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Sleeping Noodles Edition

Thread 5#

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56892755/

Legacy Threads:

How's this year been so far, mustelid friends?

Next Thread: 1/13/25
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remember to vacuum your furret weekly!
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won't they wake up with a serious crick in the neck?
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They have noodle physics, it'll be okay.
theres a furretbooru? whats the url? cant find it by googling
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that tummy is asking to be rubbed
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Just 2 weeks until Christmas!
imagine coming into the living room Christmas day and finding this little fluffy cutie waiting for you
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Stealing from the furret thread
>glitches reveal furret canonically has blue eyes
All brown-eyed Furret art is off-model. Please fix this mistake immediately
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Sex with sneasler
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do not lewd them
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>furret coffee
do NOT make furrets into coffee
who shaved the CC 'Shao?
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My Sinnoh boys
It's fine, they're not turning furrets into coffee. It just gets its name the same way civet coffee does.
cute and round
ooh, cute!
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I'll take a gallon
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where is that pic from? it looks like some scan of a comic, I wanna see the other pages if they're available anywhere
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I'm not exactly sure. I think it was a collaborative fanzine/collection of Furret fanart. I have some other images though. I'll post them in the Furret thread so this thread isn't overrun with Furrets.

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