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Meganium bros...
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>outclassed by three NFEs
>outclassed by roselia
Lol Smogon
yeah, because meganium's real good in vgc right
Meganium isn't good in VGC either
The only viable Johto starter is Typhlosion because he got a regional form with an OP typing along with access to Eruption
That does still make them better off than the Sinnoh starter. Those guys saw 0 competitive play and receive no buffs or special forms of any kind
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How would (You) fix Meganium?

>Hard Mode: no type changes
>Impossible Mode: no type changes or ability changes
Quiver Dance and/or Dragon Dance
infernape and empoleon saw plenty of usage in gen 4 nigga, they just fell off afterwards
It's okay for mediocre pokemon to exist
Not every starter needs to be hyper minmaxed with broken hidden abilities that warp the entire competitive format around them
People are too used to the Incineroar/Rillaboom treatment
What needs fixing? It's a bulky mon that supports its team with things like Screens, Safeguard, Aromatherapy, etc
It's a well-rounded starter that can also buff itself with Calm Mind or Swords Dance
It's real failing is being in a gen that hates Grass types... if it and Sceptile swapped places, people would be singing its praises, and calling Sceptile a jobber(hard truth- even in Hoenn, Sceptile IS a jobber)
Give it Geomancy, a 100 BP grass type clone of Freeze Dry but for steel types, and Power Gem.
give it recovery so it can tank properly instead of being a suicide screener
>worse than tangela
holy lmao
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Meganium is perfect already.
Pokémon fans have yearned for a hard mode for ages, not realizing that they had one all along.
If you don't choose Chikorita, you're a pussy. Using MeGODnium is what separates the men from the boys.
this thread was made by >>56998008 after getting btfo by chadnium btw
all I see is copium that everyone prefers chadphlosion over my moms dino
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yeah, everyone with a 2 inch micro dick
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Stat rework every starter so they all have 535 BST.

>HP: 80 -> 110
>Attack: 82 -> 72
>Defense: 100 -> 90
>Special Attack: 83 -> 113
>Special Defense: 100 -> 90
>Speed: 80 -> 60

New signature move that is an 80% accurate Grass type Special Attack with 70 base power that inflicts Sleep.
It's not okay for starters to be mediocre. Starters should, at the very least, be serviceable. If they're getting completely outclassed by Pokemon you can get later in the game, they've failed.
Also, that signature move bypasses Safety Goggles and hits both opponents in a Double battle. Meganium would still be shit in Singles, but in VGC it would be everywhere.
It does a terrible job at supporting its team for competitive and support pokemon are all useless in the singleplayer in actual battling.
Also Meganium doesn’t learn Calm Mind in any generation.
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>taking smogons opinion seriously
I feel using the SV page would be more relevant

Not a single thing in that image is an argument for Meganium. If anything if that image is remotely representative of meganiun fans it suggests that Meganium has nothing likable about it and they only chose it to out of contraction spite against a cartoon badger.
>t. yphlosion
Meganium is also trash in VGC too. It’s current usage is 0.01%.
The one time it was decent was in GSC and its still largely outclassed by tons of grass types there.
This is also true for 99% of Pokemon.
Pokemon that are only good in Doubles or only good in Singles are the exception and take up only a small portion of all 1026 Pokemon.
Sorry but Meganium is trash.
Have Chikorita learn leech seed by level up instead of breeding. Make nearly all Pokémon competitive viable by making a point system for competitive team building which has the costs go up or down everyday based on winrate. Also maybe give it Earth power and Extradensory.
like you failed at life.
Who cares if they get outclassed you can beat the game with a fucking Ratata
Kids will use what ever pokemon they want and beat the game anyways
If you want to only use good pokemon go ahead. You can box your starter just like you can box all those early game shitmons
Pokemon is an RPG and one made for kids. The few kids that actually picked Chikorita get a bad impression when it sucks shit, even at its best.
It's one of my most important member if not the most important and I have 1879 elo on the OU ladder using her
What inspired GameFreak to make an ability like Leaf Guard but make it worse than Hydration and make it the ability of shitmons (mostly grass types weak to fire) who would have an actual good ability?
>>Hard Mode: no type changes
Gains Sleep Powder, Hidden Ability is Thick Fat instead of Leaf Guard.
I picked CHADorita at the age of 7 and it was the most fun I had ever had. I regret nothing and still use chikorita every time to this day. In other words, you're a faggot
>Pick the girly but not coombait starter
>Calls others faggots
lmao ok
it's called playing on hard mode, retard
>Hard Mode: Strength Sap and Triage
>Impossible Mode: All but one point of Sp.Atk into Sp.Def, All but one point of Speed into Def. Signature move is Grass-type Body Press, also learns standard Body Press, Sleep Powder, and Cotton Guard.
Why is this furrynigger so obsessed with dissing Smogon?
Singles 6v6 and tiers was what Pokemon was supposed to be, that's why Smogon is popular.
VGC is fanfic garbage to sell DLC-only busted trash like Urshifu, Ursaluna-BM, Ogerpon...
Give it a Ceaceless edge-like move. Samurott-H would be ZU trash without it. Orthworm is ZUshit without Shed Tail.
Meganium needs an offensive move that sets leech seed or screens

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