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What do you think about her?
I wish she was the travelling companion in XY instead. She had all the notes to be fun and engaging in every episode rather than this... lame-o we got.
Should've ended up with Ash at the end of XYZ, with Serena pining after Clemont instead.
You can always wish Korrina to travel with you instead.
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Cute.. CUTE!
Traveling around Kalos with Korrina sounds like a dream. Her being a Gym Leader and preparing you for Mega Evolution sounds like a fun idea to work with.
I want to see her compete against Pokemon and other trainers in wild roller derby

and see how she broke her tooth
Korrina is probably one of the biggest flops of Kalos despite she was shilled a lot, gamefreak probably is salty about it
Second part
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>strikingly beautiful
>smaller ass and tits than other girls her age
>inb4 "she's 15", out of 10
>fun, active personality
>runs a gym and is the succesor to the secrets of a broken mechanic
GF dropped the ball and she should've been a recurring rival through the story.
Imagine if after the Tower of Mastery fight, she showed up every so often to challenge (You) to a 1v1 with a rotating cast of Mega pokémon, and if you win you get the corresponding stone.
Imagine also, if she was a companion for a quest to find the remaning Sundial-activated stones before the remnants of Team Flare (or even Malva) in the post-game instead of them just magically appearing in random spots.
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Her hair is absolutely gorgeous. I just want to hug her from behind and feel her huge ponytail all over me...
Who's pulling them down?
Delicious pits and spats.
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It was me.
How could you, why would you do that?
with a body like that, she'd get absolutely wrecked in a real roller derby rink.
Also, is roller derby still a thing in HonHonBaguette Land? I thought it died with disco.
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You forgot to add that her family is Tiksian
please Cynthia mommy. Take me on the suri nain to get a pokemon body!
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Fucking Tiksian they all look the same to me
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Alive and breaking teeth
I would wait until she is sleeping, then drug her, kidnap her and rape her until she breaks.
No, i mean, she is cute.
It's fine. I'm a fighting type specialist too.
I'm impressed that such a niche sport is alive and kicking. And it's a very French thing to take something like this and keep it alive. The 'Parkour country'.
So I guess it's on brand. I really should replay XY sometime soon. I haven't played it since release.
How tough are you?
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Breedable. But that's what I think about any beatiful or cute woman so it's not really saying a lot.
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She is a 14 Year Old PokeFrench girl.

Some of the things you are thinking here is highly ILLEGAL!
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100% tops in bed
She's more than welcome to try.
The only thing I'm thinking is if she's PokeFrench she's likely got a nice bush goin on.
>professional roller skater
She doesn't have a single hair in her body that is not on her head.
For 14 years old she sure is a tough prodigy to learn Megas. How can she roller skate 24/7
Made for bulbous Lucario knot
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How would you use it?
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The diverse New French get to marry girls around her age bro. It's totally fine.
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I think her lucario is pretty breedable
Does the Riolu fuck Korrina?
Yeee boi
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By brushing it, playing with it, and taking in the scent.
I liked her skater girl theme and was annoyed the anime dropped that and turned her into a generic kung fu girl.
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Mating press
Built for hard mating press.
Looks way better without the biker helmet.
I honestly thought she'd sound like Applejack. The roller derby girl vibes gave me that "rough-n-tumble" vibe that I thought that kinda voice would suffice.
Yeah, add to that the fact that her original concept has a broken tooth and is of Slavic descent, I imagine her as a rather peculiar girl with a strong accent
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Fighting girls…
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I hate this. She does not even use Lucario in her Gym battle or Battle Chateau, her ace is Hawlucha. Every Kalosian gym leader is associated with a native Kalosian Pokemon except her. It is so unfair how Lucario steals the spotlight again in a completely different generation than its own.
Sorry bro, but she can't mega evolve her Hawlucha, so the focus goes to Lucario.
How would SHE react if I took her lucario to poundtown?
The skater chick who teaches you how to use Megas in XY
Mother and child
Wasnt she slavic
Their damn fault for not having her go with Ash instead of Serena and Bonnie.
They even tried desperately to shill her again in JN with all the crotch-shots, Ash's Lucario's rival wanking and lesbian Bea pairing and STILL failed to make her any more popular. All they had to do was make her lose the retard helmet...
You're actually confusing things, they weren't trying to shill her, what happens is that within the production of XY she became the favorite character of the internal staff, while the director only wanted to shill Allain.

She's just a pet character for those people and they probably have a good relationship with her seiyu......or it was just fetishism, with the Japanese it's hard to tell.
>what happens is that [schizocanon]

Opinion discarded
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In fact there was a petition to change Koharu for Korrina as the heroine of PM in Japan (After her episode on Mega Island) "coincidentally" after that the writers started giving more prominence to Koharu, I imagine the voice actress had already cashed her big check.

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