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What was her problem?
Similar to Lusamine, she was driven mad by loss to a point she subconsciously devised a plan guaranteed to kill her. She just wanted to die so she could be with Aster again.
She needed sex
I hate this stupid fucking edgy Mary Sue bitch so fucking much. I'm not a violent person normally at all but I would gladly shoot her in the face with a sawn-off shotgun.
From white men only, sorry but you don't fit that description, better luck next life anon
What does Zinnia like about white men?
Their cute and feminine penises
too much imagination
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No fucking shit.

Like what the fuck did they mean by this?
Zinnia is into traps?
>nonwhites fantastizing about white fetishism
What causes this phenomenon?
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That Zinnia deserves death.
Yeah she loves white men
hasn't had enough babies pumped into her
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her sister
Too much milk
She lost her daughter (Aster). Every delta episode is her grieving and wanting to kill herself, riding Rayquaza to destroy the meteor was the perfect excuse to do so. Her only consolation is thinking that Aster is alive in another universe (another reason to not let Steven and the main character send the meteor to another universe)
must be plapped
I want Zinna to tit fuck me so bad bros
She was a grieving mother and was justified in everything.
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>She lost her daughter (Aster)
Patently false.

Also the leaks had a pic of what Aster looked like. Basically it's like saying Obi-Wan is Luke's son.
Stinky feet.
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According to the leaks, Aster is Zinnia's daughter.


> It was originally the name of Higan's daughter, who passed away. In order to never forget her daughter, Higan gave Gonyonyo the same name as her daughter and they travel together.
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that's obviously something they back-pedalled on
zinnia's concept art shows aster, and that design is used in the pokemon evolutions short and iirc also in the pokespe manga
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the woman who appears in Zinnia's concept art refers to her as a shrine maiden, not Aster.
it could be that the lorekeeper also functions like a miko of sorts
the ohmori interview also points toward aster in the final game being older or the same age as zinnia
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hmm drasna dat you?
no way zinnia is even old enough to be a mother
She is a young woman between 18-22 years old. And teenage pregnancies do exist, so I think it is possible.
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Uncontrollably horny, her folds never stop itching
About Aster, the fact that she was the previous Lorekeeper doesn't necessarily mean that she has to be older or the same age as Zinnia, she could have been Zinnia's daughter as well (zinnia is a woman around 20 years old), if Aster was the "chosen one" with "special abilities" since she was born then she must have been trained as a Lorekeeper since she was a child (like 3-4 years old for example), Brendan (or May) was the new successor in less than 3 days so at most it would have taken Aster a few weeks perhaps.

Anyway, I don't rule out that maybe they changed their mind about her being the daughter, but I still think it makes more sense for her to be the daughter.
Could have been stillborn.

