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Senior General Edition
Kiki gets a whole movie where he's the protagonist and you get to decide on the plot, which has to diverge from the games. What kind of original story would you make him the protagonist of?
Previous thread: >>56969971
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Basically titanic but with Florian and Kiki (Florian dies)
I'd like to see some sort of slice of life movie set pre-TM, focusing on Kiki's back story and how he became obsessed with the ogre. Bonus points if we finally learn about the parents.
Alternatively... He's possibly a fan of spy movies, so maybe some goofy plot with him trying to live the spy story of his dreams.
My heart will go on with Kiki
I didn't know how much I needed this until just now...
>What kind of original story would you make him the protagonist of?
A very questionable gay porno.
Noir detective story (all the cigarettes are replaced with candy apples, the culprit is blatantly Drayton and the crime itself is incredibly inconsequential. Juliana gets to be in a slinky dress tho)
Also, Anon's other question:
Tour guide in Kitakami?
Very wonderful idea.
A opposed to an unquestionable gay porno?
>Tour guide in Kitikami
He'd be too distracting
Very cool idea Anon, would watch and rewatch. Clashes a bit with the tomboy idea I have of Juliana, but she's still be cute in a dress
>OP image
>Be careful!
>That's my favourite line from Suguri-kko (Kierancakes... or something. Not sure how exactly to translate this pet name)
Tomboys wearing a formal dress once in a while isn't a bad thing, imo. There's a lot you can do with that. Maybe they're super flustered and embarrassed by the prospect, maybe they turn heads by being a super beaut, making others double take at their appearance, maybe they can show of that they can kick ass in all their finery, etc.
Of course, them wearing it as their main wardrobe is when things go bad.
>Very cool idea Anon, would watch and rewatch.
Cute Furret to sniff out clues, Porygon-Z for analysis and best of all, Drayton getting his comeuppance...
He needs to be a character who suffers emotionally a lot. It's his best aspect. He would be a good Bob Arctor if he was a druggie loser, but he isn't. Sort of reminds me of the Wind Rises protagonist.
>Tomboys wearing a formal dress once in a while isn't a bad thing, imo.
Definitely. I headcanon Nemona to wear dresses on formal occasions. She's a tomboy, but she's still very in touch with her femininity.
>"I'll never let go Florian, I promise"
>Lets go
Didn't she wear a dress at that party where she challenged Clay?
She sure did!
So it's not a headcanon then :)
Wait a minute, I didn't read your post correctly. I don't think it was stated in the actual dialogue. I'm pretty sure it's still just a headcanon for me.
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>I don't think it was stated in the actual dialogue.
It was!
>Lacey: You created such a stir, challenging my daddy to a battle right there in your fancy party dress!
I uh. Think it's pretty clear cut.
Well, would you look at that! My memory was a bit hazy. What I'd give to see how she looked in that dress...
Yeah, I was going to check the dialogue, but Bulbapedia has been completely shitting itself on my end lately. As Nemona's self proclaimed biggest fan, I am utterly ashamed of myself.
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Same here. I blame Optus. Though opening it in private browsing makes it work somehow.
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Extremely so. But I bet he'd be so happy, being able to tell anyone he can about the true story of the ogre.
Cute. Kiki is made to be pet-named...
>Tomboys wearing a formal dress once in a while isn't a bad thing, imo.
Totally agree. They can still be tomboyish and look good in a dress. There's some good balance just waiting to be struck.
Anon, there's a file with a transcript of the entire game in all languages if you want to check it out. Bulbapedia has incomplete quote pages on some characters, so it was pretty useful to me.
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I still find it so wild how there's other Aussies here haha
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Actually you are right, now i'm imagining his adorable enthusiasm for telling Ogrepon's story. Maybe even gloating about everybody hated her before he set things straight.
I'm with Telstra and I use private browsing, so I have no clue what's going on.

That's what, three Australians here (including me)?

Thanks for that! Although I can't help but feel like it would be a nightmare on my hard drive.
>Cute. Kiki is made to be pet-named...
In a way, Kiki by itself is a pet name... though then again, maybe not considering its point of origin.
>There's some good balance just waiting to be struck.
Exactly my point, yeah.
I dunno either then.
At least three
Fuck he's so hot in this art. I wanna watch him act like a bully and then call him a little slut with bad manners and put him back in his place
Totally agree he'd be adorably enthusiastic. I think that kind of thing would be his dream job, Trainer-related stuff aside.
Your gif is so adorable too... his pretty animations...
>Thanks for that! Although I can't help but feel like it would be a nightmare on my hard drive.
No problem Anon! It's just a small .zip containing .txt files, nothing big or that would give you trouble.
>In a way, Kiki by itself is a pet name...
A pet name also waiting to be pet-named. Kicute. Kikitty. Kicandy. Pet name-ception
Damn. Glad to know I'm not alone, though. Hope this gets sorted out soon.

>It's just a small .zip containing .txt files, nothing big or that would give you trouble.
That's good to know. It might be a bit taxing searching for dialogue from a specific character, but I'm sure it will be an invaluable resource. Thanks.
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>It might be a bit taxing searching for dialogue from a specific character, but I'm sure it will be an invaluable resource.
Each character has a "variable" that replaces their name, so you can ctrl+F it to find all the relevant dialogue. For example, Kieran's is 0043. Nemona's is 0004. You're welcome
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>I wanna watch him act like a bully and then call him a little slut with bad manners and put him back in his place
It's just like that piece of art that had two images and that first was the resignation signing scene...
Then again, Drayton deserves it desu.
Thanks for that! Does it say the variables for the other characters? Or is it just guesswork?
Pretty sure I've seen more than one rendition of the club resignation scene. Still not enough.
Team Bully Drayton?
I'm not sure if the files indicate which variable corresponds to each name, I just guessed Nemona and Kiki myself. Pretty sure most of the others can be guessed from context/using ctrl+F on their name
Yeah, I'm not sure if I have a high enough IQ (or the patience) to read such a thing. Although maybe I'm just tired. Still, thanks for that.
>Team Bully Drayton?
A better team than Yell and Flare combined...
I must admit I took a while to get used to the weird formatting, it kind of makes me strain my eyes...
Not that it means much. We're really just Team Yell but for Kiki in the end, aren't we
I'd like to think we have a little more je ne sais quoi than that, but...
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But we do. Us Kiki fans are so much funnier and cooler
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So adorable.
I love these chibi Kikis so much
Kiki has inspired me to improve myself and put more effort into things
Same... Can't say it prevented burn-outs from happening, but oh well
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...how do i continue the story in the bb? ive caught near every mon i can without trading, just need some raids, and lacey's annoying me about classes...
Catch an alolan mon, talk to a teacher in the coastal biome iirc?
In part, my drive to go to the gym is fuelled by him... so same here.
And more prone random tangents about historical trivia too!
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1, his leg is real fuckin bouncy, like good lord
2, he hears "i cant do shit rn my parents are fuckin divorcing" and assumes its a sign of weakness
and 3, if pokemon werent a thing he'd get soooooo fuckin bullied, swirlies and all
>In part, my drive to go to the gym is fuelled by him... so same here.
Admirable. Should do the same... whenever I get my shit together. Whenever.
>And more prone random tangents about historical trivia too!
I really like those and I've never been a huge history buff or anything.
I love all of Kiki's animations but this one gives me anxiety
He looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown (Kieran, not the other guy)
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i think, not only has he already had one by this point, but that he is also kinda having a real prolonged state of mental duress, and (you) showing up maybe doesnt help
Kiki please go to sleep... have some rest...
Very relatable pic rel/file name combination

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