a problem.
Defense Form is you went first Attack Form is you went second?
>Speed form is when deoxys is on bench, can attack from bench like grenigga
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>still no blaine
>every pick looks like this
>don't even have a single charmander or vulpix card (you can see there's no dex icon on them) but I have gotten like 20+ magmars and heatmors combined
Fuck this event I'm glad its ending soon.
Cloyster is right there, bro.
Take the water pill so I can win more with my elec deck
first is the worst option actually, since it means ill need to roll instead of hoarding all my 10 rolls for next set
I'm up to 4 Charmanders, 3 Charmeleons, 10 Vulpixes, 4 Ninetales, 2 Growlithes, 1 Rapidash, and 3 Blaines. I lost count of the Ponytas, Magmars, and Heatmors; probably around 10, 3, and 10?
Yooo let's gooooo
No homo, but at this point I would pay to never see another Heatmor
Wait I'm drunk, I meant to say I would suck a dick to never see another Heatmor. (No homo.)
When is miniset again
oh my GOD. IS THAT?

miki tanaka's debut. good pull.
I am very happy with my machamp/primape deck.
They hit fast and they hit hard, no coin flips needed.

Why didn't they give Heatmor anything? 80 hp and 30 attack is nothing. Probably the weakest 1 stage.
We don't know.
I always go middle
What evolves into Heatmor?
I wonder what they'll do for Christmas? Login Bonus? Extra free pull on the 25th? 2 extra? 10? Delibird Advent calendar?
zamn grats
I see
Cause the next full on set is January yeah?
I thought we had some knowledge about miniset being something in December
pokegold sale
thank you for playing pokemon tcg pocket
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>By the end of the year
Most likely Dec16 because of the datamines
>New booster packS
Wait a minute.. So our theory of one extra pack in our current set might be wrong?
it's possible they misstyped but if I were optimistic, I would think that means we're getting the mini set in early-mid december and the next booster around christmas. They put a lot of effort into the pack opening, it would make sense to have someway to capitalize on that around christmas to get people to open more packs.
>We are planning to gradually expand the selection of cards that are able to be traded.
That anon who thinks they'll allow trading for everything except the most recent set is probably right.
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As expected, the original Japanese has no mention of plurality, as it's just not a thing really in Japanese.
"New pack as well by end of year planning"
This is just like with Mario Maker 2 having "Extra Game Modes" and then only having 1 until the end of its DLC support.

