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Respect for Delinquents Edition.

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Your OC has become an action figure/doll with prerecorded phrases. What are some of the phrases?
>Alt Thread question: Tell us about your OC's favorite TV show, either in or out-of-universe.
>Thread task: Recreate a scene from a newspaper comic with your OC and their Pokemon.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

Previous thread: >>56984548
My trainer OC is a 60 year old, fatherly man with a chubby belly, messy head of greying hair, and a degree in psychology. He supports younger trainers meeting their emotional needs, anf supporting them with unconditional fatherly love. His name is Walther. He also loves hugs, and squeezes people younger then him.
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Recent Written Works:
>Offshore Reverie Chapter 2
>Gilded Platinum, Chapter 7
>Eons in Flux, Episode 6: "Where Loyalties Lie"
>Alex: Agent Orange:
Walther sounds like a nice man
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christmas gals still image edition, i did try reversing the gif like some anons suggested but it didn't really fix anything imo (the real way to fix it is actually to just animate a few more frames but i can't be assed, maybe some other time)
woohoo! excited for more renders
>taught justice
maybe i oughta have added brendoom to the cross rider image...
thanks for the kind words! as for the coloring, between this and and >>56984560 i've tried putting more thought into making my color palettes feel more cohesive, so i hope it shows
Excellent work OP. Hold off on the tcg copypasta for now, I know there's one anon in particular who would love to do the honors.
My bnad, G, replied to the wrong post. My eyes are t open all the way. Excellent work to you too, of course. You've really been going above and beyond lately and I'm behind you every step of the way.
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I've wanted Ruka to have an aromatisse for a while. It fits her love of ugly-cute pokemon. I really wanna keep Ruka to pokemon only available in Kanto/Johto but I'm starting to think of having her catch a Spritzee during an outbreak or something cuz of all the non-Kantonian pokemon Aromatisse just feels so...RIGHT on her party.
He is. I want him to be very fatherly and, be hairy and beer bellied. I am not sure what Pokemon represents him but his paternal aura is intoxicating. I named him after my dad.
Maybe Snorlax or Slaking. A dog mon because dads love their dogs, and one gimmick mon to have a laugh.
Oh that is a brilliant idea! Im stealing that, an Arcanine, a snorlax and a Psyduck. You are amazing anon I could kiss you!!! I love my dad and I'm glad he has a parallel
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Sad I missed last thread but pretend I didn't- just gonna drop this here. Had an idea for something more festive and family friendly featuring Miko and his pokemon, but this came out instead. Will play catch up when I wake up in the morrow <3
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Portrait bias is showing. I want to take another swing at the antennae later.
Wheaton is Silas's shoulder mon and they're lock step in pretty much everything. When they're fixing up a boat, Wheaton will provide the overhead light with his tail. He loves chocolate covered almonds, and he's an absolute scrapper in a fight. Overtime, Wheaton comes to know a lot of electric type moves. Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Thunder. And later on Volt Tackle, and Zap Cannon.
I don't think gifts are being delivered this year with these three in charge. Incredibly dynamic piece! A lot of little details to appreciate like Minior all wrapped up.
The absolute sass of that pose. I could see Aromatisse competing with Jynx for the spotlight. Right on brand for Ruka!
The way you blend colors is awesome. The Celadon Department Store traffic and sales picked up since Ivy picked up the Santa role. And Plusle looking adorable as usual I see.
Give me about 4 or 5 anons, and I'll have the new character's bio and music stuff ready to post.

Again, sorry to keep you waiting.
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In the meantime though, I can post the tcg paste.

Submit cards for the second /tog/ booster pack, CROSS ASCENSION, here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

Submissions end December 30th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png (embed) (embed)
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png (embed) (embed)
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
Whoops, forgot about the embeds.
Oh well. See you in a few hours.
Luke (young): several "perfect in every way" prompts, and recording of him saying "listen to this" followed by a drum cadence.
Luke (post timeskip): would say various Ranger related trivia

Midge: monotone joltik facts (hers specifically)
The other guy in that image is Alto, not Tesoro. Alto and Bibi are friends, Tesoro and Bibi/Alto are not. I’ll probably use that one next thread.

I was actually feeling confident about this thread task but it’s too late to use it now.
>Alex TQ: Draw your OC experiencing the chaos of Black Friday.
>hers specifically
heh that's good. As if anyone would need to know how long her Joltik takes naps for.
Imagine the joy on young trainers faces when they complete the set.
>Start working on it
>Remember the furballs
uggggh I wish the devs or some modders bothered to make furred clothes instead of always having to rely in the fucking furballs
(Basically due to how the game has troubles making fur looking things most modders dont bother with those so people that like furries or anything regarding fur that is not hair you have to painstakingly make out of 200 furballs. there are stuff or things that look like fur but it is way lower than the rest)
anyway, for now this is how Im going, I need to consider if I should go further and make the sleeves furry on both ends. time to work on Gene.

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