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Prehistoric edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you’re going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won’t help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it’s only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>56926937 (Kangaskhan selfie edition)
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Requesting Reshimom blowing a raspberry
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Requesting Elphaba and Glinda from the Wicked movie as Pokémon Trainers with Elphaba's Pokémon being a shiny Mismagius and Glinda having a Jigglypuff, with Elphaba and Glinda being drawn in the style of the Pokémon games and anime.
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Requesting pic related with a female Lucario
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Requesting Regigigas in a hand locked struggle against a primitive human male protecting his twin children from Regigias.
>No paradoxmons
Glad to see there are smart people who actually read the game dialogues
Dunno if this is game-accurate at all, but requesting a 2-panel Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comic about an Alakazam explaining mission strategy in front of his Machamp partner

>Alakazam: This mission will be dangerous. We must exercise...
>Machamp gets visibly excited
>Alakazam: ...extreme caution.
>Machamp becomes disappointed
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Requesting any loli/shota-like character or pokemon posing for a picture with fentachu.
here's your (You) faggot
hard times for mimikyu
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Requesting pic related but with a Litten.
Did you not read the story about Arceus having twin children with a human?
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Took a while, but I finally finished! Hope you like it anon, this was so much fun to do
Working on this one now actually. Had my eyes on it for a while
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Requesting a drawing of Heliolisk or a Helioptile wearing a Christmas hat, perhaps also with a string of lights gently wrapped around it, as that feels fitting.
Thanks Mr speedreader
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Requesting this image but with a pissed off Steenee.
Requesting Peony punching Professor Turo in the face really hard.
Requesting Penny from SV, schizo off her meds, pointing her flareon at a wild magnemite and screaming
Seconding as hard as I can.
thirding with the power of the sun itself
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Requesting this idea >>57010629
>I bet that when Ash wears his champion uniform he will have his friends' logos as sponsors; Misty's sisters' show, Cilan and his brothers' restaurant, Kiawe's farm, the Aether foundation, a "Drayden for president" election sticker, Clemont's lab, May's streaming, even Jessie and James' donut stand.

Adding Aina's Kitchen (Mallow) and Lana's family fishing business
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Requesting Pic Related in space, observing and interacting with tiny galaxies (Barely as large as it's eyes) floating around him.
Oh, looks wonderful, thank you so much.
Seconding this.
No problem, I'm glad you like it! Feel free to request anything else cute or comfy
requesting eevee spaghetti
Eevee eating spaghetti?
Requesting a 2 part image. Part 1 being all the base stage starters of whatever region having a fun time together. Part 2 being the fully evolved grass and fire starters having fun in the Sunny Day while the fully evolved water starter is alone in the Rain Dance
Requesting Casey (or Misty) driving a 2005 dark blue Dodge Magnum
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sloppily, but not sexily
Any drawfags here that can draw sprites? Specifically GBA-compatible ones.
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Requesting water monkey.
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Requesting the team aqua quintuplets and the team magma quintuplets in an awkward mixer (multiple blind date)
Requesting a Corvisquire carrying a happy Vaporeon like pic rel or in a bucket.
you gotta remember that drawing 10 characters is quite the endeavor
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requesting art of this gardevoir variant
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Requesting a version of this with Delphox

Preferably without human clothing, just the normal fur of the pokemon
So, I've been working on a Great Lakes region for a while now and I've finally finished designing the starters and I want some opinions. I understand that the art is not good but I feel like the base idea is there.

The starter themes are Native American myths/legends and school (Academics, Athletics and Art).
Nyabika is the water starter, based off of the Underwater Panther and fills the athletics roll. As it evolves it gains more of a sports/warrior theme.
Spinchar is the fire starter, based off of Grandmother Spider (particularly the stories where she steals the sun), and fills the art role by being a dancer. As they evolve they get more legs and more dancer-y.
Kawaseed is the grass starter and takes after Crow/Raven. Specifically his role in myth where they create the sun. moon and stars. It gains an astronaut/star theme as it evolves so I feel like that is a good way to represent academics.
The spider is cute af

Honestly I don't know much about drawing, but you should start working more with its basic shapes, play more with the geometric figures that form them, the spider is great as a circle, but the puma and the crow look generic.

