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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

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>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

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>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous Thread:
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Is the costume event rerun going to have a shop and all again?
>galar champion
>needed a buff from Sinnohs god to (barely) beat a Kanto trainer
My cute wife is leaking!
That's Chuck
>sinnoh "champion"
>needs oc donut steal mary sue blessing to defeat a random merchant in a rematch
Why would Arceus be restricted to Sinnoh? All you do there is find out it exists.
When you go to a Whitney / waifu thread, do you say 'no, no one else can have Whitney, she is only my wife!' or 'Whitney can be loved by everyone, lets all share in the love' ?
>Strongest Fighters: Complete any area with the following Trainers on your team: Chuck, Bruno, Crasher Wake
You actually have to win a fight
>Sinnoh's Strongest Trainers: Add Trainers on Expedition: Palmer, Dahlia, Thorton, Argenta, Caitlin, Darah
You just take a walk

Pretty clear where the power is...
Other regions do not claim Arceus
It and Creation Trio are acknowledged and worshipped in Hisui/Sinnoh
>muh Sinjoh ruins
>random merchant
>needs to have sex with me
I don't know why you'd delude yourself into thinking they'd have to claim it. It doesn't have to be in their local lore. Rosa got Shaymin, Diantha got Keldeo, Wallace got Blacephalon (and it was even called HOENN Analysis), etc.
Hydrapple for base unit.
Furret for Lodge.
Shiny Ogerpon for Alt.
Pecharunt for Sygna Suit.
TPC wants you to buy Leon.
TPC wants you to buy Red again in a few months.
>Other regions do not claim Arceus
Based. Deport all the illegal aliens out of Sinnoh
Bitch do you even play this game? Anabel has a fucking Entei lmao. Get a reality check.
Entei is a meme
Arceus WILL go to a Kinnoh trainer
Both Anabel and Evelyn have one meanwhile there's no Johto trainer with one. So yeah, regional worship doesn't mean anything.
She has Entei and Raikou (and Latios) in Emerald so that actually checks out.
Right and that's directly in the game canon that that entitlement shit doesn't matter. That's why they don't restrict who Arceus can bless. Even in the current marketing they're shilling Shiny Rayquaza for Paldea.
Arceus will go to Scottie/Bettie lmao
>Even in the current marketing they're shilling Shiny Rayquaza for Paldea.
kek and they even made a whole animated trailer about it too
>oh no! paldeans getting a pokemon worshipped in hoenn! aaaiiieee!!!
There is still no online photo editor, emulating the photo creator mode, outside of the game? As the sync pair editor web
Rayquaza in Pasio is just an early route shitmon
This but unironically, what the hell do they have against Rayquaza at DeNA
>Shit freebie
>Shittiest master fair on release
>The freebie's upgrades weren't even that good
>The master fair is one of the last two without EX Roles
We don't need an external editor until someone makes naked variations of the character models
I say this for an eos, to at least be able to keep that incredible online function
And of course add our lewd mods LOL
classic chicken and egg problem
>(barely) beat
There's no way to play the game at all emulated, right? I would think without that, there's only the possibility of a homebrew sorta-like-the-original someone could make (if they had the drive for it).

Would open up a lot if it was made. Have the special poses turn but also have full turn radius instead of the 60/60 limitation
With a web version we could tweak and add many functions, hopefully someone who makes the poma web tools will do it
the game version is very limited
>only trainer to beat Red in masters
>the only arc champion that fought Red
>needed Sinnoh gods buff just for this 1 win against a non arc trainer
>base Red was > base Leon
>arc Red will be > arc Leon
(You) did way back
Rosa, Brock, Misty too, two of them can't even EX
>>57024925 >>57025022 >>57025028 >>57025563 >>57025593
A close enough web equivalent doesn't seem technically infeasible with libraries like threejs, but who would care that much when the ingame editor, MMD and Blender exist?
That's too technical and you have to install things, have a good PC and knowledge of 3D modeling and animation, anon
MMD is very intuitive and lightweight. Though having worked in Koikatsu more and more I see so many limitations it has.

