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Legendary frens Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>December 6th: PM2023 076 - Sohnano? Soh It Is!


Future episodes:
>December 13th: PM2023 077 - Randou Returns to His Hometown
>December 20th: PM2023 078 - A Fierce Fight Against Entei! A Noble Roar of Flame!!

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Previous: >>57002033
New episode released, new can of worms. With Rystal's side finally revealing what pushes Gibeon to find Rakua while also unveiling more about the past, there are still a few holes to fill that will come over time:
>How did Lucius and Gibeon met their shiny dwagons?
>How long have the original explorers searched together for Rakua?
>How much of the original script do you think will stay in tact for the second half now that the first half is nearly reached?
>Potential capture candidates for Roy and Dot after Liko?
>What other locations in Paldea for the upcoming retracking would you like to see getting covered in the Likonime?
>What other locations in Paldea for the upcoming retracking would you like to see getting covered in the Likonime?
A bit more of the academy. Saguaro needs to pass on his teachings to Liko.
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>Adopts the turtle's nickname
How fuckin' old is Gibbon?
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>Likonime could've started because Gibeon was losing his mind from Rystal and Lucius making Layla
At the very least over a hundred years old if he has his his twenties by the time of the Rakua incident.
>How did Lucius and Gibeon met their shiny dwagons?
Lucius probably helped it out with a smaller situation and managed to woo it to search for Rakua. Gibeon did the same but convinced him with potential bluepills.
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Liko in Pokeland please.
Sauce please?
Never mind, found it. oka_3776.
>Profile doesn't exist
Pain, probably changed the name handle since I still see newer stuff popping in.
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Roy with a Pokemon with a heart pls.
>Potential capture candidates for Roy and Dot after Liko?
Personally betting on Pawmi for Dot after a suggestion in a earlier one.
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They would never
Oh they would. Considering it passes the paldean border test.
Well there are a few.
Aside from Liko fending off the Terapagos, Roy could get that Lokix
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Look at that bod. She's supposed to have a baby inside her here, but it clearly hasn't started to develop.
It wasn't that long ago that they did it.
Gibeon heard EVERYTHING.
You think that the Rakurium is also responsible for her early death?
For two people who fucked, Lucius and Rystal aren't very romantic.
All their interactions we were shown were very buddy-buddy, and Lucius behaves like an excited child. He didn't come off as someone who had recently popped a cherry.
Where do you think the Harlot jokes about Liko come from? Rystal had the pants in their relationship
This is actually unheard of for Pokemon, so I don't blame them for not accepting it. I remember there was a similar plotline in a Celebi episode, where they travel back in time to the past of an old woman who lost her husband while he was out of town for work, before she got to tell him she was pregnant. Horizons just skipped the marriage part.
Has Rhydon died yet?
Goddamn Likonime is making Abe proud even hundred of years ago.
About 120 years old.
Gibeon sitting in his big boy chair, huffing his big boy drug.
The end of the series will have his aging body disintegrate right in front of Liko.
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its not in sv you retard
I need my Rakulium fix now. I can work for 48 hours straight on that shit!
What happened?
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And here we have liko trying to show off meeting the mighty G only for dot to be distracted by liko in a swimsuit...

Also no episode at the end.
>break on Maaya Uchida's birthday
Is there like a list of episodes where Fug appears? Idc about the characters I just want to see Fug
Liko's Terapagos event for SV when?
I feel like one thing people are missing regarding the episode is that we literally only got Rystal's POV. We know woefully little about Gibeon's own journey before meeting the group or even a whole lot about what happens after he joined before going to Rakua. Heck, we don't even know a whole lot about Lucius still. I think we're gonna get the next chunk at the climax of the arc where Explorers make their next move for Gibeon (why he wanted to find Rakua, why he was so adamant on utilizing Rakunium despite the dangers) and the final chunk will be near the end of the show for Lucius (How he set out on his journey in the first place, how he met Rayquaza, what's happened in the century+ he's been trapped in Rakua if he's still alive like Gibeon)
iv enjoyed horizons.

its not perfect yes but its nice, i do wish thing picked up sooner but its finally here at least.