Good luck with your work and please don't become another David
>don't become another David
What does this mean?
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Requesting a pic like OP, but in the Ice Age with Cenozoic pokemon: Mamoswine, Raikou, Primeape, Vigoroth, G. Zapdos, G. Tusk, Wyrdeer, Ursaluna, Camerupt and as many more as you feel are appropriate to use.

Emphasis on a family of Primeape and Mankey behaving like Neanderthals, maybe around a campfire and with a couple of adopted Rockruff
what do you want drawn?
Requesting Cynthia kicking a crucified Lucas in the nuts with Lucario being next in line to give him a punishing punt like that one Kamen Rider meme photo
You have your water monkey, sir. I'd much rather see a twiggy gharial.
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requesting pixiv redgy being serious and stoic while looking up at the rain like vegeta,with pikachu at his shoulder doing as goku
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I'm making a gag gift for a friend where I put a cheeky/chuckling dragapult on a box and put the words "someone's been a BAD dragon this year..." with the packing slip of a masturbator and cum lube, but inside the bag it's just a plush dreepy, a graded ditto card, and a handwritten letter saying 'gotcha!'
here's a reference image, trying to keep it as simple and unchanged as possible but there's gotta be something suggestive or something about it that isn't the exact same.
Can wait a week before I'll have to draw it myself, would appreciate any help I can get.
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I was gonna try it but didn't know if I was doing it right so I stopped.
Keep going, its amazing
People here will say no. And your next response is going to be something racist.
Please continue, that looks fantastic.
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Requesting this Swimmer/Arctos fusion trying to use one Fisheous Rend on a Pokemon

surprised this doesn't already exist already
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Requesting this with a Hatterene but the second image is them just becoming a full blown typical grey alien with either a neutral expression or a frown.
Mostly anime girls
But for now I’m mostly scouting to see where to go when I need sprites
I have a pretty ambitious rom hack project and while the coding isn’t an issue, music and sprites are my blind spots
Draw an Arcanine boosting up with dragon dance before a sweep
I don't have experience with something like that specifically, but I did a fair bit of sprite art when I was younger, so I could try it again

what size sprites would you need?
do you have any art direction, or is it just "draw pokegirls"?
would you need the files in any particular format?

I'm not trying to take on the whole project, but it could be fun to try to make some sprites for it
It would basically be pokemon sprites like the ones in vanilla frlg (for example) but they’d represent anime girls instead of pokemon. They’d be used for the same function so they’d work the same way, the pics would have the same dimensions etc. Idk if you’ve ever seen how sprites are kept in stuff like decomps (I’m using pokefirered, the firered decomp)
Requesting this with femcario, bonus if wearing this outfit https://youtu.be/joQ02-pgK38?si=8iG8fubSnhsXqJLr
so it's a Pokémon game but with anime girls in place of Pokémon?
I thought you meant opposing trainers at first

not just the front sprites, though, right? for any design, you'd need back sprites and box sprites, too.

>Idk if you’ve ever seen how sprites are kept in stuff like decomps (I’m using pokefirered, the firered decomp)
I'm not familiar with that yet, but I'm sure that I could look it up
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>Pic rel
Yeah basically that’s the project. Although at first I’d like to go with a game focused on the Madoka Magica universe, then go for a more general one (using the same engine) as a kind of spiritual sequel
>not just the front sprites, though, right? for any design, you'd need back sprites and box sprites, too
True, it’d be front sprite, back sprite and icons. Icons is actually two frames because of how they move in the party.
I think in the long run it’d be cool to have a HGSS-style partner follow, which would require another set of icons, but obviously that’s not a priority.
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Requesting Erika hugging picrel's corpse (with the broken rope still in his neck) while crying inconsolably, all in a pretty depressive style
please please please fuck off forever
people like you are even more annoying than the actual ivyfag
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>Although at first I’d like to go with a game focused on the Madoka Magica universe
I don't know what that is, and I didn't see this until after I had already started working, so I just kept going with what I'd started.

Serena is an "anime girl," right?
Here's a FRLG-sized (64x64) front sprite. More to follow.