It would be interesting it if could be played the same way some other games are and you have a local edited / nude model skinned over. Play through story chapters with either naked Rosa or everyone replaced with Ball Guy
I investigated it but it's a mess, and I've made 3D mods, also a photo creator mode web is faster to use, but especially if EoS is coming soon
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Did WhitneyAnon ever get better at his craft? I haven't kept up.
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I like both but would probably only summon for Sada because I doubt I'd use Turo given all the good Electric-types already (and they still have to make Arc Electric too).
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
Sometimes I call her my cute wife in those threads but everyone should be infatuated with her! But in this thread >>56981707 I just call her cute and want more posts of her. It's only here in /pmg/ am I really showing my lovey dovey side as her husband!
I've done a few things here and there
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How lucky you are that your main waifu is in mastersex and has at least one alt, I hope one day she comes to the lodge
I like whitney too!
*gets flatten*
>Miraidon's signature ability summons Electric Terrain and boosts SpAtk
>Signature move is Electric type and increases damage when it's SE
Basically Premium/Special N, which is now Budget SST Red.
Shirona is definitely flat but she's not part of this conversation
Guess she's living rent free in your head because you just made her part of this conversation
think they will end up getting Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant tho(if they even get in because I have my doubts)
>Sinnoh's God
Arceus is everyone's God
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>weaker than every protagonist after him
>gets his dick sucked the hardest because "muh Kanto"
Fuck this fraud
Clearly the influx of Misty from the TCG app will be noticed over here
It's okay Lear, you'll get your llama suit someday
Belongs to Sinnoh humans
>Everyone kneels to Arceus
>Rotom tech powers the turd world regions (Alola, Galar, Paldea)
>Single-handedly saved the Shitch gens
This is kinnoh's world
>Sinnoh humans
Are insufficient for satisfying her desires as the ancestral pokemon bicycle
No wonder she moved to Pasio
Arceus save the meta queen!!
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That's not how it works. Like, at all
I don't know what this is supposed to be but it looks like a lot of effort was put in to get such a choreography down, that's cool. Feature-length Whitney movie eventually.
Yes yes we know irida is getting an arc suit as the only viable ice type
Im retarded
Meant for >>57027265
>>Single-handedly saved the Shitch gens
With the worst game of the four? Weird.
Don't forget:
>religion of literal zoophiles
>arceus worship is a sure sign of a shitty romhack
>the gen 4 games are still the worst ones, BDSP easily proving this by the utter shock sinnohfoeti expressed when viewing their region unchanged without nostalgia goggles
>With the worst game of the four? Weird.
That's correct. A tech demo version of Sinnoh set 200 years in the past mogs them all.
>>religion of literal zoophiles
Pokemon aren't animals doe. If you're going to cry about Lucario or Lopunny, don't forget March 9th is Japan's day just to make inflation porn of Zangoose.
>>arceus worship is a sure sign of a shitty romhack
Didn't know Masters was a romhack.
>>the gen 4 games are still the worst ones, BDSP easily proving this by the utter shock sinnohfoeti expressed when viewing their region unchanged without nostalgia goggles
BDSP are cute, comfy, and the best selling remakes. Their only flaw is being full price and not expanding on anything like previous remakes.
>BDSP are cute, comfy,
red flag
no one should talk to a retard of this caliber
>read the whole post to get asshurt at 2 words
You lost. Sneed more.
can tell you’re fat and brown lol
because I wasn't the one you were replying to to have any obligation to reply to everything you said
just can't stand glue eaters that contribute to the downfall of this franchise
>contribute to the downfall of the franchise
>she says in a gacha thread
K, and if BDSP costed $30 and were advertised as remasters, no one would give a shit with PLA being the 'full' game.
volo deserves god llama cock not shirona
>Steven had so much trouble dealing with Rayquaza that he needed to be saved by some random guy that hasn't even shown up in the game yet
>finally teams up with one, it sucks
Good job bro
Nice. I'm a newfag so I have no chance to get the title
In fact I'm lucky I had ArcCynthia to carry me to beat most fights at all, don't think I could've done it without her
>just 3900 gems and superawakening candy for $27
wow, that's pretty generous
It's not even 140 gems per buck. God-awful deal
Is there a trick to Interactions to not end after like 3-5 topics? The last two days I had terrible luck(?) and ended at like 30-40 points even though I only hit Super Exciting every time :(
the trick is to not be a lucklet
Use items
Don't be a lucklet
Thought so lol, thanks
Although I feel like I had a bug or something today. I was sure I selected all interaction help items and I could see the Hot Topic, but Max Vibes didn't trigger. I still have all 6 of each item so I don't know what happened. Is it even possible to see the Hot Topic without Insight Specs?
>3 day in a row that the interaction ends as soon as I hit 70~80%
Fucking gay ass focus blast mode
Milobros where we @?
What part of NC Cheren's kit is "Tech" for the devs?
>no Christmas extreme battles like the Halloween ones 2 months ago
>does a special "monthly" event once and then it never came back again
I swear every single time this shitty fucking game has actually good ideas the devs deliberately choose to never follow up on them ever again
He can dodge attacks with fly
Speed debuffs
Flyan rebuff
Being dapper af
Is there a place I can download the Battle Subway Special tracks (the one from the title screen during the event and the piano medley you get for EXing one of the twins)? The MEGA in OP was last updated 10/29 and that was before the event happened I think.
It will be updated by the folder owner this month for sure, else just download from absolutelypm's youtube or vocaroo posts.
It'll take a bit of time, but if you let your units grind out materials for you (you have enough room for you to have one team get maxed out on two materials while the other does the third and chests), you can outpace your consumption of materials. Personally, I don't bother doing interactions unless I have all of the buffs applied.
I know, I've been using items for weeks now, but I got really unlucky the last two days I guess and wondered if I'm missing something. But as I said, either something glitched or I didn't select the items even though I was sure I did.
>Hype up this Superawakening present
>Only get one
>Not even enough Gems to pop for a freebie on a banner