I love Ash and the Ashanime and all but im glad there have been zero references to him or it, its a refreshing take on the series.
My assumption is that we will get Gibion's side and some details about his relationship Lucius and then when they reach Rakua Lucius will likely be a live and we'll get his back story.
>arven and kieran scored 2nd and 1st on that popularity thing corocoro did a while ago
>arven shows up but says nothing and kieran seemingly doesn't exist
Are they stupid?
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>arven shows up but says nothing
I remember someone who was in the same boat. I wouldn't be so quick to write him off.
Amethio didnt knew much about the pendant, Liko and Rakua aside from being told at the beginning to get the pendant. If there is an instance where Gibeon would share his side of the story it would be to bluebill Amethio into helping him out. Lucius's side of the story might be shown in a separate instance but then again nothing is known about his current state and if he was killed by the growing rakurium. That's something I've been thinking about the Likonime: where does it leave Lucius and Gibeon at the end? Rystal is long dead but those the two are still left in the open.
Bulbapedia refuses to accept the truth.
>Croc imitating Roy
Cute. Also December is Ludlows month to flex on Liko and Co
>aging body disintegrate right in front of Liko.
Liko will need a full time therapy for this, because he took the gurumin suit with him.
>What other locations in Paldea for the upcoming retracking would you like to see getting covered in the Likonime?
The ten sights of Paldea.
>Potential capture candidates for Roy and Dot after Liko?
Roy might score a Racli
>What other locations in Paldea for the upcoming retracking would you like to see getting covered in the Likonime?
Liko and co night go around the sen sights or see those rods scattered across the map.
Maybe at the end of the Gen cycle. And allowing it to breed with the male one of the game.
Yeah that's a touching part. Lili definitely won't let it feel alone like that
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>dot to be distracted by liko in a swimsuit...
That's spinel's line
>Gibeon heard EVERYTHING.
They wanted him to be the godfather so he came up with an excuse on the spot and that was the rakurium.
Fug could flatout eat the Pokemon. And that's a morbid thought.
Are there any other Grimms tales that could be filler material in the Likonime?
Can you stop lying?
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Just started Rayquaza Rising, currently watching for she.
Second Biggest Whores are Hoennese.

Dressing up in slutty outfits to please Execs and older men. Fuck Idol bitches. Lisia is diseased.

Not like my pure waifu Ogerpon who is for me and me alone.
Cute seething Carmine.
>Not like my pure waifu Ogerpon who is for me and me alone.
Juliana won, retard.
>Aside from Liko fending off the Terapagos, Roy could get that Lokix
Lokix would be nice.
Rystal said she found Terapagos in The great crater. Do you think that means is Gamepagos or a second one that somehow survived? Probably the later since I'm pretty sure Heath described being attacked by Terapagos.
She appears for only one episode.............. To be joke to show how cool & smug Friede and Caps are.
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Carmine seething is always cute.
I'm aware, I just like her.
At this point this is absolutely necessary for --
> Leon to get Eternatus.
> Cynthia get Giratina.
> Steven get Deoxys
> Ash gets Dawn mene Necrozma or Victini
How long did Goh know Suicune?
A day.
If RVT goes to Pokémon 2019 Galar than --
> Sonia is already a professor who wrote a book on Galar's history.
> Leon is the league Chairman.
> Marnie has become a gym leader.
> No mention of Chairman Rose.
> Everybody knows about Eternatus, Zacian and Zamazenta.

Doesn't it feels like RVT visiting the post Game Galar even though the game story never happened on Pokémon 2019? You do understand what I mean, do you?
> Suicune , a sub legendary and servent of Ho-oh.
> Terapagos, the third legendary pokémon and strongest pokemon in the region that act as the source of Terastalization and drag things from other timelines.