Also, I couldn't find a good source explaining decomps, so I hope that transparent PNGs work.
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Here's the back sprite.
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Primary / static box sprite.
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Second frame, for animation.
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629 B GIF

Last one, >>57020561 & >>57020566 animated.
That's cool! Definitely the kind of sprites that could be used (althrough typically i see them as having more of a fighting pose since battles is what they'll be doing like in regular pokemon games). Idk if you'll still be here when i'm actively looking for sprites but that's definitely a place i'll try.
Also if you want to see how the sprites are implemented in the decomps
Here you have a folder for each mon with all relevant files. Apparently transparent pngs are okay. I think the main things to keep in mind is to respect the dimensions and to not use more than 16 colors (including the background, which counts as a color even if it's transparent). There are other things but i could take care of it on my end since they're more related to how the code handles the images.
Fakemon I thought of the other night that I sprited up on a whim-- Ampelope, pure electric (or should it be dual type??)
It's mostly used for competitive racing and acrobatics; a bridal would be attached on the horns around its snout, and the trainer would be locked in via a harness and saddle, as they jump extraordinarily high. The fat deposits around its hooves cushion its landings, but also store electricity. Should I draw this??
I couldn't decide between blue horns or grey horns. Maybe it'd be a gender difference, with the males potentially having the brighter horns to attract their mates.

anchor desu
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fuck me it didn't include the goddamn sprite

anchor, again
Looks awesome.
If this thing were a real Pokémon, it'd probably be one of my favorites
I might do this one
These are really cute. I remember you from a while ago; Can I attempt to redraw these in the Pokemon style?
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I gotta' go to an event, but here's a WIP. I'll be back to color it later tonight.
I changed just a few things to make the water starter look a little less like Sprigatito.
>and to not use more than 16 colors (including the background
it looks like I used 27 in the front sprite

thanks for the link
I'll try to nail things down and hope I'm around the next time you're looking
NTA but wow that looks great!
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I did not expect to see this upon refreshing the page. You've made my week, thank you very much!
Glad you like it! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! :)
How dare you!
Behold! Your mermonkey!
My art is garbage and feel free to rerequest - I just got inspired. I had this neat idea for a monkey in a little wetsuit & goggle markings around the eyes. It was lacking something so I gave it a tail that it can wrap around its body, so it looks like it is wearing a life preserver. Also added some big floppy fishfin-feet.
I like to think that when it needs to go faster it locks its legs together and swims like a fish.

Holy crap these are amazing!
I'm really impressed with what you managed to do with Spinchar - the little spider. As I was drawing it I thought it was kinda bland. It's just a poof ball, fuzzy and cute but not a lot of shape.
Fair. They're both inspired by the lynx so it makes sense. I tried drawing it without whiskers but it just looked weird.
This looked pretty fun to tackle, no pun intended.
Link to the original size below since it was apparently too big to post here: https://files.catbox.moe/uluh7t.png
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Requesting Dawn and Cynthia covering each other in cake, in a food fight.
Not the OR but great work dude!
I like it. NTA.
>Should I draw this?
Yes, yes you should.
Since you say it is used for racing and acrobatics, have you considered adding the fighting type? For its competitive spirit.
OR, this is Beautiful, thank you so much
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Requesting this except Greg is replaced with Kieran and Rowley is replaced with Florian. It doesn't have to be in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid artstyle.
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Requesting Hilda, deeply ashamed, asking Hilbert or the viewer, "... Please?" while holding a tireflator.
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Done, sorry for the wait. I hope the other drawanon finishes theirs too
Not the OR but this is awesome!
Pretty sure this is the first time I've seen Victreebel get drawn in these threads.
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Requesting Arlo doing the Gladion pose
... Or anything with Arlo really...
Why does Gladion do this gay shit?
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For a Japanese kid this is considered cool, for an older Japanese audience it is a clear parody of 8th grade syndrome. We as a western audience can only see it as an eccentricity, think of the first time you saw the Ginyu forces. Another theory is that Yokai Watch being a successful series at that time in Japan, GF will try to copy its concept to attract the child audience.

Contextually they could have justified it with some kind of bracelet that he uses to control Silvally but this will cause him pain due to a neural link, a cliché concept but one that works.
Requesting picrel with Hydrapple or any other mon with more than two heads.
Requesting Glaceon in a sailor suit with Gappy's (Jojo Part 8) retarded facial expression.
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sorry im allergic to drawing on model but hope this is ok!

also having to wait 800secs to post is wild, my attention span is too cooked for this
Holy seconding, please do this, anybody
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Requesting this with Josuke replaced with Florian and Okuyasu replaced with Penny. Spell "mom" with a u as well (since Penny is Galarian).
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cute expressions
sure, thirding i guez
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Amazing, NTA but I love it
Requesting a faceless anon acting tsundere for Nemona. Have him say "It's not that I like you or anything! You.. brown tranny!". Have Nemona looking confused and somewhat disgusted.
Shan't make that because now *I* am confused and somewhat disgusted.
Fair enough. There's just this one schizo who hates Nemona so much that he spams every thread about her with the same buzzwords like "brown tranny", "DEI", "latinx" etc. He does it so much that it seems like he likes her, but he's in denial about it.