Nobody should be buying this shit
Is it me or Milo grew actual legs
I'm too lazy for this
I'll try this when it reruns and I have a shitton of broken MFs
Where's Kieran?
I think once they get wind that all Kieran merch sold out within minutes, they'll get right to adding him.
>captcha starts with SGR
>Decide to roll some Eevees last minute
>1st multi on Variety - Calem
>2nd multi on Variety - Hilda
>already got Hilbert off the free ticket
>2 multis on Sina - get her
feels good to finally have some good luck
Lucky you, sank all my Gems on Sina and didn't get shit. Last straw really December banners fucking suck so I might as well save for the month
specially when is basically the same with the daily bundle, except that you are actually getting more gems
What in the hot cancer is trainers on the tracks part 3 holy fuck
It feels like they went in 2 different extremes with Role Cakes and Superawakenings.

Role Cakes initially seemed to be designed to bait whales into rolling on the Paid Master Fairs to get them more quickly, but since Battle Rally was introduced you get them at a decent enough rate for free, and the roll out of giving the 2nd roles to older units was too slow to make paying for them make sense.

Now with Super Awakening, they are dumping all PokeFairs onto it in 3 months, and its something so far out of reach for low to even mid spenders to want to go for that I don't think any will care.
I'm sure there are a few zany whales somewhere out there, but it feels like something to just plain ignore for 99% of everyone.
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It's asking for way too fucking much to roll for a character 5 more times which was shit that everybody already figured was going to be an issue, only to compound said issue with a general impossibility to get the candies to even buff your characters once if you don't have an active banner and INSANE luck. Only getting two candies per banner isn't going to fucking help either. You'd basically need to dump a needless amount of money just to be able to max out ONE character and there aren't that many characters to really justify investing into Superawakening yet. On top of that I found out you can't even use move candies to buy them either unless it's a generic, so that's another way to waste the game's most valuable resource. It's something I'll just do only for my fav Klara and maybe anyone else if the stars align, but it's just another ignorable mechanic at the end of the day
I really don't get why they didn't at least make it so that a 5/5 unit gets Supercandies when you pull a dupe.