tldr; don't get your hopes up.
You're getting my hopes up. I started late and want to catch up.
>topdecked Ninetales
Screw you and your coinflip
zard got that rizz
kinda want to try this, what should I reroll for?
>So our theory of one extra pack in our current set might be wrong?
It has no basis
We don't know if the miniset will have 1, 2 or 46 packs in it
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Gold crowns~
2 of the same EX pokemon or 2 dragons. Having that will give you a half decent deck you can build around them.
>reroll 20 times
>finally get 2 dragons both dratinis
>put them in my deck with all my trainer cards
>somehow keep losing
what am I doing wrong
>opened up a full art arti on my alt
>hoping its a live pack and shows up on my main so i can share it to /tcgp/
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I am shocked and happy that I'm finally able to put this binder together.
>Mewtwo can buttfuck you
omg yes please
go for either a charizard deck or mewtwo deck and roll all in one pack till you get, there's a budget deck in both packs you can get rolling for the charizard/mewtwo deck
Stage 3 decks are just so bad. Basics are dominating the meta. We need a Great Ball card for stage 2s.
Skill issue
why does this game have so many coinflips?
>stage 3
Mega evolution when?
Because it's meant for children and randomness is an easy way to add excitement when the cool thing happens and also it gives children the chance to get lucky and have their Marowak EX one shot all the opponent's stuff giving them a win.
hmmm makes sense
Funnily enough a Charizard deck will always beat a Mewtwo deck assuming you both evolve on curve and just mediocre luck needed from Moltres(at least 1 heads every turn) it's mathematically impossible for mewtwo to win.
Funnily enough Moltres is weak to lightning and Mewtwo isn't.
Does the game always rig at least one starter in the hand?
That's part of why you don't want to run too many basics. The fewer you run the more likely it is that your best basic starts in your hand. And that goes for Pokeballs too.
I've been having a lot more fun with Blaine than I did with Mewtwo. This was a good event.
In a vacuum maybe. In reality if you have sabrina and jinx like your supposed to, it's very easy to beat charizard decks.
I still need a second Ninetails
>have 3 blaines
>still only 1 arcanine ex
it's absurd they put one shitty event specific flair on it so you would have to whale to get the 3 arcanines you need for some worthless sparkle effects. It's not even as good as the default fire effect flare, not that you'll ever pull enough to get it.
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in the past they had gave deoxys an ability that lets you switch out forms once per turn. it looked fun
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imo people should learn the non ex decks before they play ex mons, koga and blaine especially are very good budget decks
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gonna fucking kms
how does the healing factor in when evolving a pokemon with low hp? i dont understand this
You keep the same amount of damage.
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Misty is a fair and balanced card
>Tfw you used you new player pulls in the Mewtwo pack to get a Koga deck now you don't have enough rapidash and Ninetails to get the new flairs.
Feels bad man.
70 HP? The fuck?
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basically take the difference in health between the evo and the current stage, and add that difference to the current health it has, and you'll have its health after evo
The event flair is just for Arcanine EX. If you doubt me, go to the flair shop for Arcanine EX and compare it to Ninetales.
it's earliest iteration. Don't worry, they powercrept much stronger versions.
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>Finally get a god pack
>STILL no FA Sabrina
Just fuck my shit up, I have literally everything except FA Sabrina and Erika from the Zard packs and I don't want to keep opening them anymore :(
He's so cool bros i can't wait for gen3
I play my off meta Poliwrath deck and get 5 water matchups with Japs spamming misty turn one.
i switch to my Pika deck and the two matchups I get are now electric fuck this algorithm. I have witnessed the algorithm doing this sort of adjusting on my alt as well.
Game is unironically making me racist against Japs.
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And to make matters worse top right is always right, but that means all luck has been used up and Sabrina never ever
Nice egg
My concern is however they decide to implement the other forms, I'm guessing one form, probably attack, will just always be the correct one to switch/evolve to. there's a lot of versions from the tcg but several of the defense and speed form cards seemed pretty underwhelming compared to the attack and normal forms
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Oh, that's lovely art.
If that’s real then you’re just about ready to move on from the zard packs anyways.
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So are they gonna take away the old packs when new ones come out? Im saving pocket points and dont know if this will carry over to new ones. Im kinda sitting here with my thumb up my ass, i cleared out most of the packs but ofc im missing really obscure but important shit like Raichu, Weezing, and ex Machamp.
>So are they gonna take away the old packs when new ones come out?
No official statement.
i believe there's like deck specific mmr
especially when I play new decks I play against a lot different people than I normally do who misplay/ are on some homebrew
>if i delete my deck and rebuild it card by card between every battle the 5 winstreak emblem is free
Thanks for the ritual, /x/phile.
Spending money on this game seems like a terrible idea since they just drip feed you free packs. Like overall you’ll get most of a packs available shit. Its only aids when you are missing a dupe, like i still somehow have no koga or koffing
You might not like him but the rat keeps the Misty cancer in check.
The other day while running Koga deck for Mewtwo hunting I immediately go from all Japs doing psychic matchups to 4 people running Dragonite decks in a row.

It’s such blatant bullshit they factor decks into the matchmaking just for some sort of play analytics or penalties.
No, see if you rebuild it then it's the same deck. You have to replace 1 X Speed for 1 Red Card then replace 1 Giovanni for 1 Hand scope, then replace the X Speed with your Giovanni again.
How are your flairs coming along?
what if their marowak ex gets 2 tails and they throw a tantrum
what's the discord channel
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sex with sabrina
What is the most rng a deck can be? I want a deck that is either going to be dominates with luck or just utterly collapse if not.
Kanga + Marowak? Make sure to pack 2 red cards as well. Maybe some Meowth + Persian for extra luls.
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kill all mewtwo trannies
>Bump into someone running water lightning energies in their deck
>Expecting Dragonite deck