They aren't the same.
Terapagos wobbling its head when talking to Fug was the cutest thing.
>Rystal said she found Terapagos in The great crater. Do you think that means is Gamepagos or a second one that somehow survived?
I think it can be a second one. The one that in the game was in a dormant state in contrast so it wouldn't detract from the games.
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That little shit will enslave all legendaries, all of Paldea on the blood of its foes. While looking adorable.
These people have sources proving them wrong, why are these people the ones who are in the wrong and get banned?
Exactly what you read. A bulbapedo janny for some reason decided that Ash's charizard was non-binary. They editted Charizard's page to take any gender off of it and started banning people who changed it back even the people who cited sources.
It's a major reason why Bulbapedia's quality has gone downhill. The freak pervert banned a lot of the top contributors.
I know it's hard to believe, but there are a couple people who like Ash and the Ashime. They're not common but they are out there.
So basically Liko is the strongest? Nice.
>It's a major reason why Bulbapedia's quality has gone downhill.
As if it wasn't already bad before then. How come the sysop hasn't been ousted yet? Besides, where did that idea come from anyway? Charizard has been known to be male since fucking OS, that talking Pokemon episode.
When did this happen?, because the page list it as a male.
>and drag things from other timelines
Several years I think. Idk time's dilated for me harder than that bulbapedo's ever dialed 8.
You can probably find when by searching the vp archives with the right keywords.
Oh my God just IGNORE Fagmon. He's retarded as hell and doesn't even own the games.
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Over one hundred years old. Unless he had his son at a very late date and his son doing the same, then it would somewhat line up. Otherwise I am suggesting a muddied family tree for Gibeon as opposed to Liko's.
>That's something I've been thinking about the Likonime: where does it leave Lucius and Gibeon at the end?
Probably somewhere between the latter doing a hero for reals or them going back to the past. It would be depressing for Lucius to find out that he outlived his own child by those means.
>Where do you think the Harlot jokes about Liko come from?
Liko is not a whore.
>Rystal had the pants in their relationship
Well yeah, how else do you think she managed to get him to knock her up?
Where's Xavier-sama?
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Busy with Nemona atm.
>Are there any other Grimms tales that could be filler material in the Likonime?
I don't think so. The Pokeland adapation has the most conditions met by the Likonime
I completely forgot about the ten sights. Them visiting them would be nice.
Bulbapedia should have every instance of Fug appearing in its page under the anime segment.
I would go insane from that too. Liko should be grateful that not once did the Turtle showed them how they went at it.
I don't think so. Nothing is exactly clear about how it affects humans to begin with.
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>Rystal lost her husband, her Papogo and her traveling companion in a single day
>Left to fend for herself and the unborn child
Bruh that's depressing to think about it.
Anyone else disappointed by how generic Rakua ended up looking? The mythical paradise and mysterious land you've been teasing ends up looking like a generic natural area you could find a random anipoke fillor. Like sure, there was Rakurium, but that was literally the only interesting thing about the place. Everything else was completely normal with sights you could see anywhere.
It should've just been area zero
It should've just been some made up pokeatlantis-tier bullshit. Give me fallen civilizations from a parallel universe. Give me edgy ghosts of former tyrants who possess a main character or villain. Give me Alain.
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>Lucius had one, ONE female travel buddy
>fucked her then fucked off
>Ash had 9
>didn't fuck a single one

I'm lowkey worried over how they'll portray Area Zero, lol. I hope they do it justice.


Yeah pretty much all of that sounds more compelling than generic nature place with trees and mountains.
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Ash x Dawn
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>That's something I've been thinking about the Likonime: where does it leave Lucius and Gibeon at the end? Rystal is long dead but those the two are still left in the open.
I legit haven't thought about it. That's a good one. Lucius might hop into the past back for a time axis where he stayed with Rystal
Yes, but when did Gibeon score puss puss?
At the very least around the time when Diana was born
No puss puss for Gibby. He just genetically cloned himself.
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>Otherwise I am suggesting a muddied family tree for Gibeon as opposed to Liko's.
Could be possible.
I believe it
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All in favor of predicting Amethio and his Papa are tube babies, say aye!
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Don't forget that she also died young after her child was born.
That's just flatout sad. Fug
I could imagine that being true. Might even be slightly genetically engineered, considering how similar Amethio looks to (younger) Gibeon.
>obscuring the hebe thighs
That's misery gold.
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Oh yeah, Diana did say she died young... how young, I wonder.
Was she a teen pregnancy? Was she in her twenties?
Remember GF was concerned with Rakua becoming too similar to Gaia (gen 10 games). Who knows how much cool shit was cut

They have already visited some without dropping name, no? They climbed to the Glaseado summit

Orla (I think) points out he'd be too old to be Amethio's grandfather, so there's definitely something else

At least since it's been already lampshaded, it's not going to be like ATLA where fire lord Sozin became a father at 80 and it was never brought up
Well, Amethio looks too much like Gibby to have been adopted or stolen, and Terapagos mistakes him for his grandpappy, so it's definitely a blood relation.
But yes, the guy is waaaaaaaaaay too old to have waited years to have one kid who then had his own kid who is only a teen.