Or this, I kind of like this interpretation. It ties well into Zinnia's vague but constant coming on to everyone, she subconsciously thinks that having another daughter might mean her next kid has powers too, but she represses that thought because it feels like "replacing" Aster (though her Whismur shows she's not above that to some degree).
Stinky sweaty tomboy pits
How smelly is Zinnia
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She thought being a (((Lorekeeper))) gave her the right to command the FUG
The smelliest.
Her meds ran out
shota thirst
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Reminder that she almost caused unimaginable destruction, only prevented by a walking plot line.
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reminder that she killed TRILLIONS
Zinnia killed trillion of men's semen.
Was that from the teraleak? It’s the first time I’m seeing it.
indeed it is
it's also were the daughter thing came from
Aster being her daughter was a theory for years.
Tfw she stole a bunch of keystones but we didn’t get a cool rule breaking boss battle where she uses all those keystones to be able to mega evolve multiple times in one battle
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>"Oh, oh, what's this? Aren't you a happy girl, Aster? Just what I'd expect of my daughter! We're so in sync! Ahahaha!"
It was in the game.
>zard x
> sceptile
a bossfight like this would have been kino
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fug's cock
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this isn't the most reposted image anymore
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Let me guess. The most reposted image now is the Cynthia voreshit pic.
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Wanted FUG cock
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I hope she got better after the end of Delta Episode whenever she went. She was suicidal.
i'm currently coping with ZA
ORAS is a gen 6 game, and horizons doing rayquaza vs zygarde stuff might be a lowkey tease
that said, the hoenn games are tied with kanto for earliest point in the timeline, so if ZA takes place after XY, she's gonna be like, ancient by that point in time
You know this all sounds like jumping through a lot of hoops when you can just do the simple thing and assume Aster was just her mentor and not her child
I don´t remember Zinnia being this mad in ORAS. It feels strange due to her usual chill demeanor.
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There is also the fact that Aster said "Mum" a single time in a bubble speech during the events of the Sky Pillar. Right after Zinnia was mourning Aster.
Aster being her child makes her grief and insanity plus the whole thing with the Whismur feel more impactful.
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no you don't get it, it's actually sooper secrit deepest hidden lore, definitely not schizoposting!
Indigenous coded and resentful against stone corp killing her mom
She had her mentor/antecessor/lesbian lover die and pass all her unresolved work shit onto her. The grief and sexual frustration broke her mind and turned her into an eternally horny, creepy IRL doomposter and she went around making it everyone's problem.
In her addled mind, she went around being vaguely sexually aggressive with everyone and decided the only way to cope was to die being speared onto Fug cock, but he could see she was a HoFoSho' and rejected the thot. Her latest victim, a kidnapped prepubercent tween then caught Rayquaza to save it from the predator and they flew off into space, hunting down and enslaving a visiting alien to try and work through the trauma they just experienced at her hands.
She needs to go to a psychologist
lol that's not the character at all. If her plan worked right, she would have just saved the day the way you did. Her loss condition would mean EVERYONE dying, and I don't think she wanted that even if her battle intro animations make her an edgy little goblin. She genuinely thought she could command Rayquaza, she wasn't on a suicide mission. A suicide mission would have ment dooming the whole world.
Zinnia is a cool character and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
How is she cool?
This NPC got confused and assumed she was the player character of her game.
>Tried to go on her own little adventure across the region.
>Bullies all your acquaintances.
>Assumes you like her and agree with her method and plan
>Thinks it's perfectly acceptable to knock you out just to initiate a day/night cycle change.
>Summons Rayquaza fully expecting him to obey her.
Then what was Zinnia planning to use in order to go with Rayquaza to the space? Only the player casually has the Magma/Aqua suit that can withstand any impact.
If she is a mother then where is her husband?
It's me
Why do you think she's hunting down Fug?
She needs more children
The cloak probably has some fantastic stat buffs
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Google Lina Medina.
She doesn't have enough imagination
Trying to cuck Sapphire as hard as possible
Note: Zinnia died on her way to stop the meteor.
One of many. By a difference of around 300.
cant you post imagines anymore? doesn't have the same impact without the classic seviper pic..
>cant you post imagines anymore?
based jannies
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storyboard zinnia
>I know how to stop the Meteor.
>lol, what do you mean I have to explain how? Just trust me bro!
> Adults are soo stupid for not trusting me.
I don't understand why she is beloved.
Oh wow. I remember when ORAS’s script initially leaked in 2014 and anons were spreading that Aster was Zinnia’s stillborn child or something.
Thanks for posting I love Zinnia
Snoutface looking zesty here
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In desperate need of correction
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where is the whismur?
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I wonder what she was going to say
Zinnia hops on your dick right on the first meeting.
Steven takes you out to dinner first.
Lisia kidnaps and grooms you into doing Contest Spectaculars.
She is extremely hot, must be hard to live with that.
>post imagines
This thread could use some imagination.
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Anyone remember the Zinnia thread that survived through the SV ROM dump?
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The reason Zinnia has the phantom thief suit is because if Steven got it, the game would've died earlier this year.
Who tf is aster?
A major rival and supporting character in season 2 who's searching for The Ultimate D.
Zinnia's Whismur who was named after the previous Lorekeeper.
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>Higana calls Shigana, who travels with her, her "daughter." The reason for this is never directly stated, so we can only imagine, but it does seem as though she is thinking of someone else when she sees Shigana. Could there have been another person named Shigana in the past?

>Is she a "daughter" related to her by blood, or is it an analogy of being "pretty like a daughter"?
And also a Pro Duelist.
Previous Lorekeeper was her lesbian lover and Shigana/Whismur is their "daughter", named after her other "mother" in honor of her passing.
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Rayquaza is cool doe
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>◆ Higana doesn't want to use Shigana (Gonyonyo) in battle. It's probably a different partner from the Pokemon she has.
because she is waifu material
>horizons doing rayquaza vs zygarde stuff
Did fug finally get BTFO? Did Zygarde get its comeuppance?
Good design trapped in a shitty game
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Not being barefoot!
>series has no real precedence for alternate worlds at the time of ORAS' release
>previously old games were thought to just be retconned by remakes
>Zinnia suddenly says oh no but what about alternate worlds
>nobody in the fucking room knows what she's talking about because not even the fucking series itself has precedence for it, so it comes across as completely unhinged
That's why she was hated on release. Also girls like Steven and got mad when he was made into a little bitch.
Nah, the initial response was right. Gooning can't save a shit presentation.
It's a dragon tamer thing, they all have severe autism.
You already stolen my heart.
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Being the worst written character in the history of the pokemon videogame franchise is probably her biggest and most glaring problem
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tits too big
Rayquaza giving that sassy side eyes to Higana to assert shota/loli ownership.
Steven plans to teleport the meteor to random place in the universe. Zinnia claims it will teleport to another Hoenn. Her only source is her very fertile imagination.
Zinnia plans to use the power of Rayquaza to destroy the meteor and goes out of her way to ruin Steven's plan instead of treating it as an undesirable backup plan. Her plans with Rayquaza doesn't work out and because of her actions there's nothing else others can do. Only a miracle by the MC prevents mass extinction.
Bathing is an alien concept to her.
She just wants to protect the world where her daughter still lives.
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She needs to reunite with her husband and get over the death of her daughter.
She is the GOAT
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There is no problem with her, she is perfect
Cute zinnia
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We know, Rayquaza.
>"Dude, remember Black and White? Hahaha."
>this has nothing to do with her character at all
>make an anime girl
>make anime girl tell off the most prolific male character in the game
>said prolific character has lighter skin than her, is rich, and is also a figure of authority