There wqs a guy here doing water and lighning energies for his all normal deck.
there's no backup plan in his decks, he either kills them or you lose
kingler probably, you have compound rng with it+misty's and can round the deck off with seaking/nonex articuno, so that every monster in the deck flips (in articuno's case you have also the opponent having to flip for para so it would probably fit the theme better)
I only have 1 EX for all the popular decks.
All of them feel bad at this stage.
What is the most coinflip dps deck possible? Maybe I can try that in the mean time.
Lone Mistycuno
Should I flair ponyta/vulpix/blaine since this event gave dozens of em?
>guy goes first, plays misty 2x, and gets a head on both turn 1 and 3
do mistyfags really have fun playing like this, you basically cant lose with 1 free energy during turn 1
This is my 5th time trying to wonder pick Wigglytuff and failing. I hope the wait for trading will be worth it, but I know it won't be.
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Decks for this feel?
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here we go bros
Anything but the Pinsir is a win.
nigga wtf how did you get that
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yeah, it's something
you can find godpacks in wonder picks
I flaired it for fun, they probably won't be worth much in trading since most everyone will have the Blaine cards by now
me on the left and on the right
my favorite mons are fire, bugs, ghost and dragons besides the obvious charizard, can I have fun with other stuff in this game?
i've never played pokemon tcg so dunno how this even works kek
Lickitung: the goof or the the godslayer.
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>he doesn't know
A deck of nothing but all the alt arts you like, you don't even need the energy to be right, though two color version would be the easiest to actually play
You need to start picking top right bruv
This game has genwunitis at the moment, so unless you REALLY like butterfree and dragonite, wait until more packs come out.
I was looking for a second wigglytuff as well, took me 4 tries thankfully
what deck are you planning on using it in? in theory I'd like to try to see if it enables blastoise ex but I don't own any, so I'm looking for other ideas
It took exactly 3100 cards and one single lucky rare wonder pick but it's done.
I know I'll lose out on several hours my packs could've been charging, but I think for my own sanity I should probably sync these packs up so that I have 3 available to open at a normal time, like 11am, instead of fiending over the packs to reset at some point at 2am.
You did it without using pack points? Congrats bro! I'm still 12 cards away, and it's genuinely maddening that I can open a pack and get 2 Minccino, Ratatta, Raticate, and Eelektrik. I promised myself I wouldn't spend any more money on this until a Pokemon I really like comes out, so suffering on like this is driving me insane haha.
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>encounter a Gastly user
>finally a breath of fresh air, I think
>they play out a Mewtwo ex
>oh no
>they also stall out the game for 7 minutes
I don't think I have it in me to get that last medal, bros
I'm convinced that they set a card from each pack to be impossible to pull for any given account.
Out of 587 packs I didn't open a single Aerodactyl, Elektross, or Arcanine EX. I had to craft the first two and I only have a single Arcanine EX that I just now got from a wonder pick.
Take the Arbok/Weezing pill it easily mogs the Mewtwo fags and can occasionally win against the rat faggots.
i have rarely lost to weezing as a mewtwo chad thougheverbeit :/
I have been playing off meta decks to help stragglers like you but all I ever get paired with is Jap faggots who already have their wins using cheapasw misty water decks or mewtard.
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>587 packs opened
Wailord-sama I kneel. No homo, but I'd be down to do something strange for a piece of change, if you catch my drift. Take me with you on your journey? No but seriously, that's a lot of packs opened. What card were you pulling for? What was your chase?
Lickitung with golurk and hypno with a kanga if you got the room. Lickitung can one shot anything with enough head flips but can also do nothing, same with kanga but caps out at 60 damage but makes a decent wall. Golurk is a stronger but more energy cost version of kanga so that's where hypno comes in as that is also a coin flip to put you opponent to sleep to let you build up your energy on your high energy attacking mons.
It actually wasn't as whaley as it sounds, you get a ton of discounted gold on a fresh account, then the packs you buy give you xp and you get gold and hourglasses from leveling up. It was still more than I'd say you should throw at a game like this, but I'm a slut for card games and my chase is more about deck building options than it is about any particular card.
Having the immersive Mew does bring back the feelings I had way back when I was the only kid in school with the Ancient Mew card, though. That's a nice feel.
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Listen to the mew bgm again, it's cute as fugg
Arcanine being in the Pikachu pack instead of the Charizard pack is driving me crazy.
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Thought Kangaskhan was going to be the meatshield solution for my decks but man that 3 retreat cost is real heavy. 30-60 damage is peanuts against other meatshields or EX Pokemon and the opponent can just set up their own thing
I love slowpoke and slowbro, but they aren't that good. I hope they'll get some better variants later on.
quads of TRVTH