>Remember GF was concerned with Rakua becoming too similar to Gaia (gen 10 games). Who knows how much cool shit was cut

Oh my god, you're right. Fucking Gamefreak probably told them to cut stuff out because they explicitly mentioning wanting to avoid overlap with their gen 10 setting. They fucking ruin everything, don't they?
I wonder how Amethio's hair colors came to be. I've argued that Amethio could be a clone of Gibeon, but then it turned out that Gibeon's hair was always completely white.
So someone must've contributed their genes for Amethio to have his two hair colors.
Someone spilt ink in the cloning machine.
The only notes were about the geographical setting. You know, peninsulas, archipelagos, small groupings of islands and what not. And considering how zoomed in we were we never even saw any of that.

They also had ideas for modern day rakua after all the damages from 100 years, so you have to wait before complaining about that one.
Teen pregnancy would be pushing the boundaries. I'd say at the start of being 20 (Which is adulthood in Japan)
I'd that I am more surprised about the even White and Black split than anything else. Probably related to the leaks about Fug and Zygarde in the current anime emulating Reshiram and Zekrom maybe?
>Probably related to the leaks about Fug and Zygarde in the current anime emulating Reshiram and Zekrom maybe?
Oh shit, you're probably onto something.
Maybe he did a little bit of fucking around in the literal sense, only picking up those he deems usable as family? He's not known by his face by anyone at exceed or anyone outside of the explorers and now the volteccers, so who knows what else he has done in the last 100 years.
That was my first guess after seeing the latest episode. Gibeon and Lucius are kinda reflecting that too in their disposition. Lucius was the ever opportunist one, which plays into Zekroms part with the dwagon of ideals whereas Gibeon is the ever grounded one based on what he has found out about Rakua, like what the truth is about (Reshiram).

And while reposted this did I noticed the pun with the grounded one. Get it? Grounded, ground type, white zygarde being part ground-type?
>Orla (I think) points out he'd be too old to be Amethio's grandfather, so there's definitely something else
There is also the part about Amethio's father apparently bailing on Gibeon and by proxy Amethio. When they bring him up there is also that to untangle too.
>>Maybe he did a little bit of fucking around in the literal sense, only picking up those he deems usable as family?
Everyone in the Rising Volt Tacklers turns out to be Gibeon's illegitimate child or grandchild.
>Gibeon and Lucius are kinda reflecting that too in their disposition. Lucius was the ever opportunist one, which plays into Zekroms part with the dwagon of ideals whereas Gibeon is the ever grounded one based on what he has found out about Rakua, like what the truth is about (Reshiram).
While that is a nice touch, it leaves Amethio in a weird position. You can tell that they went for the grudge angle by the Ceruledge. That they chose a Pokemon which is fueled by resentment towards a teenage boy has a few directions it can go into. Acting out the resentment in place of his grandfather? Is he gonna find something about either Liko or Gibeon that will set him off?
Anyone feeling pleasantly surprised by Liko calling the turtle Papago? Not sure if she will continue it onward and maybe it's me liking the nickname concept but the sentiment behind it is quite nice.
*Anyone else feeling
I was more surprised that it didn't count has "her" Pokémon yet desu.
It might be another Cosmog case just with extra steps. But I am quite fond of the idea that Liko uses the nickname to make sure that the turtle doesn't feel alone.
Yeah, that's really cute.
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I like it too
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Rakua was only played up to be a glittering paradise because of the rakurium
That must hurt
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The moment he crawled out of the gap
Ludlow month? Cool if true
Why did Lucius commited pepsi by isolating himself with the Rakurium in Pagogo's barrier?
What is the point? what can he do in there?