(I honestly wasn't too sure about making this request myself, I just thought it would be pretty funny)
If I were you, I would just ignore this person.
True. I just thought it would be a funny joke.
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Don't know if this was done already, but I'd like to get an edit of this meme with 2 shiny or color-swapped Meowstics
>im allergic to drawing on model
But you clearly draw animal dicks for a living, so what's your problem with staying on-model?
He's cute tho, not the OR BTW.
dragon dance has finally been given...
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Requesting Avery dressed as Willy Wonka and surrounded by a group of Hapus dressed as Oompa Loompas. Can be the Gene Wilder version, Johnny Depp version, whatever you prefer
god dang, dude
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Requesting Duplica doing any pokemon cosplay you want. Thanks in advance!
god DAMN this bitch is autistic like holy fuck
Japanese humor

At least she's cute when it comes to imitating people.
Requesting Miror B turning 360 degrees and walking away from a defeated Champion of (you)r choice. Ludicolo and defeated ace optional.
Seconded, but he is moonwalking
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New ACE!
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She's just like me fr fr
What do you think turning 360 and walking away is?
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360 is complete circle.
Mirror B would just spin in place and then walk all over his opponent.
Arctozolt doesn't learn Fishious Rend...
the worst part about this post is you're not the first to say that and I don't :')

its like the furshit equivalent of drawing too detailed feet by accident, my drawing style is cursed
For the record, I was going to comment on how I didn't see that in your style, but I was on a new device for a bit and I didn't want to wait 15 minutes to do so. It looks perfectly fine to me. Great drawing, by the way.
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my favorite faity type
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Finished! Hope you like it anon
OR here. You nailed it perfectly! Very much obliged for the hilarious delivery!
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Requesting the indigo disk quartet drawn with the hazbin hotel base
Darid Borie?!
requesting to not
Someone gave me a gift card so I bought Procreate Pocket since it was the only app I had a slight interest. It’s sure different from MS paint and old Adobe from the old era before they decided to go full jew mode and made everything subscription based.
Recommend me a good tutorial/ course videos to start learning the tools.
For those wondering why I don’t go to ipad the fucking things not only are expensive but they had to go OLED which I don’t want to deal with its bullshit. Maybe I will consider the 9th or 10th basic model since they are getting cheaper but I don’t know if the specs are outdated or not
This is adorable!
brother I am not drawing testicles for you
Thank you!
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Requesting this scene from Puss in boots 2, but N as a H.Zorua telling his sad past to Hilda and Hilbert as a pair of Meowtsic with a smile.
Loved this movie and this scene and the Pokemon you chose so I might pick this up
haha thank you very much, the accusations just make me laugh a lot of the time

what isn't as funny is the 15 min timer
Just gonna bump this request (and the thread). Ludicolo or Blacephalon and defeated champion ace optional.
This is getting posted straight to /x/. Excellent work.
Huh. Are you at least a gay furry, even if you don't draw NSFW?
those are just pouches for its eggs though
Up yours
Tasteful pokelewd req? No child looking pokemon.

You can suggest the scenario too, otherwise I'll think about what the pokemon would do that'd be kinda lewd
Maybe a Lucario girl doing some kind of training? Maybe some exercises and stretches. Not sure if that'd be good enough.
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Requesting Valerie somehow producing fairy feathers.
petted_silly is always a good scenario
First time witnessing somebody who draws like that without doing feral smut comms on the side, no idea why you're gimping yourself like that if you legit aren't lying to me for easy deniability.
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Here, I think you’re the same anon as above no?
Hope this is good, I sorta like how it came out.