Bro, your 2 XSpeeds?
don't worry mega satan they can still make decent walls so can be a budget substitute for gardevoir to buy you time to put energy on your other mons on the bench and can act as a half decent backup attacker should your main attacker get taken out or you're just not drawing them.
I've had success with it as a meatshield for Dragonite. Unlike other normal type walls, like Snorlax and Chansey, it only needs one energy to start doing damage. Sure it's only 30-60, but at least it's something the opponent will have to deal with.
That all being said, you're still probably better off using Weezing if you need a meat shield.
Thanks for the advice
Slowking would be cool!

Pokedex shows top 3 cards, why would it show the energy zone?
I keep getting blaine. need a 2nd vulpix
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>pulled this on my alt
>check my main
>the pack I pulled BEFORE the god pack shows up
Good to know the game hates my main I guess. Accepting friend requests for 15 minutes before I go to sleep.
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You just know
grats anono
I'm tired of getting matched against dark decks when I play arbok
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The CPU seems to toss out its lowest HP Pokemon from the bench as a sacrifice when you use Sabrina, including their weakened EX Pokemon that would win you the game when you take it out with a weak attack
triples of truth
finally cometed my Blaine deck. Interesting that the vulpix kept being in the spot I never pick from.
the spots are rigged, what you get is decided as soon as you enter the wonderpick, just like packs are cosmetic
Wrong, it's decided the moment you pick the card.
>last day to get a third Arcanine EX to unlock the time limited Flair
>Arcanine EX event
>didn't get a single Arcanine EX
gg gamefreak
i have 0 arcanine haha
so if the arcanine event and the mewtwo event both end tomorrow we're getting something new as a replacement right
I genuinely think your friends wonderpick packs are selected from like, the last five packs that they pulled instead of just being the last one. If this is from a new update, it's scummy as fuck and I'm pissed at whoever was abusing this shit ruining wonderpick for everyone else.
Yes. Venu event, works lile Lapras one.
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I hope they'll add Maushold soon. Maybe with abilities similar to MTG's Relentless Rats. Like "A deck can have any number of cards named Tandemaus or Maushold (with still 20 max)." And as a move Population Bomb that costs 3 or 4 uncolored and deals 10 damage + 10 for each Tandemaus or Maushold in your deck, hand and bench.
I got the pack with a Beedril after I added >>56986765
What'd you see on your end?
Mewtwo event?
the versus event had some mewtwo branding iirc
think he means the PvP event that is mostly just mewtwo and pika EX decks
no way they're throwing in a paldea mon this early
You are saving all of your hourglasses for Rayquaza packs in April right?
D'aww. Well, I'll wait.
Charizard will be able to 2-shot Rayquaza, I'm not too worried. I'm more worried about a Dragon Dance support card or ability like Gardevoir that puts energy on Dragons, because then Dragonite and every other Dragon will be busted
yeah it's weird, i got this pack to select from
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>not building the Tier 0 Regi Trio deck
I almost have 20 packs worth saved up and im about to blow them all away in pikachu packs because i am that desperate on getting arcanine ex...
they have some gen 8 pokemon like centiskorch. I could see them tossing in some random gen 9 pokemon like bellibolt as just some random pokemon not to many people would care about or orthworm or mobosstiff to give metal and dark decks some more toys to play with
Öøõmp Ŏőọmp
It's been like that from the start.
Or at least there's never been a guarantee that your latest pack gets added to WP.
Whichever one of you chucklefucks rouletted into the Wonder God pick, I hope your pillow is cold and doesn't get warm at all until Summer.