Is it to avoid paying child support?
He knew damn well she had a bun in the oven.
He wanted no part of it and had been trying to get away for a while. He took his chance.
Nobody had any expectations to begin with. This episode only confirms Liko's status as a Mary Sue.
>Why did Lucius commited pepsi by isolating himself with the Rakurium in Pagogo's barrier?
Someone had to stay behind and make sure the good shit isn't going to waste. I know for sure that Spinel is enjoying hotboxxing his room
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>Is it to avoid paying child support?
I don't think he would've bailed if he had the choice. He said "our future" in regards to Layla.
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>Liko will need a full time therapy for this, because he took the gurumin suit with him.
>Over one hundred years old. Unless he had his son at a very late date and his son doing the same, then it would somewhat line up.
Eh, I think there was one generation between himself and Amethio's dad that was skipped verbally.
Lucius outliving Layla is the biggest bummer to me. Like bro, that will sink in someone's guts.
>Gibeon (why he wanted to find Rakua, why he was so adamant on utilizing Rakunium despite the dangers) and the final chunk will be near the end of the show for Lucius (How he set out on his journey in the first place, how he met Rayquaza, what's happened in the century he's been trapped in Rakua if he's still alive like Gibeon)
I think those two are probably gonna change up dependent on how much they've invested into Rakuacoin.
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His soul has left his body.
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>Gamefreak probably told them to cut stuff out because they explicitly mentioning wanting to avoid overlap with their gen 10 setting.
That's the weirdest way to reveal what the layout sare probably gonna be based on.
Well, what do you think about that revelation?
NTA but I think it's alright to have small groups of islands as long as its done right
>I-It's fine, Liko. You can give me a hug instead...
>Huh? But you're not Gurumin.
I think they will at the very least feature Gibeon's side. It would fill up a lot of context as to why he impulsively gave into it.
Burn the gurumin suit
He fucked Goh, who is a female with a penis and male pronouns
That's what Liko would unironically say.
They went under the assumption that it was Lucius's Pokemon
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So Lucius and Rystal got away with having a child out-of-wedlock?
Is hianime completely fucked for anyone else?
Yep. I mean even wikis didn't notice that they never married.
Yeah. I'm more shocked that nobody here seems to care. We all know coomers run this board.
We're open-minded. Rystal took care of her despite not living long.
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The dub really made this thing pull a Psyduck
What does that mean?
I was curious about the dub at first, but then I saw that Pawmo sounded like Mickey Mouse and I immediately realised that it was beyond saving.
Listen to how it cries in the dub
I never watched the English dub of the original anime so I don't know what Psyduck sounds like there
Ann is not cute.
Licute >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spinel
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>the True Hero's Reshiram = Gibeon's White Zygarde
>the Ideal Hero's Zekrom = Lucius's Black Rayquaza
>dream seeker Kyurem = dream performer Terapagos
The more links I see to gen 5 the more confused I am for the lack of remakes.
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Man I would love a Koraidon-Reshiram and Miraidon-Zekrom fusion. Not sure how Terapagos-Kyurem would work tho
They insist they got married before meeting Gibeon, and she got pregnant while they searched for Laqua, but it's obvious from her slim body that she hasn't been pregnant for long by the time everything goes to shit.
(who the fuck gets someone pregnant while they're travelling the world anyway? Control your horny Lucius, jesus)
A ice turtle?
How did Rystal or Layla die again? You mean they died young?
Rystal died young but the cause is unknown atm
Layla apparently lived out a normal life
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>Not sure how Terapagos-Kyurem would work
A flatter Kyurem with Tera Properties?
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>Why did Lucius commited pepsi by isolating himself with the Rakurium in Pagogo's barrier?
Someone had to make sure the rakurium doesn't break out. That takes a while.
>> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=alZdtRwUudc&list=LL&index=4&pp=gAQBiAQB

More soul than the entire Pokémon Horizon series.
Who cares about that when we are looking at the strongest trainer anipoke has ever known even stronger than Tobias Trip Alan and Goh
What are the odds that Lucius is still alive? It's not impossible, given that Gibeon fell into a fissure and apparently lived, but what effects would being squashed in with Rakurium do to a motherfucker? If he is still alive, is he even still recognizably human?
>What are the odds that Lucius is still alive?
Fairly decent but I don't think he would willingly reside in the modern age of he can help it.

SM gangs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> RVT
Probably because they are all kids instead of adults.
if that is true then why sm gang not return because it look like they are unpopular to return
Umm they did ........ On JN series
what episode
> JN 37 That New Old Gang of Mine!
> JN 112 Helping the Hometown Hero!

Did you even watch JN series?
h..how? what can he do?
Zygarde's cells are already in there.
He can just observe from outside of the barrier
wow ash not even able to last 37 episode without needing old characters return make things interesting again.
at this point it obvious that it looks like rvt and liko more interesting
The cells were disintegrated from trying to contain the explosion
wow Liko not even able to last 37 episode without needing RVT return to do everything for her.

