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You can tell she is cool cuz she is wearing sunglasses!
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Chippy chippy chappy Chappy!
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Did that comic really make you that upset Jannies? I thought it was funny
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Lust provoking image
It's too bad Pokémon doesn't really have regular transformation sequences like other series.
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>jannying for Penny
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not a janny, but it being the first post sullies the thread. What is your honest opinion on Sylveon?
>For Penny
Who is Penny? Because it sure ain't money!
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How much does Slyveoon get an hour
My place could use some tidying up
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That's a really cool and well done animation!
I just wanna tf into a sylveon with a cute little cock and balls and let every other eeveelution use me as their sissy fuck sleeve
hello, discord
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That holowear is so pretty!
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page 10 in just 2 hours!?
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Were we invaded again?
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I don't see anything out of the ordinary, maybe someone is trying to bump a thread to page 10, and it is bringing our threads to page 10 with it
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Or maybe... WE are the target!?
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Well then... bring it on!
It seems to have died down a little, was it because we noticed? I don't know.
What was /vp/ reaction like when Sylveon first revealed?
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You can read about it here and adjust the date to your liking.
I'm going through page after page cause I'm curious too
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It's fun to see people speculate about Sylveon and what type it is
Someone guessed it right too and was insulted for it lol
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well, we never change huh
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lol clearly not, only we are less ashamed of it today
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This guy almost got it right. https://archive.palanq.win/vp/thread/11761370/#11761997
still waiting on a dragon type eeveelution
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