Don't do it. I ripped 10 packs the other day in desperation to get one Arcanine EX, and I got the 2* which you can't even flair. I never got any Arcanine from wonder pick either so I stopped.
hope your luck is better then mine, I've been pulling pikachu packs for about a week now trying to build an electric deck and only pulled 1 growlith and about 1 or 2 fire pokemon that are in all 3 decks.

good news is I'm one voltorb and megaton away from completing a surge deck
>pillow is cold
But I like when my pilow is cold?
>pulled Arcanine EX from a pack
>Immediately two thanks from Wonder Pick
Do people really?
just got hit with the premium pass kike restart
>get the notification saying I can open a pack
>click on pack
>pack stolen
how is this legal smfh
Maybe order your cards by latest obtained
Game might've just added them into your collection already
I did but it really did force restart the moment I hit open pack, it didn't even get to the revolving packs
I was robbed
You lost nothing though.
no it was the godpack I know it
jokes aside it's extremely shady to have a loud obnoxious notification saying "YOU GOT X" then force restart the app when you try to claim X, not exactly false advertising but pretty fucking close
Buddy, friend, pal.
im about to lose it
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I wonder picked these one after an another
feels good man
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>See wonder pick that has Pika ex and two cards I still need for complete dex
>Use my pick points, fail to get Pika or one of the two I needed
>First free pack of the day comes up
>Open pika pack since that has the most I still need to collect
>Pic related
Well that's a nice way to start the day.
Nice. I got impatient after so many failed attempts and just crafted my Pikachu EX.
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So what time do your free packs respawn?
Mine at 12.10 in the afternoon and midnight
>one Pika Ex away from full Pikachu deck
Come onnnn, I'm THIS close
Is there any way to see all the cards you got in other languages?
So far I've collected cards in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese.
A game crashing is not exactly a part of the intended experience.
concede then
Check your card collection, there's a button with a globe right above the card that you can press to see cards in other languages you've collected.
It literally is. They just coded it that way instead of letting you know 24 hours beforehand that your pass expired day of. That post wasn't the first to mention it.
I meant in one glance. I tried using the search function but it doesn't have the option to filter by language.
10 in the morning & 10 in the evening.
It gets shifted every day.
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Here, go nuts.
Bonus points if you play it with only lightning energy.
8:10 AM/PM. I want to have it so it's ready when I wake up at ~7-7:30, but I'm saving my whoreglasses for the next set.
My blood pressure would not be able to handle this.
Boutta flash this mf so much bling bling
4:30 am/pm
5. I open one first thing in the morning and then one after work
I'm saving my 2 weeks gold free trial for the new expansion
Giwtwm I've failed all ex wonder picks this month
Are there any passable/fun non pikachu lightning energy decks?
when does the magikarp event start?
Jolteon with regular pikachu/raichu as finisher
except if you really don't want any form of pikachu you could add maybe zebstrika or voltorb line
Ban pikachu from going 2nd
always a surge deck, need raichu, megaton, and lt. surge cards with your chose of a 3 lightning line if you want it. just have the megatons in the back building lightning energy and pull them up to raichu with a surge card and nuke the front line.
I never knew how thematically cool that sounds.
Is it worth it to save hourglasses to open 10 packs at once? Do you get better pulls?
No, there's no guaranteed rare or even a pity system, so there's no difference whatsoever between doing a 10 pull or opening 10 individual packs.
Why don't you use vaporeon ?
Why is this so ovetuned
>stop opening Mewtwo packs because I have four Mewtwo EX and most of the full arts from it, but I'm missing a bunch of uncommons
>finally decide to open Mewtwo again for the uncommons
>fifth Mewtwo EX in the second pack
The thing about Pikachu EX is that, unless you're running normal Pokemon, there's never any reason not to shove Pikachu in a lightning deck.
just wonderpick the uncommons / use pack points for them
it must be so difficult for you to have 5 ex mewtwos
In terms of Mew progress:
>have everything from Zard packs
>missing 3 triple diamonds from Pika packs
>missing 15 cards from M2 packs
I’m missing exegguter ex, and a second copy of a few relevant cards from Zard packs (moltres ex, alakazam, kanga, etc.). Blaine deck is done, BUT I would love to have a second full art of Blaine to go with my first copy and 2x full art rapidash. I won’t get hurt again on Pika packs; I have everything every remotely relevant aside from (maybe) jolteon. I’m missing just about everything from M2 packs.