And making it more plausible, they should have just had 5/5 be the stopping point where the Super Awaken passive unlocks, since most pairs were stopping at 3/5 previously so that would still be an incentive to push some extra rolls.
>still no flareon with three bars
you still can hatch 6 more eggs, you just gotta believe
I'm just missing Shiny Jolteon and Shiny Umbreon. Disappointing since Shiny Umbreon is my favorite look of them.

Would be better if we could choose what they evolved into.
why does he not have an event story?
because he is an irrelevant character

>then why pokefair?
because dena is greedy as fuck
>milo not relevant enough to make a Nessa Kabu mini event
>Kabu gets old man sex event
I hope Opal at least gets an old lady sex event…
>On top of that I found out you can't even use move candies to buy them either unless it's a generic
If you mean that you can't use Strike/Support/etc. Move candy and only the Yellow one, then just scroll that little window because they're below.
Agreed on everything else.
I did Superawakening to 3 for Steven, since I had free paid gems stockpiled and he's my favorite Champion. I'm probably not bothering with anyone else, though.
>old lady
She's 88 like Spenser, Calaba is 99 even.
Agatha and Bertha are 56 something, Pryce down there too, Drake is 53, Rowan is 60, Charon is 71, Briney is 72, Oak is 50.

Apparently when you hit 50 in Japan you are literally ready for the nursing home.
>milo was legit stuck in limbo for 5 years and likely wasn't even meant to be limited
he at least has a story in the games about how he has a rivality with Nessa and she always loses to him
I know, which is why I’m surprised they didn’t just rehash that and make a short event for it. I blame the new award system being points instead of tickets
Just as irrelevant as Alder, not like Chadxio and Stacina
>he's complaining about part 3
Better prep your anus.
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So i just discovered that you can cheat on this game by injecting all the important items
To be honest, the only item that ever limits you is gems. Everything else you get a ton of.
Except superawakening candy, but you won't be using them due to being limited on gems.
It can actually help because from now on you just need that single copy to pull and the rest of it will be covered by the injected items. Since they paid money for the items i don't see them having problem on buying gems as well.
How accessible is it though? If you have to open up your phone it sounds like a hassle.
have fun getting banned
I managed to get every Shiny Eeveelution except Espeon. Maybe next year...
Shiny Espeon a shit
same but missing leafeon, well I still have three egss, hope getting luck there
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Which part of Archie's and Maxie's kit's is Tech for it to be their EXR?
Like unironically, they should've gotten Field
NC Cheren is Tech as a base, and Striker as EX
I do agree that Tech for those two is rather weak, but I can guess that they didn't gave it because Groudon would summon ground zone rather than sun
>where's the problem
Groudon's passives sadly don't work with ground zone.
I hope that if they ever get Primals as Mega then they change up a bit their post-sync passives to help with their weather.
>Groudon would summon ground zone rather than sun
They could just code it to summon sun :)
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Fields setters used to be techs before the Field role was created. Also I'm pretty sure they already have field on first sync on grid already so giving them Field EXR would have made it redundant.
>they already have field on first sync on grid already so giving them Field EXR would have made it redundant.
No because it costs like 12 or 15 energy, SS Lana can at least set Psychic Terrain permanently with her grid
Also it didn't stop SS Morty from getting Field EXR so why for them?
Lana doesn't have Field EXR and Morty doesn't have field on sync on grid so that has nothing to do with my points.
Lana has perma Psychic Terrain on her grid is what I said, Archie and Maxie only on first Sync(also their tile costs more compared to Lana's)
I was wrong about Morty indeed
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I forgot to do those dumbass subway faggots battles
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>hatch three passive eevee
>circle looks red at first
>its just pink
>Hilbert dupe
>dead rolls
>Hilbert dupes again
>more dead rolls
>roll MORE fucking Hilbert dupes
This is why smart games add to the pools as consolation prizes to make the bad rolls sting less unlike this stupid fucking game
Eevee varietyslop for ya
You played yourself when you want for a multi character banner when having one of them already

And then you just pushed that DeNa Dick in harder by scouting even After getting the character you already had multiple times in cope of a change of luck

