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This is one of the ugliest evolution lines in the entire franchise. It's a shame the electric/fighting type got wasted on them.
Also, why tf did this thing of all mons get Revival Blessing?
>Revival Blessing?
Its pawpads are defibrillators.
Stealthy genwar thread
I am suprised so many people love this line.
Pawmi is great, but the other two are just diagusting.
Also its a hero/ coastguard.
All its evos can swim in water in SV.
At least they're not perfect circles like Johtomons
this thing had no reason being 3 lines, pawmi to the end one would have been fine
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>Electric/fighting type got double-wasted on it just gets bigger and roboyama

Its over
Pamo, Pamot, Parmot!
>Also, why tf did this thing of all mons get Revival Blessing?
It was the designated Pikaclone but wanted it to be a shillmon so badly they gave it a move that breaks the rules of comp. The problem is that Pawmot sucks and can’t use it as effectively as other Pokemon could.
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Oh, a reason to post Pawmot, my new favorite pokemon! I'm happy Nishida finally gave us a Raiclone!
What's so ugly about the line exactly?
Kommo-o 2 electric boogaloo.
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He fucking won.
I don't think the line is ugly at all, Pawmo is completely redundant sure, but I think Pawmi and Pawmot are both cute
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It's the model, 2D art fixes it
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>Pawmot when it evolved too quickly and had no childhood
Cute! Nice haircut.
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Well, true.
Let's hope "we" will get a new better Electric/Fighting mon in gen 10...
Revival Blessing would be broken on a Mon that's actually good
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They should've just made Zeraora Electric/Fighting. If it gets an Electric/Fighting Mega in Z-A, that's pretty much an admission that that's the type it should've had in the first place
That's what balances it out. They gave it to a shitmon, therefore it's not a completely busted move.
If they gave it to something like Incineroar, THEN it'd be a problem.
get this digimon reject outta here.
pawmot rules.
I like them.
Why didn't Electivire get an electric fighting Hisuian form
Should've been Electric/Fighting from the getgo
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Why is Pawmot bad?

It gets high powered STABS and a Revival move.

I get its frail
thats pretty cool, i wish they did more with that theme, maybe a plus on the belly that is both symbolic of healing and electricity. They also couldve made them the nurse of the region like chansey, because i didnt get it at all and when you said it i was like DUH SHIEEEET
Why three though? They look so similar.
yeah definitely couldve been a 2 stage line, worst case of it "just gets bigger" we've ever seen, but maybe gamefreak is just flexin on other monster designing companies that they can do jackshit and people will still love anything they churn out, i respect the balls goddamnit
I liked using Pawmot line during my playthrough of S&V. literally a bright spot in a shitty game.
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the shiny works for a nurse pokemon too then
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How come most of their art is boring?
It's usually just them standing around and smiling dumbly with a blank stare?
It's not bad, it's just in powercreep overload Gen 9
If this thing was in Gen 7, it would've been OU for sure
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It probably could've been a 2 stage line but this is the only pikaclone that actually worked for me, I like the fluffiness
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I want to see his hands get chewed-off by a Dusknoir almost exactly like this.
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Cute, silly, easier to draw?
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For something a bit different, have a manga pawmot oc
perhaps the only pikaclone that was made by the same designer as Pikachu too
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It'd also have been nice if they'd made Zeraora an actual Pokemon catchable and playable in one of the games rather then a 'download this shitty 'legend' trash.
roboyama Is based tho. only way you don’t think so Is if you’re a contrarian who pretend to have ever cared about regular haryama before sv.
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>This piece of shit is Electric/Figthing but Electivire and Zeraora aren't
Palworld lookin ass
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>Better design got the typing
Based GF
Enjoy your PU trash official fakemon
i smell the furfag seethe
You have massive dogshit taste, goddamn.
You're a tasteless and braindead moron. You should embarrassed for having so much shit taste, lmao.
Zeraorafag melty
pawmo look like a pokemon like pikachu unlike zeraowho and electivire lmao cope
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Cope and seethe, YWNBF
>pawmo look like a pokemon
Lmao it looks like one of those fake pikachu generated by AI
maybe if you're a braindead faggot
I wish the other pikaclones evolved...
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Forgot pic
Nothing AI there. Yes, it's Pikachu and Kanto-like, which is a good thing.
Arrest yourself and go to bed YAWNFAG
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One of my absolute least favourite Pokemon of all time
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