What do? Seems like an obvious choice to move to M2 packs, I guess.
haha funny leek duck
I went mewtwo and already run out of luck so I don't have any pikachus but maybe there's a lightning/colorless deck that could work.
Never thank Pikachu/Mewtwo/Starmie players. They don't deserve it.
At the very least, you should be guaranteed a 1* if you do a 10 pull.
Why did they do a whole event for an evolution line that's just plain bad? Growlithe might be the single worst Basic to Stage 1 EX in the game
I hate coin flips.
Arcanine deck is meta
Did a little math. If my gambler brain is chasing another copy of full art blaine or moltres ex, I only have a roughly 25% of getting at least one of the two with my remaining pulls before the miniset. Swapping to M2.
ANY fire deck with Moltres EX and a payload is meta. Arcanine is just accessible, but is just worse than Charizard
The best version of charizard deck also runs arcanine ex, since it directly counters pikachu
>Arcanine is just accessible
That's why they made an event for it and also because it counters pikachu deck quite well.
How did not a single other person mention using this bastard? It's literally another free coin flip per turn.
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Sometimes it do be like this.
probably because every psychic deck is either mewtwo, gangar, or Alakazam that people forgot about him since if most people want a staller this days they always just grab weezing.
>Why did they do a whole event for an evolution line that's just plain bad?
The purpose of the event was to get you to use up your wonder hourglasses attempting to get those rarer cards. The rare wonder pull came up more often than the 1.5 day natural recharge rate of the wonder energy.

The actual cards they were offering didn't matter. (and I still only ended up getting on Charizard, two Blaines and one Moltres)
hes not that good because even if you win the coinflip your opponent also gets to coinflip whether or not his pokemon is still asleep at the end of YOUR turn which brings it down to like a 25% chance.
That's why you don't run memes that are dead turn 1/2 like Jynx
yeah but the original question was the guy wanted a pure coin flip deck and was asking what was the most chance based deck you could make.
Yeah, but it's not like you have to be running psychic to even run him.
That's kind of the point though.
Khang is a crutch imo, the rng damage output is flawed and anything with 3 retreat cost can be a sitting duck. I personally think high retreat cost tanks will age very badly in this game. I want to love grass decks but don’t like how the designated tank Exeggutor has 3 retreat cost.
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If we ever get this it's gonna immediately replace X-Speed
herd bedrill isn't a bad card to pair with it since it only needs one energy to do anything so you can just keep putting all your extra energy on exeggutor to pull it back when you run out of Erika heals or want guaranteed damage and don't want to risk coin flips.
Tanks should be balanced by high retreat costs. Having something just tank shit then retreat for no cost, denying any points is just boring.
I'd take a fast meta anyday over stall town.
That's what makes Weezing so good
Koga gives it a free switch + revive
Its more so that sometimes you can’t pull out exeggutor whenever you need too. Ive had fire deck games where i heal and pivot between 2 moltres to buy time for Zard or Arcanine to power up. Grass can’t do that, its important to pivot so you don’t lose points.
You’re right but we already have low retreat cost tanks so it is what it is.
Yes. Having a tanky mon with free retreat is that good. That's why Koga is a thing since Weezing has 3 retreat otherwise.
to be fair I think most grass types have high retreat cost unless they're bugs since I think grasses gimmick is that they're tanks seeing how they have the best healing out of any other type (at least currently)
>trainer card
i'm running x-speeds and switch and you can stop me
Yeah i think it can work if we get a basic grass mon that can tank.
Eggie is an excellent card even if you can't pull him out.
The problem is none of the cards he tanks for are particularly worth the effort.
this thing has fucked my little boipucci one too many times i hate it
>If we ever get this it's gonna immediately replace X-Speed
Will we ever see any Base Set cards outside of their pictures?