If you go for multi units banner, be always, always ready to pity 1/5 of the fave, just like any other banner
Leon even at 1/5 (and Arc Steven) make this battle a joke
Nita's still the most awful out there.
Unless they make Dana also weak to Fighting I don't see how will they manage to make her super limiting with let's say Steel weakness after September 2024 happened.
They can cheat and use the kanto birds so Rock/Electric/Ice/Fire/Steel/Water are possible also Grass for Regirock
Regice that spams Sheer Cold if it gets rebuff or a circle or zone is up
For the first time since launch, I couldn't win a challenge in this game. They went a bit too far this time.
Might be it, they haven't made a specific Zone or Circle focused UB, just generic "have field effects applied" so far.
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>he at least has a story in the games about how he has a rivality with Nessa
it doesnt matter, because twiiterfags only cares about yuribait and masters sex appeals to them
I'm complaining about the normal one. There's always that one general pool you get 50 copies of that keeps haunting you everywhere you go.
I procrastinated and didn't do a single one so I have no idea how hard they were. I'm going to guess the rewards sucked balls anyway.
Team paralysis or burn with trapped damage plus them having multipliers for giving you status and having their status effects like paralysis have a higher chance of happening. That on top of them taking piss all damage if not inflicted with trap condition but it doesn't last long on them because that would be too easy. Basically impossible if you don't have arcos shirona/diago, a dedicated trapper with enough buffs to survive 2nd nuke and with a ground attacker
The fights themselves weren't bad if you just ignored the gimmicks entirely. The real chore was doing the missions related to them, but fortunately you only got Lv 150 tickets and a title for them so it's not like you miss anything major if you didn't. I used a Leon & Dragapult team to beat all of them since he was my most invested Piercing Blows unit and then would swap around the teammates to cover the missions while replaying.
I have no idea how Leon and Dragapult would've helped against the final Ingo and Emmet fight.
I was Burning them and Trapping them and lowering their stats and they still took no damage. Plus all their team-wide status and status condition nonsense. Those two were cracked.
If you're playing with a Piercing Blows user and notice it's not doing damage, that means they're using a passive to raise their bulk instead of reduce damage, so you have to play ball to satisfy whatever condition it is they want to be weakened by. If that's the fight I think it is, I had Bertha on the team for that run.
Yeah Bertha absolutely massacrated the Twins fight as long as you had options mpr from someone
>They just give me Silver for free for doing a story
Holy shit hell yeah. However, the fact I can't bring Lear's hot goth retainer to the lodge for a violent fingering session is still a crime.
These Ultimate Battles are such boring goyslop
Unironically only Noland's was somewhat fun and that one is a "hope Wide Guard refreshes" kind of battle
I also liked Leon's because I beat it in a somewhat unique way but still whatever
So far I can only not beat Nita because her second Sync KOs regardless of her stat and weather situation and I do not have a good enough ice team to KO her fast enough
You tried some of these?
Don't forget 50% damage reduction from non-SE attacks and team healing for 14k per turn if they damage you while you are affected by status condition or change.
They also become unflinchable after their first sync, if somebody tried to flinchlock them.
I have dug up some of these but I am missing a good chunk of units that would have the potential to beat this.
I dont have NC Blue but do have Arc Steven.
For speed drops, 3/5 Sina is my best suited one for this. Fall Roxanne is good too I would say
Weather is where I usually dont cut it
I have no good hail setter, for sun I am limited to 1/5 SS Morty and Tierno(and Maxie I guess), for rain I am hopeless too with only May(and Archie I guess)
What gave me somewhat the best success was Anniv. Steven with his weather wipe.
My usual attempts were Arc Steven, Sina and for last I had gone with: Anniv. Steven, both freebie Candices, SS Morty and 3/5 DC Tierno
skill issue lul
Event oak checks a ton of Royale UB gimmicks himself and is free btw.
- Speed drops
- guaranteed poison
- offence drops
- AoE heals for AoE spam
- light screen for late game

