Why won't gamefreak make a pokemon dating sim?
>>57014499Because it's a children franchise/thread
>>57014502Children date
>>57014533and you want to date children, maybe that's your first issue OP, besides being a faggot.>>57014502fpbp
>>57015196Who doesn't want to date children?
>>57015266Normal, even mentally ill people
>>57015266The feds are browsing this site and will keep a closer look on you just for that post anon
>>57015270Everyone agrees the younger the better
>>57015278Brazen bull for you, worse I hope.
>57014502>57015196>57015270>57015276>57015283Did somebody post this thread on Twitter?
>>57015288>le 4chan frog reaction imagefaggot
>>57015293We fuck children here THOUGH
>>57014499>>57015266>>57015278>>57015288>>57015340kys pedo
>>57014499>pokemon datingbased
>>57015266I want to date the pokemon, faggot
>>57014499Because it's a waste of time.