My money is on "no".
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I'll stop being a meta slave when it stops being fun.
>pay to win
how can you live with yourself?
I hate myself so much.
I'm F2P, at least until the mini set or expansion.
I pulled the immersive pika trying to get caterpie
>have game in hand
>waiting for my turn
>"PTCGL needs to reconnect"
get fucked zardtard
I got a whole freaking mewtwo deck, both gardevoir, two mewtwo ex, one being a full art... when I was just trying to pull a freaking Pidgeot. Only got one and then got lucky from a wonder pick and nabbed a full art one to get the second.

this game man.
I'm f2p and I ended up with 2 Immersive Chus and yesterday, finally a second FA Trode.
Jesus the holofoil effect looks absolutely horrendous here, like it's a photo taken next to a brick of uranium
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You know what also sucks? That you can get the same 1 diamond card 2-3 times in the same pack. That's gotta be intentional, there's no way something as easy as that was an overlook.
Consider not living in a third-world shithole and this will simply not be an issue.
3 diamond is more rare than 4 diamond and star.
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Not quite what you mean but i'm annoyed I pulled 2 full art dupes when i'm still missing a fucking caterpie.
do you think they'll ever do balance changes to cards?
It's not even a good deck, anymore, fucktard imbecile.
They said they will if needed, but realistically, they won't unless they absolutely have to
It depends. Some 3 diamond cards have also come in FA.
I have a stable cellular internet connection, but the building I work in fucks it once in a while.
Just proving the point, really.
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Why is he preaching about Jesus dying for out sins?
>You know what also sucks? That you can get the same 1 diamond card 2-3 times in the same pack. That's gotta be intentional, there's no way something as easy as that was an overlook.
what this game considers "random" is beyond insane.

>why yes, it's possible to flip 9 heads in a row. on a regular basis.
>Why is he preaching about Jesus dying for out sins?
Because you're a degenerate sinner, in need of Salvation.
I'm thinking of leaving the US on Jan 19th
I repent! Please get out from the bottom of my deck along with my stage 1. I have seen the light!
90% of games are just the first turn player conceding or people with a failed misty conceding
It's still tier1 by every metric there is you spineless lying faggot cuck
kill yourself
>90% of games are just the first turn player conceding or people with a failed misty conceding
all I encounter are pikachu decks that wipe me because I CAN'T FUCKING FLIP HEADS
I love bodying Pikafags AND Mewtwocucks with Golem.
I just concede instantly if I don't get the flips I want.
This game is not very deep.
>playing weezing/arbok against mewtwo deck
>every single time i attack with arbok into their 1 or 2 energy mewtwo, they attempt to x-speed it out into realizing they can't into conceding
I wish Brock would let me energy geodude and graveller
Golem dying to anything on the backswing is the real issue.
If you are Mewtwo, you literally must open with regular Mewtwo, Mewtwo EX, Ralts, and at least Kirilia (hoping to Gardevoir) or else you lose. If you don't open those cards as Mewtwo, then even if you're only staring down an Ekans or a Koffing, you already lost. It's such an oppressive matchup.
>If you are Mewtwo, you literally must open with regular Mewtwo, Mewtwo EX, Ralts, and at least Kirilia (hoping to Gardevoir) or else you lose. If you don't open those cards as Mewtwo, then even if you're only staring down an Ekans or a Koffing, you already lost. It's such an oppressive matchup.
on the other end, same with charizard moltres.
That's the price Mewtwo fags pay for the single most braindead autopilot 50%+ winratedeck in the game
This is very true. I'm not saying it's not, just that it's an incredibly oppressive matchup where you can just lose to even something like an unevolved Grimer.
Electrode is pretty threatening at 70 damage and gets a free pivot to Electross which stunlocks everything until it dies.
>which stunlocks everything until it dies.
Sometimes I wonder if I didn't somehow wind up posting on a 4chan from a parallel dimension.
Some men are just born with a silver heads in their mouth
>if you play a tier 1 deck in ranked mode, you're a retard
Okay faggot
Picking colorless as one of your energies should occasionally give you double colorless energy.
Persian should always make the opponent discard, and coin flip for a second card
I genuinely hope you do, but you won't, you just like bitching and being a bitch.
>0 wins
It's over.
Dying on the frontswing is also an issue.
I’ll never listen to zard fags downplay this card, it is literally an auto win if this prick comes out.
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>I’ll never listen to zard fags downplay this card, it is literally an auto win if this prick comes out.
once you get zard out with 6 energy, you've won the match. the problem is getting zard out with six energy.

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