...why are you not statusing Royale but instead bringing wtz that does nothing?
Wait i'm retarded i confused you with the dude in other thread that was asking for Royale help rofl
Anyway, for Nita you either
- have irida
- have nc Red
- nc cheren + a great wtz setter or One of the top 2 supports
- have an invested af fire comp
- have arc Op duo
I have cleared them all except one...
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>just use these reliable four limited ice pairs
thanks nita, very cool
There's iceless clears too but those require more investments sadly, like cheren + SS morty ones
I've seen some autistic clears even with NC Serena, SS Kris and something else relying on Greninja's RNG but it is still bullshit. Hope for more types able to debuff speed, all these shitbugs and no String Shot, would not mind some extra Grass types debuffing Speed so Adaman can wreck some shit too more reliably.
Just in case you were sick of the same exact team on the successful clears tab, now there's little shits with 10/5 units everywhere
I wonder how much time and effort they put into what is basically a useless feature.
>old lady sex event…
Finally, Drasna in a story event...
Your cracked SSHilda?
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One weekend, one Tina. Just three more. Or maybe I'll put her Flareon on one side? And then logos, which will probably take about as much time.
Are they public?
No, I just made that vinyl and have not shared it yet. It's kinda gimped, since I used masks to make her armband and obviously they fuck with anything else you place under her (as you can see on that screenshot, just fixed it right now by changing masks into layers colored the same as the background, but you can't edit shared designs so it wouldn't work for anyone else).
You didn't use forzapainter?
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Nah. Painter is only good for stuff with a lot of color transitions, but not a lot of actual detail. In this case it's the opposite - the image has very few color transitions, so it will look much better made by hand. Also, I was basing it on a sketch, so I had to "finish" it before it would look any good.
That's pretty impressive.
You did some good work, anon.
i wonder wether the artist will do that one fully
hey can you actually get away with using an Eeveelution with just two passives
Asking for a friend
For what specifically? If you mean collection autism, then it doesn't matter, nobody actually uses eggmons in this game aside from memes. If it's for a specific battle, which one
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First for irida
That's it, unova is pretty easy at this point, just enjoy the art lads
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She Nacl on my Arven till I charted
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Dynamic Chart
Great Glaceon Gaming
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CharTina !
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Fighting weak champs are the best. Charting.
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>have to spark multiple times even on prize box events
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Weekly Acerola chart with Tina.

Kinda boring december desu, hope the next year is better or we get new game modes.
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another monday, another 'please gimme units to chart with' pmg
Hala and Flint
Dahlia and Rachel.
Please get Dahlia to chart with
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My darling Wataru and his incestuous cousin, any units
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As always
The three iridas sirs
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Emma or H. Iris
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My bae Bea
3 Candice, 2 Viola, 2 Phoebe, 3 Irida and 3 Diantha, 4 the chart!
I doubt it. But I picked it for the car because it's my favourite Tina image.
Chart Training The Maids Edition

Definitely a Flareon somewhere

Nice choice and presentation
Due to the way the car is shaped there's actually very little space on the side (it's separated by a perpendicular area that counts as part of the "top", rather than "side") so making two designs that are more horizontal themselves would fit in better. I was thinking Flareon on one side and Dratini on the other, which means the only other Tina would go on the hood. Hmm, isn't that not enough Tina?
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Full ontype.
Weekly Unova 15k CSMM clear for the chart - "Dad Bod" edition:

Holy shit, Chuck and Hala are so fucking slow! Also Marley a cute stoner.
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the nightmare before lilliemas chart
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Charting with friends
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limited mira and buck lmao
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For the chartanon
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6EX with Lucy when??????????
Hopefully when Brandon, Tucker, or Spencer drop
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i shall acquire dahlia from the daily scout posthaste

two out of three ain't bad, right?

your Fug, sir
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My cute and strong and pretty and adorable and lovely and wonderful wife Whitney on the chart!
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All male chart.