She's practically custom-made for popularity among Twitter user.
We're beautiful.
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I didn´t knew that Zinnia had so many fans in /vp/. That´s a cute surprise.
>incredible design
>badly written
Fucking hell.
She has The Best battle theme in The franchise
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I feel like there was a senior artist/developer who really, really liked Zinnia and wanted her in ORAS, but they were already done drafting the main plot of the game, and nobody had the balls to tell him that shoehorning her into a tacked-on postgame story was a terrible idea
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[canon] she has the best body in all of hoenn
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>Gender: 9
Isn't that actually the case? They really wrote like Zinnia was in the right and her leaked info really had some bias for her.
Idk I didn't look to far into the leaks, that's just the impression I've always had
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What's he doing with his foot
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the whole Zinnia clan has known about the existence of other universes for ages, Zinnia was 100% right about taking responsibility and not sending your problems to others with less resources.
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She needs SEX
I wonder what kind of person is the man who stole her heart and gave her a daughter.
This, if you base a belief on fucking NOTHING, accidentally being right later down the line doesn’t mean you aren’t a dumb shit
Rival on the Fug
Ride monsters doggy style to save the world
why does she do the gremlin stance before battles
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She is crazy
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Best female character
> not even the fucking series itself has precedence for it
Did you not play BW or what? They made it pretty clear through the NPC dialogue that they’re a pair of alternate universes in contact with one another. The TCG even referenced this.
She should have fucked Steven.
And I mean FUCKED Steven. Pinned him down, mounted him, and made him cum balls deep in her.
But even by the timeline we know of black and white don't erase what came before it was merely a way of saying that either event could happen protag gets black or white dragon not what delta episode does where they outright state anything without megas didnt happen the way we saw it
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She was dumb and sexy. The perfect combo.
What is it with faggot weebs and thinking that two characters that hate each other should have sex? Surest way to pinpoint somebody that has never had sex before, I swear
She needs more love
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>he doesn’t know about hatesex
>But even by the timeline we know of black and white don't erase what came before it
Neither did ORAS, seeing as they referenced regular RSE as well as ORAS in subsequent games. ORAS didn’t “erase” shit, it just reiterated that each pokemon game takes place in a slightly different universe. By your logic, BW “erased” DP as those games reference content and events exclusive to Platinum.
Wasted potential.
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Fair i used the wrong phrasing. I know oras isnt erasing things its just my way of exaggerating the fact that post oras the timeline is weird as hell to explain because she states that oras is a time where megas were discovered around the time of RBY/RSE being that those are the beginning of the timeline but then after that we have no idea what the fuck else would take place in this time and with the removal of megas post sm it gets weirder cus unless they make reference to mega evo then it could just be in both times or whatever. Also since oras being more of a reimagining type remake we cant just assume things went the same now with new megas, we have to assume events went majorly the same but changed in turned which isnt that different its just with delta episode not going like emerald for obv reasons and primials happening instead of just normal whale and rock creature there more major changes to be assumed with it. Basicaly I'm a bitch baby about the timeline shifts cus while i could make sense of it i just liked it more when the remakes just slotted right in with the original more than creating an alternate version of the events
>By your logic, BW “erased” DP as those games reference content and events exclusive to Platinum.
I mean kinda yeah? While dp's intro makes sense for understanding where gen 2 and 4 take place everytime they show the summoning of the legendary at spear pilliar its always both dialga and palkia leading to giritina not just one or the other and while thats not evidence i would say that i imagine the preferred and most realistic time would be the platinum time making dp weird offshoots. Its weird i actually am glad you pointed this out cus it does reframe my view of that statement gets me to look at it as a possibility of slotting in rather than creating a timeline in of itself but it just doesn't work as naturally as previous remakes did so i'll bitch forever like a faggot
She says she loves the player too, regardless of whether they're Brendan or May
Of course that makes her a pedophile but really that just makes her the same as the rest of this board
Sex with Zinnia.
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No seriously I don't get it
Niggas wanted him fucking May or Wallace or CYNTHIA for a fucking decade
It's impossible, she already has a husband with whom she had a daughter (who died).
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Not enough Brendan cock
And at that moment... something awakened within Ruby.
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She hates him?
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>wild tomboys in girly clothes
that's the fucking GOOD shit right there.
My Queen...
My wife...
My love...
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because he is able to ride rayquaza and she is not
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