At least Ash managed to carry a show with just one male companion.
The same reason humans are present in anything. To make it more appealing to the audience.
Humans have no actual in universe reason to exist. They're dumber slower weaker and other than the waifubait they're also uglier.
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that was the chuuni executive trying to sabotage liko to bring back ash but it turns out rvt and liko just that popular to not need old characters return.

liko strongest trainer in anipoke ever.
It was more like the chuuni executive trying to sabotage Ash to make Liko look better by handing her third legendary pokémon because of her magical bloodline but it turns out Ash and his companions just that popular without needing get free legendary pokémon.

Ash is still the best protagonist in entire Pokemon history.
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talk when ash catch legendary until then such weakest anipoke trainer to exist even roy mog him who going to catch rayquaza as strongest anipoke trainer ever even stronger than liko
Oh you mean Ash being an actual character who earn everything unlike self inserts who get everything handed to them.
Can mods just permaban both of these genwarring pieces of shit already?
I'm kinda miffed that they're using pink mist for rakuiam stuff. Pink mist in previous sources has been associated with the dream world so I'm hoping this doesn't trigger their tism and prevent the dream world from being expanded upon in the future.
That's leaving the rakurium in a weird vaccum. Becazse it was laying around there. Where did it came from? Because if Rakua was already know as the glittering paradise from the pink stuff then it could've been from a different civilization.
My fingers are crossed that it's tied to the dream world / dimensional bridge stuff too, but OLM has always disappointed when it comes to representing canon lore. The fact there's just a rayquaza and zygarde casually hanging out with two as far as we know literal whos doesn't inspire much confidence.
There might be episodes behind how they met the two. They did showed how Lucius met them although briefly so extending it to an episode for a respective legendary is one option.
did showed how Lucius met *the six heroes
Or how they even knew of Rakua in the first place.
Calm down Kieran.
I think that they would combine both Gibeon and Lucius's backstory in one episode as a back-to-back contrast.
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wild theory: what if rakuriam IS kieran. Like Kieran's cope and seethe is so strong that it's manifesting in Liko's world even though he doesnt even exist in this world. And his malding won't end until a terapagos is sacrificed to him.
I mean, think about it
>the mist makes you irrationally angry and violent just like kieran
>Terapagos hates the mist just like terapagos hates Kieran
>the mist is pink which is kinda short-guy gay energy just like Keiran
>Rakuriam is just kinda there for some reason even though nobody wants it just like Keeran
>it's up to the main characters to stop Rakuriam from ruining everything just like how we had to stop Queeran from ruining everything in SV
or it could be ash since hes also gone and unwanted
>Kieran's cope and seethe is so strong that it's manifesting in Liko's world even though he doesnt even exist in this world
That sounds so absurd it could work.
New episode previews when? The 20th?
Yeah, 20th or a day before then
I meant an upcoming episodes preview vid, not episode titles.
Probably at the 20th, the scene of Lucius and a seismic shift hasn't been shown yet.
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Ash x Dawn
>Like Kieran's cope and seethe is so strong that it's manifesting in Liko's world even though he doesnt even exist in this world. And his malding won't end until a terapagos is sacrificed to him.
Kieran coming around to a legendary in any form of media would be reinvigorating.
Why did Terapagos kill Lucius? Clearly Rystal didn't want him to sacrifice himself yet the turtle went in anyway and made sure his plan succeeded despite not even being his Pokemon
>Why did Terapagos kill Lucius?
It's a genocidal Maniac.
Does a legendary need an excuse to kill? Humans should know their place as statistics in a legendary's kill count.
How many legendaries actually have a human kill count?
I find it interesting that despite it being Gibeon's, Zygarde still attempted to stop the Rakuriam even though Gibeon told it not to.
In the end did its impulsive to protect the earth caved in.
Well blowing up the earth in a gulf of rakurium would be kinda going against nature.
Confirmed? Not enough. But we do know for a fact that Groudon, Kyogre, Yveltal, Reshiram, Zekrom, etc have massive kill streaks.
Why did Zygarde choose to remain with Gibeon after that? Is it stupid? /vp/ told me Pokemon can leave their trainers whenever they want
Why did your mom stay with your dad? Abusive relationships require both parties to comply and sometimes people are too sentimental or stupid to leave them.
My dad is a lovely person
Tag: iminent_rape
Because the matter with Rakua isn't settled yet and the 40% cells are probably still there holding the rakulium off.
Onyx's asking for it.
Also I just realized I typed only one m, that's what I get for posting just after waking up
So it is stupid
Gibeon's the stupid one. Zygarde is the sentimental abusive one.
Who has all the power in the relationship? Zygarde. Who's suffered from the relationship? Gibeon.
Stop for not stepping in sooner.
Because they’re still friends.
Briar seems to have encountered the one in Area Zero like in the games, so Rystal probably just picked up one of the few other survivors in the crater.
It would work out, yeah.
If we're talking explicitly confirmed as in "this person was alive and now isn't", no disappearances or implied loss of human life after a mass-destruction event or "steals life force" then it's just Koraidon/Miraidon and paradox Donphan if you consider paradoxes legendaries
Paradoxes are in the niche tier.
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>>How did Lucius and Gibeon met their shiny dwagons?
Probably hatched as an Egg, seeing how small it was back then.
Terapagos is a danger and a menace to society we already know that.
hydreigon should have swept Ash's team.
I am so disappointed they made it loose to that fire swine shitmon -.-
Ash's whole Unova team is crap
>Who knows how much cool shit was cut
This is the same studio that is more concerned of doing anything but working on their own game. If they hadn't delayed then ZA would have even less devtime than SV and nobody can deny the performance disaster of that one.
The little shit is filled with hate. Have you seen the response towards Gibeon's name? That's the cry for blood
But Terapagos is still not a murderer.
That's obscene, anon.
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They saw Xavier-sama, didn't they?
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Geez I wonder who could that be behind this post.
Pagogo, stop getting into Riko's Rotom phone, you'll tarnish her Gurumin search history.
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I would be ok with such an iteration of kieran