True beauty.
>variety bede is a decent nuker
>NC red is coming up
>arcos leon still here
>datamine soon
Hnnnng fucking cunts are gonna make me spend money on gemmies again....
And why do you guys sleep on variety pairs so much? They're really fucking good
Variety pairs have the stigma of being recycled assets
Like DC, BP, or lodge pairs but they cost gems
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They are Mix scout units. I wouldn't even be surprised if one of them is used after Leaf
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Do we get 1 of the new Galar starter Variety units for free somehow like with Gimmighoul and the Eeveelutions?
Sadly no
>pair the monkey with the dark skinned one
What did DeNA mean by this?
Hop Rillaboom is canon though because MC Cinderace is the only good choice you can make
They meant the most based nuPokemon starter (which is to say, post-Game Boy) goes with the most based rival.
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I love my [canonically bald] husbando
Nice, thanks!
so are any of the new units any good?
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Chart is here !
Fujo game ? I don't think so ! look at this girly podium ! For the third time in a row Tina is at the top !

Side notes :
-Good rank for Lodge Arven, Milo exist I guess...
-Agatha return after 22 weeks (last time used was Week 27 July 1)

Next week first rank :
Hop and Rillaboom
Marnie and Cinderace
Bede and Inteleon
Lillie and Primarina (shiny)
Bugsy and Kricketune

As always you can still post your clears. See you next week !
>Milo exist I guess
Does he really? Are we sure we didn't experience a mass hallucination?
Tina sexo
Thanks for charting!
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damn missed the chart, have this tardy cs
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I miss mommy wicke in mastersex
Very nice. Thanks for the work, chartanon!
Tina in lodge when?
Enjoy your premium BP pairs anon
The first Pokefair I got from the Daily scout was fucking Sawyer and Honchcrow.
Better than me. I got my first five star today and it was Karen
Better than me. I still haven't gotten any, my best pull was one single general pool 4-star.
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>pull for Marnie
>get both Hop & Bede in one pull
>not going to pity
Fuuuuuck, fine. I don't know that I'll ever use Hop (outside of Rally if really really need). But Bede's interesting, minimum four triggers of rain, will make the next Moltres cycle a bit less painful.
wtf i actually saved milo lol
>the only shiny eevee im missing is the Leafeon one
>gonna have to wait til next years eevee day
At least they rerun. Unlike the Paldea and Galar starters
To make it extra weird, they have a story about raising Galar starters RIGHT NOW...
>no moves
>no eggs
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Added !
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The one time I got a flash I had hoped it was a limited but it was just a useless SS Elesa pull
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You know, at first I was kinda looking forward to that Super Awakening thing but then I saw how ass most of the passives are.
Greta is a sync pair I have at 5/5 and you know what? I am not looking forward to her SA because it's probably not going to fix her weak jack of all trades master of none kid
Why do you have a 5/5 Greta?
because I a like Greta
(or I rolled her 5 times in a multi, whichever you believe more)
> I a
Don't know how that a got there
Fair enough, all I've seen is everyone shitting on her so I wasn't aware there were some superfans hiding.
>tfw im missing both fuecoco and flareon
and the worst part, they cant even evolve, only KANTOOOOOOO
Lillie got another costume! Are you mad?
Also random as fuck to give a costume to a gen 2 trap next to nobody cares about.
There's only one sync pair I'm thinking of SAing and it's not even for them, it's because it'll benefit another pair in the team. It's amazing how they made a good idea to kinda level the playing field into absolute garbage.

I'd rather they give passive skills to the general pool units that have only one or two. Or readjust them into something better.

Kino content incoming
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Based. How does this image make you feel?
Who's the girl on the right
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>keldeo diantha is back
>no ex role
>no super awakening
why dena hates this alt so bad?
Event spacing has gotten really nonsensical since the anniversary
Kinda late, but arcsuit Steven is the most rediculous thing. It completely carried me through every of those subway fights.It can be made immune to everything, can tank, can heal, heal on sync, can lower stats and flinch. Every fucking piece of this is fully utilized with no dead weight on it.
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I first started playing the game the last time this damned event ran when I didn't have enough gems to get her and it literally only just reran now. What's it been, two years? Three years?
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I like how Selene is just there for this event. She doesn't even have a Pokemon to bring, just be a third wheel.
Anni 3, so 2.5 years
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Merry Lilliemas Eve, everyone!
Make a wish and it will be granted if you pull Lillie tomorrow!
Mellilie Christmas!
I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish Lillie would die in a ditch tonight
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Merry LilliemasEX to you too, friend. I only wish for more hoe hoe hoes to pull on next year.

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