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<--shes mine
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Psychic Supremacy
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Here be mines
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you guys are alright in my book
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Here's some pokemon i like
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Cool selection, OP.
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super based godly picks all round
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They didn't fix Cyclizar's absence in Dragon, so I added it manually as usual
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Overall favorites are Floatzel and Heliolisk/Helioptile
you DO NOT speak german
meds and estradiol NOW
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And how would you know this?
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based chikorita
Why the bridge pokemon doe
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Might revise my list having thought on it but here's the last one I did.
He is tall and funny looking
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Having thought on it, I changed a few picks.
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big dick coming through
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the image.
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Rate my taste, shaunbro
The strongest team in all pokemon tier
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Wait for me my waifumon, I'm cooming for you!
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hows mine
this poster is responsible for most of the furry threads
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We agree on some that I really like, Gallade and Typhlosion specifically, and I think your other picks are great too.

17/18 purely because I could never get myself to like Shuckle
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im allowed to put victini twice because hes the best animal ever invented
Mega normie tier

>can't get into shuckle

Not gonna make it
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based Victini enjoyer
>Not gonna make it
It's stupid, what can I say?
Based Heliolisk enjoyer
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and to think that there are people who hate Magnezone
Cute boyfriends
all based except urshitfu
Taste too based for this race
>hating on kung fu bear
lol why? aside from comp he's a great design
shes just so fucking ugly anon
Is there a better website to make these favorite charts?
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I think a lot of my choices are recentcy bias, so I might have other favorites.
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You can probably tell when I stopped playing the mainline games
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I don't even like the Johto games but a lot of the designs are amazing
Thank you very much
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I take my faith seriously
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Blessed picks, anon
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sure, why not. here's mine
I don't know why but it seems sexually motivated
sadly, the ~5 furrymons taint the whole pool. I don't care for them sexually but they are pleasant to look at. the others are just cool
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Do I have shit taste?
Better than most in this thread
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downright painful to leave out all of the runners-up
fire is an odd choice, but fine otherwise
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Rate dont hate
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You'll never make me pick just one.
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alright I updated it
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We can do that???

Still incredibly based
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based based based based
I'm gonna cheat too
noooo stop cheatin!!!1!!!!
I think putting more options in every space make us have a broader perspective about the anon´s tastes. Two anons may have the same favorite Pokémon of a particular type, but how their top 2, 3, 4 and 5 of that type look like?
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>a broader perspective
for me it's because I am a big soft pussy who genuinely feels bad for excluding the other Pokémon that I like
sorry i'm only counting the pokemon with the biggest illustration
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For me it´s like...just a single Pokémon for a certain type does not represent the entire picture about my tastes. What I am if there is Absol but not Spiritomb and vice versa?

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