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It's the start of a new week and a new /MM/. Post your favorite Misty pics in this thread.
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me in the middle
Misty in Pokemon Picross GBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DWekQ9-NcQ
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I had an edit of this with the "you got 2 great balls" line.
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it kind of sucks that misty is the single most famous female character... for NORMIES who don't care about pokemon and still think she's Ash's girlfriend or something.
IN the fandom, people barely talk about her. She doesn't have much of a legacy in the games either. It would have been cool to have a story involving her. She's one of the most iconic female characters in media. You wouldn't know that from Pokemon, but by how many people cosplay her on halloween, instagram.. What a waste.
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Love this guys stuff, praying he does her in the iconic tank top and booty shorts
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horrid thread
terrible so far
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I don't need to when I got the power of THE FUTURE on my side.
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ok these are cute
s a v e d
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That one Mermaid Misty episode in Johto I think gave her massive tits here and there
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They've been bigger
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This one has gone through some mood swings but I guess that isn't unheard of.
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Appreciating the cardass
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Theyve been smaller
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Happy Misty Monday everyone.
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>Post your favorite Misty pics in this thread.
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Why is she so fuckin mean to caterpi?
>why is a late 90s tsundere, hotheaded redhead trope character mean
Difficult question
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She wants an onix, not a caterpie
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Did something Misty-related release in the last month or two? I swear I've noticed an uptick in art of her recently, specifically of her in her Masters swimsuit.
Pokemon TCG Pocket for mobile devices released. Most of the cards are different from the physical game, it's a bit of a more streamlined take.

Misty has been making waves (why yes pun intended) with her card. If you get lucky enough with coin flips, you could potentially have an Articuno EX with 3+ water energy ready to sweep on turn 1. But even 1 heads a couple of turns later still helps in speeding up the process.
And the premium version
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>Pokémon Ashnime is over
>Misty is still as hot as ever

Not sure how to feel about this.
And the snow birb
Starmie also works great with Misty (go figure)
Hot as in popular or hot as in drop dead sexy?

Both are true.
I see.
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Or without?
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With fo sho
Where it started
The journey along the way
And where she ends up.

A good character arc for growing up and finding her role as Gym Leader
Disappointing votes, but nice to see PokeTV recognizing the Pokeshipping episode as being 1 of the most important.
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