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Shoutout to my boy Duskull, love you lil fella
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For me? It's Wynaut
What a qt
Tcg loves him
shiny dusknoir will always be associated with that anon who brought his switch to a funeral
>who brought his switch to a funeral
based /vp/chad, hes drowning in pussy right now, im sure
>shiny duskull is red
>shiny dusclops is red
>dusclops is a mistake
Based thread
that's not the problem at all. the fucked up thing was taking a photo of it next to the face of the a fucking corpse probably surrounded by more family members mourning.
Oh hell naw
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I hope this anon is doing better now because he mustve been on some weird shit...
His grandma, his business
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This pics better
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based Duskull appreciator
I like to think that's his grandma. I hope he didn't trade her.
>it's been 4 years
I hate how fast the pandemic time went by. I feel like i was robbed of these times. Wish i could go back but hey
Dusknoir is the only member of the line that I like.
That's the way it is.
Duskull is so much better than its later evos that it's unreal.
he doesn't deserve this
how we fix dusknoir to be a deserving duskull final evo?

maybe a skull mask?
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Requiem is that you?
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One of if not the best designed little ghost pokemon
My favourite.
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Ah yes, the premier member of the
>my evos only make me look worse
I wonder if he gets lots of candy
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I'm up to three shiny Dusclopses from pokeradar on Route 224 now
shiny Duskull remains my white whale
Trick or treat buddies
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Aww! Cute!
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This is someone's interpretation of a Gen 1 Duskull. Thoughts?
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Both these Pokémon were ruined by their evolutions
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