Event promoted by Lucius himself
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What a madman.
Also Fug probably appearing near the end of the year maybe?
My hero.
Only two more weeks.
I wonder if the fact liko only has 3 of the hero balls on the belt means this was meant to come out sooner?
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Maybe Lucius ran into it in the early days
Pretending that all the artistic depictions of mass death and all the stories of the same thing aren't actually real is a bit silly. Do you really expect Gamefreak to depict that stuff happening? If we're going this far then no human has ever died to pokemon except for that one chick and a few others who got stone'd to death by Yveltal in the anime.
So Amethio has not been seen by any of the admins, you think he's off on his own for the turtle or the Rakurium?
Liko. NOT Riko
That or he will do a Spinel
Rystal died young, young enough for Layla to not remember her name.
Or she just never told diana her grandmother's name before she herself passed away. I had to ask my mom what my grandparents names were when I was a teenager and one of them is still alive today with my grandfather passing away two years ago. Turns out it's rare for a person to refer to their parents as their first names.

You know, one day i was like "wait, what are my grandparents names?" My grandfather's name was milfred fyi, not wilfred with a w, but milfred with a m. Still funny twenty years later.
That could be a possibility too.
Eh, we don't exactly know how old Layla was by the time of Rystal's. It being before she got to find out about her name would line up narratively, bonus points if she went as far as not to provide her name if it means to bury the rakua hatchet.
That reminded me of the guy who is still on the grindset for a Shiny fug in Swsh.
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So what did he do to piss Mollie off even harder than Friede does?
For the cat to get her paws dirty?
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>strongest pokemon
>normal type
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Your Mewtwo/Kyogre/Primal Groudon/Yveltal/Calyrex-Shadow looks weird...
Oh you're talking about the fanfic meta.
Most of these are considered the best in official metas too. And the llama is so bad no one ever used one in a official match.
Because it's illegal, retard
>being this dense
Since when was there an "official" competitive that didn't have rules out the ass?
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>Feathers are red white and green

Hungary region confirmed for Gen 10?
No, Italy region obviously!
Those are just Ho-Oh feathers.
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>red and white native american bike Reshiram
>purple and black Akira-like bike Zekrom
>Yin-Yang dream catcher Kyurem with ability to switch between Zekrom-Miraidon and Reshiram-Koraidon like traits
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Did somebody say Terapagos fusions?
Kieran would just kill himself if he saw that
That's so fucking cool.
Fucking kek
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