>Can’t even type it out
lazy bum
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Also did this second version as a second panel for your idea. Felt appropriate. Wonder how long she can keep composure.
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Tiny aftermath doodle
Utterly adorable anon
>same anon as above
was about to say, not sure what you mean, but now I see it and no, not the same anon, I just asked for the Lucario, still pretty good though
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That was a good petting
Is anyone here good at drawing cars?
I've got a request that involves a race car.
>can anyone draw *blank*
Just ask your req, if people can’t draw it they either won’t, or it’ll look bad, but that can happen either way
nobody ever drew the request with the baseball chick in the dodge charger or whatever it was, despite months of the OR asking, so the odds aren't great
cars are hard
Stealing your request for being slow>>57050112 , requesting Charjabug-versions of famous cars competing in Charjabug race;

Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86 (Initial D, 2005)
1960 Ford Anglia 105E, aka “The Flying Ford” (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002)
1967 Shelby GT500, aka “Eleanor” (Gone in 60 Seconds, 2000)
1958 Plymouth Fury, aka “Christine” (Christine, 1983)
1992 Ford Explorer XLT UN46 (Jurassic Park, 1993)
1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Sentinel, aka “Ecto-1”
1948 Ford De Luxe, aka “Greased Lightning” (Grease, 1978)
The Gigahorse (Mad Max Fury Road, 2005)
1970 Dodge Charger (The Fast and the Furious)
1969 Boss 429 Mustang (John Wick, 2014)
1963 Volkswagen Beetle, aka “Herbie the Love Bug” (The Love Bug, 1969)
DMC DeLorean (Back to the Future trilogy, 1985-1990)
Aston Martin DB5 (The James Bond series)
1967 Chevy Impala Batmobile (Batman, 1989)
1967 Ford Econoline Party Wagon aka "Turle van"

or any of your favorites.

Bonus if you add a trainer with clothing matching their car
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Requesting Liepard and Lyra cuddling.
(or any of the other pkmn girls instead of Lyra)
OR here, this is very precious!! Love the expression so much!! Adorable stuff, anon, much thanks!!!
You're very welcome! I had a lot of fun doing this and I'd love to do more cute requests like these in the future
nope, a straight white woman. definitely never beating the allegations
my bank account would probably be far healthier if I could stomach it but nah
kukuku, shaunberg the rabbi had to post today because he's not allowed to use the internet on the sabbath.
Don't worry, I'm here now to remind the world that shaunberg is a filthy kike who tries to pretend the holohoax is real. His complete inability to admit the holohoax is a judaic fabrication used to sieze land that never belonged to Khazar larpers like themselves outs him as either a fed or a bona fide yidsraeli. And since shaunstein could never hold on to a real job and never will, that marks him as an actual kike who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM.
requesting low effort doodles of Uxie (Or any of the Lake Guardians)

also bump
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Any Suiren requests? Just Suiren
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no idea how to draw its hair
10/10, thank you
adorable, doing it
Draw her with Hilda's outfit.
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boy did this remind me of just how rusty I am
anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Some very rushed concepts for flying type eeveelutions for no particular reason
lol nice
might have trouble designing fire turtle without stepping on Torkoals toes, not impossible though
Eating BBQ ribs
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requesting Sada and Sapphire fighting over a fish.
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Draw this with Ursaring instead
Her opening a glass bottle of Coca Cola. The Mexican kind
Requesting Bugsy getting chased by a Kuwagamon
Pretty cute, thanks, Billy.
Requesting breloom as the cat, a boomer lady as the woman pointing and a cop holding her shoulder
Anyone wanna help? Even a shitty quick sketch is ok
I'd totally be willing to attempt it, but I was a bit confused by the wording. What exactly do you want drawn? Sorry if this is a dumb question
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Hey, Bodysuit Akari anon here. Has it been long enough to request it again without annoying anyone?
draw her all smug saying "spell lana backwards"
Just a dragapult holding its hands over its mouth like it’s chuckling, maybe eyes are closed too.
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Requesting Platinum Dawn sitting in a cave, exhausted, surrounded by unown. Optionally, the w unown is laying motionless, slain in front of her
These are all shitpost, ignore them.
What's not to like about somethin shitposty for fun? Plus, Mexican Coca-Cola is God tier
>being good
Haha, nice one lol
>Mexican Coca-Cola is God tier
people still believe this meme?
Not even being sarcastic
Requesting Wallace from Wallace and Gromit dressed as champion Wallace
Requesting Aldith dressed as a sheep
Gromit should be a be beldum

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